Other urls found in this thread:
and remember that niggers like to pretend they aren't violent savages
As bad as people who rooted against Christopher Moltisanti
Shows how dangerous these people are.
Not even mememing
Niggers. They earned the weight of that name.
kek, i want read her tweet when jon kills daenerys and bran be the king
Niggers have no moral compass
Unironically these reactions are disturbing
They certainly aren't human, they all need to be lynched
And yet they'll exist in the 22nd century and toids won't.
Do people say yaaas queeen unironically? I don't understand, is this a shitpost?
what the fuck is her fucking problem??
and suddenly game of thrones was /ourshow/
To be fair, in ancient law, if a city does not surrender BEFORE the siege equipment has touched the walls, all bets are off. It was BY LAW justified. It was justified. The sacking of a city was common in the olden days. Nothing special about this sacking except the use of a dragon.
Yes retard. Did you really need to ask that?
>right-wingers complaining about left-wingers advocating for violence
These people would unironically cheer on a real genocide as long as the one doing it is a "strong" female.
It'll be preferable to not exist in the hellscape that this world is gonna become.
Can someone nuke twitter, please?
Please, if this was stannis killing innocents to have a chance to get to "the king" or whatever is the objective of this show today you'd be screaming from the top of your lungs with your reddit bros from Yea Forums
Not really, read a history book.
Lefties are the ones calling for violence these days m8
Good luck. The chinks and muslims don’t have empathy. You’ll be the first killed.
(Book) Stannis would never burn thousands of innocents
Pay no attention to the right wingers mass murdering all the people they meme about online. Coincidence, purely.
you can't believe only lefties are at this point. Surely
Do you really believe this?
>when you don’t realize that whites are the only thing propping up your missing link asses
Yeah, the Chinese will have 0 patience for your chimpery
we wuz moors
is this some advanced bait? guess it is because i gave a reply
leftists are fucking evil people
I'm really gonna enjoy the shitstorm next week.
>diversity and inclusion are good things, goy, don't worry about it they're just like you
I unironically can't wait for next week, these people deserve it
Usually you don't completely and unnecessarily sack your own capital city, along with everything your ancestors built.
Its okay, blacks can never form a cohesive army to do anything useful.
pls no bully
user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?
>Pay no attention to the right wingers mass murdering all the people they meme about online
Name a few genocides perpetrated by right wingers.
Gods I was strong!
I don't know what he would do or not do. Hypothetically speaking if there was a very gruesome scene involving a character you consider "based" and "/ourguy/" ravaging innocent people and pissing in their face you'd be on your knees with your mouth open posting frenetically on Yea Forums to get replies out of a comment similar to that crazy black twitter girl in op's
>omg this tweet is really disturbing
You might as well remove your balls with a rusty axe because you guys are more pansy than most women
white fags even make dany losing her shit about race, idiots
>Name a few genocides perpetrated by right wingers.
Billy Ray Cyrus plague on the Top-100 chart
Whos an Mbaku
Is he related to big head scientist yakub
I can't be racist I'm a person of color
just not nigger color
That twitter bitch shitposting in the OP has an IQ at least 20 points higher than the literal autists unironically arguing about human morals based on said bitch's posts about a fucking fantasy show.
A nigger did that.
Wait no, name a real one
Give birth
Have you ever seen what the comments are like under gore sites?
Because we are all edgy contrarians who do things for a reaction. These people actually believe what they're saying and actually invest themselves into fantasy.
They don’t. What happened to /pol/zoomers upholding the rule of nature? Why would you misunderestimate your enemy by assuming they don’t uphold the rule of nature? Are you trying to get cucked by your enemy?
That’s a rhetorical btw. The truth is you’re already getting cucked and it’s over.
Hitler wasn’t right wing, you stupid subhuman.
You guys are idiots. Dany is clearly the good guy. Her family built that town and they didn't have the sense to overthrow a clearly evil queen and hand it to her. They deserved to die. The people are so stupid in this show that they will choose the man pussy over her if they get the chance. Brainless idiots.
