I get her going crazy and killing all the lannister soldiers, even if they had surrendered. Hell, should could even kill some civilians too. But what does flattening the capital city do? You are destroying all the infrastructure for when you take over
Why Destroy the City
sometimes you just need to let your dragon burn some shit bro
The showrunners said it was because she was angry that Cersei was defiling her family's home
she is angry someone is defiling her family's home, so her solution is to just destroy her family's home?
because women, especially SJW women, are low IQ and let their emotions control them
D&D redeemed themselves
ignore the incels saying "muh emotions"
>But what does flattening the capital city do? You are destroying all the infrastructure for when you take over
It shows the entire continent that if they don't bow to you, you will wipe a whole fucking city off the map forever and not even give a damn. This is what the Assyrians and Mongols did.
Found a petition to save star wars from them - let's get this viral and lose them their jobs:
Spread this, I want this in the news
anyone else think she looks hot af looking sad with those bags under her eyes
literally made my dick diamonds 2bhfam
but you could just mass slaughter civilians after you take the city. It would serve the same purpose, but you wouldn't destroy 100 years of work
Firstly, one shouldn't look for logic in poor writing.
Secondly, refer to point one.
>triggered roasties everywhere
D&D = based and redpilled
hahaha nice
the part that made me laugh was
>ruin Star Wars
Was Alexander the Great erasing Thebes bad writing? Was the Assyrian annihilating dozens of towns bad writing? Was the Mongols destroying Samarkand bad writing?
You know it’s bad when you have to make behind the scenes videos to explain your shitty writing. You know you really fucked up when your explanation also makes no fucking sense
muh poor writing
women are ruled by their emotions... the truth hurts
This. I think.
>Ruin Star Wars
4 years too late
>The showrunners said it was because she was angry that Cersei was defiling her family's home
Half of the time the showrunners have no clue about such details in specific episodes.
Star Wars is already ruined, a change.org won't do shit and I don't give a fuck about Space Wizards.
shes been saying she would since season 1 dipshit, blame GRRM if you think the writing is bad
She missclicked the pop up, instead of "annex city" she selected "raze city"
There's a difference between destroying a foreign city you are conquering, and destroying the capital of an empire you plan to inherit and rule from.
This always makes me smile.
Hell hath no fury lol
How does she make Drogon breath fire? Does she tug on a certain spike or something?
The th*ban fucks had it coming desu
Alex did nothing wrong
We all came out to Landing
On the Narrow Sea shoreline
To have battle with Cercei
We didn't have much time
Harry Strickland and the scorpions
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a dragon
Burned the place to the ground
Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky
Smoke on the water
They burned down the Red Keep
It died with an awful sound
Funky Arya was running in and out
She was… pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But Westerosi time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky
Smoke on the water
Burning down, yeah
We ended up at the Winterfell
It was empty cold and bare.
But with some wildlings just outside
Making out with bear
With a three-eyed raven
We make a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know we'll never forget
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
Smoke on the water
hail the incel queen
Kinda like the nukes in WW 2. Shows the world you can and will do it if you so please. Now they will bow down to her.
The thought of you smiling makes it all worth while user.
If only there was a scene just a little earlier where she explains that, since the people of Westeros don't love her, she can only rule effectively by fear. Then even morons would understand what was going on.
Why didn't Varys propose jon marrying kellyc?
Lul look at this psycho caring more about rocks than human lives....
you can rule with fear without destroying everything. Like I said, she could round up civilians and just burn them alive and it would achieve the same affect
Danny isn't exactly known for her intelligence...
He reads her mind
How you gonna have a show with dragons and not have a dragon burn down a fucking city by the end of it?
she pulls on its dick
>Kinda like the nukes in WW 2
Kinda like the nukes if they used them on there own home lmao
Is game of thrones trying to say something about clown world? Brown foreign invaders lead by a white woman come to white lands and destroy everything her ancestors created.
Yes, that's how entitled cunts act. If they don't get what they want they start going angry german kid on their own shit and destroying it.
She says Dracarys every time
She has already tried to rule a city and failed miserably at it. After that, she abandoned it in order to invade King's Landing because she is "MUH RIGHTFUL QUEEN" even though she isn't (Jon is by her logic). She has no actual rights to inheritance and the man that actually does rejected her.
Because bad writing
The whole madqueen angle makes sense and could have worked but the hack screenwriters needed to give her some kind of reason to snap and burn the city, like having Rhaegal be slain during the battle for the city or something. Instead it just kinda feels like the decision came out of nowhere.
I have a feeling that GRMM told HBO how the series is supposed to end, but D&D had no idea how to write it so everything comes off as hamfisted and lulzy. The best part about this episode is the salt mining from twitter and Reddit.
I liked it that way. Showed that she was fucked up genetically, instead of purely pushed to madness by the events which could have happened to anyone. She's not all there, and the show demonstrated it well by triggering her with bells.
