What if a nine month pregnant Anne Frank had teleported into the Small Council as Robert Baratheon yells "THE WHORE IS PREGNANT"? Edition
What if a nine month pregnant Anne Frank had teleported into the Small Council as Robert Baratheon yells "THE WHORE IS PREGNANT"? Edition
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id give anne frank my bell if you get what im sayin
This is the new Dexter. The shining example of series decline into shit ending.
How could ANYONE be happy with Jaime's "arc"
who would have made her pregnant? there's no way Peter was up to it.
Hi Quasimodo :)
>who would have made her pregnant?
holy kek you done gave me a case of the laffs
Do you think Drogon enjoyed roasting KL?
>on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes it has an approval rating of 48%, based on 31 reviews and an average rating of 5.79/10
best ever episode, thank you D&D
Is Dany evil now?
She's the avatar of cackling insanity.
She'll be evil until Jon stabs the evil out of her.
To me, she always was
She was always evil
Dany always had a bit of the Mad King lurking just beneath the surface. Now the death of her friends has brought out the worst in her.
>Jaime's "arc"
I initially misread this as Jean d'arc
Post some reviews
heres hoping her confederate boyfriend teleports to save her
Of course he will. Where would Anne be without her Johnny Reb (besides in a mass grave at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp)?
this is some chris-chan tier insanity and cringe
>pregnant Anne Frank
Reminder I was the only thing holding Dany back, I held back the entire Night King Army when the Dothraki couldn't, not once, but twice. Reminder that had I not been cucked Dany would be having fun as Queen of Mereen with a nice red door and lemon tree. Reminder that with my death, there is only fear in her world now.
Reminder, I was your real King.
>defending DnDs shit writing to own the libs
there is a difference between beheading someone for breaking a sacred vow, and burning someone alive/torturing them because they were mean to you
coincidentally also the difference between rickard stark and aerys
They're both shit, there was some good this episode however.
Based Lord Friendzone
Dany should've tied the knot with him.
every good tragedy needs catharsis. what is the lesson for the audience here?
So what happens to the Dothrkai, unsullied and Drogon after Dannys slain and Brans in charge?
I miss Jorah. He, Theon, and The Hound went out like fucking men.
>Everyone hating Dany for using her fucking dragon how a dragon should actually be used
Normies deserve to be butthurt
i eat them
It's funny to think that one stray ballistic javelin could have saved King's Landing.
How can people who followed this show since season 1 not think Dany would turn evil or go crazy?
She's one of the most cruel characters in GoT.
>let her brother be killed by your lover
The turn to mad queen was a bit too abrupt. I think if they did more building-up to her becoming insane this episode would be much better received.
>implying Jon will stab Dany in the back
>not realizing it will be Arya disguised as Jon
>spends 7 seasons building up her eunuch and horsefucker army
>fucks over the entire opposition alone with muh dragon
I like this desu, nothing more satisfying than a retarded last minute twist to override any story development
Always be nice to pregnant Jewish girls hiding in your attic?
>burning someone alive/torturing them because they were mean to you
Before the latest episode Dany did none of that.
The technical achievements are impressive for a TV show, yes.
It's cute that you think that's an actual argument.
That is the white woman self-insert, she's not hated.
Because they've failed to see her character. She's nothing more than a symbol for them. They're the slaves of Mereen chanting Mother.
axe dude is based
going straight for the neck
greyworm has to be one of the most shittiest characters ever. why does he have such a big role?
reminder leakanons were right
I hope this is fucking real. After next sunday ill re-read the entire series.
What happens at the end of dexter that makes it so terrible?
t. Only seen season 1 and then lost interest
Will we at least get a Viserys cameo in Ep.6?
Am I the only one to think this episode was boring as fuck? Even Cleaganebowl was handled like shit and the scourging of KL fell flat after 5 minutes.
Showing an endless reel of extras getting trampled can only have so much emotional impact.
Inb4 it turns out that Dany was trying to stop Drogon, but he was mad pissed about Rhaegal and she was just stuck ontop of him the whole while he went apeshit.
Danny wouldn't have wanted Cersei to die by anonymous boulder. Dany likely wanted to fly up to Red Keep and bantz on her, and publicly torture her like a real Targ.
Drogon, the big black animal went full nigger.
Greyworm, the black animal went full nigger likewise.
If the Dragon wanted to fuck everything up, no one was going to stop it, especially after all the ballistas were out. Only one that could stop it would be Dany, IF the Dragon would listen.
Dany did nothing wrong. Her pitbull became the pitbull it was all along.
>kill over one million people for no reason
We generally regard people like Ted Bundy and Geoffrey Dahmer as the embodiment of pure evil.
If that is the case then tell me what Danny is compared to them
Yes, the 16 yo should have stopped the mongol horde from trying to kill a dude that disrespected their sacred city.
