Why was Dany so fucking triggere? It's just fucking bells, bros.
Daenerys Triggered By Bells???
Not the bells but the people's response after the ringing
>Fly arround on massive fleet and gate destroying dragon
>See regular city folks beneath you cower in fear/flee instead of bowing down in blind adoration and worship while calling you mutti Merkel
>Whydonttheyloveme.jpg, iamthestronkqueen.jpg
>Burn privileged white cis scum, burn!
This. Dany thought the people of Kings Landing would lift her and Drogon on their shoulders like the unwashed savages of the east did in previous seasons.
I think the thing we're suppose to assume here is that she didn't want them to surrender, she wanted them to give her an excuse to burn them all down. But she said fuck it anyways because she's EVUUL now.
She wasn't looking at the commonfolk.
She wasn't triggered by bells, the bells were ringing as she saw the Red Keep aka Cersei's house and went full retard
the eternal bong does it again
The bells meant they were afraid of her. She wanted them not to surrender, but to rebel against Cersei.
But the Red Keep was her ancestral home. For hundreds of years.
She destroyed the city her family built.
*ding ding ding*
she was always mad, since season 1 has been burning people alive, I don't know why normies are surprised, this is just ultimate Daenerys YAAAASSS QUEEEEN
bells are REALLY annoying user. have you ever even heard bells
it's almost like it's a metaphor for contemporary western civilization or something
Severe autism
For years to come you will be able to trigger a woman with things like:
>yaas mad queen
>hold your dragons
>ding dong ding dong ding dong
in s1 she burned some witch who fucked her body and killed her hot chad boyfriend she was justified though from dany's perspective fuck her, stannis was burning people in his first episode for not following his shitty religion
>Targaryen bloodline known for crazy
>Dany can't escape her shit genes
>Dothraki can't escape their jeans
>Unsullied can't escape their jeans
Triple kino.
Early in the episode Dany already knew that people in the 7K won't follow her unless she uses fear, and there she used fear.
>i-it was justified
>S-Stannis did it
so this is how the mind of a lunatic works
>Dany already knew that people in the 7K won't follow her
The Vale, the Iron Islands, and Dorne all are following her.
your post is even more stupid so what do you expect brainlet? she has always been a crazy applauded by mindless cucks
why are insane women so hot bros?