>never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones
>coming to Yea Forums seeing all these GOT posts bitching about it
i can't be the only one can I? get in the bunker thread RIGHT NOW.
Never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck got
LOST is still the king baby
>never seen a single episode of game of thrones
Lol, the image you posted made me think otherwise
Cringe. Even worse than got desu
Lost even lost the contest for worst ending to a show ever to GoT :)
>never watched GoT
>lurk GoT outrage threads
>never watched nuWars
>lurk nuWars outrage threads
>never watch Capeshit
>lurk capeshit outrage threads
Stay pleb and brainlet.
Also jelly.
Same I saw people butthurt about it on twitter and immediately came here to shitpost
who here /family guy/?
I watched the first season and a few episodes after that, I can't get how men still watch this soap opera with dragons n magic n shieet. Its fucking embarrassing.
Funny how that eye gouge happened in today's Game of Thrones.
>this story with actual character arcs is as bad as a fantasy show where all the character are totes random 14 year olds who do shit cause lol random im cute lmao!
Same. Kiss me bro
This is insane. It is worse than star wars spam wtf
based 25 year old doomer taste
just wait until next week, newfrog
you're not going to be able to browse this board until at least july
Don't worry user, next week is the last episode.
Just one week more until we are free from the redditors.
is it the season finale?
>its embarrassing
To you maybe, everyone else has agreed this is okay to watch and enjoy.
That's not a doomer show at all, retard. Don't lump in something nice with your bullshit.
i'm talking about the 2000s era in general
Series finale and if it's anything like when LOST and Breaking Bad ended this place is going to be a complete and utter shitshow
please don't even mention that here. you will make them self aware. I don't want self aware redditors. im already suffering from stage 4 cancer I don't need any more puns.
>GOT is almost over and the intense spamming will finally go away forever
Thank goodness.
Well its not worth watching now. Shit last season to what was a good show.
as mediocre as BB was it had a perfect ending to conclude that character arc. it wasn't subversive for the sake of it. it could have been better but it was far from bad. despite the show being overrated.
You're a loser if you don't like Game of Thrones. Sorry, sweetie, but them's the brakes.
I'll never watch it tbqhf, but I really need to start with the Sopranos. Heard a lotta good things.
>implying a female would understand LOST or wouldn’t parrot what normies say
Finale for the show.
One week more and these obnoxious faggots will be gone forever, and since the ending is guaranteed to be a piece of crap, it won't have any hold or relevance in the future.
Based OP, I thought I was losing my mind. Why the fuck do people watch that show?
but won't a bad ending just cause even more GOTposting over lamenting the ending and wanting it rewritten?
Yeah, we're almost free from the GoT threads. Now we can go back to discussing capeshit and disney flicks
Get out of this thread and go watch Sopranos before someone spoils it for you
Was looking for this post
>Yea Forums hates Capeshit
>Yea Forums hates GoT
>yet both of them dominate the catalog at any given time
>inb4 "Yea Forums is one person"
i always try to watch it but im poor and can't find it online for free
I was disappointed in Lost and there's no fucking way that's true
So I used to watch Game of Thrones.
Theme song is pretty good.
Dwarf man was funny.
Then they had that scene where the two gay guys are sucking and fucking for like half the whole episode.
Never went back.
Yea Forums loves memes, nothing more
No, it'll be the classic sperg out, and, due to how trash it was, the moment discussion dies, it will die forever.
It won't be like LOTR which still gets discussed and gets threads even today.
yes. just sage and move on
It's the background noise. The thing I don't care about that normies care about. This used to be Harry Potter a few years earlier.
Is this your first day on the internet
The last sane man, but I was like you all once. Eventually the flavors begin to show they are all the same, and become tasteless.
I've also never seen GOT, based user. Fuck GOT shitting up Yea Forums's already shitty catalog more than usual.
i should clarify that i can't find an episode online without it buffering 24/7
>lol the bunker thread
its like the smell of fat virgins outside the bunker walls
You love spamming memes, quit projecting. Yea Forums is a bunch of fags trying t make the newest trend or troll some sad sod.
