Nazi Dany is going to be pure kino.
Nazi Dany is going to be pure kino
fuck I love nazis
post GoT characters less evil than dany
Queen Danaerys, House of Dachau
>brown haired brown eyes kills a blonde haired blonde eyes
based D&D
Can't wait. She was so fucking sexy this episode.
All 30 minutes of next episode
DAILY reminder that Joffery was the ONE true King & did NOTHING wrong.
How are they going to have time to properly flesh out a plot to kill her and the aftermath in only one episode
he was a boy and thats a bad thing
Why is she nazi?
Wtf are blonde eyes
He killed a couple innocents but he still killed far less people than Dany or Cersei
What does kino mean?
Viserys was the one true king and Dany just stood there and watched him die
>Fire and Blood
>Blood and Soil
Jon kills her in the first 10 minutes
How would based Stannis have dealt with The Mad Queen and her dragons Yea Forumsros?
It's already fleshed out as far as the creators are concerned. Jon saw innocents die, Jon no likey, Jon confronts the Dragon Queen and they have a reluctant showdown. Their writing is shit and predictable now.
>She already found a replacement for Miss Sunday to do her hair
Reminder that Joffrey was literally one million times better than Danny. Joffrey only ever personally killed one person, that whore he shot with his crossbow. Danny personally killed over one million people.
They have the same strategy
At this point the actual most terrible evil people in the show have been two powermad women
>Suddenly ten trillion unsullied again
I guess Daario keeps sending her reinforcements off screen
You'll find out next episode, kiddo
But Ramsay literally did nothing wrong. He just wanted to have a little fun and share it with others.
Joffery may have been a snotty little boy king, but he was right on the money about trying to axe off Dany before this exact scenario happened and was dismissed as stupid for it.
Having Melisandre tell her men to pray harder.
Literally the only time I've found her attractive during the entire show.
>Nazi Dany
hell yeah
jon snow confirmed for the iron throne after killing dany for her genocidal horseshit. good episode. sad *you know who dies, you know who, and you know who. also you know who and you know who*
whats that, 5 deaths now for this one?
you dummy, she literally only killed blonde haired blue eyed lannisters and innocents. that's the opposite of hitler.
she gonna fuck winterfell up
wait so she is going to kill all the survivors?? for no reason? Does she actually plan to have people left to rule over?
or a lazy director
Did the undead not even kill anyone?
how did she get more unsullied
did they breed
dude, she just took kingslanding spawnpoint
cunts are respawning
>killed traitors, bitches, and assholes
fugg it´s legit.
How does her hair stay so perfect after all this time? Surely all those intricate braids must take a lot of time. Who even does it for her?
I built this :)
I'm literally crying right now. I never thought I'd live to see a TV show become so based and so redpilled. I've been crying with tears of joy ever since I watched episode 5. I'm smiling from ear to ear as my tears drop onto my phone screen. After the Last Jedi and The night king episode I thought we were finished. I thought mainstream pop culture had been ruined for people like us. I thought we had entered a new generation, one where we were forgotten about and no longer part of. But D&D have subvert my expectations for the better this time. Women, POC, normies, feminazis, SJWs all BTFO on a monumental proportion. They may never recover from this. We're all gonna make it bros.
Kings Landing is Israel.
both nazis and allies bombed entire cities into the ground regardless of whether there were civilians in the city.
take japan for example, the US/British burned over 40 cities to the ground killing more than 400k civilians just because they contained some factories and small garrisons.
in WWII nobody gave a shit about civilians. that's why the death tolls are so insanely high everywhere.
.... no
Interested in some good twitter reactions if anybody has any keks
All he wanted was to take some cripple boy and make him walker
pretty sure america dropped 10000 posters saying to get the fuck out of the cities before the bombed them
the /fa/ king
does this have to do with batshit sjw's?
