This ends the debate.
This ends the debate
>doubles the amount of material in the universe
>everyone is crushed by the change in gravity
Why not cut population by 99% and not give cosmic welfare to niggers?
Isn't this nigga meant to be laying low with the gropping charge?
>Checks the maths
>Forgets to checks the physics
>statistically there was one planet where Thanos dusted all the men except for one
Holy shit mother fuckers its a children's movie grow the fuck up
doubling resources does not equate to doubling the total mass of the universe you fuckin moron
the amount of resources humans consume is
that's just idiotic
make everyone not having the need to eat
problem solved
>doubles the amount of resources available to President Trump
Based science man
Yeah, but people need room to breathe too. Nobody wants to be packed in like sardines no matter how well of they are. Leftists seem to genuinely not understand this. They won’t be happy until every inch of nature on Earth is paved over to make housing estates for shitskins.
Didn't this guy gets MeToo'd but because he has the right opinions it was brushed under the rug
Everything is a resource.
what if thanos snapped his fingers and turn all males into trannies and all women into traps and made his penis 600000000000000000 inches long :DDD
>shitwads are unironically taking that bloated purple corpse's turbo autism seriously
post 2020 is when incels will become huge and women will come the closest to slavery they ever have.
are you fucking stupid?
>everything is a resource
if the universe was at a level where any matter could be turned into something useful, they wouldn't be having the issue of being constrained by resources
>vapid female empowerment movement breeds more utterly unattractive personalities
I dont this this celibacy is involuntary.
People are already packed, it’s the third world countries that fuck the most. You would actually be helping with the population problem if you increase the standard of living and the amount of protection available to people.
>Universe is overpopulated.
>Make more resources.
>Universe is overpopulated.
>Make more resources.
>Universe is overpopulated.
>Make more resources.
>Universe is overpopulated and now there isn't enough space for everyone.
>Make more resources AND space.
>Now various wars among various factions of people break out for various reasons: "we deserve that particular land because of this reason, not them.", "those people shouldn't have that resource, they're unworthy", etc.
Not only is killing half the universe the best and more efficient solution (Occam's Razor), but Thanos solution also would ensure peace for many years. Thanos became the number 1 enemy for all of Earth: various opposing factions with different creeds and beliefs put differences aside to come together to oppose him. Imagine that at a universal level. Thanos made everyone at a universal level stop fighting each other to focus on him. This is a common idea argued seriously in many works of literature and discussions with smart motherfuckers such as Yoram Hazony and Yuval Noah Harari.
Tyson is a perfect example of how just cause you're an expert and intelligent in a specialization (shameless pop science); that doesn't make one immune in being an ultracrepidarian (politics).
>water is a resource
>double the ocean
>earth is now underwater
Everyone is dead now. Great.
>gravity is a resource
Black science man doesn’t know that matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred?
Based Nig Tyrone Scienceman
Fresh water is a resource you brainlet. It makes up 2% of all water in the world.
Theoretically everything can be considered a resource, every material? What constitutes as a resource what is the criteria for it.
For someone who is supposed to find the smallest details in the universe he sure did miss a detail as massive as his ego.
Yes Thanos could gave made more resources or expanded the universe or any other number of options but the reason he did it was because people needed to be taught to not overuse their resources, they needed to work on population control, they needed to not be wasteful, etc. Giving out a bunch of extra shit teaches them nothing and instead does the opposite where the universe uses up even more resources instead of conserving.
It's like giving a kid $2 and telling them they can spend a dollar on a snack but have to put the other dollar in their piggy bank but the greedy kid goes and gets a big gulp as well instead of saving the dollar.
We can see exactly what happens when you just suddenly give out more resources when we look at Africa and all the gibs they get.
The problem in the world isn’t so much lack of resources. It’s a lack of people smart enough to access them.
>double resources
>birth rate doubles
>require more resources
It's like trying to feed Africa
nah a big plot point in endgame was that he was killed in under a month so there was none of that. everyone just turned out to be depressed and miserable even after 5 years
Give a man a fish and he'll be fed for the day, teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry.
yikes. fucking everything is a resource.
So they can breed more shitskins and create the same problem again?
>doubles the resources
>inflation halves their value
Uh maybe leave economics to the smart people.
>Gibs me dat
Lmao this nigga tripping. Who cares if the gauntlet can double the resources? Pretty sure he wasn't in the business of handing out resource stamps to planets. He's the mad titan and for years genocide is all he's known, Neil is really stupid for this.
>what do you mean women can be responsible for things?!!
If had the power, I’d snap Africa out of existence
that's such a dumb thing to say that I don't even know where I should start.
It doesn't work like that, idiot.
le based black science main doing the math on the important issues.
should he be using his big science brain to work on actual issues?
>Double the resources
>People start breeding like rabbits
>Populations double
>Same problem in roughly 10-20 years
but that's the same outcome as ending half of all life in the universe, only the recovery is probably event faster because you don't have issues stemming from overpopulation.
he's right though. there has never been more or less matter than there was in the universe. big bang matter was theoretically all the same amount of matter but just compressed in a dense way.
I like your thinking but i think you missunderstood his post.
twitter is heroin for famous people, it's so insanely easy to get validation for all of your retarded opinions by people who just want your attention for 10 seconds
why does everyone not understand that thanos is a villain and his motives are steeped in violence. you’re not supposed to sympathise with him
That's not even true. The particles that we call matter didn't exist at the singularity and only came into existence after the big bang. Scientists have put the date at like a fraction of a fraction of a second after the big bang, but those particles were created.
Whats it like being retarded?
God, I wish that was me.
>thanos is a villain
For a 'scientist' this guy spends quite a bit of time on irrelevant subjects.
And when you double the resources even more niggers will breed and over populate even more.
The Avengers are an allegory for Chicoms.
They use experimental and highly immoral machinery // parallels China's use of gene editing on embryos and sonic warfare. You can also draw a parallell comparing how the Avengers time travel to change the future by erasing/altering the past with the cultural revolution where the royal guard literally set afire precious artifacts and art, and that's the reason if you want to see REAL chinese historical art you can only find it in Taiwan where some of the goods were smuggled for preservation.
Avengers Civil War is literally and figuratively an allegory to the Chinese Civil War, I mean duh. According Confucian tradition, bodies are considered gifts from their parents and therefor highly sacred and as such decapitations were only reserved for the most severe crimes, HINT HINT, ring any bells? Remember what the Avengers did to Thanos on Titan II?
The writing is on the wall people, don't let this Chicom propaganda fool you. The Avengers are literally white sand niggers and Thanos did nothing wrong.