Idk probably some allegory for nuking the nips or something gay like that.
that's women's """logic""" for you
>entire conquest turned out to be based on a lie
>isn't the rightful queen and all of her previous hardships were for nothing
>despite sacraficing her loved ones plebs remain ungrateful and hostile
>desperately seek some sort of retribution
>realize your days are numbered as you're clinging to a lie
>enemy decides to surrender after you pin them down, despite their best efforts to destroy you
>snap in a moment of rage because of all the shit you've been put through
makes perfect sense, isn't she like 13 in the books as well?
carthage was also flattened, and I think it was kino writing, scipio did nothing wrong
She pulled a Sylvanas.
>You can't kill hope!
>Can't I?
>kill a bunch of civilians and burn a giant tree down
she said she wanted to rule by fear.
I think you mean save star wars, social justice cuck.
Could literally just kill john snow...
Lol why did red army rape and kill half of Berlin even after they won?? Its human nature spicily after such a long war campaign.
gonna be interesting to rewatch the show now knowing this was in there from the beginning
Why is her killing the Tarly guys portrayed as some monstrous unforgivable crime that made all her advisors turn against her? They betrayed their leader who supported Dany, fought a war against her then refused to listen to reason and would not support her when she still gave them a chance after all of that. Why was killing them wrong? Jon executed people for less than that at the wall and everyone thinks he's a merciful saint who would never hurt a fly
>this was in there from the beginning
how can so many people be brainwashed into liking hilary clinton of all people. one of the most shady politicians ever. trump isn't any better a freakin' construction and real estate hawk from the 80's (wonder how many shady deals he pulled) and still beat her
>This is what the Assyrians and Mongols did
the mongols never flattened a city if the garrison would surrender
It was pretty obvious, as she was sitting there having "won" the battle, that gears of paranoia and doubt were turning in her head.
She is becoming very mentally unstable. Her skepticism filter is in overdrive - she is starting to question everything and everyone, even her loyal followers.
Most of all, she knows deeeep down that she is wrong, and that her claim is illegitimate. But, like the rest of her family, she rationalizes and justifies her ruthlessness by claiming it's for the greater good, or for some god-bestowed claim that must be fulfilled irrespective of mercy.
Her decision to raze the city was spot on. This is a person who is starting to believe deep down that everyone and everything is an enemy.
This is hallmark Targaryen behavior, and despite the last few episodes being quite weak, you could easily detect this building in her hollow stairs and dry replies.
When you have a hammer and you have faced all your problems as if they were nails for years, you just end looking for nails to put down.
Has it occurred to you that Dany is not very intelligent and is ruled by her emotions? It's not as if there isn't 8 seasons of evidence for this.
Her tard rage made no sense at that specific moment but at least it made roasties mad
her home betrayed her by supporting the lannisters. those brick-houses deserved to die.
Sweet sweet revenge. Believing that anyone is "good" is delusional, and it's never what GOT was about.
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
I am ready for the cult of personality
>Why Destroy the City
Typical woman. Maybe she was on her period? Or was it because Jon didn't give her the dick? Or is she simply psychotic?
Most realistic portrayal of a woman in the shows history. Unironically the best episode since season 1.
Clearly that's where the story was heading, but D&D gave very little justification or buildup.
>planning ahead and not making a decision based on pure irrational emotion of the moment
For the evilz
Makes perfect sense duh
The whole point of her character arc was struggling to be a force for good and not slip into the legacy that targs and her father left for her. The closest Dany ever came to hurting innocent people was when she burned the Tarleys, and season7/season8 had her struggling to find a solution that *doesn't* result in her killing innocents. She listened to Jon in s7 because she agreed with his opinion that she shouldn't just burn down kings landing and win immediately.
because she's a crazy feminist, and all of them do that
She realized they were all wh*te people
>this is somehow a woman issue
>it's explicitly also a thing male targs do, including her father, alone with dozens of previous ones
Dany always had underlying cruelty and mental issues. The thing is that before she was only cruel to generally bad people or people who crossed her.
Now that she lost most of the people she loved and is in a continent that hates her guts -when she is convinced it is hers by right- her mind starts getting worse.
Coupled with paranoia due to not being able to trust even her closest advisors and Cersei profiting from Dany losing a huge part of her army saving the world, she snapped totally.
Burning the city had no logical reason and that's ok because Danny is a crazy Targaryen tyrant who enjoys burning people.
The only problem is that her character arc has been done like shit and the process of going insane barely touched upon so now it looks like something almost random. Dany was also used to bait feminists so I imagine they expected a just, fair and tolerant queen to end Westerosi xenophobic patriarchy so they must be horrified.
>shes been saying she would since season 1 dipshit, blame GRRM if you think the writing is bad
why do people act like they are surprised she's always be ruthless with people who unless they could serve her as soldiers
Every woman wants to strip the place bare and redecorate when they move into a new place.
Star Wars is already fucked. At this point who cares. Disney has been milking it nonstop. Just keep going.
That’s not the same. It would be like if the French military took back Paris from the Nazis. Just killing everyone, destroying everything and burining every Parisian alive.
