Get a job, zoomer. Working and having money to do things will cure your depression.
Get a job, zoomer. Working and having money to do things will cure your depression
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut the fuck up bastard you get paids millions to pretend to be a wagecuck
but my depression spawns from a lack of spirituality not material things
As the motto on the gates of Auschwitz declares: work sets you free
Name 666 things worth doing. Protip: you can't.
Working is for suckers who have no connections.
What about when global warming wipes out our entire species in the next few years
>apply to several jobs
>either ignore me or tell me im not what theyre looking for
I am just gonna stick with learning to draw so in the year 2025 i can draw pussy
No it won't. You're just making whatever assumptions about cause and effect are most convenient to mainstream society.
>get minimum wage job
>bust your ass 39 hours a week
>spend hundreds gas to/from work
>go out to bars on the weekend
>spend hundreds on drinks and things to impress other wageslaves
>remain broke, now have no free time and feel exhausted every day
Truly enriching.
Gen Y here. I do both, still unhappy.
here's a hot tip from an employer: if its a regular job, dont mention your education. you'll get a call easy
Go fuck yourself, you're not going to rope me into your retarded, fucked up, kiked system
Tried to fix his shit with as little butchering as possible
With a better choice of words you can esteem work ethic and optimism without having cock in your mouth
This image is either high quality bait or made by a genuine fucking moron lmao
found the seething wagecuck
Reminder that the FEDERAL RESERVE is the reason we're all wagecucks, not muh capitalism.
Why did you think the stock market bubble is so huge?
It's entirely pumped up with federal reserve money printing.
You can go choke on your capitalism fren.
this guy gets it
wagecucking is a trap, once you start earning, you’ll spend like crazy and nothing will ever satisfy you so u want more, bigger, better, so you’ll go back to your wagecuck job, put in more hours doing shit u dont like to buy things u dont like to impress people you dont like
>lean to code
>six figures starting
Why didn't you choose the easy way?
Why don't you faggots support free markets and abolishing central banking so we can finally escape wagecuckery?
> being against capitalism
Why do you want to be poor and work your entire life desu?
because I don't live in any of those countries
so the latter, then? genuinely can't tell
Either extreme is preferable to the middle ground where people try to manipulate and cheat each other with constantly changing rules.
>canada vs usa
Also, I know how to program. Doesn't mean shit as far as HR is concerned. You need a degree and/or experience, plus connections just to get a foot in the door.
Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.
Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.
The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.
Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.
Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.
It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.
Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead is going up.
Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.
Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.
Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.
Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking country would be disneyland or universal studios and people would barely have to work.
Why would you NOT support this unless you were a shill?
Do you want to explain in any further detail how you think that works
Funny thing is, I honestly can't even tell if you're talking about being a capitalism-cuck or a communism-cuck.
>implying they would ever allow a country to get out
I have money but there's nothing that I want. How do I cure this?
That's a list of things requiring further explanation, not an explanation. Do you actually think listing a dozen positive effects you believe would occur is the same as making a logical connection to their occurrence?
A free markets means prices actual fall all of the time while wages go up.
Why wouldn't you want a free market?
Everyone says this and thinks they're super clever and original, pathetic.
As long as you seeth at home and not in-front of Sheckleberg you'll probably be ok, wagedrones don't need opinions.
You'll never get that time back, wagie.
>Why wouldn't you want a free market?
Because I don't give a flying fuck out this clown world, or retard-filled society, maybe?
Point me to a country that has any realistic chance of doing it
this, go to the nearest drug store and buy as many painkillers and sleeping pills as you can afford, then take them all at once.
>Reminder that the FEDERAL RESERVE is the reason we're all wagecucks, not muh capitalism.
The federal reserve is privately owned and thus a symptom of capitalism (the bigger problem).
>have no job
>have no money to spend on enjoyment and fun
NEETs are a joke
I got a job and I'm making a lot of money now but i'm still autistic. what do?
>real capitalism has never been tried, the post
wew lad
Got over 15,000 alone in a lockbox next to my bed, try again wagecuck.
have sex
yeah that would be a good start
>be wagie
>work work work
>save money for holiday
>1 week of beach per year
>be neet
>go to the beach every day
it hasnt yet, mike
when does the depression end. I have money now and no time to use it
Good job lying on the internet. You impress nobody.