Because they killed Barristan too early so now he has to take that role but with no dialogue.
Reminder that canonically Jaime kills the nightking and still retreats to be with Cersei afterwards
Reminder that canonically Rhaegar thought he was Azor ahai, until he realised his son with Lyanna would be Azor ahai.
>tfw Viserys was the good guy all along
>God king Bran
>Mad queen Dany gets killed by a manlet
>Qyburn's "BUT I'M IN CHARGE HERE" death
>Frogfu wins
>Stannis/Littlefinger shows up at the end as a cliffhanger
>Cleganebowl happened
>Every character is going to have a shit ending save for Bran
Could this ending get anymore based?
The entire series has just been saved.
>mfw Cersei was walking around the Red Keep alone and confused, sees Jaime and starts crying
>cruel character from a cruel inbred family who's been cruel since season 1 is being cruel
Did you skip the last 7 seasons?
So what you're saying is he was her limiter?
>punished Stannis The Mannis
>episode 6 starts
>danny gathers all her mean and drogon
>commands jon to come near here
>orders him to fuck her senseless or she'll burn him with drogon
>drogon eats him
>pulls out his MASSIVE dragoncock and fucks his mother
>dothraki and unsullied chant while danny finally gets dicked like she wanted to since Jon learned he was aegon
>she lays drogon's egg
>credits roll while tyrion says dick jokes for 30 minutes
>killed because he was loud and people were fine with it back then
>>Stannis/Littlefinger shows up at the end as a cliffhanger
Is this real?!
cleaganebowl was always going to be bad. having them fight made absolutely no sense especially when one was already dead. i dont even know why fans wanted it
'ate thinkin
'ate rulin
'ate me dog
luv me queen
simple as
Will Bran fuse with a tree to live longer? He could be the god emperor of westeros.
the actor hates d&d. he has feud with them. DO NOT. believe it.
hey jon riddle me this
Rapist genocidal mongol chieftain you mean
the reason Bran does nothing the whole time is because he already knows he doesn't need to do shit to be kang, it all makes sense
Say what you will about the man, he wouldn't have burned king's landing like that.
Yes, and she was his powerup.
She always sided with the "common people" and that's most of the reasons she acted cruel, to "get back" at the oppressor. That she would execute surrending soldiers in cold blood because they were "the bad guys" make sense in her development, because she's been shown as childish and not a good ruler. Making children BBQ isn't what she's ever been
>mfw the whole treason plot ends with Varys being burned
>mfw Dany has thousands of Soldiers left
>mfw Jorah failed at eradicating Horsefuckers
>mfw fighting outside the walls again
>mfm not a single arrow was fired, AGAIN
>mfw golden company CGI was taken from a total war game
>mfw scene of a horse dying, because roasties have more empathy for animals than humans
>mfw Dany starts killing civilians
>mfw Greynigger kills POW's
>mfw Jon wants to stop the killing with more killing
>mfw "find a place to hide" while half the city is burning
>mfw "I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister"
>mfw Quasimodo pussies out and "goes home"
>mfw Qyburn gets killed by an emotionless killingmachine because of emotions
>mfw Clegane brothers die while embracing each other
>mfw Vietnam KINO
it's all his fault
night king passing the wall
dany going mad
robert's rebellion
fucking everything. fuck that manlet.
why is his hairline so weird?
>if he'd just been able to fuck his sister and keep her on a leash she'd never have gone crazy and he'd be steamrolling the Seven Kingdoms with a horde of Dothraki screamers
Who was in the wrong here?
Just a little girl who misses her bear.
>has a feud with them
uh, what? proof on that?
the episode was still great because the feminists on twitter and reddit are super mad. you understand nothing.
Reminder that Viserys did NOTHING wrong.
A character that lets her family die is never a good character
And you're a retard
Well that was what Cersei was planning
on the off chance that books are coming soon, are audiobooks any good? I don't have the time to read everything again
He doesn't. He's just disappointed that Barristan was cut from the show early. He had read the books prior too and loved Barristan's character.
>not flying to the red keep and burning cersei down from the fucking start or at least after the scorpions were down
what did she mean by this
No feud, user is just retarded. He said some mean things on a reddit Q&A once.
>>mfw Qyburn gets killed by an emotionless killingmachine because of emotions
This bothers me still because I don't understand why it happened. Sandor and Gregor already met in season 7 directly so why didn't he snap back then?
Very nice, it all makes sense now
>burning the masters of astapor because she doesnt like slavery (and stealing their unsullied)
>burning vaes dothrak to kill every dothraki that treated her like a dosh khaleen (which she is)
>letting viserys be killed because he was abusive to her
when has she ever executed someone for breaking the law? it's always been because she didn't like what they were doing
Reminder that in the books she's regretful of that and constantly has nightmares over it that haunt her.
