59 GoT threads

>59 GoT threads
>fifty nine GoT threads
>fifty nine threads
>fifty. nine. threads.
Mods, do your fucking job. And the rest of you cunts shut the fuck up.

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U mad, kekistani?

fagGoTs are more annoying than capeshit fans

i have 83 threads hidden

stfu soiboi

Was it autism?

Why are redditors invading our board? And who the fuck watches GoT in 2019??

every sunday is like this i just accepted it

also I swear there is some kind of mass schizophrenia going on because every other week GOT is the feminist show and then the altright show

top fucking cringe

kill yourself summerfag

who cares, keep crying faggot

A GoT thread died for this...

If that's bad then try being me at work when I'm one of two employees in my office that doesn't watch this cheap crap.

>I’m guys how come you don’t want to talk about my boomer cuck movies about existentialism

I’m so glad the capeshit and GoT fags are dabbing on your nigger faggots hahahahaaaaa!!!!

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I want you all dead

OP is a capeshit poster.

A sneed thread died for this..

ITT we try to summon mods

Rollins for fate of GoTs, if dubs it's death for Seth this year if trips it's GRRM's death this year if quads one of the Dabids die this year so

Gimme your address so I can come fuck ur mom u little bitch

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just create a thread with some real meaningful discussion and they'll swoop in real quick

Honestly what else are you expecting on show night durning the last season?


>tfw GoT will be long dead after 2 weeks
I can't wait bros, fuck GoTcucks and fuck jannies

Just a couple more weeks

this, OP you are a fucking crybaby bitch

>tfw im the closer at work and only get to browse 4channel when the aussies are shitposting in full force

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Kill yourself stormfaggot

>Kill yourself stormfaggot

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BASED henry rollins laying the smackdown on you degenerate millennials.

It’s the final season you fucking retard.
If you survived 9 years of this shit then you can definitely hold out for one week.

Just one more sunday like this then the board can go back to its regular schedule of BLACKED and cunny threads, stop complaining and just wait it out.

Proof how normie this place is.

Meanwhile, me and my kids saw detective Pikachu twice, to see how many Pokémon we could name. Comfy fun times.

Fuck off newfaggot, it was never this bad. This board has been literally unbrowseable for the last few weeks.

Would be nice if there was a pinned containment thread but that would be too much work. Might as well rename Yea Forums to /got/

It's been this bad before you fucking retard.

Ned's beheading and red wedding had Yea Forums full of GoT spam too. There is quite literally only 1 episode left u can suck it up.


Rollin it out

No, you fucking new piece of shit, it was never so bad that for WEEKS on end the catalog was 95% GoT threads with the other 4% being the equally as cancerous NOT GREAT NOT TERRIBLE threads. This shit only started happening because the mods are fucking cucks and refuse to enforce the board's rules, of which shitting up the catalog with endless repeat threads for days on end is most definitely in violations'

What else is there is to talk about on here that isn’t BLACKED porn?

OMG you don't watch Games of Thrones?!?! Dude it is sooo epic!
I CANNOT wait for next week's episode!!

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it never happened for WEEKS because it wasn't the final season before ya dingus. Nor was it such an absolute shitshow ending in a way that it's able to bring every demographic into the pile of hatred against it.

The vast majority of these threads are GoT schadenfreude.

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Reminds me of Yea Forums when Nintendo advertises an upcoming babby adventure

What's the alternative? A Doom Patrol thread?

That show is gay AF

cry more bitch nigger i'm sorry your incel refn threads aren't getting attention right now

>complains about people posting about a tv show on a board about Yea Forums
>contributes fuck all himself


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