It's a "private" company granted a total government monopoly. It was created as an act of Congress. The problem here is the government.
A free market would mean all central banks are abolished.
Marx supported central banking, Keynes supported central banning, leftists love central banking.
Actually I'm saying real capitalism WAS tried and was incredibly successful.
>spend your youngest years working your ass off in hope of reaching retirement so you can enjoy life when you are old and frail
>why don't people like this?! such entitlement!
>be neet
>go to the beach every day
>can do nothing else that requires money
>A free markets means prices actual fall all of the time while wages go up.
I'm still waiting for wages to go up proportionate to the inflation of our currency. I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting forever. Free markets will solve nothing.
I'm just having a hard time believing that anyone could be so stupid as to not realise why it is necessarily a minority and a minority alone who are able to enjoy a work-free life (read: leech money from a welfare system provided to them by functioning members of society) in a capitalist system. And yet, here you folks are presenting it as if it is some credible alternative lifestyle choice, rather than something which would cripple the societies we live in if it became too prevalent. You're essentially being carried around. Now I know that it must take a lot to justify being such a waste of space, but I still have a hard time believing that this isn't just some well-crafted bait, because the alternative is just fucking hilarious
>Actually I'm saying real capitalism WAS tried and was incredibly successful.
Yeah the living conditions of the industrial revolution were truly inspiring. I pray everyday we can return to such great times.
This is the dumbest post I've ever fucking seen.
Kill yourself you unbelievably retarded idiot.
>why aren't wages going up to inflation
Maybe because of the fucking inflation. Holy fuck
A free market means DEFLATION you shit eating cuck
Obviously we don't have a free market right now.
It's not worth engaging these people to be quite honest
These workers had the highest wages in the world though.
Also child labor was finally being abolished around this time for the first time in human history thanks to free markets, it was truly amazing.
No thanks to government laws which came way later.
If we had a free market now wages would be much higher than they are today because we are much more economically productive.
The kids are smiling, though.
>be constantly stressed out and uncomfortable around other people
>haven't yet found any online work that doesn't isn't either a massive scam or less than 3rd world pay
I should have forced myself to like art in school and just started gitting gud at drawing with a pad so I could sell porn to fellow perverts on the internet.
i would work but the government won't let me do the job i want. they also deprive me of my rights. so fuck 'em. instead of blaming neets you should blame the governments that create them by meddling with the market and controlling peoples' actions
wasn't he handed everything though, he knew people and got in with a good tv deal, thats the only thing that evolved around his "hard work" ethic
The guy making the retarded child labor gilded age fallacy or the based economically literate libertarian?
What job do you want, user.
>not just making porn with source filmmaker or weird porn with poser
something to do with the gun industry
Cringe and fail.
enjoy getting robbed nigg
>tfw democracy should be abolished and replaced with a free market military dictatorship
Too bad we're not talking about your life, eh wagie?
"Something" to do with it? Do you want to design guns? Do you want to work in a gun store?
This one is dedicated to all the wagecucks in this thread who love making their bosses richer than they already are
but before that. those kid were just starved to death before they reached a working age
>he thinks 15,000 bongbucks is a lot of money
I work in law and make more taking a piss.
Yeah, because as you can probably tell (from nothing) my address is 123 fake street... retard.
Why would keep 15k in a toy box?
based neetbro, wagies over here be steamin
what does it matter? i'm not allowed to do either
That's just cash I have on hand, enjoy "working for the law" for pennies, faggot.
>posting smug pepes to hide his depression over knowing he's fucked once his money box runs out
And before that they lived happily in their huts hunting and drinking water from actually clean rivers (outdated concept)
>fake address for fake money
seems legit
Yes, I was just trying to ascertain whether your passion in life was any more developed and specific than "muh gun shooty shoot bang".
why? does my passion require your approval?
Got NEETbux too, so fuck you, enjoy wagecucking til you're decrepit.
I would if anyone would fucking hire me.