They're like 140 hours long, you could honestly read it faster yourself.
friendly reminder: SANSA DID NOTHING
she stayed at winterfell during the destruction of kings landing
she hid in the crypts during the battle for winterfell
littlefinger is the one who got the knights of the vale to rescue jon at the battle of the bastards
what fucking proof? WHAT FUCKING PROOF? have you been living under a rock?
the actor is a bookfag and complained about his character. so guess what they did? they fucking killed his character to let others know not to fuck with them.
the actor have been salty ever since. and it shows.
he was always too good for this world
>he enters randland
>marries elayne
>dominates the aiel
>btfo of the jade empire
>makes peace with Mat
>rules as artur hawkwing reborn
>fixes everything
I'm sorry, I'm a disgusting new faggot who's never visited the 4 channel before and what is this?
My favourite thing about s8 is still that Sam managed to survive getting raped by 20 zombies because muh wife's son
>sell sister to a savage rapist
>she actually falls in love with him
It's a shame Tywin didn't hunt down Viserys and Daenerys and cull them too
They just needed a way to kill of Qyburn. Don't overthink it, you'll be doing more thinking than they did.
That was an amazing episode.
The writers, unlike Jamie completely redeemed themselves after terrible two previous episodes.
>when has she ever executed someone for breaking the law
Aight, now I know you don't understand what medieval means. No wonder you enjoy DnDs writing.
I can't believe that feminists are angry that Daenarys turned into the mad queen. Daenarys was fiercely independent, fucked who she wanted, conquered westeros, ensured the night king would be defeated, destroyed a city and did it all without a man guiding her. They are just angry because she is the villain. She is literally the most influential character in the whole series. I would be ecstatic. It's what feminism should be. But It's like women only care about status or something
>the white female meltdown going on right now
so he gets revenge on D&D by...embarrassing GRRM?
Anyone got the pic of Barristan's actor saying his death was the best part of the show?
Based Bobby B was right all along
She burnt the masters because they crucified innocent children.
Jaime's arc is pretty good. He's always been a knight. 7 seasons ago he was a cocky swordsman who liked to party. Now everything he does is about duty.
>Goes and fights the white walkers out of duty to man kind
>LEaves the north after the battle to return to the mother of his children out of duty
>Fights his way back to Cersi out of duty
>Calms her in his final moments, despite inevitable death, and her own cruel recent history, out of duty.
Dude became a honorable knight. Family was always the most important thing to him. He's been concerned only with chivalry and duty the past 10 episodes.
If the books were indeed finished, wouldn't the hacks just copy the books?
I agree, pretty sure only dany fans dislike it
Victarion spin off series when?
Nigga... he complained about his character dying. How did they punish him by killing off his character when that was his gripe to begin with? That makes no sense.
>first season
>Dothraki are only so much effective against westeros armies and we're showed this by having Jorah btfo a dothraki trying to get through his armor
>eight seasons
>dothrakis cut through lannister armor like butter
CLEGANEBOWL was scheduled for season 8, that's why.
>Jaime's arc is pretty good
what the actual fuck.
ok so how does this get back at d&d like at all?
Danny wouldn't have wanted Cersei to die by anonymous boulder. Dany likely wanted to fly up to Red Keep and bantz on her, and publicly torture her like a real Targ.
Drogon, the big black animal went full nigger.
Greyworm, the black animal went full nigger likewise.
If the Dragon wanted to fuck everything up, no one was going to stop it, especially after all the ballistas were out. Only one that could stop it would be Dany, IF the Dragon would listen.
Dany did nothing wrong. Her pitbull became the pitbull it was all along.
Pic related, Drogon, the Mad King of the Firey Crater of Westeros
Can someone give me ONE (1) reason why Dany decided to burn the city when they rang the bells
Other than 'bitches be crazy'
they're finished now not 3 years ago when D&D went on their own path. Especially considering the amount of plotlines missing from the show
>Now everything he does is about duty
>fucking his sister is knightly duty
Worst part of this episode was all the tight streets and not a single soldier using spears
Anne Frank carrying the child of the Confederate soldier who saved her from the Nazis. What else would it be?
Picked the wrong week to go and sell Jade to the westeros tards
This sounds like the guy has just heard some rumors and hasno firsthand source.
I do believe that Winds is finished by now, but we'll have to wait a few years for the last book, if it does come out.
(and I can't see Barristan surviving for very long, now that Tyrion and Victarion are in Meereen he no longer has a purpose as a POV).
Wtf was wrong with the lannister soldiers this episode? You'd think they'd have the advantage with their superior armor and the fact that dany's army is exhausted from marching through half of westeros but no , they just get slaughtered like peasants that never held a weapon in their hands before.
