What the FUCK was her problem?
What the FUCK was her problem?
No sex.
She didn't get Nephew dick.
Anglo poo genetics and reddit fangirls
she was on her period
Women operate on emotions :)
so what did varys see in her that we as viewers didnt, because they didnt really fleshout her insanity
Mother's Day.
It's pretty clear she snapped when Jon wouldn't fuck her
She wants the D but jon is not into incest
Spent all night on Yea Forums reading threads about her and didn't have sex
must have been that time of the month
bad writing
those stupid bells just kept on chiming
she had to LARP as Brie Larson for 80 minutes
It's genetic
>”Fear it is then”
>brainlets complain they couldn’t see it coming that she’d burn everything down after Cersei killed her dragon and pretty slave lady
She was denied sex so she went full incel
incest madness gene
Unironically this
not enough sex
Mental illness.
Honest answer?
After a while you just stop giving a fuck and leave no loose ends. I kinda get where Dany was coming from.
Jon turned her into an incel
Why are people calling her insane. She dis what she needed to do. Like rulers never razed a city they conquered
>Tonight I'll enter the hottest keep in kings landing and slaughter every spoiled lannister slut I find.
Women don't need logic, they have emotion
Cause a character like Jon is driven by logic, right?
she became /ourfemcel/
>Can't fuck Jon's veiny cock
>Can't trust the people she's put in power to trust
>Can't forgive Ceresie for killing that black chick
She was going to burn that place if they rang 50 bells. BURN THEM ALL
Shes a targaryen, 50/50 chance of being crazy, probably more since her dad was the mad king.
>Dany loses a couple of important people and then goes crazy lmao
hey dnd suck my LE DICK
Why did so many houses in King's Landing have secret stashes of dragonfire?
I honestly believe that if Jon fucked her on Dragonstone, that she wouldn't have behaved like that. He had one fucking conversation with her and that was it. No mention of Rhaegal or what happens in King's Landing.
Have sex
Give birth
>doesn't give jorah pussy even when he dies for her
>gets denied one chad's dick goes on full rampage
WOMEN everyone
Cersei placed them around the city
coked out dany make my peepee hard
woah, she really just needs to have sex
Not enough pre-burnt civilians.
Same. Just rewatched the scene with her and Jon.
You could see that as soon as he mentioned he loved her she lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. All she needed was a good dicking and none of this would have happened.
It's HER city. It's HER castle. The entire point was to reclaim what belonged to her ancestors. She literally destroyed everything the Targaryens created.
just another modern women fulfilling her desires
/pol is going to have a field day with this episode
You have to give them eight inches twice a day or else... trouble.
Northern men are cold and reserved, she was expecting some deviant like Daario
This is /pol/ you stupid fuck. Fuck off.
Dude, if Dany had pulled out a fucking behelit and sacrificed her armies to become a demon I'd have forgiven the past two seasons. Sadly, she's no Griffith.
Fire and Blood, bitch
I loved this shot anons.
Her face has so much pain and just slightly unhinged
Emilia was so good
She's a woman user. She IS her problem.
Women are simply like that
Her incompetent love betrayed her like he betrayed everyone else from the start
you fags told me jon was the hero when he's literally the villain
That is BookEuron's plan though.
She's an incel
Based D&D incinerate feminism by destroying their hero
>mfw Bobby B was right
>mfw stannis was right
>mfw varys was right
Does anyone else just watch these medieval shows and just think "where are they shitting?"
Like where do they shit, where does the shit go, how do they clean their assholes without having shit hands throughout the day. Imagine what an ordeal that was.
