Did it live up to the hype?
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It is worth watching the episode just for it. Haven't been this approving of the show in years.
it's 2 dumb slow sloths hacking and slashing each other for 5 minutes before one just tackles the other out of a tower and they both die
i dunno why people ever cared about this stupid shit
why they gotta do my chaotic neutral man Qyburn like that :(
It was pretty fucking good, worth the wait
talked like a true woman
with that direction? no, jaime's fight was as shit as cleagane
women just wouldnt understand it's ok.
terrible, boring, unexciting.
All the cuts ruined it.
agree, they deserve much more time than that, that fucking useless goblina gets like 2 minutes or 3 fucking standing like a little whore watching a fucking horse without a fucking reason but this battle gets 5 minutes only fuck jews just WHY
It was pointless. There was no reason to do Cleganebowl or Euron vs Jaime.
It was okay.
Frankenstein being killed by his own monster trope, but I wish he had at least 1 more trick up his sleeve that made the fight less of a 1 sided slaughter.
what do you care about user? do you just watch every movie/tv show subconsciously rearranging your opinions to fit what you think your 4channel bros will approve of?
Not as good as it should have been, not as bad as expected.
And what did you think the Cleganeb Owl was gonna be? the two playing chess?
the only thing good in that episode
>The Hound and The Mountain fighting to the death while in the background a dragon burns the city to the ground
Pointless. It's always been pointless since they brought Sandor back.
In fact, why did they bring Sandor back from the dead? Did he do anything of fucking note since coming back?
No, wait for a vid that removes all the cuts. Also the fight was meh tier at best
Knife through the head, no problem.
It was alright but cutting it with Arya and then going overly cartoony by making the mountain a straight up monster was dumb
Yes, them both falling into fire was actually perfect symbolism
I hate this show, but that's a kino shot for television.
Clegane tearing through the guards was more fulfilling IMO
I'm not going to lie, this entire scene was kino.
nice reading comprehension
>chaotic neutral
he's as evil as ramsay or vargo hoat, with less restraints and more subjects
Fight itself was pretty meh, but it had some kino shots and a symbolic end. Its the only good thing to have come out of this season
>thank you
wow! i actually enjoyed some arya dialogue after 4 seasons
Kino. absolutely kino. Hound pushed the mountain into the fire, perfectly closing the arc
Seemed pretty Kino to me desu
It looked like a B class film
>these aren’t my glasses
>Gregor in the light
>Sandor in the dark
What did they mean by this?
They're both in the light you fucking faggot
something actually fucking impactful
a tall order I know
It gave me a bloody hard on. It was perfect. Not too long. No stupid speeches. No stupid reconciliations. Just brutal and short.
Fuck the king. and fuck fantasy fans.
y'all are too easy
boycott hollywood
what gives I can't find a working l-i-n-k anymore, someone help me out I just want to finish watching
He's a good man advancing the cause of science in dark times.
No the fight choreogrphy was shit and ended like a cliche 90s movie.
go back to r/gaming you Yea Forumsermin
It's worthless if we already know Sandor is still alive
Half the excitement of Cleganebowl is the random monk turning out to be Sandor in disguise
Jesus Christ the fucking setting of the fight was 10 out of fucking 10 but it coulda been better
It was fucking Kino and the best thing this show has put out in 5 fucking years.
No, I knew it was coming, but it was so bad.
Delivered. Showdown was western as fuck. Hound rage wails on mountain preventing him from drawing his sword, mountain pulls out the big dick and starts trashing everything, a little too much WWE wresting, eye gouging, brain stabbing, and rage tackle through the wall, off the high tower, and into the inferno below.
>an eye for an eye
You can tell the writers used to work at Pottery Barn.
Exactly my thoughts
>Hound pushing Mountain into the fire
pls respond...
honestly imo this is all of season 8 for me, add in actual plot points and writing and this would have been the best season of all. music is always 10/10, build up is always 10/10 but the writing is always 5/10, it just feels like such a wasted opportunity which could have been so easily corrected.
The jump cuts in a fight that didn't even exist.
Gonna say it was a big let down.
no tension at all
boring fight
Actually this. It's just The Hound vs a huge zombie with no emotions. There was never a reason for the hype.
Why do people like it? They turned the brother feud into a zombie slaying meme. I was thinking it was the most anime battle I'd actually seen in the show.
The minute they made Gregor impervious to stab wounds they killed the idea of seeing which one of these brothers would actually turn out to be the better fighter and getting a payoff from that truth, and now it was just waiting to see what inventive way Sandor coud come up with to destroy the boss.