>my black friend died
>better torch everyone in the city for no reason
Nice fairy tale..
>right wing
They literally fought against monarchists and republicans before coming into power.
>I can't be racist I'm a person of color
>just not nigger color
Noggs, nogging what else is new
That's only true of enemy cities. Do you really think for example any Byzantine emperors would sack and burn Constantinople if they won it by siege during a Civil War? It's your city, and all the damage you do to it you have to handle.
Yeah but user, they fall right wingers NAZIS so nazis MUST be right wing!
Wait til next week, bitch!
You make a politically incorrect joke on twitter and you're unemployable for life m8. But you talk about how great white genocide is or how you've thought about putting teenage trump supporters through a woodchipper and you get a blue checkmark and a million upvotes. Wtf are you talking about?
it's not okay to be this retarded, even if you are pretending.
Where do you think the meme comes from? I bet you think Yikes and Oof are ironic too.
>National Socialism
>right wing
No you sick fag why would i
>Right wing
read de Maistre
But you’re literally regurgitating nonsense that you’ve been fed and expecting people to believe you. You lost the second you called basis right wingers.
Rule of nature is niggers starve to death.
>But you talk about how great white genocide is or how you've thought about putting teenage trump supporters through a woodchipper and you get a blue checkmark and a million upvotes.
And exactly how much power does that give them in real life when the SHTF fucking goes down? Are they gonna whip out their phones and say "look at all your downvotes!"
But Stannis is the rightful king so anything he does is justified.
Don't @ at me, redditor.
Implying I would ever reply to a low test who still watches SöY in 2019 and says cringe stuff like "the rightful king is /ourguy/
Keep wishing
Just shut off your brain
I'm a massive byzantibro. Justinian is my husbando despite his flaws.
Anyways, there are plenty of examples of roman armies sacking italian cities is civil wars. The soldiers looked forward to sacking, raping and pillaging fellow romans. People are selfish and their wants and needs go beyond any loyalty.
Your race has an average iq when mixed with 20% euro dna of 85. You are literally an animal.
have sex
brush your teeth
Why do they give a fuck about a non character like Missandei
Put your trip back on and have a father.
Based Achmet/Medbro
Because shes mystery meat
shave your armpits
They don't even think before talking, ever seen a vegan telling someone to die just for eating meat?. Women are animals.
>Why do they give a fuck about a non character like Missandei
I quit caring the moment she stopped showing off her boobies
Literally, unironically, not trying to be racist, what the ACTUAL fuck is wrong with black women
>HBO showing everyone how violent and reactionary women and minorities are when it comes to leadership
Get back to your oven, kike.
Rape and pillaging are quite common after winning a battle. "War crimes" are a nonsensical invention. Still, Dany is a retard for destroying her own castle and alienating her allies.
It's fine to be racist user, you know it's true, their low IQ extreme tribalism is doing this. They are made to be fucked and,pick cotton. Not to use social media.
Sounds pretty based to me tranny.
Reminder no one likes niggers. Not latinos, asians, indians, europeans.
They can't swallow that red pill, even if everyone knows it's true.
Reminder that whites are the least racist people on earth. Learn to speak Spanish and listen to mexicans talk about blacks. Hell, listen to asians talk about blacks. They KNOW they are animals and they don’t even kid themselves about it. They just straight up know what everyone knows anecdotally, statistically and now even genetically.
Daily reminder Indians, Asians, and Arabs have more racial differences than Americans could ever imagine and that's why those places are a chaotic hellscape. Diversity ends in massacres. Always.
>being this smoothbrained
These people hide behind cartoon avatars i wouldn't worry about, they would never say this if they had to be held accountable for it.