She’s a woman, of course she can’t control her emotions.
She didn't want them to surrender, she wanted blood
Why am I supposed to feel like Dany did the wrong thing -this- time? Her answer was always "burn it down" like she's seth freakin' rollins or something.
>drogo died, baby died, didn't know what to do
so she decided to burn miri maz durr, some eggs and herself
>no one wanted to let her into qarth
she reee'd, told threatened them with fire and made dragon noises
>captured by the house of the undying
burned them all
>wanted the unsullied
she ree'd, lied about a deal, burnt everyone up and was praised for it
>marching through the slaver cities
burned it, started -3- civil wars, killed the vocal people who disagreed with her
>got captured by some dothraki on their way to vaes dothrak
burned the leadership
seriously why is anyone acting like she hasn't been sperging out and trying to burn everything she can whenever she can? She's not acting like a mad queen, she's acting like herself.
in the after the episode clips on HBO, DB Weiss said it was because when she saw the red keep it enraged her and she just snapped. didnt really have anything to do with the bells. clip will be on youtube and you can check it out for yourself
>wtf what do you mean she did exactly what she said she would????
Get fucked no IQ normiefaggots
Inbred by mad people
Danyfag here, I fucking love it. I've been waiting for this shit for years.
Because they needed her to turn mad dude. The plot requited it.
you know that boss in RE4 that goes apeshit when you hit the bells?
Final scene of the show is Stannis returning and swearing to bring justice to all those who made his kingdom bleed
I get the feeling that a running theme throughout the whole of ASOIAF is fate, and how people are helpless against it.
I thought this was most demonstrated with Hodor's revelation. It was so poingnant because it said something about how fate and destiny works in this universe. The future is already determined before it happens. Hodor couldn't avoid his fate. None of the characters could.
Dany going mad is just another example of this. The last words of her father were "burn them all, burn them all". And so many years later, that final threat was realised.
She wanted to be loved
of course, how could I have not seen what was so obvious...
He can't be lying now can he?
Because self-insert character
why are you acting that people are surprised about her going crazy? Only the most baseless normies didn't at least imagine this could have happened.
Would you like to know more?
>exhausted from marching through half of westeros but no
Apprently KL is just 2 days from the trident now so they have been marching for like a week.
You're the biggest normie here, only normies do that low iq meme shit.
Get a trip so I can block your dumb ass.
She's pretty much lost everything in her life, all her loved ones are pretty much dead and people are betraying her trust and kindness left and right. At this point, she has to show the world to rule out of fear, she's making a point. Her love is gone, they're all dead. Only fear rules now.
why was Robert the bad guy again
fuck anne frank
Friendly reminder that all Targaryens need to be culled, same goes for those Blackfyre fuckin shits
He's also extremely butthurt about what happened to his character under D&D's rule
>He's lying because he's pissed at D&D so he'll tarnish Georges reputation even more
Outstanding move
No, the final scene us LF returning and dabbing on everyone's corpses.
which one?
>conquering cities with armies is good
>conqeering cities with dragons is baaaad
If the point you are trying to make is war is bad you are correct.
new Stannis soundtrack starts playing
If he's a bookfag why would he hurt GRRM's reputation over D&D's you blithering retard.
the opposite of plot armor
>be me
>be watching ep 5
>neice comes in only 3
>likes dragons
>show me dragons and dragon queen uncle user
>ok, try and find some scenes of dany being dragon queen iwthout gore or stupid shit
>try and contrust a basic dragon queen is saving people arc with 30sc clips
>neice ask's "whaty about the good knight"
>who sweetie? jon is fine see he got away on horse uncle ben brought for him
>no not him "jamie" the good knight what happens to Jamie?
>how does he die (literally her exact words she is 3 and has no idea what this is)
>umm well he's good and bad sweetie but he's ok in the end
true story
Can someone post the now confirmed leaks?
> Jon
> Cersei
> Jaime
> Sam
> Euron
> Stannis
> Bran
> Non mad queen Dany
> Mad queen Dany
Your people don't know how to fight.
go back
>give young men who never fought in their life a sword
>call them soldiers
I would
This is clearly the same ending as the books I don't know why people complain. The only problem is it was rushed but what can you do.
There point of the story is that there are NO good guys. Dany was ALWAYS bad and killed innocent people but because we saw her point of view she seemed good. Jon Snow is STUPID and too honorable. Jamie couldn't redeem himself because his love of Cercei was too strong.
The entire time we were rooting for the bad guys!
great writing, unlike the Night King and all the white walker stuff in general.
I would fucking murder this cat, not take photos.
all of kings landing at its peak holds less than 1 million people
it has reduced due to many years of perpetual war and people fleeing.
couple hundred thousand absolute tops
>the actor hates d&d.
hate's is a bit of a strong emotion, don't you think?
who says she wasnt always bad?
