If you don't have sex with me right now Jon I swear to the gods I will kill every single man, woman...

>If you don't have sex with me right now Jon I swear to the gods I will kill every single man, woman, and child in King's Landing

Wow, what an incel.

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I mean women are fucking lunatics and aren't fit to lead or rule. There's never been a woman to successfully rule land.

If you take history into account, you will sooner or later realize that every woman ruler committed vile acts just for sake of it well as initiated wars

Have sex Dany


>every woman ruler committed vile acts just for sake of it well as initiated wars

So did men. Read a book fag.

Danaerys finally did something awesome, she showed her true colors as a fucking psycho, AND it set her up for imminent death. It was perfect.

Queen Elizabeth, Catherine the Great, and Queen Isabella come to mind. There are many more that could be named.

Based she's our girl
Give incel pusy


This version is oddly easier to root for.

>I'm the breaker of chains but if you don't get on your knees i will fucking murder your children right in front of you in a dragon fire holocaust

Dany's Day of Retribution was way better than Elliot's, maybe women are better at some things


I love how Grey Worm's entire motivation is now KILL WHITEY.

and dont forget Erzsébet Báthory! Bad as fem of 1610

Not every single one. I challenge you to find one woman monarch who wasn't a cunt.

you just know her pussy's an absolute smegma den


why didn't she just have an unsullied eat her out like a based khitan noblewoman

catherine the great was a filthy kraut that allowed the g*rman pestilence to settle the volga river

>implying everyone is desperate enough to fuck their own sister

have sex. with a non family member

Did a Wolgadeutscher shit on your porch or why are you mad russkie?

Didn’t her father do the same thing?

None of this would have happened with Maario onboard. Thanks again Tyrion