That's a blue checkie dude. That person's identity is verified by twitter
There's never gonna be a civil war or a revolution. Things will just get progressively worse like they are now until the police state is so awful and the draconian sensitivity laws become so unbearable that people start to beg China to just make us a vassal state already. My only regret is that i'll be too busy working in a coal mine to enjoy watching these useless,whiny parasites get lined up and shot.
>Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
I mean being held accountable in a real way
For real flirting with starting to learn mandarin and get my Chinese citizenship now
if you hear someone talking about an ethnostate you know there's gonna be violence no matter how much that person claims it's gonna be done peacefully, right-wingers operate through dishonesty
Move to liberia
Literally you
Blacks aren't ideologically leftist. They're anti-white and patrons of some "leftist" political parties.
Nazis are the good guys sorry sweetie
I hope this lil monkey feller is okay
I’m sorry but you got BTFO. The post I was replying to was clearly from a cuckstance. Defending it makes you cucks by proxy.
>mfw i thought "Yasssss Queen" was a meme Yea Forums used to make fun of pro grils
>mfw they acutally use that phras
That is mortifying
>Cut to Danerys Killing all Kings Landing.
>Starts playing
YFW She killed millions.
Then why did they lose?
>haha we won the battle and completely razed the city we were attempting to take
>something about being the breaker of chains
As a latino I can confirm this is true. But do you really need to know Spanish or Cantonese to understand how viscous and cruel these people are? Just look up any video of a Mexican drug cartel literally carving up one of their own like a thanksgiving turkey or just ask yourself why most of the People's Republic of China's history is curiously redacted. These people feel no empathy towards their own and in the future they'll both have major populations with a lot of influence in America. What do you think they'll do to all the Kangz and queers who they actually despise ?
You fucking idiots don't see an individual. You see a tribe. Get some perspective and fuck off back to your containment board
How did I get blown the fuck out? Wanna debate nigger? I’ll prolapse you faster than the aids ridden community of your people can. Try me shitskin.
Hitler was a poor strategist and also the allies allowed savage commies to rape their way across europe
Because you need to learn not to rely on the goodness of other men and that your personal interests need to be preserved by your own hand as well. To teach you that your enemies can win and that the cost of victory is more cruel than what you are prepared to deal out.
it's about niggers you literal retard
Ah the enlightened centrist individualist
Remind me how the centrists ended up when the USSR took off?
You got BTFO by being a cuck. Sorry bout it dumb mutt.
clutch those pearls harder
Those are Indian nationalists fighing in the Azad Hind against the British imperialists, supported by the National Socialists
>tfw whites helped fight against imperialism abroad and created solidarity with other nationalists but it was buried under MUH 6 GORILLION
Let me know what points you want to be destroyed on. Still waiting.
Can you guys actually even define “left” or “right” without googling? Everything you don’t like is the other?
God imagine having your world revolve around terminology you don’t even understand.
Were D&D trying to expose SJWs as psychos this whole time?
kill yourself
chimp tribe from wakanda you dumby
>never looked at American history
Fuck off back to /pol/
based leftie damage controller
The left/right wing dichotomy is a creation of political parasites attempting to turn politics into sports.
Dumb mutt
Know your audience. Thanks, Grand Moff Tolkien!
Can’t wait for femcunts to hate this show forever because it had the audacity to critique their deluded fucking egos. As if it matters, /ourguys/ dnd are already laughing all the way to the bank. Stay woke sluts
they don’t need phones they have the state behind them faggot, where have you been for the last three years??
Commies are the bad collectivists
Ethno facism however
Did it critique it though? Aren’t people liking the fact Dany killed those racist townies?
Here's my theory. D&D are hack writers. Because they lack the talent to make an actual exciting, yet satisfying ending, they decided to just throw darts at a dart board to determine how various characters die and went for shock and subverted expectations. They must have figured if they are gonna go down, they'll go out with an exploding dragonfire breath that can blow up a church and the screams of their audience, as opposed to a whimper or groan.
