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tfw millions of normies will be redpilled on this subversive bullshit
So Bran warged into the horse right?
>Cersei has Melisandre executed
Well that didn't fucking happen so...btfo
Why isn't there any Arya spoilers?
She's not return for the next chapter, is she? The whole horse thing was a metaphor for her death, right?
missandei you illiterate nincompoop
bran is certainly asexual
Missandei, retard.
nah, the horse was some kind of redemption. she's free from revenge, and everyone from her list is kill. she has nothing left to do in westeros
At least 4 people are going to legit kill themselves next week, if there aren't already ones killing themselves today.
God those leaks are so stupid it might be true.
you do know these leaks came out before episode 2 right?
‘member them?
This is incredibly stupid
I honestly would have prefered the "Tyrion takes the throne and marries Sansa" end, but this is fine too, as long as neither Dany or Jon get the throne I am happy.
>amerinigger can't read
surprising, truly
actually i dont remember frogfu, who?
>The 3ER set it all up to get the throne
>Leaks say Bran but Bran isn’t Bran anymore
All hail king tree
Dont worry about it
Meera Reed who accompanied Bran beyond the wall
>Bran becomes king
neurotypicals BTFO
Autistic Incels Will Rule
That would be EPIC. Midgets are EPIC.
>There's a new prince in Dorne!
Uhh... did you forget about him as well?
>retards RISE
tyrion is such a weasel, why do they keep letting him council?
The fact that Bronn is going to be put on a council of anything other than planning a frat party or castle impregnation is the bow on top of a steaming shit heap of stupid decisions. I didn't believe this leak just because of Bronn's end but the episode tonight confirmed it.
>tfw you're a Game of Thrones fan
Not watching. Are these leaks confirmed by the new episode?
Can this crippled fuck even get an erection now?
How is supposed to sire an heir?
yes. all of them.
It's a democracy now. They will implement the Westeros Electoral College and the 2A.
he doesn't need to. he is a hivemind now so when the time comes he'll just pass it on to the next person.
She was in the preview for next episode.
How fucked are HBO's spinoff plans at this point? D&D crashed the fucking franchise into the side of the proverbial mountain.
Pretty fucked.
>And Bronn.
Are you some kind of fucking ableist?
HBO/GRRM have said they arent going forward with the spin offs as they arent happy with the ideas, i think grrm has a final say in if they make any more ASOIAF shows and I think hes seen whats happened and hes like "nah m8 fuck off, got the cash"
Can't wait to see the reactions when the new ruler of Westeros turns out to be the autistic incel.
literally the worst ending possible, and it's gonna be all true
The delegates, Sansa.
I know a Robert's Rebellion spin off was pitched but GRRM strongly opososes that so I guess it's not happening.
why would he be king even in this normie freak TV canon why would the other kingdoms accept a northerner magical cripple as king?
Fucking good. If the quality had stayed consistent with seasons 1-4 I'd be all about it, but they can stop butchering ASOIAF now.
This is obvious. 3ER wanted this badly, else he wouldn't have pestered Sam about telling Jon, and *before* the battles, no less. The question is "why"?
I kinda feel as if 3ER is R'Hollor and was the real villain of the show, Night King only wanted to stop him
>Jon takes the black and rejoins the night's watch when there's no longer a wall to protect, the white walkers are dead and the wildlings are friendly with the north
This is so much stupider than I could have possibly imagined
"the rape" kid becomes king?
>based bronn joins the king's fucking council
the rest is shit though
Hey now, he has a good Q rating
Whatever the fuck that Jewish shite is
>Bran becomes the emperor of Westeros and conquers the world
How old was the last 3ER? Do they age normally? And can he even have children? And if not what happens when he dies?
Hail Hydra.
genuinely pleased bronn is gonna make it lads
>Jon takes the black again
If this happens, I'd be mad. He's the next in line to the throne who happened to kill the bitch who lit up Kings Landing and tried to usurp his throne. He's got 3 different kinds of justifications for killing her.
>Bran becomes King
Nobody in the seven Kingdoms even knows who he is. Robert Baratheon had a Targaryen Grandmother, hence his claim to the throne. Bran would be a nobody with no support and nothing to back him.
