He's right you know
He's right you know
>stop thinking goy
I wonder what he thinks of the new GoT episode
It's not that I don't like them, it's that I don't care. I'll probably never watch GoT, meanwhile I'll binge all 7 seasons of Startrek TNG every 2 years, because I'd rather do that.
Alex Jones is fun!
God I can only imagine how bad you smell.
>just turn your brain off and have no standards lool like don't think just consume
Ah yes what an intellectual.
Don't criticize anything just consume products and wait for next products
He's projecting.
He's assuming whether or not people like something depends on how their position makes them look.
He's even declaring his allegiance by declaring those products fun as if it were fact.
>stop growing expectations
So everything is good and nothing can ever be criticized?
Imagine spending time and money on objectively awful shit and then telling others to stfu and keep consuming shit blindly because caring about things is stupid. Jesus Christ.
should have been 1st post
who is this cuck
>people have standards because they think it makes them interesting
wow thanks I almost forgot to stop consuming
>just turn your brain off
>stop thinking about what you are consuming
I don’t want to be interesting
I literally just want to ruin other people’s fun.
>trying to figure out what people online smell like
what is this autism
>bruh, just turn off your brain!
>It's entertainment so turn off you brain lololol
Cunt and pleb. Typical.
Postmodernism is bad. It's funny that the anti-capitalist types are the same ones that promote postmodernist thinking that mostly benefits lazy companies and big businesses.
His first statement is correct but then he just lists off his opinions like they're facts, if everyone is supposed to like everything then would anyone bother to put any effort into creating entertainment
>I haven't seen a single episode or viewing of those posted shows/movies
Feels good to not be retarded
Go to bed, JP.
I know the NPC meme gets thrown around a lot but this is legit something a robot would type
Just go on any other thread on this board and you'll see hundreds of people agreeing with it.
>just turn your brain off bro
just buy and consume: the post
So this is what Bollywood does all the time, why doesn't he watch Bollywood movies?
He’s right if you’re an eight year old and you don’t want to be mean to other children.
>reaching with these buzzwords you don't understand
You zoomers should just stfu and lurk more
he'd be right if he didn't bring up Last Jedi. I'm pretty sure The Last Jedi is universally hated even though paid reviewers would have you to believe otherwise.
>Enjoying GoT makes you and NPC
>Hating it makes you and SJW
You just can't win
Yes it is pretty creepy.
>don't think
>just observe and agree
>no negativity allowed
>everything is fun
>just get primal emotional reaction out of any mass media production and stop treating cinema as art or television shows as having cultural importance lmao
I mean, that user is right. The "everything has value and is good" mentality lets hacks like D&D thrive.
>Stop having a serious interest in art
Are you 12?
>uhhh... Stark?
I hate it.
it aint like you guys are going to change the world and stop the cycle so consuming is the best you can do
Fun is just a buzzword
Just looking at his profile pic you know he's a fudge packer. And then it all makes sense that he likes to be fucked in the ass bu these shows. Greet your teeth and take while telling yourself it's fun
SJWs don't hate it, may have hated that episode
But GoT is SJWs show through and through
You have to be 18 or older to post here, kiddo.
modernism is bad. it is sterile monolithic glass skycrapers and prison industrial museums filled with worthless junk.
postmodernism is good, because it is a gestalt, a mishmash, a collage, a potpourri of different ideas, styles etc.
posmodernism is memes.
>disliking popular things doesnt make you an interesting person
I cant believe someone unironically said that.
Who's the guy on the left?
You have to have sex to post here, sweetie.
if that was a rule this site wouldn't exist
It's not fair to put endgame in that list. Despite how you feel about capeshit, they put effort into pleasing their fans
Your mum
You're comparing modernist architecture to postmodernist memes in a discussion about TV and movies.
When it comes to writing, a postmodernist approach does not work. There are objective measures for good and bad writing.
>There are objective measures for good and bad writing.
>postmodernist approach does not work
Kill thyself for not knowing what you talk about
An argument, that is not.
modernism: asscancer like finnegans wake or to the lighthouse, or morons like hemingway
postnodernism: based and redpilled authors like borges, donald barthleme, and robert anton wilson
This is basically just saying anything is beyond criticism. When I watch a fucking movie, I dont care if its "fun" or whatever the hell that means. I care if it's well written, well acted, and beautifully shot. If the movie isn't, I'm not gonna just praise it for no fucking reason. People can dislike things. When did disliking things become so controversial?
Why does all of Yea Forums care about some random nobodies tweet?