>give me my TV shows
kinda cute seeing them pretend like they can read
I’d cheer real genocide if OP is among the dead
Left: equity solution to inequality, differences in people are mostly caused by environment, intersectionalists, identitsrians
Right: equality of opportunity should be sought after more than equality of outcome. Personal responsibility, people should be judged on their actions rather than sex and skin color
Those are the major differences in 2019
seethe harder, nigger
yup, right when the only black woman gets killed infront of the only black character I realized the leaks are probably true and all the niggers online will root for danny burning white children in an act of revenge. These "people" truly are animals.
Nazis were the wrong flavor of socialism, they hated communists arguably more than they hated Jews, the first thing the Nazis did after they got power was they started persecuting communists. By the time they fully took over government the communist party was outlawed and all known communists in government were either dead or in prison, this was years before they started moving against Jews.
Jews created communism
>hated communists
>had a peace treaty with Stalin
>gave the Russians part of Poland
Santa's really keeping his pimp game strong.
nigs on a genetic level cant feel emapthy
>call yourself socialist
>means of production is owned by the state, not the people
>put actual socialists in concentration camps
>ultra conservative authoritarian movement
>ruled by dictator with an iron fist
>direct quote from Hitler himself: “Socialism! What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism.”
>Nazis were the wrong flavor of socialism
Literally brought their country from the brink of collapse to near-world conquering superpower in like a decade
>You fucking idiots don't see an individual. You see a tribe
Blacks and every other race in America except whites view their racial identity as paramount in their identity.
Damn, I could've sworn I was a plant.
Just curious... What’s your IQ? Have you ever taken a proctored IQ test?
>How did I get blown the fuck out?
You’re trying to change the subject to something else.
>Wanna debate nigger?
Not him but, debate what, exactly?
>people should be judged on their actions rather than skin color
hol up
so u be sayin
them anons that are calling for the lynching of all niggers in this very thread WUZ LEFT?
>Frogposter is too much of a brainlet to get realpolitik
>Blacks and every other race in America except whites view their racial identity as paramount in their identity.
Pretty sure whiteness is a paramount part of the identity of white people in the US.
Right v left has never described American politics, ever. It was an idea borrowed long ago that was adapted to describe out politics, and which has undergone continuous revision to fit whatever the current political landscape is. To whit, it is meaningless and serves only the function of simplistically dividing people into two camps and granting them both a false sense of continuity with the politics that preceded them under the same label.
It's all facetious. The issues of today do not fit neatly into categories invented over a century ago.
and then proceeded to collapse it again
How can blacks exist without withe people to feed them?
checkmate Wang
It's not. Whites view themselves as individuals. "Minorities" view themselves as tribes.
The people in this thread calling for the lynching of a group of people are not basing that on behavior at all.
134. Turn your trip back on. Anything. I think I’d destroy you in any debate reguarding race and I’ve read up more than you have. Pro tip: vox and buzzfeed aren’t sources. Wanna get buttfucked?
why can't you spell if your iq is apparently so great?
This is an accurate answer.
Based rational user.
>Whites view themselves as individuals.
That’s fucking false.
Did they? Google Operation Paperclip.
I know that. They’re basing it on skin color.
Thank you. Every single thing they accuse whites of they are guilty of a hundredfold. It's time we stop listening to them once and for all.
Define white
We are taught to be ashamed of our race
no it isn't, it's the ultimate "retard who thinks he's smart" answer. If you do zero research besides watching youtube videos then yes everything seems confusing and impossible to understand.
If you have an attention span longer than 10 minutes and can actually read a book, you will realize that is patently untrue, modern political positions can be qualified as right or left (you just won't like the answer) and saying otherwise is an excuse for intellectual laziness.
>It's time we stop listening to them
Way ahead of you.
Nukepill. We've been had, fellow white boys
Whites are the most altruistic group to ever live but we are accused of being evil. It’s a fucking farce and it’s destoying kids from a young age into hating themselves for something they can’t control.
