ITT: Television shows that didn't fuck up their endings
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ITT: Television shows that didn't fuck up their endings
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The Shield.
Breaking Bad originally had a different ending that they scrapped when the Boston bombing happened.
They fucked things up by changing it, honestly. I think Walt was going to do some legit terrorist stuff.
BB's entire final season was a fuck up
breaking bad marathon goin rn on
Be aware
My niggas, sometimes I just rewatch the final episode because it's just so fuckkng good.
nigga please, s2 was shit
Breaking Bad actually did fuck up the ending though, it turned into cartoon shit
Sopranos was great though
>Bro, the cartels aren't the bad guys! It's actually the NEO NAZIS you gotta watch out for in New Mexico!
As someone who lives in the southwest, fuck this pussy shit.
No it fucking wasnt. Literally how else should the story have ended? Unless you wanted Walt to go full on evil
The last season of breaking bad is almost as bad as s8 of GOT
Breaking Bad's ending was awful.
This is how you end a show. The Shield is underrated as fuck. It's a better show overall than Sopranos or BrBa.
Twin Peaks
Mad Men
Nathan For You (beyond all expectations)
Young pope (so far)
You misread what I said, I didn't really give my opinion on whether or not the last season is good. Just that they literally changed it at the last minute.
The cartel was wiped out by Gus you retard
it's not over yet though
and i'll end it
Narcos Mexico is a different title but not a spin-off. There’s still room to fuck up in season 5.
Don't even try to reason, he wants to get mad because poor little fictional neo nazis got killed.
TNG had two endings; the real ending with Ensign Ro turning coat, and the official ending bookending the pilot episode.
Both were kino. Although I liked the Ro episode better.
Season 5 was where BB was got ridiculous but at least it was fun.
Yeah but the endings we already got were kino, and this last season will hopefully continue the trend
Impeccable taste, fpbp. Salut.
Parks and Recreation
You sound like the sort of faggot who doesn't even appreciate the fact that the Guild if Millers makes true Roman bread for True Romans.
>Ron enjoying a quiet and peaceful life as a park ranger
It is the perfect ending; everything closes, characters don't devolve and stays true from how the character were. 10/10 it delivered, simply as that.
Another great one. I was not ready for such feels with the last episodes
Sauce? I’d like to read what the ending was going to be
I liked him dying but honestly a bomb is a lot more believable than the rigged .50 and everyone getting hit
I thought Parks and Recs ending was way bad and corny.
sorry guys, ill start
Implying the cartel wasn't "owned" by Gus just because Vince was too pussy to portray cartels honestly.
Fictional is right. There are no Nazis in the southwest. Everyone here is a mutt. It's fucking nonsense.
Time for PTSD to a bunch of anons. Don't even need to post the name
>people unironically think BB ending was bad
Bb ending could have been better. But I didn’t hate it.
LOST's final episode was kino but the entire 6th season was full of missteps and shit that went nowhere and forgotten setups.
Six feet under
You know the location and ideology of everyone in a geographic area that spans about ~1200 miles?
Wanna go around again?
I thought Ahsoka telling the Jedi council to go fuck themselves was actually a really good finale. Yoda's trippy quest was interesting but it didn't really have the impact of Ahsoka walking away.
My name is Michael Weston, and I used to be a spy...
Autism: the post.
The Wire (only the last ep) last season was a downgrade
Whats with stupid fucking Yea Forums posters wanting to be contrarians with every fucking thing?
The BrBa ending was perfect. Objectively.
We Are Lost
Jessie was a shithead the whole show and didn’t deserve his freedom
Wrong. The final season of the Wire, while not awful, was no where near the standards of the previous seasons. It was a rush job.
Viva la Bam wasn't THAT good
The Hal's dream ending?
Did anything happen in that crap? After watching it I have never again being able to watch tv and following shows like I used to.
> Walter, whose forte is chemistry, suddenly knows robotics
Come on, you have to admit that was left field regardless of how hilarious it was.
I'll start
God what a great ending
I fucking love you
thanks for the kek
>multiple people posting Lost
>ignoring how much of a travesty and disappointment the rest of the season was
Pls Damon redo it :(
> GJTBerry lives to 100 years old
> They remembered the episode where that was his wish
I thought so
I said the final season as a whole was a downgrade.