Shitting is an ordeal for me today with the conveniences of modern plumbing. I have an obsessive desire to avoid swamp ass, to clean the berries out of my asshair and to make sure there's nothing left behind in the old hershey
highway, imagine how awful shitting must have been back then. Everyone looks so clean in these shows but it couldn't have been like that. There's no privacy, everything probably smells like shit, and even the noblemen and women can't afford to be prickly about their shitting habits. The whole world was India 24/7.
i actually think those were the caches left by the mad king who wanted to burn the city down, fitting his daughter does it in his stead
her mulatto friend died. And as we all know all strong black womyn are queens and so KL deserved death. yass queen, slay
>You could see that as soon as he mentioned he loved her she lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. All she needed was a good dicking and none of this would have happened.
They shouldn't have even had Jon go to Dragonstone. Now this shit looks ten times more avoidable. He was the only one she would listen to, and he didn't give her any support.
I don't even know how Tyrion is still alive, by the way. I was on board with the theory that he was secretly working with Cersei, but that shit obviously wasn't true. He was just being stupid and fucking worthless the entire time.
Nobody on /pol/ cares about GoT
Anyone got the Punished Dany pic?
Why would you post this in a thread for the one show that specifically shows someone getting killed on the toilet.Next time watch the show.
And then one day, for no reason at, a Targaryen decided to burn them all.
She looks anemic. Probably a heavy flow day.
There are behelits in the book? Shit, now I'm interested.
It's crazy how incompetent Tyrion became after he became Dany's Hand
>What the FUCK was her problem?
Twitter told her to SLAY. She's merely appealing to her constituency.
so hot when she is insane.
that black pill faggot on youtube
I don't mind her turning mad, I'm just upset about the poor writing and pacing of this season in general. It's rushed as fuck, and her descent into madness should've taken longer than three fucking episodes.
she feared Jon but still wanted his dick and he refused. she literally said "fear it is then" after he pulled back on her. was that exact moment she decided to burn everything
also varys was sending ravens all through the 7 kingdoms to gather support for Jon so expect a big army to show up supporting his claim
read a chapter titled "The Forsaken". Euron's planning his own Eclipse
Bad writing
chamber pots, latrines, the street, wherever more or less. Cities of any size have sewers. Sewers are actually a major plot point in GoT. Tyrion designed a sewer system that was utilized to take a castle by surprise. Hell, the romans had running water. It doesn't take genius feats of modern engineering to get water to flow down hill.
From joyful to crackhead in 3 episodes!
Horrible writing in the last two seasons for him.
holy shit this horse scene went on for like 5min
"let it be fear"
she could not trust anyone except for Greywurm
lazy writing
Nothing, good job kiddo
The entire episode kept hinting about danny's tismo rampage by keeping reminding you about the bells. It qas obvious fron a mile away that danny was goijg ti burn the olace down regardless. Only a fool didnt see it coming
>It's rushed as fuck, and her descent into madness should've taken longer than three fucking episodes.
D&D fucked up big time. They had her going the opposite direction by the end of season seven. It's like they remembered when they started writing season eight, "Oh shit, Daenerys is supposed to lose her fucking mind at the end of the series. Better make everybody in Westeros hate her and her nephew not want to fuck her anymore. Also, let's kill off her closest friends and a dragon, too. And let's have her advisors conspire behind her back, to top it all off."
D&D are fucking retards. I can't believe they thought they could get the message across with two shortened final seasons.
This would have been a neat image for the season at large. Two episodes for descent into madness feels like an asspull.
The bells literally were sounding Tyrion's betrayal, making Drogon her only companion.
>triple eights
based and elliot pilled
she knew it was either die or rule as a tyrant
I think it would've been permissible if maybe we got some more screen time of her showing some kinds of signs, hell maybe even ranting or dropping how everyone she loved and trusted is either dead or betraying her. Anything to show a sort of transition or change. I guess they love the shock value of sudden twists too much to develop a character though. That being said I did enjoy the episode itself for the most part, but taken in context with the rest of the season it really feels like they're just trying to wrap things up asap.
he just had to hug her and let her know everything was going to be alright
You’re a faggot, faggot.
this whole episode went on way too long
when I heard we'd be getting 90 minute episodes, I was relieved there would be enough time to finish things in just 7 episodes... but two of the 7 were literally just hour long battle scenes
fucking useless. that's not why people watch GOT
Everybody knew she was gonna go "mad" because forced writing made her go mad. That was never up for debate.