Also I know the rest of the Queen's Guard are not made up of the great swordsmen of old anymore but that was some Star Wars trade federation droid vs a jedi-tier uselessness.
post the song faglords
Anyone else think of this when they were going down?
Not quite but it was sill okay.
It could've been better, could've made sense 2 seasons ago
it was great non expecting viper vs mountain. i wanted two hosses swinging swords at each other
>they both die
you don't know that yet
don't underestimate these stupid writers
Bcz there’s nothing else better to care for. This is the least shit of all shit
You forgot Sandor laughing in the face of his inevitable death
This. I still love the soundtrack and they have the right fucking settings, the execution just blows.
i thought the whole point was that the hound would have to overcome his fear of fire to kill the Mountain because he's a zombie now.
the show really blew it
I didn't like it because the mountain was clearly holding back.
BORN OF SALT AND SMOKE (bookfag tears and magma) AZOR SANDOR
>stabs through plate armour and out his back again
absolute dogshit
The Hound is the better fighter retard. If the Mountain wasnt a zombie he wouldve died first.
>le overcome his fear of fire meme
What did the Hound and the Mountain represent? Two tertiary characters, brothers, living this long, did it mean something?
Well, he did over come it, near the end, anyway.
That's just consequences of the hype
The HYPE killed him
"Shut up Qyburn it's kino time" *smack*
Whatever happened to Unella?
>Euron "dies" offscreen
>Stannis "dies" offscreen
See, Gregor held Sandor in a fire, not caring if he got burned, so Sandor threw Gregor in a fire, not caring if he got burned. What you plebs don't understand is that this is circular story telling. It's a complex ancient chinese/greek/mesopotamian/atlantian view of the world where it's like everything is pottery, it rhymes.
I want reddit to leave
That people can't change no matter how much they try. The Hound lived in a convent and tried to get over his lust for vengeance. The Mountain got turned into a zombie soldier that was only able to break from his trance when he met his brother again.
lol he looked like a big baby
Bravo George
webm when?
You dumb newfag cunt, /got/ came up with cleganebowl and reddit copied it, literally kill yourself and have sex you fucking inceloid faggot
Guys, I just realized.... who's going to be the viewpoint character for this in the books?
The fight was good but the circumstances for it were fucking stupid. They never establish in the the show that Sandor has THAT much hate for his brother. We all know he hates him for burning him and everything but it felt forced when he said he’s been living his entire life for revenge against him. Also it’s never established that the Mountain hates him so much either. He apparently hates him so much that even though he’s an emotionless zombie who does nothing but follow orders, seeing his bother fills him up with so much hate that he’s able to ignore his commands and fight hm. The circumstances for the fight were fucking awful and since I couldn’t really buy into the whole revenge angle to it the fight itself and outcome were cheapened.
>In the end Sandor never get to insert his longsword into Arya's cunny
I feel cheated, lads.
do you think he jerked off thinking about her?
They could have done a return of the Jedi scene of a duel running the same as the city battle the same as the air battle.
ImGine thé 2 dueling man to man equal in strength, down the stairs, in the throne room, into the dungeons etc. Ash and fire and the relics of the show in the background.
But no. They just had the a cheesy hard to follow underdog sacrifice thing. Hate watching the good guy try to fight the impossible.
he built churches
the whole episode screamed 9/11
Visually it was nice, but it wasn't much of a fight.
what game is this from?
>Not Sansa
Awful taste.
i think Sandor hated Gregor more than the other way around, but Gregor, even as a zombie, could see that Sandor was there to fight only him which was enough of an emotional kick in the nuts to reignite the sibling rivalry. Gregor was always a loose cannon who would rage out and murder people just because he knew he could get away with it. (A rapist who exploded his victims' heads.) Its not beyond the realm of possibility that he'd kill his brother considering he tried to in season 1.
Hounds cant smelt brick walls
It wasn't amazing, but at least they didn't completely fuck it up with some ridiculous crap. They did this somewhat correctly, I'll give them that. Everything else in this season has been fucked up.
>music is always 10/10, build up is always 10/10
yeah even knowing what was going to happen and being jaded for a while that battle buildup got me tense as shit
Based Sandor
Seriously, it reminded me of fuckin Scorpion King
She'll cower, hide and then when they've killed each other run to the wildfire cache and since she's not fucking pregnant in the books Jaime Will Strangle her.