Do leaks say where all the dothraki and horses came from? Why couldnt arya telepor from the mob 'stepping' on her? Why were all the scorpions on the outer walls? Why couldnt they hit anything this time?
Why did the mountain meat puppet suddenly disobey based qyburn
and this was the best episode this season. pathetic.
not the black , maybe he left to leave with freefolks
>John takes the black
Why would the watch even exist anymore?
Theyll make some end the monarchy changing of age bullshit. You know it.
If this is fucking true, which it will be, that will make no fucking sense. How will he make an heir? Even if his dick works, I don't see the three eyed Raven fucking sluts anytime soon
How so?
I dont think anyone want anyone with targaryan blood on the throne any more, legitimacy or not.
even though there isnt a nightwatch anymore I can totally see that happen.
Dude, think of how fucking easy that job would be. No longer have to worry about Wildings or White Walkers. He's basically getting sent to the same prison Anders Brevik went to. Free meals and a hot bed for the rest of his life, cheap whores at moles town.
>why am I so retarded
These are tough questions to answer user... try drinking bleach to clear your mind
Strange about that one scene that did not happen. I guess it was filmed and just not used, or cut.
hey guys dont mind me. i just wanted to be in on the big winterfell reunion party and i have this badass crowwbow now. k thx bye
what was the point of this comment?
That's actually a fair point and I hadn't thought of that, but they need to at least be someone who is connected in Westeros to keep the power together. Someone the other lords can at least follow to keep everyone unified.
what happened to dorne. wasnt there supposed to be an army?
>teleports to winterfell
>oi m8 can you kill cersei instead?
>sure short man
>everyone else teleports to kings landing
>bronn takes the long route
>gets to completely melted and destroyed kings landing
To illustrate how stupid some people's opinions can be.
>hurrr why can't the scorpions hit a stronger, faster, uninjured dragon
>deny hit the other dragon so easy durrr
What was the point of something that idiotic being posted
Who is the prince of Dorne
Such a lust for revenge
>3/3 first shot
>double the scorpions this time
Its quite reasonable actually. Only an idiot would just 'bravo dnd' something like this.
what happens to drogon? does he just wander the world until the ghost of Euron's big cock catches up to him and rapes him to death?
On an injured dragon caught unawares
Bitch about how it got caught unawares all you want aspie. It doesn't mean that drogon was going to get shot as easily.
Fucking casuals
>only one thing was wrong
>yfw Bran doesn't become king
He's either killed or he follows Jon up North. No way anyone would ignore the giant nuclear weapon that is Drogon.
Why would fucking bran be king and why the fuck would bronn be on the council?
>still defending this plot armor
You chose a pleb as fuck hill to die on
Conforming to the opinions of an anime message board doesn't make you wise kiddo
if Bronn became one of the the advisors, he would be the one who killed Drogon.
It's poetic
Jon's a fucking lord. Why not retire to WInterfell with his sister Sansa?
So you're mad at Martin? Why'd you even watch the show? Unless you didn't read he books which oozed the very thing you're criticizing
>No way anyone would ignore the giant nuclear weapon that is Drogon.
d&d would
You know what else I find interesting, wasn't the old man that took the black a targaryan? He was the little brother of that guy that stole the BOAR KING's woman. So now Jon goes to where Targaryan's shoudl go - the north.
no wait he was like their uncle or some shit. He was the little brother of the mad king.
I mean if Arya can sneak through 30,000 wights why is she having this much trouble with a crowd of people freaking out?
yeah, this is the only loose end i want to see what happens with
you'd think whatever happens to him would be a big enough deal to be included in this
Guess they felt it was better being tyrion rather than brienne
I felt it was a good change. Pretty much all that happened but with a character swap.
He was the Mad King's uncle
Perhaps because the things she's experiencing are completely different.
It's not a book. The show has never had dialogue of people's thoughts, only spoken lines. The books explain context through intense descriptions of what the characters are feeling as they go through an experience.
Christ, I can't believe I have to explain how this shit works to these autists
>why the fuck would bronn be on the council?
>Promised a keep
>A knight
>Long history with tyrion
>Commander of city watch at one point
Makes me think maybe Bran as king is a fake as well.
I have a sneaking suspicion Dany will actually rule in the end, despite everything.