The true question is whether she is actually mad or realistically cold, even despite the bad writing. Her entire high command betrayed her.
Kek. They don’t know yet.
I have no clue what the fuck they were doing during their storyboarding. Why the fuck did Arya seem to have more screen time than anyone, despite her character having literally ZERO to do with anything this episode? Why was she there? Why were we following her more than for just a few shots? Why did someone who did nothing this episode take up so much screen time?
I don't know why D&D keep trying to force-meme arya.
>I think it would've been permissible if maybe we got some more screen time of her showing some kinds of signs, hell maybe even ranting or dropping how everyone she loved and trusted is either dead or betraying her. Anything to show a sort of transition or change.
The signs were, "Everybody loves Jon! Nobody likes Dany! He's the rightful heir and she can't be trusted!" D&D literally made every-fucking-Westerosi either hate her or act ungrateful towards her no matter what she did.
give me all the reasons why this entire season is bad. go.
this was my 9/11
Emilia Clarke has had two tumors removed. She plays Daenerys Stormborn in Game of Thrones. One of the biggest superstars in the world and she has to go through that bullshit.
>pic unrelated
she wanted to burn the city and when they rang the bell she had nothing to lose anyway since jon has the better birthright.
especially with her supposedly being the one to defeat the night king... you'd think she'd be a bit more special
Danyfags eternally btfo
Everyone else sees her as a beautiful woman who is compassionate and just wants to be a good queen but Varys saw right through that shit because /nocock/
Zero nuance. The shifting tone of her conversations with Sansa should have been stretched out and explored over a couple of seasons.
Based and eunichpilled
>her parents are siblings
>her grandparents are siblings
>her ancestors were siblings
>What could go wrong?
>tfw a woman isn't given the dick
And they call us dangerous incels lol
>Spent entire life chasing the falsehood of equality, suddenly when slapped with reality she snapped....
Why didn't he just tell her to relax, bros?
damn, jorah's actor was the one who (apparently) got older during the show. he was already looking like an old uncle by the end.
She's always been a mad Targaryen bitch.
Rushing aside, Dany has been a loose cannon since forfuckingever. That said: I honestly thought that the whole "she's going MAD QUEEN" was a bit of heavy-handed misdirection. NOPE, she torched everything.
All this, plus crucifying even the masters who wanted to play ball with her SJW crusade. Lots of these can honestly count as 'all fair in love and war'. But torching the tullys and the crucifixions were blatant signs she was a wee bit of a psychopath, among others I cbf to recall atm..
Heroin chic is the best she's looked since S1.
incels committing mass murder once again.
I can't wait until next episode she forces Jon to be her husbando. Gonna be hot
Nothing at all!
Couldn't get his dick hard around his aunt
Did anyone else think she looked qtaf all stressed out and depressed like that?
Dragon dildo addiction
She wanted the dick.
She didn't get the dick.
Guys, remember, fuck your lady right.
In the first scene not so much. On the dragon, yes. Hard to explain why it was attractive, mix of anger, fear, vulnerability, crazy.
This is my own personal holocaust
This unironically
It's because the smugness got replaced by all those things you mentioned.
They shit in brownwater bay
she just broke the wheel mang. I mean the ones in her head. Then she broke the cart, the horses, the road, the farmer's house, the road to the next big city, the next big city, the capital....
>crucifies a bunch of random nobles
>burns alive pows who won't bend the knee
zomg... why she suddenly all bitchy?!?!
she is an emcel
very sad, many such cases
Yea Forums = pol.
If you don't know this yet, leave.
Daenerys had always been crazy. If you haven't picked up the clues by now, you're just as insane as her. Fucking retarded faggot.
bitches be crazy!!!