Really you didn't think Queen Dany saying fuck it and roasting King's Landing, peasants and all, was pretty neat?
gotta say that shot is damn perfect
looks like darksouls as others have mentioned.
>me watching this season
Will Jaime then die with her or not?
nope, mutual asured destruction was not cool at all.
is this a dark souls game
The soundtrack for episode 3 was absolute kino (especially the part where jorah gets stabbed) and episode 5's was decent too, the end credits were a mix of the rains of castamere and the light of the seven which desu is exactly what I expected.
Yes, both die.
is that how the books work? its always from the viewpoint of another character?
Clearly the hound is the better fighter you mong
I said this in another thread about the same, that fucking cuts remember me this shit.
cry me a river, dickface lol
>Tall order
where's your Carlos pic
More like Lawful Evil. He's basically Jon Irenicus.
Well, it could end up being Sandor, but he hasn't had a POV chapter before. Oh, and yes, all chapters are named/told from a character's POV. Prologue and Epilogue chars always die.
Yea but when he saw his brother last season he didn’t even flinch. Gregor definitely was a loose cannon but he only attacked Sandor if he got in his way. He never went out of his way to attack him. They establish that they hate each other but not the extent that I’m supposed to believe Sandor has been living his entire life just to kill him and Gregor the emotionless zombie mind slave was able to overcome his commands out of sheer hatred.
he's evil
only Hound was Chaotic Neutral
Dubs of true, incel trying to fit totally btfo
I felt the exact same way to be honest, senpai
>reddit coming up with anything original of their own
Back to redddit yourself, newfag cunt.
Holy fucking shit this clip destroyed my sides. This is what all modern tv and filmmakers hold to be the gold standard of fight scenes. So much shit is cut like this today.
Thank you for that kek.
Could have been longer with Gregor being slighty weaker.
>Hound was Chaotic Neutral
nah dawg. he saved arya and tried to save sansa. dude was chaotic good the whole time
yeah but what was he to do? the hound was obviously there to fight and wasn't going to let him just walk past. the whole "stay by my side" thing kinda ruined it because the whole thing wouldve happened anyway. they still couldve phoned in some Qyburn remark that got him killed and the queen still couldve slinked away
Sandor is chaotic good by the end, and certainly started lawful/chaotic neutral. He was doing his job, then he left and did whatever it took to survive, then he became a true knight.
Love this movie, unironically. First superhero movie I can remember watching as a child.
Fucking Dark Souls shit.
Anybody get some Ds3 high wall of lothric vibes from this fight?
true its a trash series
No it was a huge fan pander too little too late but the ending was cool AF not gonna lie.
He had emotions when he dashed Qyburn but I agree they didn't develop his character enough. He was supposed to be obsessed with protecting Cersei and then just ignores her for his brother.
My thoughts exactly, how did the Hound even stand a chance
Does the Mountain get zombified in the books? It destroys any kind of emotional impact between him and his brother.
Boring disappointing and Sandor is dumb.
he is either lawful neutral or lawful evil
he just serves whoever is king, and helps them to their end
it was 10/10.
-qyburn instakill
-kino shot of the mountain pulling the sword out.
-sandor kamikaze into the fire
-we see mountain's face
-eyeballs getting squeezed out (call back)
it panders to the fans so much which is exactly what a fight scene like this should be doing. (no stupid twists with arya, etc.)
Immediately, yeah.
My dad was all "I'm pretty sure fire doesn't blast stone in half like that." And I was doing all I could to avoid dragging out the whole "Wildfire can't melt steel beams" trope again because he wouldn't get the reference.
I did kinda laugh when he started saying "DIE!" while stabbing him over and over.
ngl i hoped that the hound would set his sword on fire and start buring this bitch up.
The fight was ok..but really nothing special.
*stabs directly through breastplate*
i actually agree. the one time fan service was much needed.
The writers don't care. They have a shitty Star Wars movie to write.
it is the stupidest shit ever and you have to be an actual braindead moron to be so accepting of it.
what a waste of time.
cleganebowl fans are the secret cancer that pushed for this shit show
I wanted it too but what the fuck
No. Sandor died like a bitch.
>no stupid twists with arya
This. When Sandor was losing, I completely expected Arya to get her trampoline out again and save his ass.
When it cut to her out in the streets getting roasted instead I literally sighed in relief
>Mountain would die again in fire anyway, Hound didn't need to be there
>Hound randomly stabs doesn't think to stab fucking head
>they randomly hack and gouge no one else cares then they trip into some fire
Saved Arya twice
People here are glad that Arya was shit and Dany is evil so they're willing to ignore how objectively bad everything about this was.
