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.. what does this mean?
It means D&D have come for the Normies and they wish they had spoken up when they came for us first.
Roasties = BTFO
Women, especially SJW "woke" women, are low IQ and let their emotions control them
D&D redeemed themselves
>Twitter culture doesn't make people in to NPC dron-
Whoops never mind
Bottom text
Please become sexually active
>omg u guyzzzz
sound scripted as hell
like when the lefts media all get the same phrase to run with
Constitution Crisis!
Honestly why are they even mad? She just genocided a whole bunch of white people, shouldn't twitter be ecstatic about that? Can anyone point out to these people that this is literally what they want and advocate for?
No aunt.
Season 8 is shit but watching all the low IQ fanservice normies lose their shit over a show they never understood is a pretty good consolation prize.
Only took 8 seasons for them to got on our page
what does cancelled mean in this context?
Means they hate Dany now
>They hate Dany now
>Next week they will have to try to reconcile the fact that super white male Jon is going to be the one to kill their Yass Queen
I'm unsure how the reaction is going to go but it should be entertaining.
>not all of them at least
these are the brainlets who are sitting on juries deciding the fate of the accused.
What did she mean by this?
>sports fan
>mets, 76ers, Celtics
the most disgusting portion of this this image desu
She wants that Dothraki cock
She really picked some shitty teams lmao
t. Yanks fan
Watch them have to rerelease the last 2 or 3 episodes as a kind of end of evangelion because of the outrage
It's going to be Arya.
People begging for likes is the ugliest thing there is.
>muh skin color
>muh gender
These people don't see characters as individuals or humans do they? They only see skin color and gender.
this girl should open up a history book she'd be foaming at the mouth
Or a news article. It's still happening.
Thought we were supposed to not have sex now. I’m confused.
>Every character in the show is hammering it home that the Targs are crazy motherfuckers and will burn everything and kill everyone
>Dany does exactly that for 7 seasons straight
>Fangirls have her as #myQUEEN
>Dany burns Kings Landing and once again, slaughters a fuck load of people
>Fangirls finally, at the very end, turn on her and see her for what she is
You can't make this shit up. How did people root for this bitch not knowing she was the villain?
>not all of them
Even old testament God made sure the cities he burned to ash had zero innocents within them.
nah your face is
They were at first, then noticed that there was a lot of disapproval.
it was fine when she was killing ess*s "humans" but when she started killing real people from westeros that's when people got mad
Bobby B was right
Unironically the best King Westeros has had in decades.
This is why I come here
you might not see gender or skin color, goy
but your brain does
Is this "You are the weakest link" for faggots?
I literally saw people saying that they shouldn’t give a shit about King’s landing citizens because they cheered for Ned’s death.
>individuals or humans
glad you put "or" there, because le enlightenment rational individual is subhuman
>nigress gets killed
>she actually does
yeah I remember when dany started burning Mereen women and children
There are only one way to conquer the throne.
>hopefully she'll return to her senses next episode
OH NO NO NO NO, I can't fucking wait for the Burlington Bar reaction
way to remind me that the common man arr literal retards
> I can't fucking wait for the Burlington Bar reaction
>A bunch of hipsters stroke their beards while shaking their heads in feigned disapproval.
>A coven of fat witches at the front sob openly, their mouths hanging open as the mucus pouring from them obscures their breathing.
I'd rather spend the hour with my nuts in bleach than watch that abomination.
>not all of them
And some of them I assume are good people
i'm just going to read the Yea Forums threads about it. That's how I watch most shows anyway. I never actually watch a show literally, I just infer what happened from here.
Fucking sides when Dany fulfils her role as the perfect metaphor of the Jews post-WWII
>go mad with power the first time
>get violently overthrown, persecuted and kin murdered in coup lead by rebelling subjects
>survivors escape and later generation rides to power on tide of goodwill and sympathy because muh six gorilion, muh historical wrongs, muh ebil fascists
>find 'allies' wanting to right historical wrongs, end slavery, end racism and end 'fascism'
>unite and lead a multi-kulti diversity army of dickless trannies, feral shitskins and 'muh white allies' to 'victory'
>achieve initial goals but then go mad and start slaughtering everyone because it's the right thing somehow and fulfil the whole 'the fascists of tomorrow will be those calling themselves anti-fascists' trope
>make everyone see the truth in the aftermath of it
>get overthrown and killed for good this time
If only life ends up imitating art
I fucking hate normalscum so much
>76ers and Celtics
Why the fuck would you have two disgusting teams in the same conference no less?
