What is he thinking

Right now, at this very moment?

Attached: B3-CJ972_WOLFE_FR_20181115130206.jpg (632x810, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fried chicken

>"How can I blame Tolkien for all this?"

Cheesy garlic bread, or wings.

>"I'm carrying these two final episodes so hard for these jews"

How taxes can be levied on Arya

Attached: 1557434659101.jpg (488x563, 32K)

>what's her tax policy going to be

>"I'm gonna make a killing on book sales"

he probably isn't watching desu

Attached: mcdelivery_new11.jpg (634x423, 33K)

beat me to it fuck

Attached: boomer ahai.jpg (288x288, 34K)

>Damn, I'm rich

>lol still got paid

Attached: jung ass nigga.jpg (900x900, 78K)

>Damn that's good I'm gonna steal that for my books

>I hope the Jets do better this year

...I win

he's rolling in his grave after this episode

>I should have ordered breadsticks with my pizza

Trips confirms it

>where the fuck are my glasses...

>"Haha, those fucking HBO cunts thought that's what I had planned. They believed it all. Fucking morons."
>"Now I can finish my books with a proper endi-...OH FUCK, NO. I'M TOO OLD TO FINISH THIS SERIES!"
>cardiac arrest


he's thinking "this shit-show will really boost book sales"

He now needs to change the ending, because he said it's the same in the books, only with more filler.
Now Winds is truly never ever ever going to be released.

I want some pussy and a cheeseburger.

>cheetos or hotpockets?

>"Game of Thrones was a mistake"

"Why yes, I will have curly fries with that order, please."

he better wise up. if he dies without finishing this series his next of kin will pay for it in blood.

how come his face looks like a nigger even though hes not


that fat fuck is laughing his ass off that D&D actually thought that was how he was gonna end his books

He was struggling to find a proper ending to the books and realized that all his ideas sucked. So he let HBO overtake him and finish this series hoping they would come up with a shit ending so that anything he does will look good by comparison.

Christ can you imagine ol’ sweaty Gurm stumbling around on the Interwebs? “What’s a braaap?” He wheezes the question and licks his lips with such violence he can taste last Tuesday’s dinner. “Taco night,” he murmurs, and his pants spontaneously come undone.