This. The ONLY reason why she didn't immediately show it was because everyone around her was being a helicopter parent to try and make her the beautiful liberating queen that everyone loves. She was never that from the start. She was always a dragon.
imagine the smell at this point.
Jon should have just fucked the crazy out of her. Works every time.
>There were clues! The lack of impactful tone in any of these scenes next to endless montages of dragons burning people to victorious music was but a trickster diversion!
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water.
I wonder if they'd still dare to kill Jon on their own precedents of nothing personnel, shit just happens sometimes.
I hate the episode as much as you do, mr faggot. But Daenerys has been burning and torturing innocents since season 3. If you didn't expect this, you're no better than the fucking cunt.
>mfw Cersei wasn't the most evil bitch in Westeros after all
>Jon should have just fucked the crazy out of her. Works every time.
Jon talked her down from burning the Red Keep when he barely even knew her. Now, when she needs guidance the most and he has more influence over her than anybody, he doesn't say anything but, "Whatever you want, My Queen."
He was before he knew he was her nephew.
>Targs need a regular dose of relative cum to maintain sanity
It fits
which one of you said this "As an Israeli man, I'm confused about what Daenerys did wrong. she did her best to avoid civilian causalities, but as we see, Cersei was using human shields, so collateral damage was unavoidable."
people forget that targaryen madness can trigger after psychological trauma, so this wasn't necessarily bad writing.
for example her father was a relatively normal king. he only started losing it after having negative experiences, like his newborns constantly dying and getting imprisoned by his own vassal for well over 1 year.
her brother was normalish too, the onset of his madness can be attributed to the stress of being a vagabond with no home while having to provide for his sister and being expected to restore his family to power from his early teens.
dany's madness got triggered by the stress of losing her loved ones and the shattering of the illusion of "invincibility" that her previous, easy victories granted her.
>you have to read the books to understand what's going on
you fags are no better than nu-wars apologists
Exactly. Jon needed give his crazy aunt some dick to cure her hysteria but he didn't. He is almost as responsible for 9/11 as she is.
qyburn died
>two tumors removed
>pic unrelated
C'mon now user.
I always thought she was kind of ugly but tonight she looked hot as fug
Except the people she burned weren't innocent.
Those sunken eyes she was crying all night
She was FEELING like shit so her actions are justified, like when a girl destroys her boyfriend's stuff because she doesn't feel loved anymore.
the uncanny sound of those bells breh
Why didn't you protect her smile, user? All she wanted was someone to hug her and tell her it was all going to be okay.
amusing how all the cucks and beckys are flaunting to the mad queen's side because she's a vagina and not a penis
>This is /pol/ you stupid fuck. Fuck off.
>Kek. They don’t know yet.
don't you have to make your weekly payment to Israel now?
t. election refugee from reddit
you have to go back
Is her unleashing a Kraken?
If he calls himself the Storm, would imagine he puts out this pitfire. Pitfire being the mayhem and madness by both Cersei and Danny
Quick question. Wouldn't all the rightful heir to the Iron Throne plot point be taken care of if Jon and Dany were to just get married? Why does everyone in the show want Jon to kill her, when he could just marry her and they both can rule?
Why would anyone give two shits if Jon's a Targ or not? That didnt stop Bobby B from taking the throne
literal femcel
that she was.
She just wasn't the most powerful.
crazy retarded mean bitch
that post didnt say that at all lol wtf
>Respond to salty bitches on Twitter with “have sex”
>”have sex” meme gets banned on twitter.
Targ's have a better claim. They've ruled for thousands of years; the Baratheons for what, 20-odd?
>Quick question. Wouldn't all the rightful heir to the Iron Throne plot point be taken care of if Jon and Dany were to just get married?
Wait a minute.
>Arya needs to shut green eyes.
>Dany has green eyes.
>Jon kills her in the leaks.
It's "femcel"
it was implied.
nu-wars apologists defend the lack of world-building with the "you have to read the novelizations" excuse.