Old Testament god was one bad muthafucka
I totally didn’t get the reaction to Missandei getting decapitated. Did brainlets self insert as a useless window dressing character because she had the same color skin as them?
the absolute state of women
Innocents aka Jews
Why are Americlaps allowed on the internet?
based social media addicts unkowingly letting people know they're sociopaths
>Not everyone was innocent among the civilians
>somehow this justifies killing civilians when they surrendered
Could have used the same excuse to justify Cersei's actions, "hurr durr not everyone in the sept was innocent and they pushed her"
Spoken like a true commie scum, better burned than fucking red.
I hope this person finds the same easy justification when their family are killed by some random act of violence.
>this level of cope
sorry, were we meant to show the non-whites how to act? I thought that was racism and cultural oppression..?
No he didn't. You think every city destroyed by the Hebrews was evil like Sodom and Gomorrah? Hebrews committed like four genocides in the Old Testament and most of those cities were just ordinary good people living their lives until the evil Hebrew Nazis came along to kill the babies. There are long passages of the Bible that describe evil Hebrews smashing babies against rocks while their god laughs and jizzes in his pants witnessing the evil and corruption of the Hebrew monsters. It's sick as fuck. The Nazis had nothing on Hebrews.
did you even read the fucking bible
Imagine the people who changed their names to daenerys, named their kids khaleesi and getting a few dany tattoos along the way. Then this shit happens.
It's not evil when hebrews do it.
They tokenized her, and gave her value based solely on her skin colour. Then got mad at the "racism" of her death.
I hope the show ends with Dany winning and turning all of Westeros into a booldthirsty tyranny. The Dothraki hordes should go pillage and rape the whole country, too.
I would laugh my ass off at all the twitter salt.
Yes. All they care about is skin color as representation. So if you kill anyone with that skin tone you're literally killing the representation of all people with that skin color. Of course these people are extreme racists, more racist than the KKK. But that's modern liberalism for you. Makes no sense and only exists to promote racism and sexism.
>her child
Pitbull mommies are mentally ill holy shit
Does anybody really care about some filthy peasant scum that scratches a living on the bosom of the nobility kind enough to toss them some scraps? The way I see it Dany liberated these poor miserable low caste souls of their tortourous existence and so in the process did no wrong. If anything she should be praised for her selflessness in absorbing the sins of these mongrels. Also this is the same horde that tore apart and ate that fat septon all the way back in Season 2 during the riots. Yeah sure a couple innocents did die, but thats why the term collateral damae exists. Dany did nothing wrong
>women and pox go mad
>white men stand around doing nothing
Sounds like real life
I will always be amazed at the level of effect this type of shit has on the collective psyche.
>genocide is okay because she was mad
Liberal women scare me. They're worse than Nazis. They would kill everyone on the planet just because some bells are ringing when they're on their period.
What are the parents thinking right now that named their children Khaleesi?
>What will my wife's halfie daughter do now that Khaleesi is a Nazi? I hope my wife doesn't take away my Nintendo Switch again like she did last time she was mad at a TV show.
Oh I knew we should have named her caramel baby Missandei!
You know this is the only reason they had Arya kill NK too. If John did all of this on his own and became the King of Westeros then the feminists would have started suicide bombing HBO headquarters.
Bruh, god just killed 150,000 people one day because they were concerned he was killing too many people.
Looool the low iq guy is always present
Not just characters, that's how they view people irl too, that's the entire problem.
Love white liberal woman tears.
>watching a show created by two 'white' men based on a book written by an old 'white' man
>complain that the show wasn't created by a diverse committee
Literally setting yourself up for disappointment.
I, for one, am glad that a rich white woman used her privileges to give POC the chance to gain the upper hand. King's Landing couldn't have been taken any other way. The white man wanted to have the war done in a more formal fashion, effectively contributing to this patriarchal system of "honorable" war, as if there's some hidden, mutual agreement between enemies as to how to fight "fair". The breaker of chains has no time for this bullshit. War is hell. You heard Bronn, all the great houses were started by cold bastards who were just good at killing people.