Rewatch it, it's actually good when you let go of the mysteries
I watched the last episode of Community recently for the first time since it aired and it was better than you’d think.
Initially I didn’t like the fact that Frankie (Paget Brewster) was there the whole time but it kind of made sense.
They would never all stay together, but Jeff has learned to actually connect with people and can be happy with Britta, Frankie and the Dean.
And Annie leaving at least solves the fact that it’s ridiculous her life wouldn’t go anywhere.
Dan Harmon is still a terrible show runner though and thinks if he has characters point out how stupid and unlikeable bad storylines are that somehow makes them okay. And fuck Chang.
This is a great answer.
Oh man, I completely forgot about that show. It was fucking great!
>when everything about making it behind the scenes had them terrified it was going to be an absolute shit show of shameful proportions, turned out to be known as one of the most heart wrenching and beautiful depictions of the tragedy of the ww1 that still gets used in schools to this day.
I thought The Wire salvaged a pretty mediocre final season with a great last episode
Justified ending was the best I've ever seen.
Honestly I think the shield overall is the best most complete shows I’ve seen. Nothing felt rushed and the ending is exactly as the creator wanted it from the start. Most other shows stumble in later seasons or totally fuck the ending up.
>mad men
Finding inspiration inn a hippy commune was a pretty lame ending,desu senpai
cartoon villain tier. le edgy quickdraw boy
Pic not related I assume.
Star Trek The Next Generation
actual kino
Gus should have been the final villain, his death came on way too soon.
>Horatio Hornblower
>Penny Dreadful
Buffy's ending was passable, but Angel's was 10/10.
Breaking Bad should have ended with "I won"
>let go of the cliffhangers they wrote with no idea how to resolve them
>the absolutely pointless temple arc
>confusing and pointless resurrection
>mediocre man in black anticlimax
>Jack's epic jumping punch
I think Blackadder Goes Forth has the best ending of any show I've ever seen. There are lots of shows that go out with a great episode but I can't think of another where the last episode is on the whole the strongest in the series and where the last scene is the best thing they ever did.
I respect the hell out of them for having the balls to do it.
This makes me wonder what it will be like when I finally sell my childhood home.
Pablo's death was pretty great as well as those last couple episodes with him somewhat accepting his fate, they should have just ended the series there since the acting will never be that good again.
I think this is like people saying The Sopranos ending is bad because it was unclear.
If you take it at face value it’s terrible. It’s just Don finds Nirvana and solves his problems.
Really he’s just going to go back to New York having made marginal, if any, progress on himself. Just like with his absence in Season 2.
The point of the ending is Don observed all this free thinking, love yourself and others stuff at the hippie retreat, and instead of absorbing it, he used it and made the really famous coca-cola ad. He’ll go back to McCann and make that.
He’ll be really absorbed in his work for a while and be happy until his next crisis, when he’ll repeat the process because that’s what Don does.
The show is just a snapshot of the characters lives.
The nazis thing in the last season was pathetic, the only background on them was they were neo nazis, you never learned how powerful or cut throat they were, they were just cardboard bad guys because the writers were lazy
It's not a shonen anime you fucking tard. It's not about the next antagonist being worse than the last, just that in the drug market there WILL always be a next person to fill the power void.
Fuck this ending. It's a big nothing burger masquerading as high art.
>hate the newer seasons post-cancellation
>absolutely love this as the series finale
This one was really touching
I choose this as the canon series finale in my head along with the final episode of Trailer Park Boys' sixth season.
I'm not sure it was really lazy so much as they didn't want to devote the time to develop the villains because they wanted to focus on Walt and Jessie and develop Walt really becoming a true villain.
I like the way that Walt goes down but I do agree that it would have had more impact if he'd been put up against a villain that you gave a fuck about. I don't remember any of those fuckers names, and I didn't even remember they were Nazis till you mentioned it, they were that forgetabble.
You're right. But, I was wanting some character development.not a return to form for Don.
Why no one mentions person of interest?
t. retard
It was the perfect way to end the series and it's one of the few times an open ended ending can really work well for any interpretation (be it Tony getting whacked, living the rest of his life in paranoia, getting busted by the feds, etc).
