So did he really have to kill all those Kingsguard whilst the Northmen and Dothraki raped and killed all those innocent King's Landing women and children? It's like they had to have the last black guy on the show nig out for some reason, hmm? Bravo DnD, but what exactly did you mean here?
Unsullied gunna unsully
he's not even black anymroe since they cut off his penis
It's to set up that he's an embittered vengeful fuck, just like Dany is.
This way it'll be easier to swallow when he dies like a bitch next episode.
Dis mio
Hmm so he can't even BLACKED anymore therefore he's not black? Hmm what did GRRM mean by this?
You really don't understand what it's like to be a non-incel don't you? There are people who are natural lieutenants, and for them following the orders of their leader is just as natural as your fear of speaking to women
They only showed a Northerner raping, can't show a brown person partaking in their favorite activity
But he killed intact white men who could still father white Westeros children but he took away their right just as the Esteros masters castrated him. So was it a revenge castration for his frustrations at losing Miss I'm Gay the translator?
Honestly I haven't watched this season, so I don't know lol
the last season just sapped my remaining interest since it was so mediocre
watch 8x5, all the other episodes were trash
Around Unsullied, never relax.
Dude I'm not even sure if I'm going to watch the next episode based on this episode. I think I'm done here with this series.
Autism at its finest
kind of hard tbqh, all the unsullied don't have dicks to rape and the dothraki were all riding people down on horseback and probably didn't want to get off
As GURM wrote "In Westeros never forget your Iron Bank tax, in Essos around the Unsullied never relax"
Naw they gave Cersei a happier death I doubt they'd kill this tumblr hero in a horrible and humiliating way.
Not sure what you're trying to project there bud since I talk to women just fine but speaking of incels isn't having no dick and doing horrible things on the order of your Yass Queen literally the definition of an incel? Hmm makes you think what D and D were going for since GW is black too?
Greyworm should be hanging from a noose after starting the slaughter of the surrendering King's Landing guard. No better than the Mountain and his crew during Tywin's rampage of King's Landing.
It's called loyalty to your leader. And by speaking to women I don't mean saying
>number 5 with large coke
I mean actually romantically talking to them
Cope and dilate tranny, seriously get help
did he start it? I thought Dany did, and killing surrendering guards is still marginally better than butchering infants before raping their mother and then killing her too
Yeah universally when the opposite army lays down their arms to surrender you don't invite yourself to needlessly slaughter them as a rule but what do you expect from former slaves, barbarians and refugees anyways?
>Far right wing man telling another man how a proper non-alpha man should act
>gets accused of being a tranny immediately
Unsullied rape with their pike
If they still had dicks, they'd be raping. Instead the North men who were held in check prior to that spear throw got to do the raping.
When he saw her trivially and wastefully start to torch mothers and children with her dragon he took it upon himself to murder the Knightsguard Captain for some reason, which made every other soldier to wig out obviously for their lives. He technically shouldn't have done that since Tyrion, Jon and Davos were the commanders and he disobeyed their order to stop fighting when the bells tolled btw.
I'm seeing a metaphor for never surrendering your guns while your nation is being browned.
The Hound killed the kingsguard. Chief Spearchucker only killed redcloaks.
What the fuck are you on about faggot? There's nothing alpha about anything you wrote with either implying Grey Worm obeying Dany is manly or accusing an user of being an incel isn't relevant to the show nor is it Chad advice so STFU with your Discord tactics you trannyfags aren't welcome here.
Sounds about right and most national armies would take that precaution as a rule.
And they were both as effective as red shirts really.
Also based off Dany and her dad and how terrible they were, shouldn't they kill the other Targ as a precation?
Let's be honest here it was conquered by estrogen so hence the name change
Doubt it as too much Norf FC.
Dany didn't order him to do that though. He just decided to drop all of his discipline in favor of his feefees.
Wait, are these like DeviantArt fanfic OCs, lol wtf?
Fuckin' MuhSandy set this all off
What does Dracarys mean anyways and why was that her last words? Unsullied Lives Matter? Therefore loot rape and pillage Westeros? I don't get it?
Don't be a pussy, finish what you began
Ahh man, I guess so