Too long. Is this a left false flag?
but...i do like things...just not those things..
>herp derp
>just like it guys
What's the point of watching movies if I already know they're going to be fun?
Is this a real human being?
Literally reads like an automated message from a bot. What the fuck
>"you are inmature contrarian,grow up!"
>"lol shut up,NPC,NAZIS RISE UP XD"
this site died in 2016
Not having brain cells must be fun.
Imagine devoting brainspace towards Tits and Dragons: The Series. Imagine thinking it's worthwhile to waste precious neurons thinking about this trash. It's fast food media - tasty warm calories. Swallow it and shit it out immediately or be healthy and abstain - don't delude yourself into the idea it has any potential to be fine dining.
He is right. These are just stories for children. And even the ones for adults are just entertainment. Social media has ruined entertainment. They politicize everything and the fanbase splits just like they do over sports teams and people have these unrealistic expectations about how they want things to end and what they think should happen and who should be in them. If you don't like the way a story is told make your own. stop waiting for other people to disappoint you with theirs. Anyway I'm glad it's over and all the big corporate franchises are creatively dead. Maybe we'll start seeing some originality again
Who said that they were interesting because of those things ?i dislike them because they are bad
Imagine being a feces eating brainlet with a low iq that just takes anything that gets thrown at him like a good boy lapdog without ever questioning it
said Anonymous.
care about fucking ideas, not fucking people
Some people you know like JK Rowling and and you know other people like stuff for adults
>lol dude it's just shit why do you care if I like eating it?
>just try to enjoy it dude it's not meant to taste that great anyway lol
Popular things get hijacked by incompetence (among other things...) and that's what turns them bad.
It's okay to admit that there's a reason behind popular things becoming bad, just enjoy niche stuff instead it's no big deal.
liking popular things for no reason doesn't make you "kewl and in the groove" either
makes you a mindless sheep
But the first season was absolutely amazing, and season 2 and three were still pretty good.
What? It's still "dude turn your brain off lmao" entertainment. Problem is they have gotten so big that critics can't ignore them anymore, and fans are butthurt that their dumb movies aren't considered art
No it wasn't you're just a manchild. Read a book
>Read a book
Is A Song of Ice and Fire good?
>Game of Thrones is soap opera disguised as medieval fantasy.
>The Last Jedi was pure SJW trash.
>Solo could have been better with another actor as Han Solo. Alden Ehrenreich is as charismatic as a sweaty sock, the guy has a career because Spielberg went to his Bar Mitzvah.
>Endgame was okay.
'Fun' is not a measure of quality.
He has extremely poor taste and is easily amused. Was that his point?
Game of Thrones WAS fun to watch.
Listing your favourite juvenile CGI corporate cartoon shitfests doesn't make you an interesting person
stfu faggot
Certainly better then the series.
I at least, had fun reading them
let me guess, he works in the entertainment industry?
Yes. And there's nothing that this mentality has to do with postmodernism
is not expecting stories to make sense the nerd version of "unrealistic body standards"
>stop judging things I like
got is fun but it isn't good.
He’s white you know
Back to plebbit
Sorry, but most people with an IQ above 100 dislike mindless entertainment with shitty writing.
Is this guy someone relevant or just another random bluecheck NPC?
>getting mad because people don't like what you like
now there's an interesting person
>Sorry, but most people with an IQ above 100 dislike mindless entertainment with shitty writing.
Most people of any IQ like vapid, low brow entertainment, regardless of whether they're willing to admit it or not. What they don't like is when entertainment lacks basic storytelling competence, that's when it stops being fun no matter what it is.
>GoT went insanely south after the showrunners ran out of book material
>OG Star Wars was amusing and I'm sure very special in its time, I can definitely see the appeal; the prequels were a failed abortion; all the new stuff is just poorly written eye candy
>I just don't care for superhero movies. Used to love Batman as a kid but now I don't care for that franchise either. Marvel Universe just seems like a drawn-out slog to me with unimpressive writing and flashy visuals.
Let me have my opinions and stop trying to force me into your echobox.
That's the most wrong post I've ever seen.
GoT is trash, Last Jedi killed Star Wars, Solo was forgettable garbage and Endgame is capeshit for two-digit IQ dudebros.
Jesus christ.
Art shouldn't be entertaining. It should be transformative.
Also, complaining about people who dislike popular things doesn't make you an interesting person.
>Last Jedi is fun
I could see the others but TLJ was a directionless snoozefest.
Literally NPC