Cause this.
Agreed, keeping in Gus til at least the final few episodes would have been much more satisfying to have Walt declare all-out war on him and the cartel.
nothin comfier than this
the whole last season of Breakfast Bad was shit
I think the point was to show the folly of Walts hubris. Sure he could pull off a plot to kill gus, but only after months of getting close to him. Without the protection or ease of Gus's operation Walts had to deal with the criminal worl on his own and it ended up destroying him. The nazis are more a plotb device than actual characters.
You are correct here. Don had no character development after Season 1. In Season 1, he decided not to run out on Betty and the kids and stick things out, unlike what he did when he joined the army, and again when he deserted from the Army. After that he arguably makes no progress for the rest of the series.
Although he does make basic changes that anyone would in a ten year period. He becomes a bit more tolerant and easygoing. I can’t imagine 1960 Don letting people smoke pot in the office or putting up with Meredith’s shit.
And he does at least recognize the cause and pattern of his mistakes, even if he doesn't fix them. Plus there’s always the off-chance Betty’s death might make him a less-shitty father although he’s probably out of chances with Sally.
>"You did not desert me, my brothers in arms"
They kill hank, torture the shit out of Jessie, and end up being the people Walt takes out with his last day, but they have no development as characters. They are video game tier antagonists
Also I forgot to mention, Betty’s cancer gives him the perfect excuse to stroll into McCann and give a bullshit speech to secure his position.
at least the deaths in the final season and real impact. I felt nothing for anyone that died this season on GoT even if they were characters I like. Show ruined.
I don't think that. Taking down Gus was a necessary step for Walt taking his mantle and becoming the antagonist.
I just wish that they'd left someone from the cartel alive who had some character development going into the last season and could have been a serious threat to Walt.
they were introduced because the writers couldn’t find a way to tie things together with the characters they had remaining.
If you don't count the spinoff
crossing my fingers
>masquerading as high-art
That’s what you say about everything that you don’t understand the first time, right user?
>being with a deprecated roastie forever is nice
The director himself said that it wasn't meant to mean anything.
There's Nazis in every American shithole with white people.
The ending meant “Fuck off” to the audience. That was the best part of it. Plus literally everything else about the final season being kino
Uber elite tier
Just contrarianfags. Ignore these cocksuckers.
Everything after the first season was a fuck up.
>season 9
i know it hurts user but...
Aryan Union members tend to be mutts who classify as white by prison standards.
Shame about the sequel.
I hate this show. Such in poor taste.
Mad Men's ending wasn't perfect. They ruined Peggy at the end. Everything else was pretty dope.
S3's ending was fucking great though. Shame S4 had those stupid CGI robots.
>literally not what david said at all
why lie when you can google anything? you must be retarded. Godspeed
Bravo Lynch
The more time passes, a better ending this becomes.
I was never mad to a tv show until that clusterfuck of a final season + ending. S3 was great tho.
Arrested Development. Despite being cut short to only three seasons, it wrapped up everything nicely.
>TNG had two endings; the real ending with Ensign Ro turning coat, and the official ending bookending the pilot episode.
>Both were kino. Although I liked the Ro episode better.
Three endings. The two you mentioned, plus the third, final, and real-est "ending" that is All Good Things... but reshoots the future scenes using the actors their actual age now and kicks-off a new series featuring the Enterprise-Dand invalidates all the shitty TNG movies. This ending has yet to be made.
>everything I did...
>I swear to god if you say it was for the family one more
>it was for me
Was kino.
Based. Still my favorite TV ending
But he's correct. A simple google search reveals all.
I love how they added it because brainlets watching the show seriously might not have picked up on it. It’s like them adding the flashback to the end of the penultimate episode of The Sopranos.
Confirmed as the last season?
I couldn't hold back the tears when I first saw this. Best redemption arc in an animated series.
Yeah the original AD ending was actually really good. It’s funny that a show that provided actual closure is the one that got memed from the dead.
these digits do not lie.
Also the monitored phone call between Skyler and Walt where he tries to save her from blame. One of the few moments of the show they don't underestimate the audience.
