Incel rise up

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>Leaks show that an socially inept, crippled incel will be the ruler.
Incels just keep winning.

>hiptiece journalist writes dishonest article

Imagine my shock. Fuck Daenerys. Stannis is the one true king, and always will be.

but she had sex

Shhh. Words no longer have meaning.

imagine blogging about the movements and gatherings of incels

incels aren't always perma-virgins. You get laid in high school then go through a decade plus dry spell

She literally burnt Kings landing to the ground because Jon wouldn't fuck her. She's the ultimate incel

Jared "my wife's son" Holt

Your virginity grows back after a while

have sex incel

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do journalists do nothing but browse chan boards all day?

>somethings happens
>immediately see how "incels" react
rent free

>n-n-no Im an incel too!
Kill yourself.

>jared holt

She didn’t this episode, and look what happened.

yeah but the number of people she killed that have had sex greatly outnumber the number of times shed had sex

>tfw no crazy femcel gf


Like Stephen Hawking? Or maybe all those terribly wounded soldiers from Iraq? How about people born with disabilities? People with incurable mental issues? Those incels?

>feminists stuck with children named after the character that is now a MGTOW and /pol/fag icon

I can't hear you through the bells.

Hawking had sex

Boxxy is still our Queen, but Danny aka /ourgirl/ is an ally.

Haha, little Dany.

>incel community

how horrid this idea

your only actual ally, pol, is your jack-off hand

Yeah and you see how that turned out. One time in the pussy and he was turned into a cyborg head of lettuce with Microsoft Sam at the wheel.

That's why I'm incel.

i sometimes like to imagine that a randomly-picked (You) calling me a faggot and telling me to go kys is actually female

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There are tens of thousands on their own forums.


What's dishonest? Incels right here in Yea Forums are already doing it.

its celibacy retard not virginity retard.

Sounds like a pretty good job to me. I'd love to to get paid to browse this site and write an article about whatever bullshit people up to once in a while.

>read a joke post on reddit or Yea Forums
>report it as news

Never realized what kind of power we had.

a mcjob pays better

>white woman brings in a horde of refugees and burns down the Western civilization
Where do the incels come in?

But you'll never harness it you lazy fuck.

Khaleesi Sheikh Mohammed!

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They're the biggest threat to western civilization?

Nah, if they were dangerous, they'd actually be getting laid. Women love dangerous men.

Kek. Worst than a janny.

She's proof that women can't handle rejection

It literally fucking does.

>It's such an injustice

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No it doesn’t fuck off normie.

>On the day of retribution, I am going to enter the Red Keep and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blond Lannister I see inside there. All those smallfolk I've desired so much. They have all rejected me and looked down on me as an inferior woman if I ever made a suggestion to liberate them, while they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes.

>I take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you., You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one, the true alpha female. [laughs] Yes, after I have annihilated every single Lannister in the Red Keep, I'll take to the Flea Bottom and slay every single person I see there. All those popular lords who live such lives of hedonistic pleasure while I've had to rot in loneliness all these years. They all look down upon me every time I tried to join them, they've all treated me like a mouse.

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>people complain about a show you like
>you complain about a tv show people are liking
These people are as bad as the /pol/tards that always whine about "Da Jooooz".

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>grammar error in headline
do they farm these clickbait articles to pooland and just put a white person's picture next to it?

I hated this cunt for years now I love her

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Fuck Dany.
And fuck reddit.
(yes seriously)

remember fellow clowns, the pathway to social dominance occurs through culture.

the only way to subvert a culture is to control the language. keep them busy, make them play to our tune. steal their precious icons and symbols.

honk honk

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Is the first one filthy frank?

>spurned adances means you never had sex

>decade plus
oh my god im not even halfway through this


Based Post.

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Shut the fuck up, Jared

>incels use Dany, friend of negros, who razes a city of civilians because her niggress friend got the dead

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it's 4d chess user, activate your almonds

Incel means "(In)voluntary (Cel)ibate" which if you can't figure it out, means someone that doesn't get sex when they want, hence involuntary. She wanted sex, she didn't get it, and then she just burned it all. Classic incel.

>tfw you have slayer jawline but you're still an incel

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