>We didn't actually see the Golden Company do anything other than die
what the fuck
Post your face when she started burning everything
the lannister army hasn't suffered any losses after season 2 except for the field of fire 2.0
they should be veterans in their prime
they're complaning because it was handled like shit, not because it happened
There's no way Arya kills the NK (or whatever the book equivalent is) but mad queen Dany is pretty much inevitable
anyone who says she became mad from nowhere and a lot of people says it.. she was always mad and ruthless but most of all she was confused of course. Very tragic character
most people who aren't sexist?
Because the show does a poor job of characterization, writing, and pacing. Those you see actively explaining characterization and fixing the gaps by making it kino in these threads are doing so by combining the books with the ending now. These people have done what D&D and GRRM couldn't in a matter of a day, minutes even.
People are upset because they're show only fags and want to scream about how its out of nowhere (which it is), the show has poor pacing. Then they jump online to insult anybody that dares actually begin to explain things by throwing around buzzwords like low iq, misogynistic, etc.
>Harry Strickland
why exactly did this extra get a name?
>-Sudden magical dragon evasion skills (apparently Euron alone could land 3 perfect shots on Rhaegal but now nobody in the entirety of King's Landing knows how to aim)
rhaegal didnt have a rider. viserion didnt have one with the nights king hit it.
drogon w/ a rider only got hit 1 time. the very first time the weapon was used. having a rider makes a difference
Start a thread about Anne Frank and get ready for the ride of your life.
Because it's true. Jamie has the mannerisms and looks of a true man, whereas Jon is some untrustworthy and punchable beta cuck.
this statement is objectively wrong
Need Khal Drogo transparent smiling down on Dany burning KL
>entire fucking season ends with Bran overseeing his council of FOUR WHITE MEN
I agree but after the last two episodes set my expectations for 0 I was pleasantly surprised this episode.
I agree the NK writing and handling was some of the worst I ever seen
That was actually precisely the ending I wanted. Except Arya should have never killed the night king. That should have been Jaime.
The books will be a lot better and I hope that Arya doesn't kill the night king, that shit is ridiculous. If it's canon I won't read it
D*D also said they always knew the cleganes would die together and by fire
this part is confirmed even if its slightly different CLEGANE BOWL IS ON
>roasties get toastied
So we can all agree that Sansa was the most well written and realistic female character in the show right?
All others were trash.
go back please
Literally me in that scene
Actors that either hated or frustrated by their character treatments
>Stephen Dillane
>Ian McElhinney
>Alexander Siddig
>Finn Jones
>All the Sand Snakes
>Vladmir Fudrik
>Pilou Asbaek
>Conleth Hill
>Lena Headey
Who else?
You're a grill?
>All were trash
it's not. Sure there are normie feminists complaining about dany going crazy but nobody that has barely paid any attention to the show is surprised by her going mad
so did tyrion try to save varys offscreen, or what?
i remember varys saving his life.
>-Jaime saying he doesn't care about the citizens of King's Landing even though he literally became the 'Kingslayer' to save them in the first place
I will never not be mad.
They are setting Dany getting mad and ignoring her advisors for a long time name. The pacing and writing is clearly not perfect but apperantly it's not too bad either (except the NK)
What did Lena say about it?
Pretty sure Dillane didn't give a shit, about his character, or the show.
The people claiming its kino are either
A) literal mouthbreathers
B) literal retarded contrarians
Thats it.
She killed the innocent masters too
W-why the fuck do so many people fantasize about saving some jew girl from an attic and getting her pregnant?
Dinklage pretty much said that they made Tyrion an idiot after episode 3.
What superior armor? they look like clowns compared to the northmen
he was frustrated by the lack of input from D&D - he had no idea how to play the character because they didnt care
Kit, Peter, and Emilia now too. Iain seems to be the only one happy, which is fair.
XX Chromosomes and all
there's something we can all agree is that harrenhal is off the table as well
Surprised? No, D&D TOLD us she was going mad. They didn't show us tho. The writing is shit.
>when the cgi budget runs out so you literally re-use the title sequence with a shitty looking dragon and streak of fire
How are femishits going to defend the Mad Queen after this?
>smoke on the water playing in the background
>They didn't show us tho
You pretty much just proved his point entirely.
She was literally always evil. Prove me wrong. Targaryen dynasty as a whole is pretty evil.
I agree on everything even on Jamie killing the Night King.
If Jamie kills him in the books and then gets back to cercei it's great. He gets his redemption but also never truly becomes good. Very bittersweet.
Sandra is trash.
Pic related wins.
which is what i was saying. We're not complaining about her going mad but how her descent to madness was handled
I don't follow this show, is this the last episode?