>black women cheering for completely nonsensical malicious violence
it's unironically disturbing to go onto social media and see our caricatures of mundane people are actually 100% accurate
>3D trying to emulate 2D
>and it’s destoying kids from a young age into hating themselves for something they can’t control.
Some. Some see the truth though. They've been pushing the lies so often for so long we're building up an immunity...slowly.
>blacks value racial identity
>in the US, a place obsessed by race
>where blacks from 500 different cultures were all forced to live together for centuries
wow dude that's like super redpilled awooo!
They're just responding that way because they know it's socially acceptable answer. They'll still gatekeep and police the hell out of their whiteness status.
Yea, not sure why people are surprised.
Did white anons think we were kidding when we said our women are even crazier and shittier than white women?
There's a reason there's a huge molestation issue among black boys raised around too many women.
So you think the average Eurofag would describe Democrats as equal to their leftists parties?
Cause if so you’re a literal fucking retard, and if not you didn’t read when he said “American politics”, and are still a fucking retard
And yet you fail to see your own similarities. Dracarys
I'm white and I cheered. King's Landing was Sodom and Gomorrah.
You’re are fucking retarded if your are an identitarian, full stop. Just a straight up retard no matter what race.
Those 2 points apply to whites as well and they don't do that. Keep crying faggot.
First world niggers deserve the same fate of incels
Where's the one for jews?
Define. White.
What place isn't obsessed with race? Europe? China?
>Whites don't value racial identity
>In the US, a place obsessed by race
>where whites from 500 different cultures were all forced to live together for centuries
See the issue here? Also don't act like this is something unique to the US, the British aren't much further behind and based off demographics I don't expect the continentals to be much different in a decade or two.
Uhh, what?
As someone who's actually black in America, it's literally the exact opposite.
And that all applies to whites in America as well regardless.
I'll say it straight up, American blacks are fucking simps, we get a bunch of idiots talking huge game but the reality is that most other blacks hate us just as much as the rest of the world.
There's a reason our ancestors were sold and theirs weren't, as far as they're concerned, we're inferior.
Thankfully, I got the last laugh, since I get to sit back and watch as their countries are taken over by chinks.
Shame the US will be a Hispanic country in 40 years.
I don’t have a trip.
Now, which test did you take? Describe it to me? When did you take it?
>I think I’d destroy you in any debate regarding race
You can hardly spell, mr MENSA initiate.
>Pro tip: vox and buzzfeed aren’t sources.
I don’t cite vox or buzzfeed.
>Wanna get buttfucked
I doubt that you have the capability. Most likely, you’ll just regurgitate something from /pol/ or storefront or whatever.
white people
>see your own similarities
My own similarities to what?
I thought the media defined it for you?
>broken english
the ironing
>he actually thinks Socialism has people controlling means of production coupled with democratic government
Holy shit dude you are dumb as helk
Because the Bible said it would be this way.
>How will AMERICMUTTS call you?
Are you from China or something? Who speaks this way?
I agree Democrats are far to the right of most european leftist parties, and autists can't handle this so they just say "left and right don't exist any more" because it makes their head hurt to think about.
I suppose that’s why I see monuments of white people everywhere and we have holidays that celebrate literal genocidal monsters then...
whites were slaves in America? I didn't know that
Good, jews may or may not be undermining their host nation, but commies literally do that by design.
We have holidays to combat anti-Catholic sentiment you brainlet.
What constitutes a white person?
>muh media
What media do I consume user? What’s the media’s definition then?
Leave my homeland if you dont like it brown
Because they ran out of Romania oil.
>he thinks North Korea is a democracy
It's not. We are the ONLY race that doesn't vote as a block.