She's unironically 90% correct which is what made this episode so hilarious. Grey Worm nigged out. Dany went crazy. Cersei turned into a hysterical useless cunt, Whyte men were the voices of reason.
The reason she's wrong is that Jaime and Euron were trash as well. In the end the only thing to take away from this episode is that the writers are fucking garbage.
>social worker
What the fuck...
society has gone full retard
Lol that’s not a liberal woman you retard, just a slow thinker and quick to judge. Much like yourself
Theyre idiots
Dany has crossed the line. Even other normalfags are disgusted by her now. Only hardcore feminists are defending her.
Obvious these tards werent watching from the beginning. She was set up for this from the first time we saw her. theres some dumb fucks who watch this show
I remember when she thought she was hot shit for liberating slaves and then became even more power hungry. She's the epitome of a western feminist who wants to "smash the patriarchy" but would then crash everything down if she had her way.
I saw PhD and got super mad but then I kept reading her credentials lmaoo
Based D&D exposing libs for who they really are
>evil woman from evil inbred family turned out to be evil but it's bad because white women self-insert as her
oh no no no..
There's always an antagonist user. Always.
>da jooooos
/pol/ was a big mistake
what does she mean by this?
This is what you get when you replace religion by hollywood entertainment.
With that in mind it makes sense why they stupidly killed off a second dragon, so Jon could let dan have her moment. Would have been fine with the second dragon having died instead during the seige for "price of victory" purposes and fuel for d's emotional madness. Maybe a scene with civilians stabbing at the heavily wounded dragon to further add motivation.
Were they civilians? She should just attack the military of Euron and Cersei.
Literally drowns all living creatures.
>these are the same people preaching about human rights and equality, open borders and diversity
>these are the same people reporting you for hate speech on twitter
cant believe it took millenials this long to realise that there's no utopia in power, and it's all about who holds the whip
That Dany is cancelled
I'm glad she's licensed.
That's what I do, the last episode of a show that I watched from beginning to end was RealVision's episode on Venezuela and the dire economic situation happening over there. I watched it a couple of hours ago on Yiutube. But other than that, I don't watch much television anymore, just some stuff on YouTube. Still planning to watch more anime later.
I'll defend her as an antagonist. She's been a bore until the nephew-cum-in-my-tum arc, but that didnt last long. Finally an interesting character, hope she doesnt die so her 3-quarter targy in her belly can continue the family blood. It's a quarter muddied, and he'll probably be a manlet...nevermind it's finished I dont care anymore hope she dies along with the show.
>phd candidate in theatre and performance studies
Is this a real diploma wtf?
>looooook look at all these irrelevant people
You faggots just like being mad don't you?
Are normiea genuinly capable of thought?
Like, these reactions are baffling to me, they don't seem to be coming from human being but consumer zombies.
When a character does something, my immediate reaction is to think why, how does this move the plot forward, what does it mean for the character and themes involved.
But when normies see a character do something it seems all they think is "Does this put me in good light?". They don't see characters, they see self inserts and walking cutouts whose purpose is to further their personal voews and opinions, and if they don't, then it's awful writing.
Just what the fuck, what is the thought process here.
Wrong dude, the ancient Hebrews defeat an enemy, then kill the men and force the women to be part of the Hebrew people. And it wasn't just the Hebrews that did this, but many other patriarchal societies.
they are not human.
possibly even some sort of social engineering AI let lose on the internet to influence swarm intelligence
You have the same shitheads here memeing in their own ways having the same headcanon and thoughts 95% of the time.
The internet was a mistake.
I'm literally trying to wrap my head in this statement
man i really can't wait for Bessie and her gang to react to thi
This is all so foreign to me. I've no idea what this means.
