Yeah, Dany will be killed by Jon. But how will this demon die?
Yeah, Dany will be killed by Jon. But how will this demon die?
i am arriving soon in westeros to slay the dragon
castle collapse
Arya with sneak attack bonus
will fuck off back to valryia where it disappeared for an entire season to lay eggs
john is a targarian, so he cant harm him, its like a master slave thing
Bad tax policy.
Will probably just follow Jon around. Eventually Jon will go crazy too and by then Drogon will be Balerion sized, then he too will burn down King's Landing.
It'll conveniently fly away
>how will this demon die?
roasties BTFO again
Just let this retarded meme die. It's never been funny. It'll never be funny.
Nah, Jon will fuck off back to the North and chill with Tormund and Ghost in Castle Black.
He eats a barrel of chocolate and dies of cardiovascular failure
Hopefully Bran will do something useful and warg in it
No one can beat the cock
He hangs himself after Dany dies
It wont
skorpion/ ballista because now the plot armor is off
or he will die in an epic 1v1 vs Jon like when he tried to 1v1 the undead dragon
or the dragon will turn on Jon's side
Joffrey is insanely hot.
Based Sheev.
Miraak kills him
Others were right in trying to interfere in the affairs of man after the dragons hatched. Dragons are WMDs magically bound to a mentally unstable lineage.
The night king knew this.
locked up in the dragon pit
Dream Evil will slay the dragon
Warged and subjugated by Bran.
Dunno but it's 100% pregnant and will lay eggs.
We are the chosen ones, we sacrifice our blood
We kill for honour
We are the holy ones, our armours stained with blood
We killed the dragon