She became the MAD queen(mad being the operative word here). Of all the legitimate criticism you can level at this episode(and there's many), I don't think yours is one of them.
t. fishy hole
Yeah honestly not a terrible concept for a climax but obviously the lead up was fucked and even the episode didn't feel gritty enough
probably more than a 100 years worth of work, city like that was probably built upon older ruins. Despite the engilsh' esque citys it probably had a more more greek layering.
also its the first time in history that culture was destroyed. Most of the time you do get the a mosque turned into a church, but everyone once in a while a great deal is destroyed from the library of alexander to modern day ISIS destroying and defacing everything ancient they get their hands on.
I for one think this was a great turn around for the final episodes of the show. I really didn't think they had the balls to do it.
she'll just move the capital
Why do you think men are leaving white women to ruin?
it was no longer pure, it was too soiled to save
a new home must be built
>Dany was also used to bait feminists so I imagine they expected a just, fair and tolerant queen to end Westerosi xenophobic patriarchy so they must be horrified.
it is the most fun I've had in a long tim
fair point
even if D&D did redpill some normalfags in this episode, it doesnt redeem them for making a shitty season.
wow great analogy bro
that's what happen when your 'creative writing skills' mean going by a list and filming the "epic" scenes and ignoring the ones that justify these scenes.
TL;DR: Dany is batshit insane, but they probably cut like 250 pages justifying her slowly becoming batshit insane, to simply have her go from 'I want to save everyone' to BURN THEM ALL! because some nigger died.
>I get her going crazy
do you
do you really
because you're essentially asking why a crazy person acted irrationally
tfw it happened like 4 other times in the show
hahahahahhahahahahhaha bravo
>good guys and bad guys
GRRM trusted these idiots with his stories ????
There's nothing wrong with razing a city during war the problem is the King's Landing was for all intents and purposes her city by that point. What's she gonna do now? Have dragonstone as the capital?
That's what they did with Oberyn.
>But what does flattening the capital city do?
it shows a big cgi wankfest to justify hbo subscriptions and creates buzz on social media so people subscribe to hbo for the next big cgi wankfest that will run for 10 years (westworld) good writing in a tv series is no longer needed.
lol all he cares about is hbo's checks keep clearing
>You are destroying all the infrastructure for when you take over
There is no infrastructure. In medieval times, rulers didn't even have capitols. The king would travel around and the "capitol" was where ever the king happened to be.
I don't disagree that back from the beginning she was meant to go mad, my issue is how it happened. For the most part she did the "right" thing and it keep on biting her in the ass. She had been a "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" kind of gall and this is the angle they should have kept pulling. Her madness should have been internal, not external and for sure razing the city made no fucking sense. She could cave done to Cersei and her loyalists what she did to the Tarley's and it would have sent a clearer message other that "mad king 2.0"
>Have dragonstone as the capital?
The capitol can be wherever she wants it. It doesn't have to be at a huge city. There isn't that much governance anyway. It's all feudal. She doesn't have to run an empire. Almost all the land is all held under subinfeudation. It can be run from any large castle. What infrastructure does there need to be? Nothing. Governing is mostly oaths, obligations and pen, ink and paper.
is there anything left to ruin?
>Her madness should have been internal, not external and for sure razing the city made no fucking sense.
Internal madness makes people do things that don't make sense!
Do people just skip over the boring parts of the episode and just watch the action-packed scenes? Early in the episode Dany already knew that people in the 7K won't follow her unless she uses fear, and there she used fear to burn parts of KL.
Giv Cray gf now brehs
Shes been slowly losing it since last season I fully expected this and you can say its " muh bad writing " just because your golden girl turned out to be mad but hey. There was a lot of foreshadowing.
She had made some pretty questionable decisions in the past but was usually reined in by her advisors. Without her support network, she snapped. It makes a kind of sense.
I hope you faggots realize you are equally as bad as the YASS SLAY QUEEN feminists.
Just like they excuse shit writing because it supports their narrative, you are doing the same here.
Fuck you. Dan and Dave are garbage writers. Dany destroyed King's Landing because the writers thrive off shock and spectacle without proper buildup, not because they want to push some narrative that women are dumb or whatever. Dan and dave are not intelligent enough to push any political natrative and you are even dumber than them to think otherwise.
Why the FUCK do people keep thinking she wants King's Landing?
1. She wanted the throne (metaphorically)
2. She wanted Cersei dead
She only EVER gave a fuck about KL when she was told not to attack it immediately because ther council wanted to give the civilians a chance to turn on Cersei
She literally went from "I'm trying to conquer the city peacefully" to "I'm going to kill literally every breathing thing in this city" in 2 episodes
Watch last season again. She was fine with a blitzkrieg because she thought it'd scare the rest of the populace into not rebelling
incorrect fag
Whoa dude, a single line that she went back on and had to be coerced into believing in the first place!
Do brainlets really only watch the action parts and soak up exposition through tumblr gifs?
>Brainlet has to make fun of the filename cause he got so BTFO
Facts > Emotions you nigger
Came off that she was lashing out when she realized all the bullshit it cost to get where she was.