>phone interview leads nowhere
>in person interview leads nowhere
>third and final round interview leads nowhere
I gotta fucking threaten to burn their office down just to get feedback from them, fuck.
>youre overqualified
>you're too experienced
>no industry experience
>we're afraid you'll leave in three months
>we're afraid you'll leave in a year
>we don't think we can afford what you'd ask in salary negotiations
>we need someone who will retire in this role
>we need someone older
>we need someone younger
>we need someone who speaks spanish
And don't you dare say go get a part time job because there ain't any within driving distance and I can't move for a fucking part time minimum wage job because I can't fucking afford it. I have no bills right now, but I live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere.
>"I h-have le infinite money well"
>le ebin life was better before the industrial revolution fallacy
Oh it's got a fucking LOCK on it? Dude that's gonna keep those burglars right out if they come knocking. You'd need like a pair of bolt cutters or something to get through one of those are they're like $20
>Working will help you with X, Y, and even Z!
Biggest capitalist meme meant only to fill the pockets of the already-rich. Leech all you can while you can from these capitalist dogs.
That only works with people under 25. After that, people start to wonder what the hell you've been up to all these years and will ask when you show up for an interview.
>hiring manager
those who were lucky enough to have a family that can feed them were >happily in their huts hunting and drinking water from actually clean rivers
but the population boom chart says those unlucky got to live and give birth to mutt baby down the road
maybe this was a mistake after all?
but i fully agree with marx's argument against how capitalist use human bean as mear tools
It does if you want a real job.
Tax-paying citizens are the only reason leeches like you get welfare, so yes, you'd better hope so.
>>le ebin life was worse before the industrial revolution fallacy
This is one fundamental thing you people get wrong.
Taking over the means of production or simply taking all of the money from the capitalists won't actually benefit you whatsover.
The working class receives 99% of the end product of economic production(consumer goods and services)
The workers already receive what they put into the system. The capitalists only consume like 1% of all consumer goods.
If the workers took all of the capitalist's money and went to spend it, it would simply cause massive price increases because the supply of goods stays exactly the same. That or massive shortages if price controls are implemented.
The ONLY thing that increases living standards for the working class is increases in economic production.
The western world has been stagnating since the 1970s due to central banking and massive government spending and intervention.
This is why you are poor, not muh capitalism.
Re-evaluate your life and move on.
Oh! nice degree user, Im sure you spent a lot on that and stayed up tireless nights, but we need at least 5 years experience so im sorry you've been denied :^)
Nice selfie.
Whats that? I can almost here Shlomo Sheckleberg calling... so you have fun, won't you?
Any other hot tips?
>if you aren't spending all your time making money for someone else then you don't have a "real job"
You have the mind parasite
>why? does my passion require your approval?
You don't seem to have one. You said the reason you don't have a job is that the job you do want isn't available for you. I asked you what that was, and you were essentially unable to give me an answer beyond something vaguely involving guns. In other words, you don't really have a passion, and you clearly haven't thought very hard about finding work.
>your choice requires my approval
lol. stay mad then, wagecuck
>I had a bad job so everyone else must have bad jobs too
Nice projection.
Its a picture of your mother
People had to work 80 hour days just to survive you absolute brainlet.
If you hate technology so much so live in the forest.
Well, why are you still here? why aren't you having "fun" at your job?
You realize the free market is as much of a fantasy as a communist utopia right? It's impossible.
It would seriously be great if someone got him to pose with a sign saying that phrase. I doubt he’s familiar with it and would think it was awesome.
Apply to jobs constantly. All day. Just keep doing it. Only take breaks to shitpost and shit. Learn the keywords that will get you beyond the automated filter and those keywords are NOT what you're college's career counselor told you.
>you need words like "lead" and "implemented" and "directed"
No, they're retarded. You need the keywords for the position. So if you're a programmer you need to scatter those languages throughout your resume and cover letter. That'll get you beyond the automated filter.
But I have a job, it's just that I can't go to it for 3 months because I don't have my car for 3 months (driving suspension). Also, I don't care about money.
I know how you feel, man.