Thank you my man
this board is so fucking gay lmaoo
Someone shop some nazi house of targaryen flags into that please pic related but the proper colors
Also if you didn't notice targaryen targaryan
You're fucking gay you faggot nigger loving kike
They want strong female characters who are Mary sues
remember boys subscribe to pewdiepie
That nigger who cut Jamie's hand off.
where is he now
My dick is diamonds
>Mostly plays good guys
>Cant act for shit.
>Starts playing bad Dany
>Pure Kino.
So the problem all along was they keep casting her as a good person.
It's like the longest build up to a joke ever
>Be Joffrey
>Try to warn Tywin and the High Council of Dany, her dragons and her army
>Tywin belittles and ignores him.
Joffrey wanted to build a massive army to prepare. Tywin just obsessed about the Northerners.
Winterfell hanging out with Sansa
Why so emo about shitty city full of scums and filths? She has right to level it to the ground, fuck "innocents", even Lannister soldiers said earlier that KL is full of cutthroats, thievs and pigshits. GOOD JOB DANNY! Valar morghulis!
yeah, Joff was pretty spot on with this and ending the dumb feudal system
>Brown people will inevitably snap and start raping and murdering
>ywn be her sex toy
This was a really good scene because we, the audience know that Dany’s dragons are plot fated to become a big threat, but Tywin’s response is totally rational considering his experiences.
what should happen:
>Dany fucks off back to the Middle East and Jon rules Westeros
what will happen:
>30 minutes of "hurr durr of house hurr durr, you are sentenced to die. dracarys burn them pls."
>Arya 720 no scopes Dany with her dagger to avenge Jon, then rips off her face revealing Ned Stark.
This is simply too much
>Mommy why did you name me after that crazy mass murderer from that awful fantasy series?
He straight up tortured people for fun, along with Jeoffrey and Cersei, so they're probably not less evil than Dany yet honestly.
Stannis' assault will bring this under control.
Surely if her intention was to rule by fear, then fucking up the red keep would've been sufficient? Minimal collateral damage, Cersei dead, dominance asserted.
Or did she just go completely fucking bonkers?
>Ned Stark was a faceless man and swapped places with Arya minutes before his execution when he walked past the statue of baelor
>established character
Her entire character since s1 is based around doing anything and murdering anyone who stands in her way of being on the iron throne which she only wants because she believes she's entitled to it by birth.
under rated
Mein Führer, Stannis...
>is going to be pure kino
>1 episode left
Stannis is dead.
The screen cut away when brianne swung the sword. There is still chance
why is incel dany such a qt? who knew she would was /ourgirl/ all along
My cock is ready
>Dany = incest kid, white/blond, mad queen
>Joeffrey = incest kid, light blond, sociopathic cruel
>Tonmen = incest kid light blond, extreme naive and religious
I guess incest kids are degenerate. Besied the very blond genes from Cersei and Jaimee, how sure are we that Cersei or even Jaimee are not some Tangaryan childrens after all?
She lost her best friend, got betrayed by her counselors during the most important moment and her lover, for whom she changed her plans, doesn't want to do fuck his aunt.
Greyworm is the only loyal person left and he is a dickless killing machine with nearly no personality.
She wanted to bring peace and justice to the world but only for her own peace of mind. She never cared about the people, only about her vision of a perfect world and just like Hitler, and all the others who had a messiah complex, she snapped when the realities of life, namely betrayal and the poor outcome of bad plans hit her.
When that happens a person like this just wants to destroy the whole world.
could have warned them of the a bombs
but he had no claim to the throne because he wasn't even really a baratheon
>crashing this plane(tos)
>wake up and see her inside your room, staring out your window
Wat do?
I think even they would admit that burning down thousands of people just for kicks while fun is a little over the top
>imagine writing this
yea that hairstyle and crazy eyes makes her much sexier than her innocent bimbo look. she looks like she wants to be choke fucked.