Mandi wahin banayenge
This needs to be pinned as s reminder to everyone kek
never watched an episode of GoT but i have saved some webms from GoT threads on /gif/
Big Pussy (OUR PUSSY?!?) is a rat who gets executed. Same with Adriana. Chrissy dies by Tony’s literal hand. Leonardo does. Tony B dies. BASED Ralphie dies. Silvio ends up in a coma.
Thankfully, Tony does not :)
I have absolute shit internet and can stream reliably on levidia dot ch, but why not just torrent it?
Now why would you do that
This is unironically what happened this episode.
Because it’s been like 20 fucking years
As far as I'm concerned anyone who spams this gay shit deserves a horrific death.
We have a lot of tourists.
I'm watching End of Days currently. Was it Arnold's last kino? What happened to him
I don't watch GoT, can someone explain what the fuck people are so mad about?
Sounds like this place is like your mom's room then
>have never watched Game of Thrones
>read Wikipedia summaries of the episodes
>reply to GoTfags with my poor understanding of the material to make them seethe
Any kinos for this feel?
Sick burn bruv. Dont forget to post the screenshot on r/Yea Forums.
id like to know what they're talking about but i dont want to watch 10 seasons to catch up
Reddit has ruined any chance at humour on this site and I hate them for it
>yet another fine pepe for my collection
Hey im just going off 2011 ifunny memes about that boy king being hated a lot so youre doing better than me
Clean it up, janny. Jesus fucking Christ. At least this shitshow is ending.
Don't worry, only another twelve months until Westworld season 3 and Dolores the hysterical cunt punishing all those mean humans for assuming robots don't have feelings.
you're doing god's work user
>GoT is finally done
>after Spider-Man and a handful of capeshit flicks are in theatres, nobody will actually care about the MCU anymore
>Star Wars (or at least the main trilogy) is going to be done after this year
we're going back to comfy Yea Forums lads
Maybe if we get really lucky 2020 will be the big Hollywood crash they've been trying to stave off for years by turning capeshit and YA adaptations into the 21st-century equivalent of disaster movies and sword-and-sandals epics.
Why are there so many newfags on Yea Forums? the same thing happened in 2017 and every single year before since 2011
what brought in so many new users in 2018?
>alita spam
I'd rather be on /pol/ at the moment.
stopped watching after season 5, i must admit though i love watching this shit show crash and burn
literally me
>this armor isnt realistic at all!
>their costumes look like shit
>these fight scenes are not realistic
>terrible battle tactics, not at all realistic
If thats the only reason you have to hate them then you haven't met the worst ones yet.
Hopefully we get more ancient Greece amd Rome movies.
I honestly don't remember (though it could be because I have a shit memory) GoTfags being this bad. Even last year, besides CIA dying, they stuck to their containment threads. Now they start new gay threads every time they want to post something
Za za ZIIIIINNNNG. But for real my mom gets as much action as I do.
Get aboard the Game of Trains or get out of the way. This series has been the biggest television phenomenon in a long time.
same here, never seen it, not even 5 minutes of it.
I watch movies and never really bother with TV series
>the biggest television phenomenon
I'm glad /ourguys/ are here to ruin it then
>BTFOs redditors
>BTFOs /got/ redditors
>BTFOs normalfags
>BTFOs YAAAAAAAAS QUEENS who wanted Emilia Clarke to win
how do they do it?
They're Jews. They're unpredictable.
fuck GoT
its so boring
couldn't get into it, now normies are sperging out and suiciding or whatever because some bitch burned some cottages with dragons or whatever
>besides CIA dying
>predictable tweests are unpredictable
If everyone went to the General to post, the threads would hit bump limit in 15 minutes. Not even joking, this happened back in like season 5-6
At that point, people will be responding to comments in one thread from another thread that hit bump limit
>they stuck to their containment threads.
Because they're forced to by the mods and even get banned from being made after a while
>Now they start new gay threads every time they want to post something
This has been happening for years the mods only enforced them to stay in one thread when they pushed general culture here
Make a thread with no bump limit duh
bumping this thread because fuck GoT and fuck the jannies
That would require mods being useful
>GoT is almost done
we're close lads
All I know is that show is the ultimate redditcore. Seeing it crash and burn has been entertaining.