I can't wait for the next economic collapse.
nothing you said is accurate. you are deflecting because you don't have a sound argument. your sympathy for tyranny has been exposed. stay mad wagie
>you're a parasite
>t. entirely reliant on the generosity and kindness of others to survive
>I should get a job in guns without having any useful skills, talents, knowledge, or idea of what I can contribute to guns, just cuz I like them and muh fee-fees
NEETs are pathetic. You can't handle the real world so you hide from it and delude yourself into thinking you're "enlightened" for being failures.
>its impossible goyim
>just ignore it working amazingly well in the late 1800s in America and basically created the industrial revolution in this country
>why aren't you having "fun" at your job?
>hurrrrrrr anyone with a job only does that job 24/7
You are mentally retarded.
how do you know any of that? what a baseless assumption. you really do have a mind parasite
>nothing you said is accurate
>You said the reason you don't have a job is that the job you do want isn't available for you
>I asked you what that was, and you were essentially unable to give me an answer beyond something vaguely involving guns
Ok :^)
>"I'm not delusional! I'm enlightened and anyone who disagrees with me has a mind parasite!"
If you have so much spare time, use it to come up with better material.
>before you're allowed to work you must meet this list of criteria arbitrated entirely by me and conforming to my personal sensibilities
stay mad wagecuck
it was so close in december everything was tanking then Boom it all turned close
>how do you know any of that? what a baseless assumption. you really do have a mind parasite
Oh gee I sure am struggling to think of reasons why they might not want someone like yourself working with guns :^)
not an argument wagie. your contempt for freedom is visible to everyone here
Feed me more tears, NEETcuck.
who's "they"? your masters? your servility becomes more apparent with each post
>muh freedom
>exists as a parasite who can only survive by leeching off of actually free, productive people
NEETs are Communist dipshits. It all makes sense now.
you understand how hollow this rings given your entire financial reliance on "wagies" right
without them the "freedoms" you'd have would be largely relegated to starving to death in a ditch lmao
work smarter not harder
>slave worker who hates free markets calls others communists
the self-delusion is incredible
NEETs don't work smart or hard. They are parasites.
oh ok mike ill go pull myself up by my bootstraps and dig some coal while you larp as a tradesman on tv you fucking fag
I was vaguely referring to the people who wrote the intelligently drafted "let's probably not let that retard play with a shotgun" laws :^)
No tears wagebitch, only all this spare money, freetime, and peace.
>Working and having money to do things will cure your depression.
But I do have a job and still have a depression
>leeches off the work of others while contributing nothing
>"b-b-but I love capitalism! d-don't call me a Commie!"
You're a Commie dipshit and don't have the fortitude for the real world.
shitposting is hard work, you have to earn those (yous)s
aka your masters, whom you happily serve. stay mad, freedom-hating wagecuck
>My self diagnosed depression (aka I wasn't able to get over the existential crisis every other single human being does) doesn't allow me to work.
Please, please kill yourself, you're wasting everybody's resources and oxygen.
>only all this spare money
You have none.
So that is it, then. You are actually just too mentally deficient to be allowed near firearms. Amazing. Ok, have a nice day bud :^)
i inherited my own business and i work my dick off all the time & i have a shit ton of money, why do i fantasize about driving my car off a bridge on my way to work every day mike why
>wants the state to control others' lives and work
>"n-no you're the commie!!"
black is white. up is down. slavery is freedom
Holy NEETfag btfo
>free market banking
Define it.
Do you mean that every subject who wants to open a bank can do it without any requirements?
>The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available
This happens only if you increase productivity
>black is white. up is down. slavery is freedom
This is what you believe, yes.
see lern 2 read threads dumb-dumb.
>still doesn't get what freedom is
have a productive day, comrade!
Worked for me. Sometimes having a stability is all you need.
I work but im not content and hate keeps crawling up in the back of my head.
Now dont get me wrong, working is by far the best for me, but im really scared it wont be enough one day.
>state of that format
Holy shit NEETfags aren't even literate enough to shitpost correctly. Is this the power of """spare time"""?
if your job is so much fun, why doing something less fun (wasting away your life on Yea Forums)
>had to delete his post because he fucked up like he does at everything in life
That the best you got with your broke, wagebitch ass?