This show is presented in a visual medium. It's meant for the masses. It isn't an ARG. You should be able to glean everything you need to glean just from watching the show itself. No side quests.
imagine her smell
This but unironically
>Tyrion literally lets Varys die even though Varys made all the plans to make him escape after the Tywin murder
Who gives a shit about the claim? Everyone turned against Targ's in the first place. No one will care about Targ bloodline after King's Landing
they are a mirror of men :]
Well, yeah. Dany fucked it up.
But no one cared about the Baratheons either.
This. How the hell are people surprised again?
Because she's had no development. She has a weird look on her face at the end of one episode, and then she's batshit insane the next. It's textbook bad writing
How in the fuck could she think this is a possible good idea what so ever?
I mean, she must know nobody will follow her after this right?
Because no one knew it was varys dumb faggot fuck
what a faggot man
Because she's not a character anymore, she's a plot device. Without her going nuts everybody would notice how lackluster the fight was.
For what, telling the truth?
Seriously. Jon never met mum and dad, nor his Stark gramps and uncle, lost his foster dad/uncle, his other uncle, lost Robb, lost foster mom though she was a bitch, lost his mentors and all his friends at the wall except for Sam, lost Ygritte, was betrayed by the Night's Watch, was murdered and has been caught in drama ever since coming back but he's not a murderous psycho despite it all.
jons fucked up plan gave the night king a fucking undead dragon who proceeded to break down a magic wall that had protecting humanity for 10,000 years. the white walkers couldn't cross the wall
joffrey would have done a better job
stupid fucking starks
why does she look so smol there?
jon lost literally everyone pretty much
Women can't do shit other than suck dick
It is obvious Tyrion isn't a wartime Hand. The Battle of the Blackwater was a fluke; he's best at the bureaucratic, pencil pushing stuff.
He has always done the honourable thing actually. That's why people love him so much.
she was super skinny when she was 13. She only got fat when could afford food with the got moneys. And that wheelchair dude also started to feed her a lot. She grew up poor and couldn't afford to eat, let her indulge herself mang, don't be hater. She just wanna stuff herself with the good stuff.
Can I get her face over Anakin's?
Jon has been through some shit but he still has friends and family. He also signed up for most of this shit. Dany got traded to Drogo, his warriors, and all their horses to (all 40,000 of them) by her only living relative who'd spent her whole life abusing her. Then she scraped together something resembling a life in the rape caravan just in time for a witch to kill her rape husband. Sure, after that she got dragons but she also goes from being an expecting mother to a barren husk dogmom until she looted Quarth she wasn't having a good time. Then she gets fucked over by her buddies for a while but eventually accomplishes her one "goal" in life of going home to Westeros but some fucking manlet won't stop talking about the zombie apocalypse and her pet manletlet practically loses the war for her on the spot. But she does her duty and helps save the world because she loves the manlet. During that war she loses a good chunk of her power and her oldest friend and the closest thing she has left to a child. Despite suffering these losses, manlet decides he's King Manlet who actually has a better claim on her singular identity and life goal than she does. Everyone loves King Manlet and no one cares about her, even though she's sacrificed more than anyone. Along the way she loses another one of her children and her best friend gets killed in front of her and her allies begin betraying her for absolutely no reason except that they've found a better placeholder in King Manlet. And then, King Manlet, someone she loves arrives and she thinks he's at least going to make her feel like a person again but instead he judges her and makes her feel like shit. All because she did exactly what she warned the dickless traitor she'd do if he ever betrayed her.
Being Dany is suffering.
Viserys was pretty innocent tbf and she let him die like the cold cunt she is.
