They did a decent job of making me feel somewhat sympathetic toward Dany this season, now I can't wait to see this cunt get killed by Jon.
They did a decent job of making me feel somewhat sympathetic toward Dany this season...
God I want to run my hands up her thick thighs and squeeze her luscious ass
implying this photo is real fuck you
Where's the unphotoshoped version?
its shooped
what Tekken character is this?
kys fatfag
no it's not lol
I know but I'm still gonna dream
>no it's not lol
>all these niggers who think this is a shoop
fresh off the boat, huh?
Good edit, keep them coming
You shopped it to make it look like she has no ass because you're a pathetic fucking incel
can i get on with the legs shopped but the arms same as the original?
asking for a friend.
Would still lick thighs and rub butt
You will never ever ever smell Chloe's feet. How does that make you feel? Never sniffing those toes?
Took a bit of work but here you go
tfw I will never play Chloe's cheeks like a set of bongos with my fat cock.
she does have pretty cute feet not even lying
that's awesome.
could you give her a fatter, fuller butt in this pic?
(not same guy btw)
>Those cute fucking glasses as well
just needed to tone down the sizing half as much to make it perfect
She does has amazing candy feet.
rub thighs
lick butt
Stick cock in between thighs
Sniff asshole
literally seconding this
thread is now thicc chloe thread
i dont have many pics of her feet guess ill DL some tonight
She has a cute ass regardless and I'd love to sniff it and kiss her asshole.