Read my post again you illiterate NEET.
Stay mad, stay...wagecucked
so instead of a wage slave
you are a Yea Forums-slave?
>gets exposed
>"h-heh heh, th-that the best you got?"
You're embarrassing yourself.
I never said that I don't work
lmao why are you so mad at a neet? go to bed, you gotta go make more money for Mr. Sheklebergstein
>all this """spare time""" and he can't come up with anything creative to shitpost with
No, I proved my point, I got money, you don't, you wagecuck (because you're a stupid faggot) and I don't
Score: I win!
lmao why are you so mad at based wageworkers? go to bed, you gotta rot your brain with vidya and beg mommy for tendies
>all these wagies trying to cope
I'm a wagie and still think you're all pathetic, why are you trying to defend being a literal slave?
Seeth moar
Jobs are cope. Play video games (on PC), do drugs, lift weights and pray for a war to die in.
>Do you mean that every subject who wants to open a bank can do it without any requirements?
Basically yes.
They're bound to contracts with other people and that's it.
They also cannot commit fraud(ie. creating money out of thin air).
>This happens only if you increase productivity
I agree but free markets allows for this to take place.
You must have rode the short bus to school.
But I also get to keep the money I made minus taxes
pretty based, minus the drugs part
fuck these stupid threads. its not Yea Forums related so fuck off. also, this.
>"trust me guys I'm totally a wagie I just hate wagies and love NEETs lmao"
lmao dumb nigg
>"y-you're salty"
Good projection.
You're fucking delusional if you'd rather be wagie than a NEET
You're fucking delusional if you think being a NEET over having a job is realistic.
>minus taxes
So that's what minus 30 to 60%? The absolute state of wagecucks.
>NEETard doesn't know how taxes work
Enjoy dying the second you can't live in your parents' home.
Didn't say anything about realism faggot
But when I'm at work for 10 hours a day, I'm not thinking about how nice it is I get to make more money for my boss, I'm thinking about how badly I wish I could never work again
Depends on your personality type. Speaking from experience, having no job, playing video games and masturbating all day, and not doing anything productive is awful for physical and mental health.
If you can be a productive NEET (work out, socialize, eat well, read a book) you're okay, but being a NEET makes the former easier and having a job makes you feel more fulfilled.
Still more than I'd get with NEETbucks, which means extra to spend on things I enjoy
So how much are they cutting of your cuck-cash then, faggot?
that's ok i'll live in government housing that you paid for :^)
>continues projecting
i don't have a bank account or CV/resume
Even if you tweak them some of these are just straight up complete lies:
1. if you actually won the greatest lottery of all time then you wouldn't even have to work and just be rich
3.Plenty of jobs are "bad" and are beneath you like prostitution
Enjoying going bankrupt and shooting yourselves after wasting 10+ years on vidya and anime instead of doing literally anything productive.
>working at some retail store for 11 bucks an hour is productive
enjoy paying for my funeral :^)
I'm trying, but its been one failure after the other, and now the gap between my last job and now is so large that no employer is going to be satisfied with the answer I give.
itt: bait poster responds to bait poster
place your bets on who will win, neetbucks accepted
I worked with my mom last so thankfully I can just keep extending my quit date until I get a job
Haven't worked since last summer
neet always wins
I had 26k when I quit my job 3 years ago.
I have 11k left. There isn't anything I really want to do with my money. The majority of the money I've spent has been walking down to the grocery store and buying neetchow. I don't even buy or play games. I regret buying a PS4, I've only ever used it for about 5 hours. I wanted to play FF15, but it was the worst game I've ever played.
The only thing I really like to do other than browse the internet and watch youtube is walk around. That costs nothing. Can't really think of anything that I'd want to spend money on. I'm not interested in fashion, and am too old even if I was. I hate restaurants. I hate socializing/anything public.
I spent a several thousand going to Japan, that was kind of fun. I just walked around for a couple of weeks, and went to a bunch of idol concerts, but I'm starting to be kind of old to go to Idol concerts so I don't know if I really want to go Japan again. I can just go walk around a city here if I really want to, there isn't really much of a difference outside of the train system and train stations everywhere, which are novel, but already saw that.