>Mountain would die again in fire anyway, Hound didn't need to be there
True but the Hound pretty much wanted to die throughout the entire show. Like he said, this was all he cared about.
I especially loved the green puss coming out of him everywhere. bless D&D’s hearts they actually thought they could glamourize it
Are we sure the fall killed Gregor? A knife through the brain didn't work ffs
>They should have drug it out like the Anakin/Obi-wan fight
Fuck outta here, pleb. You're their main audience.
>cuts to Arya
>"I'll save you Sandor!"
There was a 99% chance this would have happened and it didn't. We should all be thankful for this.
>arya in the ashes
>the chaos and panic throughout the entire city where trying to help people got them killed
i felt it was invoking 9/11, 100%
It should have been two-three seasons ago. Trial by combat, with in an arena with all one million inhabitants of King's landing watching.
Since that wasn't possible, yes this was the next best thing.
literally. fucking loved it.
>no emotions
He disobeyed Cersei and Qyburn for the only time ever, just to fight Sandor.
He had hate. The best and strongest emotion.
As someone completely in that position, basically yeah. There was a lot of objective garbage in this episode, but in terms of narrative it went in at least a decently satisfying direction, so I'll take it.
Being mad and cynical about about a magic dragon show I've already sunk literal days of my life into isn't very fun
sorry it wasn't the anime-tier fight you wanted.
More like someone in the writing team ripped off Dark Souls.
prime example of a newfag trying to fit in with ye "this is reddit lol" crap that only outs their sub roomtemp IQ
This episode redeemed the whole series don’t bother @ me
Kino as fuck. The two baddest mother fuckers on the show fighting to the death on a crumbling tower while the city burns below them. Fuck yeah.
lurk more newfag. Cleganebowl was ours from the beginning.
Nah. Sandor was done well in the book with his connection to Arya+Sansa being his redemption. The Mountain is just a loose end.
Too bad here they treat it like his true purpose is killing his bro. Honestly not sure where this comes from. Feels like either Sandor or Jaime should've been the one to break the cycle, if only for the purpose of contrasting the other, yet both of them die with their sibling and it's treated as good. Bad writing.
it wasn't total shit and for that, it's the best thing this season easily.
Honestly disagreed. Arya should have saved Jon from the Night's King if she was gonna kill him, or she should've saved Sandor from Gregor. Neither happened. Waste.
Never showed emotions before that moment. Was never a character.
isn't this just black iron tarkus
Have sex. Gay sex cause you are a fag.
Nah The Hound didn't kill Cersei and The Mountain was basically immortal with a dagger in the head not even killing him
it was just dumb like something a 3 year old would put together
>the entire episode was 9/11 but with dragons
Saving Jon from the Night King would have only worked if Jon was fighting the lieutenants and Arya had a sneak attack planned the whole time. What we actually got with that leap was fucking stupid (as you've probably read).
Kino for a pleb like you.
End want symbolic at all. Hound desperately charged the mountain into a wall that broke and happened to have fore behind it. If hound had intentionally tackled him into a ledge with fire behind it, this overcoming his fear of fire, this would have been amazing.
Well yeah. Still though, Arya's relationship with Jon and Sandor where they protected her and were supportive of her learning to fight made it perfect setup for her to repay them with her newfound skills. Could've been a strong moment but I guess it's too much to ask of these writers.
>Haven't been this approving of the show in years.
kys rebbitfag
I liked the bit where HOund was stabbing him repeatedly and saying "why wont you fucking die" and then he started laughing, poresumably at how fucking shit it all was, but then they kept it in anyway
Kind of, yeah, after Cersei is imprisoned, Qyburn appoints Ser Robert Strong, who's also huge, never eat or sleep and has taken a vow of silence, to the Kingsguard.
In the books he wears white armor with a rainbow plumed helmet, though.
>Hound desperately charged the mountain into a wall that broke and happened to have fore behind it.
Watch closer. He knows the wall is falling apart. he knows there's no way to win, so he kamikazes it.
It was bad. The jump cuts prove it.
Why didn't they just send him to fight the Night King? He's immortal and probably survived that fall into the fire too
Funny how an arrakh couldn’t get past armour season 1, Sandor gives a big monologue about armour in s3 and by s8 arrakhs cleave Lannister armour like paper and Sandor stabs straight through a platemail breastplate with 1 fucking hand lmao
no stakes at all. doesnt matter who wins or loses when its not FOR anything.
no tension at all. they're both going to die from the beginning since the tower is crumbling around them and surrounded by dragonfire.
no spectators at all. so nobody even cares.
the scene - like most of the episode - served absolutely no purpose.