I wish it was muslims and immigrants She burned
Dany fights for ISRAEL
Didn't she originally have 30000 unsullied? And didn't a shit load of Dothraki die 2 episodes ago? After all the battles they've been through, there still seems to be an awful lot of them.
Hello?.... Stannis?
public service is the only way she can redeem herself
I wish she was there to sit on my face
originallly she had 8000 unusllied
Targ have silver white hair, not blonde ones
I agree. The only valid critics for s8 are that they suddelny rushed the character developement to be like GRRMs ending and how they set certain scenes are shot.
lel i would literally cry joy of tears if this happened
lets see how the rest of the YASSS SLAY QUEEN react
D&D and their target audience are genocidal maniacs.
kek fuck off nigger true conservatives hate both those zogparties and love D&D right now. #ourkikes
wtf i love dany now
Mostly this.
They should've had one more season, this feels rushed as fuck, we had signs of Dany turning evil in the past but it was subtle and very very slow.
However an extra season wouldn't excuse the shit writing that is Jaime going back to Cersei to die with her, Arya killing Night King, Bran doing fuck all, Sam surviving the long night, Euron's fleet going unnoticed, Euron having perfect aim one episode and no one being able to hit a dragon in the next, etc etc
But if its not some age based white hair, its more logical that white hair results from blond hair. So if its mixed enough with brown hair it will be blonde. And there are girls with blond hair that goes into pale colors.
>Nazi Dany
Is she going to gas Frogfu and Tyene?
The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Peasant had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them
me whilst taking a shite
He who kills his kin is cursed.
I want to protect that scowl.
>that's the opposite of hitler.
The man killed half of europe bare handed
Basierend und rotepille
this, and he barely killed anyone else in comparison
She's so cute there
Will we see stannis next episode?
Do your parents know you're a latent homosexual?
>Jaime Cersei to die with her
Thats incharacter actually. Its just rushed that he went to winterfell, had sex withbrienne than back to kingslanding.
>Arya killing Night King
Thats the subversion, most are ok with this, if it was better written. Like Arya struggles to get to him. Or therion and Bran help her to jump from the tree unnoticed.
>Bran doing fuck all
The problem with Bran is that somethings are unexplained because of GRRM approach to be more realistic. So in reality not everathing is explained. So what Bran does and stuff is not very easy to eat this rushed.
>Sam surviving the long night
That lacks because they wanted certain scenes and shot it that way not thinking that without plotarmor he would have died in the books.
>Euron's fleet going unnoticed, Euron having perfect aim one episode and no one being able to hit a dragon in the next
Yeah, they wanted this reaction worthy shot. It was just your jumpscare shot. Thats what D&D heavy suffer from.
Imagine dicking that..
In the present? No.
In a flashback? Yes.
>foreign hoards
what da fuck
Mommy burn pls
This. Dark Dany is fucking hot.
dany decides to kill jon and arya teleports behind her and kills dany.
reminder that she is a pooinloo
laughed so hard right now!
>lefties so mad and seething they want validation for their dissapointment
nah fuck off, I'm glad they finally show Daenerys true colors
imagine those sexy lips making out with your asshole and sucking the hot air out of your bum
What they are saying but unironically.
He was a fookin legend.
if only retard danyfags were smart enough to look back and see that she was always somewhere between William the Conqueror and Gengis Khan
She played a retard in The Office but I guess she is a retard irl as well.
She has beautiful bobs too
So how does she have so many Unsullied and Dothraki left?
Oh fuck I would welcome this
More like kino danny
Punished Dany.
An aunt denied of her nephew sex.
We all saw them die in droves
as many as the plot demands
God fucking dammit I wish punished Dany would pin me down and fucking rape me at dragonpoint.
ransay did nothing wrong
I forgot how cucked Yea Forums has become
>Never watched GoT(Not out of hate just don't watch live action TV anymore just a movie here and there)
>Come to Yea Forums sometimes
>See everyone talking about this episode
>It's actually kino as fuck
Some females simply will not understand this episode and their feminine nature. This is just reality of if a women becomes that powerful. Her emotions and love affairs will come into play(which never really should in politics) and everyone she is supposed to protect and guide will be hurt and killed.