How did the whole "song of ice and fire" play out, was it the Start chosen one allying the Targaryen chosen one to defeat the zombies?
The night king won't exist in the books. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would already know this because you'd be able to understand why he exists in the show. Spoiler alert: It's because of idiots such as yourself who are too dumb to understand things.
>scene after scene of Arya doing FUCKALL
this was the only pleasantly surprising part about the episode
what the fuck did these fags want her to do? kill cersei, the mountain, qyburn and euron then look smugly at the camera? I guess so
>innocent masters
Nah, his point was retarded. I'm a bookfag and I thought the episode blew dick.
We don't know if he exists or not
They didn't express it directly
People who root for good guys are the cancer of movies and shows
>"Highgarden bought us the most powerful army in Essos, the Golden Company. Twenty thousand men, horses, elephants, I believe."
More like the golden jobbers. At least they were wielding spears and not just sword like the Lannister ""army""
how long until we get a slickly edited video set to this, she did after all go full acceleration.
She looked better as a redhead.
Ok, I agree. But a lot of people (and by that I mean incels) here claiming she was mad because she did stuff in earlier seasons that were immoral by modern standards.
He has a widows peak, but instead of just cutting that bit of hair down to like 1 cm, he just has it parted to one side.
second last episode
can someone shop this hat onto Jon, it'd be pretty nice for the next episode
I'm jealous friend.
I think the first 20 minutes of people getting raped and slain for no reason while KL collapsed already drove the point without having Arya getting trampled by Dothraki and so on for another 10
>Start chosen one allying the Targaryen chosen one
STARK*, not start.
I can't believe that even after all of Dabid's hard work to make Dany unlikable, she still feels like the most validated character in the show and the only one you can realistically root for. Not only do I feel for her in-universe given her tragic conditions, I also sympathize with her in a meta way since the writers are working so hard against her.
Rest in peace dragon queen, the world didn't deserve you.
>They didnt show us dany going mad!!!
>gets her brother killed in the very first season
I wanted her to die, actually.
Why would they give her EVEN MORE plot armor? She survived being burnt and crushed by falling debris multiple times.
Should've died to at least give Jon another reason to kill Dany in the end.
>tfw the bells leak was true
Yes, we do. George has stated in countless interviews that he hates the idea of a clearly posed good vs evil threat, like Sauron in Lord of the Rings. The Others are a faceless threat. They're never going to have a figure-head. The Night King exists so normies can put a face to the threat and not be confused.
someone post a compilation of the twitter rage
i want to laugh but not enough to actually go on twitter
Rapist, you are only entitled t a rape break after at least two hours of fighting,
Why the FUCK are bells ringing suddenly the universal sign for a city surrendering?
During the Battle of Blackwater Bay, Ser Davos literally said "I've never known bells to mean surrender".
I get that Tyrion told Jaime to ring the bells as a sign of surrender. But that message never got relayed to the dozens of soldiers and commoners who were shouting "Ring the bells!"
>people saying its not Kino that Dany is fulfilling her father's dying wish
>tfw the lannisters were the good guys all along
>tfw the cognitive dissonance hits to SJW while seeing their yass queen killing innocents
if you couldn't tell that Dany was going to be the mad queen then you have unimaginably low IQ. Maybe I read in between the lines. Maybe I guessed the plot. But it is 100% obvious that she was going to be the mad queen. You only needed two facts:
• Daenarys wants to re-claim her fathers throne
• her father is the mad king
It was obvious from the start
t. brainlet
20000? More like 20 badmen.
Being incompetent =/= being mad. They didn't show her paranoia, they didn't show her schizophrenia, etc Targ diseases. She should've had the Bear island knight executed while he cries how he loves her, because she is convinced he is working against her, or something like that. You know, the thing they did to Stannis.
>the North men raised under Ned's rule are killing and raping civilians for no reason
Wow nice retroactive destruction of Ned's character, couldn't let anyone slide
You're doing a poor job of cementing your side. Not only Dany had little to do with Viserys getting killed for breaking the laws of a city he found himself in because he arranged that his sister would marry the savage in the first place, but she also had little reason to save him at this point
Literally the most contrived writing ever just to make it seem like she's going mad and it still didn't work
>The Golden Company and their leader being hyped up only to be completely annihilated in like 30< seconds
I didn't have a problem with this. There was relatively little time spent building them up and wiping them out like that was a genuinely good way to actually "subvert expectations" without wasting a whole lot of the audience's time.
The Clegane fight should have ended just as quickly for all that it mattered (or better yet, not happened at all- let Grey Worm have the Mountain). The Hound got a lot of development but why does his arc need to lead to the fucking Mountain when that character has received so little development?
She never took them into account. Once she was told this she had that "Oh, shit, I should at least hold a trial first" look on her face.