Directors, artists and creators also have a tendency to lie during interviews because why the fuck would they reveal anything when their creation speaks for itself. His favorite director is fucking Stanley Kubrick, someone who would constantly lie. David Chase even fucking lied about his mother being like Livia. He says he did it for the press and that his mother was great company and just had hilarious stories about her, and is as selfish as any other old person
To be fair none of the neo nazis said anything particular nazi-like. You hear more extreme shit on here.
>the phone call
Cranston's best scene right there
Curb your Enthusiasm
Deep Space Nine
I thought Stargate's Ark of Truth ending was pretty good.
>chicken out on death ending
>do literally nothing but cut the end off
I don't like what they do with the Ferengi. The Dominion war and Sisko's arc gets resolved pretty well but the Ferengi end up turning into the Federation Lite with a chump as Grand Nagus.
I used to be like you, but what changed my mind is...everything we see is from the POV of Tony. We are Tony. The Fade to black means his eyes close.
Still, they have to have Saul explain the call to the audience when they are in the vacuum repair shop basement as though a third person (the viewer) was in the room.
Should have ended two seasons earlier. As much as I liked Ben Browder and Claudia Black, I could give a fuck about the Ori.
Ed Ed and Eddie
We honestly don’t even know if they’re hardcore Nazis. It’s probably not a stretch to say that Uncle Jack’s tattoos were just to help him get by in prison.
I would like another show that had the same cleverness and attention to detail AD had.
I really think this is one of the best TV shows of all time. One of the best endings too.
Real life AB was formed to protect themselves from Black gangs. It's possible some join even if they don't care about White supremecism.
>imagine being such a negative iq, pea-brained pleb that you think breaking bad's ending wasn't excellent
you niggers will stop at nothing to be edgy contrarians
It’s funny, despite everyone complaining about it getting a raw deal in it original run, it really was much funnier watching it a few years later on Netflix.
I watched it on Fox and it wasn’t as funny with a lot of time between episodes. Especially when network tv takes multiple weeks off for playoffs and Christmas.
Fuck that hit me in the feels. The most kino cartoon of all time (other than King of the Hill, which is technically the best anime)
The scene where Lorne executes Lindsey in cold blood still gives me chills.
I fucking love TNG so much.. I wish it kept going.
>no one mentions the perfect office ending.
The scene with Erin and her parents was so bad
pure kino from start to finish
That wasn't even the last aired episode lmao.
> Throw Andy's character development in the trash
> Nellie gets away with everything because she is the writer's pet
8/10 at best.
Goodbye Harold.
Fuck you, it was on television.
>Toby ends alone, without friends
Goddamn he really was the Scranton Strangler, wasn't he? Was this the writers' way of delivering him karma without tipping their hand?
St. Elsewhere.
it canonically is though
no fucking way dude.
>it's all a big nothing
For a sitcom this show managed to be pretty damn consistent.
With a black cast as well, impressive.
Acting didn't mean shit because the guy was speaking with a shit Brazilian Portuguese accent. Couldn't even bother to change it.
You fucking faggot post a link or stfu and gtfo
The breaking bad ending was terrible.
How could Walt possibly know that they were all going to stand in a group approximately 20 feet from his car in perfect range of his garage door m60?
What if they stood over the instead?
What if they made him leave his car somewhere else?
It was retarded.
He usually cooked up plans that were for the most part water tight. A scenario wherein he controlled the situation, or a scenario wherein he could predict what the person being manipulated would do.
The last season was none of that. It was just an unending sequence of unknowable uncontrollable situations. And maybe that was meant to show him unraveling but it was just poorly executed all around.
Malcolm in the Middle was also consistently funny, I don't think I ever considered an episode to be unfunny. The ending though is contentious for a reason.
Yeah, wish it had more than 2 seasons.
Six Feet Under
Yeah, I can't believe they molested Dewey.
Should've kept the machine in robot-voice mode imo. It made it more robotic, which was kinda the whole point. It wasn't just "a human but in a machine", it was an entirely alien entity. "Can you hear me?", would've been a great closing line for the machine, or perhaps a goodbye to one of the main characters.
Good lord, I wasn't expecting that ending.