>and Bronn
Gets me everytime!
>calling other people retarded when you're too retarded to see how retarded you are
fucking kek
That's the fucking Lord of High Garden you pleb.
I'm not even mad at this episode.
We got to see brans vision fullfilled
>Dragon flying over KL with bell ringing and people screaming in terror
And a ruined ash filled throne room. I guess it wasn't snow after all.
Yes, cripples can achieve erection and ejaculation. They just don't feel anything from it and obviously can't fuck.
>unironically saying this episode is bad
>being a autistic plebeian
Pick two
Didn't that Brienne scene happen though?
Bran is king because "I don't WANT anymore, really" They're obviously signaling the best king is someone who doesn't want it, like Jon, but because D&D butchered Jon's character arc he's only a plot device to kill Dany after all is said and done, despite being the only person that is both worthy of the crown through his temperament and whose crown it is by rights. Therefore, it's Bran, as his character arc was butchered and ultimately meaningless in the Long Night as well.
How can Jon take the black ? There's no more white walkers
you dont even know your vowels fucking retard
just turn your brain off
>whose crown it is by rights
>Caring about rights
That would make GoT even more meaningless if they just went back to the old Targ dynasty after Dany. Bran+Bronn at least is something new.
mfw when Yea Forums sits on the Iron Throne
>Hyper Autismo
>Uggo Giga-Chad
>Alcoholic Shitlord
>Normie Authority Cuck
>Fat kissless handholdless virgin
All different iterations of /ourguy/. Hope the suicide hotlines are ready for all of the redditors next week.
Bran Stark oddly became the odds on favorite to rule Westeros before the season started airing on my sportsbook, from like +2000 to -150.
>Bronn of Blackwater, Lord of Highgarden
will he knight his fellow sellsword bros as well?
Of all the retarded stuff honestly the most annoying thing to me is that this dragon can breathe fire literally forever.
Have you not read the reviews from the fans? People are starting to be fed up by this subversion bullshit. No one likes the direction that the show is going with Mad Queen Dany
because it leaked, there was an article about this
If hes asking that question his brain already is off
>Yea Forums triumphs over YASS KWEEEN SSSLLLAAAAYYYY
fucking clownworld
I unironically don't care anymore with arya killing the night king if a white male ends up on the throne I will even cherish
Jon is something new. He has primarily deserved the crown as many, like Varys believe, yet he is also the true heir.
Sam even maked a child now
I have no problem with this. Bran has always been my favorite character and his story was even more traditional fantasy hero than Jon.
Too bad the show reduces both of them to mere plot devices. I hope if the book has a similar ending they get to do more.
Really, out of all the mains (Bran, Dany, Jon, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa) it seems they've become plot devices and less main characters.
Bran sees through the paths of time. He sees all.
What? Brienne talked to Jaime and he refused. It happened last week. He was then captured by Dany's army, the aftermath of which was shown this week.
These leaks are from last week, this week, and next week. I can't tell if this is bait or you're just illiterate.
How can you watch 72 hours of something, yet miss the point completely?
Bran isn't Bran, he's Three Eyed Raven, and Three Eyed Raven doesn't need a son to create a lineage, he just finds a new host.
They couldnt be anything other than a plot device at this point since the writers have to tie up all loose ends. There may have been a few forks in the road on the seasons prior but theres only one way this can all end.
Hell just warg into another body and cuck himself dubbing the offspring his royalty.
Yeah I know, but still IF it does end....I'm still not going to watch the show. Saw some early episodes and it looked fine, but it's not for me.
Fair, I wish if that since these characters had such strong plot armor, they'd at least do something interesting with their journey. Guess that was too much for the show.
>Christian 4channeler
Cripples make terrible kings. Just look at FDR.
Fucking Bran cannot rule the 7 kingdoms. I guess they just give up on the whole concept of the Iron throne and the 7 kingdoms go their separate ways which is cool I guess
The leaks were true, you guys saved me once from deception on the last jedi and now this!. I love you bros.
>and who
>are you
The autismo is all powerful. Stay jealous and buttmad.
Who is going to stop him? He can see any attempt at assassination or insurrection before they even happen.
oh shit you're right
i guess the implication is brienne trying to free jaime
but worded differently it still "happened"