I’m 100% French. My mom and dad were both born in France and I’m 100% for the past 500 years ethnically French. I know a stupid mexican like yourself will cope about being an inferior monkey and having your women raped by superior men with superior tech by the spanish is a really hard pill to swallow. You can still whistle and make retarded sounds while I walk through the warehouse after fucking your wife and making 6x your income thanks to my 100% euro genes. You are lucky that euros even bothered to rape your slut of a great^6 grandma.
Niggas be sayin dick size is genetic but IQ is not
>What constitutes a white person
If they're white or not
I've seen a lot of French and German speakers make that mistake, mixing up stuff like "how" and "what," which are apparently called "interrogative adverbs."
But I have almost no experience with people whose native language is from somewhere outside of Europe, like Asia or the Middle East or wherever, so I have no idea if it's a more widespread thing.
Define you. God I love critical theory. You aren’t even real.
That’s not how it is in practice. In practice, being white matters a whole fucking lot to white people. I’m sure if you asked those same people if they are racist, you’d get similar results but the reality is almost everyone has some racist beliefs.
is right super individualistGaltian libertarian or hail evropa tribal folk facist
Okay but what is white?
You see monuments of white people everywhere because the country was almost all white when very important events were happening. A racially pure society is also the purest form of free thought. A black boy and a white boy fight and it must be racial. A black politician fails his constituents and it must be racial. Take race out of the equation and people have to be judged by their actions and ideas and now how they look.
>We are the ONLY race that doesn't vote as a block.
Yeah, that used to be true. And that's slowly changing the more insane that things get.
Stop deflecting and define white
If a person has white skin
Whites are the only group where it doesn’t matter. But I will say that white people overwhelmingly vote for the party that caters to white identity.
Is your skin lighter than your turds? Then you're probably white.
For or against? Because I always wanted Chrissy to do well. I know it was almost impossible, but I really hoped for the best of him. He was just too stupid, like most of the kids in Sopranos.
Define you, you aren’t even real.
Centrist "classical liberal" scum are individualists
The real right are ethno-concious
Obviously. Antifa and the socialists in Venezuela, the chinese...all these retards assaulting innocent trump supporters while the news ignores it. throughout history leftist regimes centralize power and thus enable abuse. The right tend to decentralize power.
Inb4 hitler, he was left wing in many ways apart from his social beliefs.
This is a white man?
Which holiday, exactly? Surely not Christopher Columbus Day which didn’t become a holiday until the establishment took Italians under the “white” umbrella and needed a famous Italian hero to celebrate.
So jews and koreans are white
Whiter than you probably
Any further deflection is a concession that you cannot define white.
part of the problem is Euro/British vs American versions of these terms.
>implying there's a party that caters to "white identity"
It’s right there in my post user. People who rooted against Chrissy.
hon hon hon baguette et colère brûlante
calm down mon ami
by definition you're accepting any collective racial movement has no reason to exist if you cannot prove your own consciousness or prove that the world actually exists outside your individual perception. All the things you call "racism" or "injustice" might just be electric impulses across your brain sitting in a jar right now. You're just dodging the question
The left has a history of violence, and are currently the most violent in this paradigm.
Not that user but white is pretty obviously a cluster of different genetic profiles originating around Europe that had to evolve and adapt in a winter environment.
Honorary aryan, sorry pedro
Venezuela is completely socialist, years ago it was touted as a shining example of socialism working for once lmfao
White people. The ones you would point out as easily as asian people or black people if you had to in real life. Stop being obtuse retard.
what percent of their industry is publicly owned?
So anyone stemming from Europe is white? Or just the northern ones? Mediterranean’s are not white?
Sup shitskin? Wanna lose a debate?
>hated communists more
not true
>started persecuting communists
because they were subversive agents and/or perpetrators of the shit the nazis came in power "to stop"
White nationalists, stop using the term white. Its just another way to be controlled. Judt be specfic, like "northwestern european". You cant define white properly.
That is exactly what I'm talking about user, thank you for introducing it for me! And while we are at it I'm sure that you are aware that the creation of the holiday was the direct result of Italian-American lobbyists pushing for the holiday during the 1930s, a period that, despite being "white" now, saw Italian-Americans still deal with anti-Catholic sentiment that lasted well into the mid 20th century?