"Fuck, I had to do all that to get here and now I have absolute victory? It wasn't worth it. I don't feel happy or elated. Fuck it. I'm razing everything."
>she became what she feared.
Pretty common trope in stories bruh
you can rule with fear. but you can't rule when the whole kingdom despises you
Me too user.
>if they used them on there own home
First, go back to school.
Second, a vulgar display of power is exactly what she shoulda done.
to show that whitey is kill
agree. it doesn't make any sense for her to do that unless she just went crazy. That will be the excuse probably. She's become the Mad Queen like her father.
Again what’s wrong with destroying a city during the war? History knows uncountable examples of this.
it's unusual if the enemy has just surrendered to you and you decide to massacre everyone in the area anyway.
but Missandei said to burn them all
There truly is a LOGH Quote for every Situation.
i mean she's leading dothraki and other allies she's picked up on the way, she's basically a giga-khan. razing their cities and then retiring to your shitty hovel is kind of their thing.
The Mongols did that. You could surrender before the fight and you would get treated pretty well, if you forced them to battle you then they would have no mercy no matter how much you cried for it.
Didn't even know that was a thing.
Was Bombing of Dresden also bad writing?
>despite being 0.0001% of the population, Targaryens commit 99% of all arsons
bombing of dresden was justified and small potatoes besides.
>inb4 muh 300 million g*rmoid kinder
if i was her, i'd do the same thing. then i'd fuck off to nowhere and live off the land with a pet dragon
Just build a new one bro lol
Who knows what Dabid's explanation is, but my take is, deep down, she hated King's Landing. It was the center of her obsessive birthright quest and also the symbol of the wheel she pledged to break. It was the home she convinced herself she would love, but then realized would never love her back. It was the cause of everything that she suffered in life: her father's madness, the downfall of her family, her exile, and the self-perceived destiny that consumed her life.
She wanted it gone. Tabula rasa, start fresh.
Not an argument. War was practically over and Dresden had ZERO military value.
>inb4 muh 300 million w*steros kinder
it's not bad writing because it happened, it's bad writing because the pacing of the TV show is a hot ass dog turd
Pretty much.
dresden had plenty of military value
psychological terror is of immense military value
>4 years
> can't rule when the whole kingdom despises you
who is cersei? who are the lannisters?
no one even despises dany, they just don't 'love' her
Her house motto is Fire & Blood. Those townspeople would have opposed her because she’s a foreigner and Jon has a better claim.
no, her claim and identity rests on her birthright which is now null and void because of jon. jon is more popular and refuses to marry her so she has to resort to fear and violence to enforce her rule.
By your logic it’s just bad writing
>French military took back Paris
What did you mean by this?
You now realize Dany was playing a game of Civ.
She was going for a diplomatic victory (cultural was impossible at this point) and when that failed she had to resort to a domination victory. She razed King's Landing so she didn't have to pay an upkeep on unhappiness.
why live in a capital filled with people who hate you when you can live with the military at dragonstone
>because women, especially SJW women, are low IQ and let their emotions control them
i agree but the men in those show are even lower iq aside from robert and tywin
Sansa is "the smartest character alive"
Based and purplepiled
Sansa acquired her superior intellect through rape.
>psychological terror is of immense military value
Fucking nonsense. The allied dropped 10x the explosive power of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on German cities to "bring Germans to surrender". It did the exact opposite. It made Germans fight harder.
Furthermore Dresden was full of Prussian refugees and the Soviets were days away from conquering it.
Me lose slave girl me mad me angery me burn whole city i came to free ree ree reeeeeee
they had it coming
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the new episode?
Don't really care about the show anymore, just wanna know what's all the fuss is about
Jon is a Targaryen and he shows nothing of these personality values
punished dany a super cute
Daenerys burned King's landing killing thousands and thousands of innocents for no reason basically becoming the most evil character in the show
daenerys made a difficult decision but was the right thing to do overall.
you can't raze a capital retard
The fact that there's no answer to you question and everyone is going
>Well here's my headcanon
is proof that this is written like total shit.
>b-but she burned people
Yeah yeah we know, she's a terrible ruler and a cruel kid that's been given too much power. But her entire thing from beginning to end was to side with the "powerless" and get back at the "oppressors", even if reality was never as clear cut. But it's the first time we ever see her going on a rampage at innocents, and it's really not in line with what we know of her character.
"""""""""female cogitation"""""""" in a nutshell
she ran her campaign on vacuous platitudes, that kind of shit always draws the dumb and desperate. Meanwhile everyone who hated both candidates stayed home
He's like a pokemon with only one move
>Why is she not acting rationally REEE
The episode had some issues but this was kino and I'm glad the writers had the balls to go through with it
she didn't write the script, did she
..yes you can
Everyone seems to be clamouring for the books to provide a better ending. What are the chances Dany still loses her shit and burns the city down when (if) the books are finished?
watch the episode before commenting, retard
you can't, at least in V where unhappiness from conquest would be a problem
in the books dany is going insane too, and this sort of ending has been foreshadowed since the very beginning, which is why its hilarious that people think it came out of nowhere. Now will GRRM change it up? Maybe, but dany probably is still going to have a bad end.
