Reminder that Reddit is on literal suicide watch
Reminder that Reddit is on literal suicide watch
Best episode ever
Why are women so emotionally unstable???
>literally anything happens
>reddit posts suicide warnings
and people said Yea Forums is the one with mental issues
>National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
no fucking way
Trannies literally kill the shit out of themselves more than anyone
Freefolk is a subreddit that will shit on the show almost as much as the bookfag ASOIAF subreddit.
The fact that you think a joke about the season being shit was somehow an actual suicide warning shows you're basically incapable of understanding context
it's literally a joke, the SAME joke that us 4channers make
who said this about Yea Forums
>reddit posts a joke
>Yea Forums is unironically incapable of understanding the joke because they're too autistic
Yeah Yea Forums is definitely the mental one here
God what a bunch of pathetic faggots, this is why western civilitation is going to be erased
What the hell.
holy shit, every time I see that image it somehow gets worse
go back to r*ddit
umm sweetie this is 4channel
our psychiatrist
Are all white liberal cucks this mentally weak?
Lefties killing themselves over got? Best timeline and finally the show is good again as a bonusI can feel it bros change in the air
everything about this post is wrong, it has to be bait
is this alligator or crocodile
damn I didn't know there was an updated version.
>think this is hyperbole
>it is LITERALLY suicide hotline
I cant breathe
I liked this episode femcel go genocide your nearest city with brap fire hahaha
(whites) are all mixed dude
But yeah they are
Totally natural
This pathetic generation of weaklings make me, a skinny socially anxious nerd who was picked on all his life, actually feel strong. How sad.
Why do normies push this suicide hotline shit? If you call the hotline you get stripped of your rights and forced into a mental ward, force fed medication until you lie and convince them you're not suicidal anymore. If you live in America then you basically get put into debt for the visit, which will make you want to kill yourself even more. Telling someone to call a suicide hotline is the worst advice you can possibly give someone suicidal. You're much better off just calling a friend of family member 2bh.
>linking to reddit
you have to go back faggot
>being a redditer
you have to go back faggot
>reddit spacing
>us 4channers
you have to go back faggot
Anyone who seriously considers offing themselves over 'softcore porn and dragons: the show' should be forcibly sterilized
what's with the row of bottom teeth in the third image?
this and based
I hope to fuck that some sad cunt livestreams their got suicide
Sadly, I completely agree with you.
I feel exactly the same way.
>linking to reddit
>knowing the details of subreddits, particularly ones for the most widespread, normalfag, cancerous shitheaps like GoT
>discussing these here
Pic related and don't come back
Why are brown people so fucking gay?
Lol it is unadulterated plebbit faggotry
Man I didn't need this much body horror at this hour
>i have no other option but to accept it
oof the irony