>why is a person born from generations of incest mad
NA hours?
It was so fucking retarded , i read the leaks and still couldn't believe it. This shit made zero fucking sense
>brother threatens to get your raped by horses
>sells you off to mongol horde
>constantly agitates against you
>get drunk in the mongol capital disrespecting sacred mongol laws
AAARGH Queen Cersei save meeeeee
Of course, her dying would've been great. Wish The Mountain caved her skull in like he did to Qyburn. But realistically I was expecting her to waltz into the city and have a dozen cringe-inducing """badass""" queen slay moments. So yeah, I was pleasantly surprised she ended up out of her depth and doing fuck all.
Her being mad isn't the issue. The issue is that we didn't see her going mad until now. There was room for it.
Why is this season 6 episodes anyways? Why make it intentionally shorter, then rush everything lmao.
kys danyfag, this was by far the most kino ending for her character
>the innocent slave masters
At least bring up the guy her dragon ate followed by Missandei telling her she did good.
Why was it harder to kill the zombie mountain than the NK?
Based and firepilled
I can tell your mum drank a lot during her pregnancy
Just another thing to add on to the pile of shit Tyrion did wrong, she probably never would've "gone mad" if they didn't start ringing
This. I am actually fine with the idea of Dany going mad. They just handled in such a Dabid way it's not even funny.
>kills people without thinking it through
Literally insane
Tell that to the millions of people watching and then get on here to bitch about how we're all low iq idiots any time we can fix the show's shit problems with ease, despite the show actually not doing a terrible job at it.
I didn't like Cersei getting a beautiful death, i.e. dying in Jaime's arms, considering the horrible things she did, and many especially felt it humanized a white woman who killed a prominent black character for petty reasons in the previous episode, while also insulting her for her past as a slave.
Fuck the Dothraki and their shitty mongoloid laws
All the horseniggers deserve to burn
Those were former Bolton bannermen :^)
Says the guy who clearly can't see a tragic character who loses everything and goes mad.
Back to twitter with you feminist.
Most of us are sleeping, you're just getting the salty Europeans and Australians right now.
Fresh bread straight from Hot Pie's oven
>all northmen are 100% good and all lannisters are 100% evil
are you guys ready for King Bran
Fuck Targs and their mongloid claims. All Pinky eyes deserved a molten crown
>actually thinking I had a mum
nice theory, showfag
That's bad enough but I'm not fucking ready for Bronn on the small council.
meh, soldiers going for a rape spree is quite normal
the shit part was Jon being completely powerless to do anything except kill one random dude
aren't we meant believe he's a natural leader of men?
always was evil
Remind me why is killing King's Landing degenerates a bad thing again?
Why do 2 people (Arya and the hound) arrive as fast a marching army of 1000s?
>inb4 they arrived 2 days earlier or something
They are based, the narrator is excellent and does dozens of different voices, only he seems to get some confused and mixes up somevvoices in the last book, probably due to the gap between them. Too bad he died before books 6 and 7 could come out
he was right all along bros
Those are the people unironically complaining about this episode, they need their good guy dany and jon or they don't understand the plot.
>a wojack
I win, you lose
I'm and this episode was shit, brainlet
I think it's more about her blank stare and the fact that she shows zero grief over her brother being brutally murdered that makes her a psychopath.
>if I keep repeating a talking point people will start beleiving it
You browse /pol/.
>Under Bobby B Westeros experienced the most peaceful rule in over 300 years
Stannis and Jon are millions of times more likeable than that cunt
Fucking this actually
If Sandor didn't kill Mountain he might have been fucking King of Westeros.
Imagine that ending. Everyone fucking dead, Mountain crushing Arya's head like a grape and then sitting down on the throne, as Qyburn is ordered to make more.
Nope. She's finally acting intelligently.
Bookfags, mate. Bookfags.
>suddenly an influx of people saying low iq, brainlet, contrarians, mouthbreathers, incels, etc.
You all need to go back.
Not a danyfag , faggot. That whole scene was just retarded as fuck and made no sense at all
I used to be a Stannisfag but he's fucking dead and even in the books he's confirmed to be burning his daughter. Jon was always /ourguy/ until he couldn't keep a secret for two days unlike Ned.
Nice try nigger
have sex
>who is Jahaerys I
>who is Daeron II
He didn't ded so good
Aww, do you need a bookfag to come and explain it to you?
Don't worry too much, you still have one more episode to suffer with.
have sex
Some gay book-only characters
>he's confirmed
Actually, no. It's confirmed she will be burned but not by whom. Remember that she isn't even with him at this point and in the books distances matter.
Mad Queen Dany is best end for her character and makes the most sense thematically for her character. NA here, like I said, most of us are asleep (3-6am here). So blame these actual seething fags on the Euros/Aussies.