Is this the biggest pill that a mainstream TV audience has ever seen?
>Targ fucking shit goes BURN THEM ALL
>world is flabbergasted
The overton window shift within season 8 has been quite dramatic
I'd poo in her loo if you know what I mean.
Yes it happens only to bitches coz was never heard of dicklets doing the same thought-out history
We're talking about females right now
Resps behind you
>Nothng personal, kid
Literally perfect I
>for us
For whom? Do not group me with whatever you are, doublenigger.
Tommen did nothing wrong, he followed Tywin's advice and always listened to his advisers
nice pasta
the only thing ramsey did was some marital rape and a bit of torture
She has le Prince of Dorne and a bunch of civvies who ain't gonna do shit. She's breaking the wheel by wiping out all major houses.
No such thing as marital rape
>everything LOTR subversion does was already done in LOTR but better
expectations subverted
civilians were(are - still happening right now) collateral damage, the only people doing bombings for the purpose of civilian extermination were the germans and japs in ww2. leningrad most famously
Based Joffrey
Incorrect. The Brits practiced indiscriminate nighttime bombing in the European theater, and the USAAF engaged in indiscriminate firebombing in the Pacific against Japan.
I'm not here to judge the actions of my grandparents, as I can't begin to imagine what their generation went through. Those are simply the facts.
she looks so much cuter now
western people are really bored with their lives
Only time I found her hot too. She's gave me a raging boner
damn i want some of that
An hero
This was the best episode in like 3 or 4 seasons. I'm actually legitimately hyped for the finale now.
absolutely true
>Winds of Winter
Are they forgetting Sansa and Yara? They are both doing fine. Yara is basicaly warden of the Iron Islands and Sansa is the Northern Steward.
False. Targs have silver hair, blonde hair like that of beaten gold, and white hair.
Danny killed millions for fun
What will happen with the finale is so obvious that I don't understand how anyone could be hyped.
It's so obvious that they're going to faff around with Tyrion's impending execution for half the episode, have Dany decide to torch Arya and/or Sansa, get her killed by Jon, and then spend twenty minutes wrapping up all the arcs.
We knew this ever since the leaks were proved right three weeks ago. You can't warn brainlets, all you can do is try to time your fapping so you cum right as Jon penetrates Dany.
if john fucked her, could this has been avoided, seriously though
A Queen denied her rightful throne
He never killed children, this show downplays how painful it is to burn to death, every inch of your body slowly peeling away, people who were burnt at the stake usually died of mental shock from the sheer agony of it all, and dany did this to children and babies, ramsey is a gentleman is comparison
I guess she forgot about Sansa and Arya
*cough* hiroshima *cough*
*cough* nagasaki *cough*
So character assasination was ok when it was Stannis, Euron, Barristan etc but now its not ok because IT WAS HER TURN?
Fuck this show and everybody who likes it.
Hitler was a pure patriot.
no brown refugees with them
>she doesn't know john will take the black and bran will be the king
Hiroshima and Nagaski had military bases. It saved millions of deaths of the Japs and Allied people.
Imagine being named Khaleesi LMAO
What are you on about the nights watch doesnt exist anymore the wall is destroyed the free folk are allies and there is no night king
If you liked those episodes you're the problem. D&D script kiddo- episodes, filled with illogical decisions and plotarmor
cersei's troops put on their armor so they wouldn't be killed
shhh dont think just consume
The show was always bad and is bad now.
Kill yourself if you think Hardhome and Winds of Winter weren't absolute kino.
>Kiddo episodes
Everyone getting fucking massacred out of nowhere is kiddo but Cleganebowl wasn't? I seriously hope this is bait
>implying the producers even remember any of that
Holy shit this
It's crazy how hot Dany became to me since last week
She instantly became my favourite character after she went all homicidal.
