>>>/infirmary/ edition
what do you think the infirmary is like?
do you think we get to see it next episode?
>>>/infirmary/ edition
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I’m sure it will be full of really smart and intelligent female nurses making all the men look like fools
go on
are we gonna actually see any of the real incidents of people melting?
Let’s hope so.
damn you see this guy he's got some fucking cool opinions bro so fucking cool. you how who's a free thinker? this guy.
stop feeding him you fucking retard
you dumb niggers are worse than him at this point
and their opinions are validated by their use of not only a name but a trip. Like reddit!
this is the /infirmary/ for sjw culture wars, complaining about accents, calling people names, complaining, and other metacritical commentary that isn't directly related to enjoyment and memes.
I want an all Ukranian version of this story that is just about some random Perestroika Kidz having fun while everything blows up off in the background.
should turn this into a meme
forgot pic
of fuck this guy is THE coolest
CHECK that fucking RAD name up there whateven does that say? WHO CARES? THIS GUY FUCKS.
Man that fucking supaaohahka'a !!waskdf;aksg guy sure is fucking dope. SHit I WISH I could SUCK THAT DICK gnome sang .
Aren't you the retard who said the nurse asking for iodine was proof of a SJW political agenda?
what the FUCK was his malfunction?
Radiation scrambled his brain, sent him back in time, and made him a sodomite
God is watching you, Vasily.
well I'll be HOT DAMNED IN SHIT IF IT ISNT that good old Supapoopascoopa !!Diarreadooker feller ONCE AGAIN being the first poster with some sjw active measures bait.
Listen! You did not see any graphite outside of the plant. Now get feedwater pumping into that reactor core stat!
is that on netflix or anything?
They'll all on Youtube anyway, even the DVD extras.
This is highly unothodox