It looked like a fanmade version.
>0 coherency due to 100's of cuts
>that part where it cut back and forth to Arya and the Hound on the ground over and fucking over
>could have choreographed a good fight scene, but 'battles are boring' so had to cut in scenes of arya to get the waymen engrossed
but does LIFE really serve a purpose?
horribly executed
>that part where it cut back and forth to Arya and the Hound on the ground over and fucking over
that was shockingly badly edited. i couldn't believe i was watching a finished product.
It was like watching me play dark souls
no becuase the mountain has lost all characterisation since he came back, all he has been is a big hench man unstopable killing guy you dont see his face hes pretty much a robot lame
>hound stabbing him over and over
>starts laughing when he realizes how futile it is
i unironically liked this episode, there were obviously terribly shitty parts just like every episode, but this one was alright in spite of it all
he really didn't have characterization before frankenstein anyway. he was just a big brute who would lose his shit and hack people up. all we knew about him was stories others told. i cant recall a single scene where he had more than 3 lines of dialogue. he was just a force that was meant to be overcome. an obstacle and nothing more.
yeah but game of thrones does not. That is the lesson.
Fuck. what garbage. I mean they could have at least had Arya get up, come back and kill Cersei. Like her and the hound both getting up when they're down to finish what they came to do. There was 0 reason to do it otherwise.
I'd rather have D&D given Arya more fanfic bullshit getting Cersei, instead of her getting 0 come uppings.
Or fucking have Arya come back with Jeoffry's face. Comes out of the Shadows in the Crypt.
yeh i know what you mean but you atleast felt he was a character of some sort not just an unstoppable killing machine, he just became a plot to protect cerci he is literaly nothing but plot armour so its pretty cheap for me atleast
Hound was the only good character in the whole show
oh calm down, you FAGGOT
holy shit
The show is redeemed for me now. I gave up on it all but CleganeBowl.
lelele le overcome le le fear le arc
fuckin nihilists dude
>ending character arcs is pointless
What the fuck do you even want then, faggots?
I don't watch this garbage anymore, just read the wiki summaries + online butthurt. Can someone post a pic of how the mountain ended up looking without his helmet?
Im not gonna lie, lads. It was kino.
>got kicked out of the citadel for experiments on the dead
>lawful alignment
He starts out chaotic good and moves to chaotic neutral
More meaningful than my life, to be honest.
The end result was fine. The fight itself looked worse than capeshit.
he was literally just an ashy white-blue-green with some dollar store halloween stick on scabs and green/blue scuffs and marks, literally bleeding dark red-green blood like a hammer horror monster, it was pretty banal for the "big reveal" of the strongest man in westeros being zombified
Basically a mix of Frankenstein’s monster and the bald guy from The Addams Family
Like Darth Vader when he dies.
called it
Yes. *****
no it didn't
>slashes at brothers armour over and over again expecting it to magically pass through (like it does to everyone elses)
>uses the point and it does magically pass through
Technically this would have been realistic if it has been mail armour but even then Sandor would still have looked like a retard for slashing away aimlessly at armour he couldn't damage for so long before changing tactic.
Surprisingly accurate.
>those odds
>anyone with 5 IQ knew it would happen
>feeling the need to post 'call it' in a thread
That's like seeing the sun come and saying 'called it'.
>when john/greyworm were leading the charge up to the Lannisters in the city
>the guy to john's right get's tapped with a sword and falls over comically
somebudy make a webm
That shot of them on the staircase was fucking Kino as fuck. It's a desktop wallpaper tier shot. I just loved how the mountain was holding back the sword with his bare hands, and got stabbed and just pulled the sword out. Then he gets stabbed in the fucking face and doesn't give a fuck. And the two falling into the flames is the perfect poetic ending to the hounds character arc. 10/10 fight scene right here.
It was alright. Pretty much what I was expecting. Not bad.
They didn't fly so good
They went full SW
The show would be better if people were just wearing mail or coat of plates only. As it is armor seems to do absolutely nothing in most scenes.
This is physically painful to watch. Holy shit.
Zombie Mountain>Nights King>White Walkers
OP af
I guess i missed it but can someone explain The Mountains origin? Why a zombie out of nowhere?
It's just like that movie about boats
He died in a duel with Oberyn Martell. Qyburn did some fucked shit to reanimate him. He protected Cersei until The Hound crossed his path for the last time.