Are you actually so insane to think there are Danyfags on Yea Forums? In 2019?
You mean why do they arrive on horseback after a slow moving army traveling by foot? That's a good question.
I'm sorry user but the DVD extras for one the seasons explicitly say
>Although it has yet to feature in A Song Of Ice And Fire, George R.R. Martin has confirmed that it was always his intention for Stannis and Melisandre to sacrifice Shireen to the God of Light.
In season 7 he wasn't facing certain death on the loosing side. He just decided to stop giving a fuck since they were about to die anyways.
Most of us are on board with her now because she finally took the turn she was always meant to. We just all think it was handled poorly.
The Danyfags you're thinking of, sure, they're all on twitter raging.
in case anyone actually wants to use this next week
Is he from the North? Why did all these good people decide to rape and pillage women and children, while the city was being indiscriminately burned alive
I din't care about your gay books , we're talking about the show here
He's likely a Karstark or Bolton remnant. Though he could just potentially be a Greyjoy who was stationed in the city too.
reminder that the only reason the kingdom went to shit was because renly decided to crown himself king
Benioff said in the commentary. that she will burn, not that Stannis will burn her. Whoever wrote that misunderstood him.
>Most of us are on board with her now
she read the spoilers
That's the same DVD features stating that Stannis was burning people on Dragonstone?
Aww do you need someone without autism to explain characters and social aspects to you?
The Kingdom went to shit because a board decided to kill Robert. It's the boar's fucking fault.
I thought it was because Jamie pushed a kid out a window.
I agree.
Reminder that if these two just fucked off when they had their kids. Then none of this would have happened. At best, Robert would have been killed by Stannis and took over the throne
Good way of showing you don't understand characters at all.
The hell is this shit? It's amazing. Can someone spoonfeed me the lore for all this Confederacy and Anne Frank shit?
The boar was an agent of the Children of the Forest. The Night King just wanted to remove subversive elements hidden amongst humanity.
> dad is the mad king
> entire family reknowned For history of madness
> sacked cities
> mother of dragons
> widow of the Khal
> suffered stillborn child
> executed many people
> locks a man in a vault to starve to death
> suffered the death of two of her magically bonded dragons
> raised the worlds largest army and brought the Mongols across the sea
> on finding out her lover is actually part of her bloodline, is instantly paranoid of his claim
How could she ever be the mad queen?
its just fucking weird she picked it, I was very careful Jamie was a background character in every scene I showed her and yet he's the only one she cared about
>watching siege with wife
>king's landing get taken over bloodless
>joke about how they said there will be bloodshed, but overall it was pretty clean
>make more silly jokes how they are going to start killing people because expected them to die
>D&D hears our jokes and casts an alteration spell on the episode turning it into silly shit
I am sorry guys, it was our fault we didn't take the show seriously and mocked it. I am so sorry.
Its a /his/ thing, go make a thread there and ask.
>> entire family reknowned For history of madness
Roastie please
they had to put that in, otherwise it's just blacks killing innocent people, and even D&D wouldn't go that far
>> on finding out her lover is actually part of her bloodline, is instantly paranoid of his claim
And rightfully so, Fucker said he won't tell anyone and then told someone who told someone who spread the news. The problem is that this is a non-conflict. They could just marrry.
>inb4 incest
Yeah, they should have this discussion onscreen instead of Jon looking weird and saying nothing.
"It is said that when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin"
If I was a roastie, why would I be defending Mad Queen Dany?
Checkmate Dornish
Seven Kingdoms: 1
Sand Niggers: 0
>"When a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin and the world holds its breath"
They have a long history of mental illness because they're literally a bunch of inbred traditionalist morons that ignored the fact that incest is bad for a reason, mongoloid
>these are the same writers as wolverine origins
holy shit this makes so much sense, why did they allow these writers to keep their jobs?
To be fair, Dany was very open to the idea as was Tyrion. Everyone else wasn't, for whatever insane convoluted writing reason that makes no sense.
Incest only destroys the Immune System and makes you more prone to disease and thats over a very very long time, by the time Dany was born Targs had been breeding with Martells, Baratheons, etc.
Doesn't Stannis cut a dude clean in half in one of his few fight scenes? Wish he had more combat scenes he fought fierce like Robert but more technical
>history of mental illness in the family is the same as the "entire family" is mad
brainlets. Also you people just stop arguing after getting BTFOd again and again.
LITERALLY no one ever said here that she shouldn't go mad or that the arc wouldn't make sense. The problem is the way D&D wrote it. Stop defending it.
>To be fair, Dany was very open to the idea as was Tyrion. Everyone else wasn't, for whatever insane convoluted writing reason that makes no sense.
>why did they allow these writers to keep their jobs?