did DnD forget that King's Landing was built BY HER ANCESTORS? How can they actually write this shit? Would Dany really destroy everything like that?
Did DnD forget that King's Landing was built BY HER ANCESTORS? How can they actually write this shit...
incels have no logic behind their actions
Dany hasn’t had sex in a long time
dude she's crazy
No, they said that's exactly why she went nuts
It’s almost like crazy people have a tendency to make rash decisions without thought
Like when OP started this thread?
Did you forget that her father also wanted to burn it down?
women abandon logic when angry
it fits in with her character. she was trying to destroy the old world and start a new one. King's landing is symbolic of the old world and their power. obviously wasnt part of her original plan but she's nuts.
I don't think they effectively built up a progression from how we saw Dany, which was hotheaded and growing more vicious yes but not full blown Joffrey-tier insane, and how Aerys was when he did that.
I mean, come on. She was clearly moving in this direction, but the actual transition was neck breaking.
She's canonically a dumb whore.
Go ahead, seethe as much as you want. Dumb whores do dumb shit.
They acknowledged it in in the episode interview. Seeing tge usurped Targeryan architecture set her off flying into a rage.
she always said she was going to break the wheel.
she just never told us the "wheel" was every living soul in King's Landing
someone edit devil trigger over her rampage
You just didn't pay attention to all the clues. It was there all along
Lmao SEETHING redditor
I guess she really misses her pointless black translator.
She was mad that her nephew didn't want to kiss her, so she destroyed her own castle. Makes perfect sense.
That made no sense either. Bitch was from Naathe, the peaceful land. She wouldn't tell dany to burn everything with her dying breath
what do you mean they acknowledged it, you mean just because they give what you would call a reason for their obvious retarded it somehow becomes valid? What he says about that scene makes no sense what so ever. She sees the red keep and therefor goes against her entire storyarc for years and years?
She wouldnt just kill millions of innocents like that, it's completely and uterlly fucking stupid.
And why does the dragon EXPLODE buildings, what the fuck, even exploded the gate open. D&D really did destroy this series
It was damaged goods raped by Lannisters. Burn it all down and show what happens when you try to depose of Targeryans
meant to write retardation
Yes. Dany has always been a horny slut in need of a good fucking. You can't go two paragraphs in the books without Dany musing on Daario in bed or his good looks. It never ends. Somehow conversations about mundane topics will morph into Daario worship.
she doesn't want that shit anymore, she wishes she had stayed back in meeren banging pirates and shit
>I don't think they effectively built up a progression from how we saw Dany, which was hotheaded and growing more vicious
Maybe don't join the hype train on it's last season? If you missed this since season one then my god what the fuck have you been doing as your eyeballs watch this? Clearly not paying attention.
I always liked that. Gurm's good at making 15 year old Dany's inner thoughts pretty believable
yeah pretty sure fire doesn't just explode building like that
maybe if they made him 20 times bigger
They said it's a symbol of everything taken from here when she makes the decision to go postal.
>she wouldn't just kill millions of innocents
Oh you poor deluded showman.
i just fucking realized
she was with daario and just left and fucking forgot about him
Targs didnt build shit they made the Westerosi goyim build it.
when did dany ever talk about the pent-up anger inside? when did we see her weigh th pros and cons of ruling with fear as opposed to love. nothing was explored, nothing was explained. we're left to connect the fucking dots. piss poor storytelling.
>The people who watch this show are so dumb that they need the directors to explain the episode they just watched right after and even then they still dont get it
That part was to illustrate a 15yo going on puberty. She is almost in a daze between thinking about Daario's blue dick, the Harpies and her impending marriage.
Mad king was gonna blow up Kant’s landing too
She was always prone to snap. The only reason why she didn't was because of her ability to garner advisors that knew what the fuck they were doing by being pretty, young, and pale. The moment she actually lost her advisors (not counting Tyrion because he's a fucking idiot) she did exactly what she would have done from the beginning.
Uh...how about...HER ENTIRE ARC? The conversation she had with Jon right before? Theres lots of reasons to criticize the show but you're bringing up bottom of the barrel easy ones. This show, especially the last 4 seasons are so dumbed down you barely have to connect any dots.
She fucked the dragon though, thats why it finally got a clue and did something useful instead of dying
A female Joffrey.
she went fucking mad. the gene was there the whole time, it just took something to trigger it. the same exact thing happened with her father. how do all these people not get this
I saw the hints, I didn't see the development. If you think those are the same thing, you're a fucking plebe.
>She wouldn't tell dany to burn everything with her dying breath
But she did
>comparing killing her enemies with burning down civvies
>stuff she did the night before lolxd
What a fucking retard you are. Nothing in the last two episodes can count as properly developing an 8 season arc into the finale. You sound like an Aryafag.
They vaguely hinted at her potential to turn at some point down the line but they never developed her into a character that would go into a pointless mass murdering rampage just because it felt good to do.
she constantly tried to make brash decisions and was steered straight by her advisors
once all of her advisors died except Tyrion she had no one to check her awful ideas anymore
yeah 99% of the population is like that didn't you know?