>America surrenders to America
>America nukes themselves anyways
Tarlys were high profile nobles. And they were the last of their lines. Jon killed some nobodies at the Wall.
lmao get a load of this virgin nerd
get out bootlicker
I miss season 4 dany bros...
have you not watched the episode? She thinks civilians aren't innocent because they haven't rebelled against cersei
Yes, there's no motive to do it. It's not a reasonable act, that's why people call her the "MAD queen"
Because when Jon was afraid to kiss her, she realised that everyone in Westeros was only going to see her as a monster no matter what she did.
So she essentially decided that if the people were going to view her as a monster regardless, then a monster was what they were going to get.
She kinda forgot about the civilians
The man has a 10 kilo a day chocolate habit. What's he supposed to do?
Fun fact: The scene with the Hound and the chickens was GRRM's suggestion. The writers found out later that the two chicken suggestion wasn't meant to make the Hound sound unusual, but was just what GRRM was eating when he was reviewing their script.
When her mother was preggo with her she also heard the bells and it triggered some broly ptsd, my headcannon.
I guess she just forget about all that
Uppps ;)
The truth has been known for quite some time now: D&D wants a dramatic subversive ending but they neither have the time nor the talent to make it happen logically.
So they throws a "she's getting mad and kills everyone" trope to cover all of that weak writing.
At least I'm enjoying the aesthetics and the normies roasties getting legit upset at it.
Is there even a single kingdom left in westaros?
>known for burning her enemies for like 8 season
>begins thinking everyone is her enemy
>burns them
wow jeez how could this happen?
Wow. I thought it was 10/10 episode(if you ignore the previous episodes where she lost her whole army for no reason). But then Deny just burned up the city for no reason and it got 0/10. Fuck this shit. I can't believe D&D are so fucking retarded
Thé alliés killed thousand of French in WWIi
she's been saying "i'll take what is mine, with fire and blood" for 8 seasons now
Alexander asked for surrender and submission multiple times but Thebians fought to the bitter end without surrendering so they got erased completely. Kings landing surrendered.
>What are the chances Dany still loses her shit and burns the city down
It's not about the ending. It's about how it's executed. And D&D are morons at this.
darius hates white people
How many dogshit entries into a franchise can you have until you just say the franchise as a whole is garbage? Star Wars was a trilogy of good, memorable sci-fi movies in the 80's. Everything else has desperately been trying to ride the coattails of their success.
Isn't Star Wars already past redemption by this point, user? It's like saying you want to save the Predator series.
The only thing that genuinely upsets me about this episode was the olympic tier backtracking on Jaime's character, experiences, and motivations. "I never cared much for innocents" is such a fucking slap in the face.
So what was the point of Quaithe, and literally everything she ever said to Dany?
So you thought Tyrion and Varys going MUH CIVILIANS and Tyrion letting Jaime into the city to save Cersei from herself was 10/10?
>King's Landing surrenders.
>Jon turns down Daenarys for a fucking because they're related and it's icky.
>This, and hearing the bells, causes Daenarys to go full Targaryen crazy.
>Jaime makes it back to King's Landing, was actually completely genuine that he can't quit the bad poosay, kills Euron.
>Grey Worm and all associated forces that are now inside King's Landing start killing and raping whatever Drogon doesn't burn.
>Sandor meets up with zombie Gregor, who backhands Qyburn into a rock, killing him instantly.
>Sandor eventually spear-tackles Gregor off the side of the tower into the fires below.
>Varys is killed in the carnage.
>Jaime and Cersei hug it out as the tunnel they're in collapses, killing both.
>Arya walks through the ashes, falling into PTSD^2.
>Varys is killed in the carnage.
Epic memory
They are fire worshippers. They want to watch the world burn.
because she's mad, just like her father was
She's WAY worse than her father
Aerys only ever decided to burn down King's Landing when it became clear that he lost and was about to get overthrown and killed
Dany decided to burn down King's Landing when it became clear that she WON and was about to have all the time in the world to punish Cersei however she saw fit
Dany didn't even just snap and go "I need to kill Cersei NOW" and burn down the Red Keep, where she knew Cersei was - no, she fucking burned random innocent civilians and random streets for ages before turning her attention to the Red Keep
Even if her insanity was "I NEED TO GO KILL CERSEI" her actions make no fucking sense even for a madwoman
She’s mad
>But what does flattening the capital city do? You are destroying all the infrastructure for when you take over
Targs have a penchant for doing this.
Also, Dany plainly snapped, though I would have done it differently.
>Same shit as in the original show, failure after failure after failure.
>Instead of outright torching the city, make her torch the Red Keep, only inadvertendly triggering chain reaction of wildfire caches
>And THEN make her go off the rocker for realizing that she screwed up yet again and just doesn't care anymore.
Or alternatively, accentuate through the story more that every time she shown mercy, it would only blow in her face with people considering it a weakness and doubling down of whatever shit against her, make her pissing off during the surrendering more genuine and validated. Kind of like that scene at, Saving Private Ryan with surrendering krauts, only several times and with the most disastrous consequences.