My sides
The only actual historical conqueror I can remember going full batshit was Shaka Zulu.
Most of them destroy cities for effect, rather than because they can't get laid.
She is unironically fucking hot like this
Ever since the tail end of episode 4 I've been rock hard for based Dany
>Mfw of all the places on the internet, Yea Forums ended up being the happiest with this episode
I mean they went all out, a ton of main characters are dead and KL was nuked to fuck.
The show died back in season 5
Dany is a fucking legend for nuking as much of this godforsaken cast as humanly possible.
>Holocaust originally means (sacrificially) burning to ashes
>Dany burns King's Landing to ashes
pretty redpilled of DABID
He did nothing wrong
nah that's cersei's last dying revenge, blowing up the wildfire crates tunneled all the way from kings landing to winterfell
Nah, it was always Tywin , and always will be. Stannis also goes hard tho.
Came here to post this. Does she have a factory of them or something?
By law, Stannis had a better claim than Joffrey. Since Joffrey was not biologically Robert's son, that made Stannis the next of kin.
>I'm smiling from ear to ear as my tears drop onto my phone screen
editor*, but I guess they also edit their own garbage.
That wasn't the reason. It's the fact that they showed an honest-to-God realistic and grounded portrayal of the kind of shit you get when you let a Yassqweener take control. Varys literally said "MEN decide where power resides." That's unthinkable for a mainstream show in 2019, much less the biggest TV show in the entire world.
One of the first script leaks had Jon, Jaime, the Hound, and Drogon dying in the red keep or the base of the dragon pits when it all collapses in on them as Cersei nukes the entirety of KL with wildfire. Now that would've had all the things you mentioned, sure, but it wouldn't have been anywhere near as kino.
I can agree to that
What is it with pajeets/pajeetas and shit?
Would things be different if he fucked her hard here?
King Bran
I legit got hard at that moment, her madness is cute and hot af.
no such thing as torture either, pain is all in the mind
Ride me Dany.
Me of the left
oh my go i can't
>By law
Actually only Jon and Dany are in law about this
The State is only a means to an end. Its end and its purpose is to preserve and promote a community of human beings who are physically as well as spiritually kindred. Above all, it must preserve the existence of the race, thereby providing the indispensable condition for the free development of all the forces dormant in this race. Those States which do not serve this purpose have no justification for their existence. They are monstrosities. The fact that they do exist is no more of a justification than the successful raids carried out by a band of pirates can be considered a justification of piracy.
We must make a clear-cut distinction between the vessel and its contents. The State is only the vessel and the race is what it contains. The vessel can have a meaning only if it preserves and safeguards the contents. Otherwise it is worthless.
Hence the supreme purpose of the folkish State is to guard and preserve those original racial elements which, through their work in the cultural field, create that beauty and dignity which are characteristic of a higher mankind. One can consider the State only as the living organism of a people, an organism which does not merely maintain the existence of a people, but functions in such a way as to lead its people to a position of supreme liberty by the progressive development of the intellectual and cultural faculties.
We know that in holding these views we take up a revolutionary stand in the world of today and that we are branded as revolutionaries. But our views and our conduct will not be determined by the approval contemporaries, but only by our duty to follow a truth which we have acknowledged. In doing this we have reason to believe that posterity will have a clearer insight, and will not only understand the work we are doing today, but will also ratify it as the right work and will exalt it accordingly.
mmmmmmmmaw im fucking spent
based joffs
>was boring and bland
>became hitler
>still boring and bland
Drogon did.
What part of 'Dukat did nothing wrong' didnt you get?
Nothing wrong with being a patriot.