>You have the same shitheads here memeing in their own ways having the same headcanon and thoughts 95% of the time
Except that, as you pointed it, people here are doing it for the memes
They're not GENUINELY upset at Stannis being butchered in the show to the point they would take the cross and unironically march on every social network, they just aaaaaaaghpost to oblivion because of how ridiculous the entire thing is
your post is utmost ironic.
of course those are npcs too. do you think 4chink would be prone to them? 80% of this site's posts are made by AI/bots/npcs
>PhD in theatre and performance studies
>you best read my schizoid compilations about how i'm the only sane man in a world of sheep
Okay faggot
because she wasn't burning white people before
>inb4 poortherners
they're GoT's irish and scots
Only an NPC would take all of this seriously and reply in an angry manner routine
You ain't baiting me no more, i'm onto your game user
>muh holohoax
fuck off rabbi
It's a TV show, everyone has been shown how to act retard
Is it true that there's a certain segment of the population who literally do not think? As in they've never heard a voice in their head i.e their consciousness?
feminists btfo
Yeah it's called /pol/fags
>And some, I assume, are bad people
Been a rough week for her I'd guess
is everyone on twitter fucking italian?
Apex Zozzle.
women btfo
75% of people in the mental health industry are these people, in 50 years or so they will be writing the laws and setting the social trends, straight white males are going to be locked up for accusations of "toxicity" and theres nothing you can do about it
>dany is cancelled
twitter nigger speak is so unbearable
>Danny Literally turns into Hitler
>Normies defending it just because She's a Female
this i'm afraid
>all those lannister soldiers dying to a single stab or slash
why is armor so fucking useless in this series?
grey worm, jon and davos are wise to not wear helmets
The threshold for normalfags to realize that they're watching shit has finally been crossed.
>first star wars
>then got
What are DnD going to ruin next?
what vision did bran see dani burning everyone
>in 50 years
American Psychological Association already issued new guidelines that state the masculinity is a mental illness.
Not 'toxic' masculinity. ALL masculinity. We're already there.
He saw the rapes
Normies are more idiots than Neanderthals
An incompetent female ruler allowed shitskins to kill white people. If you see anything but gender and skin color you're a moron.
>that spic
My fucking sides.
This but with AoT
This bitch was used as a slampig by white men and then niggers GUARANTEED KEK. I think she just needs to
>Have Sex.
There's nothing npc about asking someone to get to the fucking point because you can tell they intend on whining for 10mins like a cringy faggot.
>Trivia buff
I wonder if she knows what is both 13% and 50%
I like to imagine what all of the people out there that named their child “Khaleesi” must be feeling right now.
I was gonna say that there is some resemblance, but then I realized those blue ropes in the frame are her hair.
>and theres nothing you can do about it
Well I'm allowed to own guns, sooo...
She wanted to escape relaity and now has the same shit she sees everyday in her fantasy.
I miss you Bobby
>tv shows need to love people
>batshit Targaryen goes batshit
>people are surprised and think it's character assassination that she is what she's always been
No Targaryen is fit to sit the Throne, this was established from the first book/first season and it's why they lost against Robert Baratheon.
>Whyte men were the voices of reason.
>mug boogie man
>The threshold for normalfags to realize that they're watching shit has finally been crossed.
now that it's actually kino?
>not all of them are innocent
based desu
This is the toppest kek of all really
Well, their parents stopped talking to them when they found out they were the dorm bikes and doorknobs and had more trains run on them than the NYC subway rails, and they killed their own children a few times over and then bragged about it, so yeah they need a goddamn TV show to love them.
Giving women access to the internet via smart phones was the worst oversight the world has ever seen
/pol/ was made specifically to contain it, dipshit. You should be thankful. Without it, it would be 10x worse.
what about all the madfags who named their children danaerys and khaleesi?
mindless drones
I just realized dabid will make arya kill dany instead of jon doing it.
> literally
Holy shit, we have someone who literally sees things over here! Believe him!
Why have I read this 100 times in the past few hours? What kind of group think is this?
What the fuck is wrong with nazis all of the sudden? Is this a new meme?
>Wants total equality
>Gets mad when women are shown to be equally prone to amoral actions as men
You can't have it both ways. Either women are equal to men in every way, which means they can also do bad shit and become outright evil, or they're all innocent lambs that wouldn't hurt a fly, which would necessitate Men watching over them like a herd watches his flock.
>things I like are meaningful
>things i don't like are not meaningful
this is your brain on /pol/
Only nazi incels cheer when women and children die user
Wtf? Roasties hate Dany now.
Bravo D&D!