Though that was lowkey shown through the whole Essos shit she went through, but Dunking Donuts were too much of a hacks to emphasize properly.
yes. Though they killed Tyrion character long ago.
Another way for it to work:
>Don't off Rhaegal so retardedly
>Have Rhaegal die during the actual invasion
>This sends Dany off the deep end and she decides to BURN THEM ALL
I totally buy her madness/decent into madness here. She lost her two dragons, jorah, her best friend, jon as a romantic interest, and her claim to the throne all in like a week.
Would push most people over. And she has a genetic predisposition to bi polar disorder, and any too much power on her hands.
Also for consideration: if she had listened, cersi would have escaped with Jamie, and Tyrion would be put to death for it. Then she would have to deal with making people love her. But she gave up on that, and is going for fear instead. Sending a message to the rest of Westeros. Not a SMART decision--but she isn't a master politician, she's an unstable, isolated young woman with a lust for power. Lo and behold she makes choices as such.
I told dany to burn down the entire city and she actually did it the mad lad
She was always a psychotic sociopath with a god complex. Remember all those speeches about her titles and birthrights and breaking the wheel and blah blah blah. Turns out that it was all nonsense to lift her ego and she never actually cared about anything other than herself. When she finds out that she's not the true heir her entire twisted personality comes crashing down and she'd rather burn the seven kingdoms than let someone else rule over them
>the mongols never flattened a city if the garrison would surrender
If the garrison put up the fight and killed a large chunk of their forces, of Genghis' son, mongols would flatten it no matter the surrender.
Burn them all
Fire and blood
its her destiny based retard, the episode was like 10/10
>destroying the capital of an empire you plan to inherit and rule from
Whats wrong with this?
>Your father is mad
>your brother is abusive... and mad
>and you spend the entire show conquering, razing and destroying only to be called a hero
God, why are germans such subhumans
It totally fits her character ark and if you don't agree you're an idiot. She's been on a power trip from day one, but you mistake her slaughter for "good deeds" since it was taken out on people who have wronged her, like the slavers. though it could even be said that she only liberated those who would be able to fight for her "cause". The moment she figured out she was some sort of dragon queen was when her Targ genes kicked in. She didn't grow up in westeros, she never cared for the history, she has no reason to fight for it (invade it) other than "it belongs to me because i have dragons". Every smug "dracarys", every time she couldn't stand to compromise during a council, every time she slaughtered people (including her brother) with a stone cold face made it even more obvious that she was just your typical Targ. Fast forward to this episode, she knew she won, but she knew she lost the city, the continent doesn't like her, and the one person she thought loved her was actually a step away from seizing her rule.
>if i can't rule it than nobody can!
>deletes King's Landing
She always said she wanted to "break the wheel" and she just did.
Why didn't she destroy the iron fleet and the whole of Kings Landing all by herself last epsidode?
The entire army was useless.
>Good guys and bad guys
Dude, it's American production. Do something more complicated than capeshit and burgers will flat out drop it because their brains can't compute the gray morality.
Scare the cattle into submission, the cattle that arent in King's Landing I mean.
And you have provided none, you tard.
That whould have been way to easy and to reasonable.
>literally tells Jon the only thing she has in Westeros is Fear
>that fear overrides the ringing of the bells, it's not "LE BELLS RINGING MAKE HER MAD DUDE LOLOLOLOLO"
>she then proceeds to burn KL because she doesn't want anyone in the seven kingdoms to show power over her again like how Cersei did by executing Missandei
Seriously it's not fucking hard to understand, the show spells it out for you pretty clearly.
So why is he alive lads? Why did the show keep him alive in the convoy scene instead of giving him a proper death? What purpose did his character serve this season?
She basically pulls of a Tyrion breakdown during the trial for Joffrey murder, only instead of useless speech of a loser, she actually has a means to go through with the "let you all burn".
The problem about her sudden madness is that its so sudden.
The way the show did it it came more or less out of nowhere.
A good turn of events though, but not really good executed.
>Why Destroy the City
Because the people in it are assholes. None of them lifted a finger to help themselves.
Clean slate, start over. Burn a new city from scratch with no memories of the past. If she kept using KL, it would always be like "this is where Robert was enthroned" or "this is where the mad king was killed".
Better to rip the band aid off and start over. Now everyone knows her brutality and no one will dare stand against her.
She should honestly just admit she wants power for powers sake, like Cersei did, instead of larping as "Le liberator"
> Kings landing surrendered.
Only when they had outer city smashed to bits and had no means to defend themselves properly.
It's akin to the killer going "I admit my fault, please, lower the punishment for me", when his admission of guilt doesn't mean shit because detectives found all the proof they needed.
They should've surrendered before they shot down their dragon and killed off the POW.
Dany wanted them to join her and fight against their sworn lord. They made the noble choice in picking death over dishonor and upholding their oath. The fucks Jon executed were (probably, can't really remember) acting dishonorably.