>jons fucked up plan
Incorrect. It was Tyrion's plan, and it failed like all the other ones.
i legit think she could have been reined in if Jon just fucked her in the beginning of the episode. Just one little release in between all the tragedies of that week would've pushed her back over the edge.
fuck off danyfag
fire and ice
reminder an entire city burned and 80% of the remaining notable characters died b/c Auntie couldn't get the D from her nephew
bad writing
What do you guys think will happen to him?
worst character
jon was literraly killed by the closest thing he had to a son the trauma would have drove everybody insane he's as tough as a rock and far more than dany that's for sure
Anyone else pleasantly surprised by Emilia Clarke in the last season? Just me? Its like her acting is inversely proportional with the writing quality.
Well the leaks indicate that dany will try to execute him for freeing Jamie. Jon will intervene and kill dany instead.
Bullshit. He knew the kid for like ten minutes. The death of Ginger had more of an impact.
And it's not like his death stuck. As far as betrayals go how is it as bad as the woman she saved from the rapelords repaying her kindness by killing her unborn son and forcing her to kill her own husband. Jon had a hard life too but let's not pretend Dany had it any easier.
she has never done any good acting if that's what you mean
She was incel queen. Fem incels are dangerous.
nah, he made made the kid his own steward. In the books he was putting a lot of faith in that kid. It never registered that much in the tv series, making him his steward while he was the commander of the night's watch was a bit too subtle for the general audience.
and he was fucking the ginger. guess what the general public would dwell mostly on?
I got it, it's just not as big a deal as you're making it out to be. The kid was representative of the betrayal of the Night's Watch more generally, it was rough but it's more analogous to when the slaves turned on Dany after she killed that one slave and they did the dumb hissing rather than a deep personal betrayal like Jorah.
No, I agree, she's been knocking it out the park lately. Part of it is just that she has really good chemistry with King Manlet but she seems to be doing a lot better now. I wonder if she just feels betrayed by D&D so it translated well like some forced method shit.
>Except the people she burned weren't innocent.
She had nobles crucified at random, throwing in ones that voted to open the city to her as well as the ones who voted to fight her.
Women make decisions based on emotion rather than reason and logic.
Its unironically why Hillary lost the election.
And it only took a decade for her to get good at acting one character.
>I mean, she must know nobody will follow her after this right?
The whole point is that people will fear her and bend the knee.
You see Jon this was my entire plan, I out maneuvered the "Queen" and she danced exactly to my tune, I deceived her , deluded her, hoodwinked her , mislead-ed, duped, fooled, double-crossed, cheated, swindled, outwitted, outmaneuvered, caught out, gulled, hoaxed, bamboozled, beguiled; entrapped;
bilked, diddled, rooked, put one over on, pulled a fast one on her, pulled the wool over her eyes, took her for a ride, leaded her up the garden path, spoofed and tricked into slaying millions with dragons, exactly as I planned.
Now truly, the North Remembers.
Hillary lost the election because she was selling top secret information
she's 18 in the first season user and that's a shot from s2.
she's 13 in the books. they aged everyone up for the show (making the entire show make no sense as robb and jon would have had a keep or some sort of lands at 18)
Be fair, what do you think she was directed to do for most of those eight years?
"Okay Emilia, you're strong, you're fierce, you're sitting on a dragon. You've got a non-specific social justice objective aaaaand action"
She did well with the Jorah betrayal and when she sacked Astapor. She also did cryingface and learning the ways of the Dothraki well enough and she was cute as a button when she was flirting with Jon. She's just been bringing her A-game lately.
Kek day
She's the smartest character on the show.
>in the books
in the books there is no character named olly you fucking wiki fag. at best there olly is an amalgamation of 2-3 characters. kys
How would you have written it then? People keep complaining about how her going mad is poor writing but how could you make it better?
Noble deserved it
There's a roughly equivalent little shit that stabs him I assumed that's who he was referring to. Besides, we're talking about the show.
>"uh user we're talking about the show"
get raped by niggers
fuck you and you kind. read the books or don't but don't pretend
she's a femcel
I remember Satin the 10/10 fuckboi who is actually pretty damn solid as a steward. Don't recall him stabbing Jon. Man, I miss book Jon compared to show Jon. I miss Stannis and Jon banter.