Jon and Daenerys claim the throne through Aerys II, who was overthrown. Robert Baratheon's line was never overthrown, giving Stannis a stronger claim than anyone.
lmao, she is by far the best character in this season, and it was already before this episode.
why are you surprised? normies have shit taste
>our boy came back in the preview
was hoping they were gonna do her visions like in the books and he eggs her on to wake the dragon and burn the city
He meant it in the mankind sense. Interchangeable with 'people'. Its an le epic callback to Power Resides Where Men Believe it Resides™ © Season 2
Nazi doesnt mean an actual nationalist socialist anymore. Hell, socialist doesnt mean what it used to in the early 1930s anymore. Now socialism is intrinsically tied to economic redistributionism. Not what was meant went national socialist was literally formed and translated.
But these days nazis just mean "bad guys" npcs dont know any better
>who was overthrown
A usurper is an illegitimate or controversial claimant to power, often but not always in a monarchy. In other words, a person who takes the power of a country, city, or established region for himself, without any formal or legal right to claim it as his own.
>Best women are the ones who try to act like men
based show
I didn't expect the episode itself to be based.
This is all fucking Ned Stark's fault. If he just agreed to killing her in s1, then Robert would've stayed alive and none of this shit would've happened.
is she less evil than her father despite her father wanting to do the same thing?
you're gay
I'm saying the sentence "MEN decide where power resides" being used in ANY context in the year of our Lord 2019 is unthinkable. For fuck's sake NASA came out to announce they were thinking about a manned mission to Mars and the first announcement they made was that a whamyn would be the one to set foot on the planet before anyone else because niggers and gashes started dogging them for announcing a "manned" mission.
Her fighters undergoe mitosos, increasing in size after every battle.
She was always going to win.
British burned cities to the ground not Nazis retard.
Where can I watch online bres? Rainerland is taking the piss
>NASA came out to announce they were thinking about a manned mission to Mars and the first announcement they made was that a whamyn would be the one to set foot on the planet
Why does this make some people angry?
Probably the best episode since the end of season 6. Triggered roasties is huge a bonus as well.
lol, he mad
triggered user
who is Nero, who is basically every Roman emperor past Aurelius
Gold? More licke c u c c k
We shouldve seen some hint at Jon doubting her the moment she used Drogon to kill Varys.
>The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.
>what is ancient slander and propaganda
Yet retards like you still talk about stuff like they'd know what they are talking about.
>hey maybe we should solve some real pro-
well done america
thats from episode 3 filming you mong
how the fuck do you make such good looking webms
man are you fucking retarded? Do you even read? How is what I'm saying propaganda?
And what are they gonna do with them? Take the books away from Fatkien and hand them over to them?
>The term expropriation is found by late Marx writings, specifically in “Karl Marx: A letter to Otechestvenye Zapiski” to describe the process of turning agrarian/rural peasants into wage laborers/proletarians if the Russian country is to become a capitalist nation like that of the Western European nations.
These bitches marxist af
kys faggot
he literally did retard
>man are you fucking retarded?
No, but you are.
>Do you even read?
I do, and they are real books not some regurgitated outdated shit I heard from my alcoholic 60 year old elementary school history teacher, or from buzzfeed. I suggest you start reading actual books yourself.
>How is what I'm saying propaganda?
A guestion for the ages.
Who will kill Dany and become Queenslayer?
>Jon Snow
>Bran warging into her dragon
fuckkkk i miss him
Has there ever been a more evil character in GOT than Dany?
Leak says jon boy
attach the image low effort nigger
Read Edward Gibbon's Decline of the Roman Empire. Read literally any fucking account of the Roman Empire and you will know that there were a shit ton of rulers past Aurelius who were awful. Do you not even understand what was going on in the Roman empire at that time? It was a constant back and forth of the Roman military taking power away from the state, assigning some god awful emperor, then killing that emperor, giving power back to the state, etc. Of course you were going to have awful emperors in there. The same exact thing happened in South America in places like Argentina.
I don't know what you're even implying. That the Roman Empire was perfect and there were no awful rulers?
in the privy?