The Tarly's should have been captured as noble prisoners and then ransomed at the end of the war once their oath was void.
um no sweaty D&D are just misogynists using the "crazy woman" trope
quality post
So she can rule throught fear retard since all the other doesn´t seem to work which was obviously proven in winterfell. She even said it when john didn´t want to fuck her anymore....
to serve on bran's council at the end
>implying germany started ww1
It did not work though.
The bombing runs on the german city failed in their psychological effect as the germans did not surrender sooner nor did it cripple their industry as hoped as german industry output in the last years of the war was way higher than it was in the beginning.
>Because the people in it are assholes. None of them lifted a finger to help themselves.
This too. While French or similar didn't flat out burn Paris to the ground, they didn't take to kindly to people who either collarborated with the enemy, of just waited doing nothing only to barge in with "muh everything" smartassery on them.
As, pretty much, everyone else. People don't like collaborators and those who are indifferent.
bro dont even argued with allied shills
they literally had a plan to drop anthrax on germany and kill everyone
I'm pretty sure burning down the fucking red keep accomplishes that, razing the entire city is pointless
Dany knows she has the reincarnation of Bran the Builder to make the strongest and most impenetrable fortress in the entire world. Better to burn it down now and delete the worthless peasants to make room for future growth.
This is a pretty accurate insight to the female mind
>I feel bad so all must die REEEEEEEEE
>they literally had a plan to drop anthrax on germany and kill everyone
Should've done it, desu
She could simply have married Jon.
Even if they did not love each other, a marriage would have been a sane and logical thing, only for political/diplomatical reasons. Political marriages happened all the time in westeros.
But since the two loved each other, anything but a marriage was just retarded.
Thats the biggest plothole.
>The Tarly's should have been captured as noble prisoners and then ransomed at the end of the war once their oath was void.
Yeah, because showing mercy to treacherous fags has always worked well, ESPECIALLY in the setting of ASOIAF.
> for no reason
Insanity is a very good reason though.
Krauts are worse than jews. They are literal niggers who start shit and then whine about racism when people hit them back.
Also, I'm Russian and we should've torched everything west of the Belarus.
Wouldn't have SS-fags parades and "hitler dindu nuffing" subhumans, for sure.
>Conquer foreign city and raze them
>Re-Capture what was taken from you
Burn them all, Burn them all, Burn them all, Burn them all, Burn them all, Burn them all, Burn them all
t. Targaryan
After the disappointment of the battle against the white walkers this was an amazing turn of events.
If niggers were going to force me out of my home at threat of death yeah, id torch the place
ransomed to fucking who? house tarly so they can rebel again?
she did good killing them off and letting sam be head instead
This, but unironically.
People at king's landing will fuck you over for no reason and will hate you even if you saved it, and vice versa.
after the 3 episode I do not know how anyone still cares
Wholesome and based
I am telling just that, you fucking tard, you >> the wrong message.
Dany losing her shit and going full mad-queen-mode is a good ending. A very good one.
Sadly the show made it look like she went insane in like 2-3 episodes instead showing (clearly visible, for the show audience you know) hints of her insanity over the entire length of it.
Thats the big flaw of the show.
The books will probably end with Aegon and the Golden Company winning, and Ageon being an amazing and loved king and then Dany will arrive and fuck everything up.
What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Emilia Clarkes acting this ep? Pretty kino in my op
>there are people right now on tv who support bad writing cause it anger's the feminists.
/pol/ ====>>>>>>>>>
Dat's right, I'm using MUH POL bogeyman nigger.
She's a woman
over emotional and crazy at the drop of a dime
this is why they shouldnt have power
>So she can rule through fear
This. I think the show did a poor job at conveying this for a number of reasons though, which is why so many people are upset. The previous couple of episodes were set up as a way to kill off a lot of her resources so the battle itself wasn't as certain anymore. They wanted tension and so that's what the audience focused on. Problem is, the battle itself was never really in question, despite having lost most of her forces and a dragon. The only conflict going on in her head was how she was going to make the people obey her instead of Jon. The only way to do that was now through fear. It is a complete reversal of her character but Targaryen madness has been established since the beginning. It's meant to be tragic.
Because of the shitty writing of the previous episodes, it seemed like the moment when she finally snapped and went mad was during the siege when the bells were tolling when in fact it was back at Dragonstone.
It was still a shitty episode for other reasons though. Clegane and Aria didn't need nearly as much screen time as they got and I'm not seeing how Jamie and Cersei's endings are any fucking good at all.
Also, when I was watching and she heard the bells ringing I got an impression of:
"Now that we've taken the city, despite your best efforts to kill us, and despite everything you (Cersei, this entire campaign) have taken from me, you want to surrender peacefully? No. You don't get off that easy. Fire and blood.
That's my super cool headcanon fanfiction monologue. Please like and subscribe.
A sane person wouldn't enjoy seeing their own brother burned to death with liquid gold in S1
Maybe because the win wasn’t satisfying? Maybe she wanted to inflict pain and death on the people who have been haunting and hunting her her entire life? Avenge the death of Missandei and her dragons?