Oh hey, I thought I was the only one that said that.
imagine saving this and reposting it
holy shit lol
Because people are fucking stupid. She’s been the obvious big bad ever since aquaman died and she developed a god complex. Maybe before.
>Muh silent war rages on
What are you even talking about? These are GRRMs explicit plot points he's outlined
lol, I think I love GoT now!
Because women are retarded, and will cheer on anything with a vagina right up until the very moment that it blows up in their faces. And then whine about how it blew up in their faces.
See also; Hillary Clinton
You are giving them far too much credit. These are the people that cheered YASS QUEEN SLAY when Arya dunked on the night king. They do not know anything other than their own bias. (much like u pol niggers lmao)
>"Trap" Selena
People that named their child Khaleesi arent going to be happy now KEK
I have to believe those are all bot accounts.
Blue check unpassing honbeast
Burn them all
Was worried that people would praise her, but there is some hope.
>tranny spic bluecheck
whats the matter with these people? dont they like to have their expectations subverted?
>not all of them are innocent
so this is the slippery slope towards genocide that normies will fall for...
>the guy with the flags of Iran, LGBTQ, North-Korea and Venezuela
A lot of black women legit self-inserted as the royal cunny licker because they have nothing going on upstairs.
I don't buy the NPC thing, at all, but my aagghhposting is just a joke at the expense of the poor writing in seasons 5 forward. I don't make like, public manifestos of my support for Stannis or feel actually wronged irl because a character in a fucking tv show died lel
These people "supporting dany" on twitter. appear to have difficulty differentiating between memes and reality, to an extent that'd make a Yea Forums user blush. And they always have.
Maybe there really IS something to be said about irl beliefs based on which GOT character you support after all. I "support" Stannis (and Cersei because Lena Headey is a treasure), and outside of using Yea Forums regularly I'm well adjusted in the rest of my life. People who go all in on dany and are like, legit serious about it in public, are nutters, and they have been from the get go
wew I am laffin, 7/10 episode
just means that dany is finna slaw
Jesus Christ the comments on that video supporting Dany are really fucking eye opening.
They already do this when they demand falsely accused be punished to protect the integrity of the handful of people who have a legitimate grievance. Victimhood is a sacred institution.
yes, you go girl!
>I support my Queen BC I can't stand with stupid snow. My queen is much stronger than 10000 coward kings (Jon). Jon don't forget to take your fathers head, it must be still there.
sounds like youtube is based and redpilled
My Mom named her cat Khalisi or however it's spelt a few years ago. She's a cool wine aunt too.
>arya still gotta kill someone with green eyes
she completed her eye colors with blue night king jesus these dumb cunts don't understand what they watch
Absolutely based and redpilled
Millennials are retards
To be fair jon is just as retarded and unfit to rule as his not-father
>this is the person calling you a nazi for your political views
Nobody is redeemed.
We are all befilthed for being invested into this trainwreck.
Life is suffering
T back bay
D&D: we want the incel audience
>What the parents of the 560 kids named Khaleesi are doing rn
>professional nerd
>cat mom
My cousin was going to. She’s still hasn’t had the baby so hopefully she can come to her senses. That kid is fucked either way though.
>these are the people calling churchgoers insane and conservatives Nazis
Lannisters were started not by a cutthroat but by a weasel who tricked his way into ownership of casterly rock... Starks weren’t cutthroats either, it was just terrible writing for the useless and terrible character that is bronn
>10 years from now
>"You're called 'Khaleesi'? As in 'the girl who murdered thousands for no good reason'? Could your parents not find a feminine version of 'Vlad the Impaler'?"
Good for the children. Maybe they will get a name change in time to avoid a lifetime of bullying.
Jews post WW2?
Kings landing getting Dany treatment is a good metaphor for Jews since there’s been humans on earth
The so called anti-racists are the biggest racists themselves.
isnt she front Toronto ? Blue wave would mean conservative wave in Canada
>Be George RR Martin
>Decide to make a fantasy book centered around the wickedness of war
>In your book, time and time let it know how cruel War is, how it changes people, how it takes away, how it twists humans one against another
>Suddenly get reached out by 2 men that want to make a TV show about your book
>Finally! Your anti-war message will reach even more peple!
>yfw this is the kind of message people gain from the show
she is unironically 100 percent right and none of you can tell me why she's wrong