Was there ever any HBO series that had such a drastic drop in quality and overall shitty final season as bad as Game of Thrones?
Was there ever any HBO series that had such a drastic drop in quality and overall shitty final season as bad as Game of...
True Blood actually butchered the last seasons far worse than GoT
this season has been good though
rome season 2 was pretty shit but they were literally forced to rush it
You know there’s 120 other threads about this show right now? Did you also know there’s no upvotes, karma, or gold on this site? Based on the forgoing, can you PLEASE explain why you needed to make a new thread rather than posting in one of the MANY existing threads?
The Wire
Your shilling won't save this. GoT went down the drain 3 seasons ago. This last at least has schadenfreude in copious amounts for those of us who had realized it.
why does this look like a character selection screen
Honestly, the writing isn't that much of a decline from the last several seasons. It's just a combination of a shortened season with super rushed episodes (that still manage to be mostly filler bullshit), the quality finally dropping low enough that normies start to notice, and Dany-fags losing their shit. There have been a lot of absolutely awful episodes and plot developments in the last few seasons, but people were willing to turn a blind eye because there was enough of the stuff they liked.
Was sons of anarchy hbo?If so,its up there
True Blood
Between Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica 2003 and Lost which one will be hated the most for it's ending?
How did people continue to watch this show after season 4?
I honestly can't believe that some characters are still alive, meanwhile salacious Selmy dies? what the fuck is that shit
I don't know, the episode about Brutus's death is pretty great. Better than anything GoT season 8 and most of season 7 too.
How did BG end? It lost me when they got to planet Canadian Woodland.
They reach planet earth 2.0.
But turns out the whole story is set 10,000 years before the 21st century. Also, some of the human cylons turn good (2, 6, and 8), they later join the humans.
>earth 2.0
Waitwat? The actual, fabled earth, from where they were supposed to have come as a species? And then they get there and it's like 10000 years in the past? wtf.
I need to go read this in more detail
muh dragons and muh shaky cam action scenes
GoT was more a tunnel in the sewer with a dim light near the end
the dim light was thought to be a saving grace from all the sewage
turns out it was just the cesspool near a drainage
True Blood, Rome, True Detective Season 2, West World Season 2. HBO shows have a trend of this really.
based retard
Season 5 was pretty bad but there was still some life left in it, season 6 completely sucked
Nothing will ever beat Helix season 2 in terms of drop off. Nothing.
when wasn't it shit?
for a show all about a serial killer, there ain't a lot of blood
just some pedo-looking creep projecting his sociopathic autism onscreen
If GOT is so bad why is it the most popular show of all time? Because it's good and has always been good, retard
Just read the wiki. It's kind of weird. Honestly the ending itself isn't THAT bad, I actually like it though earth 2.0 is weird as hell and an unnecessary twist IMO.
>Most popular show of all time
Obvious bait but... really? Its just talked about a lot on the internet, but no where near as popular as shit like Friends and The Office.
VEEP turned to pure SHIT after the British writers left.
because fuck you
Please... True blood was never good. If anything season 1-2 were decent c+ entertainment. Only good thing was the nudity but we never got to see the red heads tits. Fuck that show and their hissing, teeth showing, age comparing, inconsitent piece of shit