Plenty of reasons
>Everything else has desperately been trying to ride the coattails of their success.
t. everything Hollywood since 1985
>use photo of meme president
>who never, ever, planed anything in his life
>who never, ever, decided anything with pure rational analysis
>a man child who thinks governing is twitter name calling
>a jew lover piece of shit
Go back to your shitty board, /pol/, no one likes you anywhere else.
she only said this line because tyrion convinced her not to sack the city and she still had some trust in others
the real issue is people still being mad about WW2 when there are far bigger issues in europe.
also SS parades> actual fag parades
>Maybe she wanted to inflict pain and death on the people who have been haunting and hunting her her entire life? Avenge the death of Missandei and her dragons?
And yet she let them all go so she could kill literally everything else instead.
This could have easily been conveyed with Jon claiming victory and all the soldiers cheering for him when Danny and her dragon did all the work. She'd gotten jealous and decided to make the city an example of it.
Dany kind of forgot about caring about her ancestral home. Genius writing.
both him and dany should have died in the convoy
Her move was kinda explained though.
Last episode (or some other earlier one) it was said that Cercei is using the civilians as shield because she "knew" Dany would not dare to kill the innocent.
Her going deliberately after the civilians before bothering with Cercei was her way to show Cercei that she has truly lost and her plan utterly failed.
Makes totally sense if you are insane i guess.
God-King Bran will fix things, just you wait.
Targ loyalists hang
go back roastie
>playing a game of Civ
Gandhi did nothing wrong
After watching it i'm actually considering to forgive them what they did to the entire storyline as well the battle against the undead.
Unless the writing tells them not to like when Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor
>Save star wars
Why? Its already fucked since Ep 7 came out. There's nothing to save
>Yea Forums now defending garbage writing because "LOL feminists BTFO!!!"
She could have married him though...
Jon has no interest in that any more
>literal scorched earth tactics
the show is retarded and not supposed to make sense since a long time ago
I actually haven't seen what feminists have said and I thought it was good but not great. Anyone who isnt a brainlet saw this coming.
Maybe. There are probably dozens of more satisfying ways they could have handled it but what happens next week might change that. To me, that long pause on her dragon almost almost made it feel like she didn't want to hear the bells toll because she was always going to torch the city. Because the victory had been won, it makes what she has to do that much more tragic.
Remember, if she's truly mad, her logic won't make sense to normal people. I just don't know if it would have been better to have her act more unhinged or if that's how the madness manifests itself- with them speaking and acting like they always do, just with a more violent drive.
women are very vengative and emotional and she is also inbreed so anything could really happen
>Missandei and Rhaegal = 9/11
>King's Landing = Middle East
>Mad Queen Daenarys = Amerika
>Jon Snow = Sane world
Should also include them sending Lenin back to Russia and basically ruining half of the planet.
Except for the fact that every Kraut deserves death
someones family sure got dirleganged
He's half Stark.
Dany is the product of a LONG line of incest.
That Stark DNA is a breath of fresh air, and is likely the reason he's so stable.
That, and he was already killed once for doing what he thought was right and being a good leader. That, I think, would really sober a man.
r/shitwehraboossay tier
It's been written into her character since the first page of her first chapter. If you didnt see this coming go try Star Wars, I think that's more your speed.
Danny going evil was fucking obvious but the way they did it was idiotic.
Varys was executed by Dany for turning heels on her
this. someone explain this to brainlet wymens
So much for the logical right
There's a shitload of other Greek islands. Thebes was razed to set an example for the likes of Athens and Sparta. It was a show of strength at a time when Alex was just a lilly babby ruler and he needed to demonstrate his resolve as a Macedonian "tyrant". There's only one red keep.
Also, bad writing? By whom? God?
Everyone with a brain saw it coming you retard it just wasn't well executed
Just let them burn star wars down the way the city burned
D&D said in the aftershow thing that Dany is isolated at the top with no advisors that she trusts, with absolute power, and how this is dangerous.
So literally Trump. They are making a point about Trump, clearly. So brave.
Even mentally unstable people have a reasoning all their own. Danny burned the city because bad writing.
>Varys is killed in the carnage.
Time to watch the episode again, lad
fucking your family members results into unhinged offspring, cleetus
Like 9/11
killing wypipo is NOT okay but killing black and brown is okay...cmon Yea Forums you are better than thing
>killing wypipo is NOT okay but killing black and brown is okay
Nobody said that faggot
Pretty solid post, desu.
However, I they totally rushed her becoming "mad" the way she was this last episode. The poorly written contrivance of the 8th season is what ruins it for me.
Don’t even watch but I love the idea of someone watching this an hour after putting little Kahleesi to bed
you are prolly the maker of this thread...asking why my queen would destroy wypipo
>thinks he can petition (((D&D))) out of a job
Probably what will happen in the books when Aegon Blackfyre takes the throne from Tommen.
>Realm loves him more than Dany
>His claim is better as ((Rhaegar's son))
>she loses her shit and invades rather than marry Aegon