Just waiting for my parents to kick me out. I'll have to decide if I want to kill myself or actually work when they do. I can't stand working though, probably am just going to become a vagrant and walk around until I get killed or run out of money and blow my brains out.
i'm 21 and have never had a job before bros
the semester is almost over i need to get one for the summer but i don't know who will hire me
>Still more than I'd get with NEETbucks, which means extra to spend on things I enjoy
Too bad you can't buy time back, eh wagie?
Learn an instrument, or to draw/write/paint. An artistic hobby is very good for mental health, and it sounds like you need one.
Sure, but neither of us can buy back the time we're spending in this thread, yet here we are.
How do I get into writing? I've always to write a novel.
I agree that having structure, purpose and cash in one's life does wonders for your mental state. That being said, Mike is a fucking establishment shill basically telling the proles to take their crappy underpaid position and like it. He on the other hand is a theatrical actor and only has to do each crappy job for a week at most, which isn't enough time to learn how bad some jobs really are. Digging ditches for ten years affects you much more than getting dirt on your clothes.
>The only thing I really like to do other than browse the internet and watch youtube is walk around.
become a night security guard. this is 90% of they do lmao.
Start with just short stories you make for your own personal pleasure (show them to others or post them if you want feedback). Over time you will improve naturally, and the more reading you do the better your writing tends to be. Don't be afraid to copy writing styles from a favorite author, you'll eventually come into your own style. A quiet place to write is important too.
Beginning a story is the hardest part.
Ask Yea Forums or take a writing class.
Isn't there like a set of rules for writing? Just like how there are rules for painting and composing music (rules that can be broken though)
Ive been working since 18 and this is complete bullshit. Working has made me even more cynical
But I don't have to look at the clock all the time... tick,tock,tick,tock. Tick...Tock....
Definitely, and writing classes or just reading up online tends to give an idea of them. Still, practice makes perfect.
Fuck off, boomer. My country is in shambles.
40k people showed up on my neighborhood last month because of an ad claiming around 900 job openings. And that's just in my city. It's over for us.
This thread makes me feel so sad what the fuck man
Those can be fixed by tweaking though. The point was that it's a cosmic privilege to be born a human in a 1st world country like america, because it is. Even though it is overselling it because there are bigger winners. No one should have the slightest disappointment that they weren't born into a millionaire or billionaire family. They are astronomically rare.
I think it goes without saying that this pledge isn't talking about prostitution or drug dealing. People need to pick up garbage and flip burgers. If we're all too good to do that, it will not be done and the world will not function. People doing that are taking one for the team and deserve respect, not disrespect because it's at the bottom of the economic hierarchy.
Who's that? Bob odenkirk?
If only they were given the respect of a living wage
But taxation literally goes to neets who get welfare and autismbux
That's one my beefs with the pledge. It's ambiguous if you are an entitled millennial because you have standards on what you think compensation for work should be, or how shitty the operation is managed and how you are treated
Even if you don't go out you still have to spend money on food, internet, soap, toilet paper. How do you manage that?
t. eatern yuro
autismbux is actually really difficult to get and retain in the states. welfare is quite easy though, especially if you're not white. most NEETs i know just live off mom and dad.
This is me desu
*yawns and stretches*
Ahhh. How relaxing...oh, hello there little wagie, I didn't see you there! Have you enjoyed your little weekend free from labor? Well, I sure hope you did. Your free days are over now. Better get to bed soon! You know what they say: another day, another dollar.
And me? Oh, I'm just collecting my neetbux. My savings is over 55k now, I sleep in most of the day, and I don't have to worry about traffic, overtime, or wait for Friday to enjoy myself :^)
Work reaaaaally hard for me this week, okay? I've got checks to collect! Tick tock, wagecuck!
>never had a job
>some college, but never actually bothered to finish my degree
>no real qualifications to speak of
It's too late for me, isn't it?
your lack of what you call spirituality is a lack of meaning which you can gain through responsibility, the easiest way to gain responsibility is to get a job
dude just finish school lmao
blessed and vagrant-pilled