Why do you people ask if you've never seen the show. What's the fucking point in watching this trainwreck if you've no investment in it.
>I guess i missed it
Blind cunt cant u read?
I can't imagine missing that part of the show. Your post seemed to imply you're not familiar with any of it.
I forget did he ever actually fully die? Or was he just poisoned and eventually going to die a slow agonising death because Oberyn wanted him to suffer?
But yeah Qyburn did fucked up necro-science shit to get him up and running again.
I'm pretty sure he was dead dead, but don't quote me.
Because sometimes individual scenes of a show you haven't watched (and perhaps even have no interest in watching) pique your interest in some way and you want to know a little bit more.
I would.have preferred that he just snap the blade I half
Typical roastie response. Is your only worth between your legs?
Not explicitly--but he's rotting when qyburn performs his black magic
Ah but you are forgetting why it was important, him pulling the sword out magically made ALL his torso armour fall off so we could see more of his fucked up body.
While seeing more of him was cool it would have been more interesting if after being unable to get past the armour Sandor has actually attacked the straps and caused the armour to fall away.
Called these too.
Yeah I don't really know the details book wise or show wise but it seemed like the poison was essentially creating a "living death" state to make him suffer. This probably partly allowed Qyburn to do what he did, he got rid of the debilitating side of it but couldn't cure him.
Based ironic Unironic poster
he's a eunuch, his brother burned his dick off
that's why he wanted to kill him
>Chaotic Neutral.
>Lawful Neutral.
>Lawful Evil.
Morons, he was True Neutral: willing to do inhumane experiments for the sake of knowing the best way to save others; making sure poor children are well-fed and given treats while at the same time making them help him kill opposition in the way of him obtaining resources to higher learning.
Fuck off back to your plebbit-friendly 5E D&D.
transitioning into Arya getting btfo (why is she even in this war her role is fucking over) ruined it for me
Dark souls inspired
It's alright, not as brutal as I had hoped though
Brienne vs Hound felt far grittier
So I wasn't the only one who thought of dark souls when seeing that.
Ayra had no business with Cleganebowl at all
>That’s not a knoif
Anyone get Resi 2 flashbacks?
they're both named Clegane.
Sandor - The Hound
Gregor - The Mountain
Best part of the episode.
Didn't need to be intercut with all that tedious shit. But the actual fight was fine
You’re right. Fucking dumb shit involving some already dead giant, who fucking cares
Ohh ... here we go...
It was the only good part of the episode. It could have been better, but it was still pretty good. I'm happy with it.
>the NK was more vulnerable than this dude
Never forget lads
No, I wanted an actual fucking sword fight, not a wrestling match
What does kino mean? ... You newfags and your new meymy words
3E master race rise up
i hate to be the dumb bitch but why exactly has the hound dedicated his entire life to killing his big bro?
was it just because he pushed his head into fire as a kid?
>kym filename
kys Yea Forumseddit
How can we even know he died? He is basically invincible, if a knife through his brain doesn't slow him down, nothing will. The mountain should have been the Night King and they would have won
> Qyburn
> Chaotic
He's literally the most Lawful character in the show with the possible exception of, idk, other Maesters like Aemon.
Either lawful neutral or lawful evil depending on whether you think his attachment to Cersi was purely out social climbing personal interest or actual legalistic loyalism. And after his parley with Tyrion ("I am merely a mouthpiece for our queen ... Cersi is queen of the seven kingdoms, you are her subject.") I am inclined towards the latter.
I like to think he just kinda got up after that fall and shrugged it off.
His death hurt me the most in this episode desu. It was so sudden and all he ever wanted to do was pull off mad science.
*Harmonica solo intensifies*
>if a knife through his brain doesn't slow him down, nothing will
what if you just drop a really heavy rock on him
>less restraints
>actually turn out to be the better fighter
You must not know how to pay attention. The hound clearly demonstrated a superior knowledge of swordplay and defensive movement.
that fight is so shit holy fuck. So many cuts. Did the Russo Brothers direct this or what?
my favorite part of this scene is how indifferent Hound is to cersei
Cleganebowl was never supposed to be a thing anyway. It was just a dumb meme people shitposted all over the internet and got forced into the show like Bronn. The Hound never gave a shit about his brother in early parts of the show or in the books.
The fire would’ve burned him alive
I liked it, and cinematically it lived up to the hype, tho I had hoped for a bit more amazingness in the fight itself.