And he openly acknowledges how unreasonable she's being.
>She wants fire, and Dorne sent her mud.
>You could make a poultice out of mud to cool a fever. You could plant seeds in mud and grow a crop to feed your children. Mud would nourish you, where fire would only consume you, but fools and children and young girls would choose fire every time.
Take DnD's cocks out of your mouth, you stupid shill. Wiping out millions of civilians after you've won the battle and achieved a surrender is not a "brash decision", it's an outright nose dive into the abyss of complete madness.
> Bitch was from Naathe, the peaceful land. She wouldn't tell dany to burn everything with her dying breath
Nah she realized the people of Westeros don't give a fuck about Dany after she heard the conversation Sansa and Tyrion were having in the Cypt.
She cares more about people disrespecting her queen than she does about her heritage.
joffery was actually kind of entertaining though
Dany is a white male
I think the real retard is the guy crying cause he missed 10 years worth of foreshadowing in a dumb show about dragons and ice zombies
This show truly has the worst fanbase of anything including bronies. I dont self insert into any character like you do you moron. The show has been HAMMERING the point that most of the level headed decisions she makes were thanks to her advisers, from the very beginning shes shown signs of being mad but Jorah or Missandei have always been there to take the edge off. You're an idiot and idiotic shows like these were made for you and yet you still struggle....
It's why they kept harping on the "coin toss".
>we haven't seen hers land yet
Guess it landed on crazy.
her ancestors tried to blow it up before A NUMBER OF TIMES for much less you fucking retard
sorry but we learn nothing about dany's inner struggles regarding rulership. we know she wants to rule and break the wheel. how does that square up with what she did? what did she think and feel between missandei's death and the attck on KL? we know nothing about what shoved her over the edge. we're left to guess.
what exactly do we know about her awful ideas? which ideas did she contemplate? which ideas did she dismiss? which ideas she was tempted by and why and how? did she see the other side of the coin?
the show does not explore anything of this but this is the crucial point in this tragedy. and it has become unequivocally a tragedy in the last episode.
tragedies are all about the audience learning how to avoid them. what are we learning here? that some people are evil by blood?
>Aerys tries to burn down King's Landing but gets KINGSLAYER'd
>His daughter burns down King's Landing
I'm sure they'll spend half of the next episode having John cry in her arms about it and she'll do plenty of explaining.
She has had no qualms with killing people for YEARS. She has the highest kill count of everyone in the show combined, even before tonight, you really think someone who has the power to command dragons and has burned many people alive, soldier or not, will have a hard time blurring the line between combatants and civies?
>we know nothing about what shoved her to th edge
How about the fact that her best friend died and everyone else doesnt trust her or even like her?
She literally gave her the go ahead to kill them all
>>I don't how to greentext
>tfw have sex is a real thing
Are you enjoying the Seething that was summoned, Brothers?
It's a dumb wwe meme. Grow up.
what does DnD mean? Dungeons and dragons?
it's not about whether her actions are plausible. it's about which lesson we the viewer can learn from her tragic downfall. so far I am not seeing any.
Destroy and Rebuild. What has been going on since the dawn of humanity.
Anyway shes had nothing but trouble since turning up in Westeros. No one likes her, or see's her as a saviour. She probably thought "Fuck these faggots, im going to burn them all and go back to Essos"
>did DnD forget that King's Landing was built BY HER ANCESTORS?
no, they mention it in the behind the episode segment after the episode
>would a woman destroy everything built by her ancestors because muh feels?
>did DnD forget that King's Landing was built BY HER ANCESTORS? How can they actually write this shit? Would Dany really destroy everything like that?
Hurr hurr why is the obviously crazy bitch not acting perfectly rational hurrrrr?
and again: that is the problem with the storytelling - we're left to guess. you can't do that with the central point of the tragedy. there needs to be something in for us beyond empty spectacle.
go back
fucking based
>we know nothing about what shoved her over the edge. we're left to guess.
It was her advisors reining her in the whole time. Then half of them died and then one of them plotting against her semi-openly, another one was a constant fuckup and her nephew booty call didn't listen to her.
have sex
>and again: that is the problem with the storytelling - we're left to guess.
Jon disobeyed her and then didn't give up the nephew cock, openly spurning her as a lover. Tyrion has done nothing but fuck up. Varys near openly plotted to dispose her. The rest of her advisors are dead. She couldn't even inspire loyalty from her closest advisors. How could she inspire loyalty from the realm?
In the earlier episodes nobody liked her at all. They don't want this foreigner coming in all of a sudden.
Go on, do your duty
Yes. In a single episode Dany your hero, your khaleesi brought more misery and death than Cersei and Joffrey combined.
What was the point of the wildfire? Was KL rigged to explode, but then it wasnt?
Aerys had caches of wildfire buried all around the city. It was basically just attention to detail more than anything else. They would've erupted under that sort of shitstorm
so that's it? a couple of months of troubles getting started turns you into a mass murderer? this is not satisfying for the audience to watch