Yes you fucking mongoloid
There are thousands of lives at stake and he cant shut the fuck up about something he claims he doesn't even want. This is the same shit Ned did that threw the realm into chaos and got thousands killed but worse.
Oh stop being such a pedantic faggot. I know he was wrong about Olly existing specifically as the same character in the books but what he said was close enough to a character in the books that his point was valid. Rather than going into an aspie rage I chose to respond to his intent and continue talking about the show rather than sperging out about something so insignificant. Fuck off and die.
The Baratheons had Targ bloodline. That's why Bobby got the throne not Ned.
No, Ned gave Robert the throne after he entered the throne room. He didn't want it.
hot damn. someone actually read that post of mine and reasoned something out of it. thanks for my (you) user but I will caution you for cheap bait on your future endeavours in this site. Remember, you can never leave, you're new but you're in for the long haul. Godspeed.
Bobby got the throne because he had an army and he killed Rhaeghar. If it was about strongest claims or blood then the Martells on the Velaryons probably had more Targ blood.
It was right of conquest with some shitty blood right tacked on to make everyone look better.
Robb was the heir to Winterfell and Jon was a bastard entitled to nothing.
what a faggot honestly. I'd dog the shit out of my aunt
>fuck off and die
We have, why we at /got/ for 7 years.
british men are meek, they cant articulate jack shit to women, they just stutter and shit.
Danyfags truly have the worst taste imaginable
Why didn’t Jon just give her some pity sex? He would have saved millions.
there's your answer
look at her
She was an incel
Not him, but I would have had her just destroy the red keep and take over. Then she would bring people, such as Sansa, to bend the knee to her. They would refuse, she would then go to execute them only to be killed by Jon before she could.
Roasting thousands of woman and children because you're upset is fucking retarded.
He wasn't able to get hard knowing it was his aunt.
Yeah, she's always been a terrible actress...until this season. She's been unironically great.
plot twist: it's guilt.
he's still able to get hard thinking of fucking his aunt, but then recalls that he already did, guilt overcomes him, and the boner is gone.
Hillary lost because her internal polling had her winning Wisconsin handily so she didn't do make a stop there. That's it.
They didn't say that in the show, so it doesn't exist.
>What the FUCK was her problem?
I remember re watching season 3 or 4 several years ago and thinking... wait a moment... "We are cheering for a person whose family's words are 'FIRE AND BLOOD.'"
>Viserys dicked her
>Drogo dicked her
>Daario dicked her
>Drogon dicked her
>dirty service maids scissored her
>god knows what else has been in there
She's probably looking like blue waffle down there, senpai. Would you?
>Yea Forums = pol.
Sure, user... sure.
Probably yeah. Or just head into a forest and try to become a wizard.
The Nazis put literal skulls on their uniforms and yet /pol/ still cheers for them.
Well more so Yea Forums. But that's a newfag way to look about Yea Forums that its down to one board culture.
Well she was having a bad day so you know. ...
So you are saying Wisconsin was her Blackwater Bay.
this is 4channel sweetie...
haven't checked /pol/ in a while huh
who cares. the point is that Hillary lost because of reason and logic. Whereas Trump's whole campaign (and presidency, and ethos) is based entirely on emotion. He even admits it! He does everything by gut feeling.
>Tyrion tells Jaime to ring the bells if the plan to get Cersei out works
>The bells start ringing when Jaime isn't even in the keep yet
Who was bell?
Ser Elliot of House Rodgeria
She's the smartest character on the show.
AI is fucked on these ballista operators
early menopause(thats explain silver fox hair), her monthly period, she cant trust everybody around her, two pets dead, person she trust the most dead, she is forced to kill the person she trust, rejected to get laid, if you any add any of those you got a very emotionally distressed bitch.
hence the term "hell hath no fury than a bitches scorn.