By having the rest of the world dogpiling it while germany's allies kept fucking up to retarded proportions
Sargonite classical liberal morons always resort to this bad argument and think it invalidates any sort of white unification sentiments
So you can’t define white is what you’re saying?
the democrats aren't far right of europe, it's only that the status quo here is right of europe, so they can only push so hard
eurofags like to have that wank and have no idea
Not an argument
>Literally every school shooter in America was some mood suppressant pill popping stormfront incarnate
Really makes you think, huh?
I really do think white people make themselves paranoid about a nonissue to the point of hysteria. After years of posting on here, I'm officially convinced that the greatest atrocities in American history were just white people sperging out to the point where they went crazy.
Whats black
>Mfw even the "KILL WHITEYYYYY QUEEN SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" crowd is going to get absolutely rekt when Dani gets btfo next episode
Is D&D literally trying to just make everyone hate it? They've been going through every group of fan like a knife through butter the entire show, this can't be by accident
unironically creepy
>muh school shooters
How many niggers kill each other in the streets every day
I don’t watch Sargon or any of the faggot extremely online people you are going to try to bring up.
I’m asking you to define white. How can one be unified if you cannot properly articulate who is to be unified with whom?
>Literally every school shooter in America was some mood suppressant pill popping stormfront incarnate
Absolutely incorrect. The ones you hear about in the news fit that description though. They ignore and downplay the other ones. Not even reading the rest of your post, you're an ignorant partisan
>literally every school shooter
according to what? the studies debunked by leftists?
yeah he was retard lol
why did the ndsap ally with the conservative party in germany and have street brawls with the socialist party?
>white people lol
Go back to your home country then...oh wait, its shit and white countries are better
nancy pelosi literally said she doesn't want to impeach trump. Mainstream Dems are not fighting against the status quo, they are helping republicans to enforce it. That is why the american "left" is so different from Europe's.
Brainlets are scared of what that implies about the "freedom" of american politics so they chose to pretend its not true.
That is called white "man"
More deflection. Answer the question user.
>mainstream x is no fighting against the status quo
you don't say?
>it's only that the status quo here is right of europe, so they can only push so hard
wow it's like i literally addressed that
or is the mainstream in europe special?
why not?
America is the free-est country in the world desu. Go back to your cuckshed Mohammed
>Please, if this was stannis killing innocents to have a chance to get to "the king" or whatever is the objective of this show today you'd be screaming from the top of your lungs with your reddit bros from Yea Forums
Stannis doing that would make no sense. He is utterly lawful.
They were economically left wing, socially right wing.
Most of their genetic cluster evolving in europe. This ends up in organisms that did having pale skin. A child could tell a white person from an brown from a black. Wanna get genetic? You won’t have a good time.
Of European descent you idiot.
What is this ridiculous argument you morons always bring up
And yes Italy and spain are European
Didn't happen
Damn dude i dont know you should kill yourself though, socialist faggot
Return to the chapo cuck shed
Imagine being so illiterate and low IQ that you think leftism = minorities hating white people
Right wingers are literal NPCs who've never read a book in their lives
>You see monuments of white people everywhere because the country was almost all white when very important events were happening.
I happen to notice that a lot of the non-white people that were notable during these periods have also been either whitewashed or diminished historically. In fact, our country has gone out of its way to downplay non-white contributions and accomplishments throughout its short history.
>A black boy and a white boy fight and it must be racial.
I’m black. I’ve been in fights and arguments with whites before and didn’t think it was racial unless someone made it about race and nobody around me suggested that it was.
>A black politician fails his constituents and it must be racial
Dude, I remember when Marion Barry got arrested. I don’t recall anyone saying that it was because he was black. Sharon Pratt Kelly was black too and I don’t recall anyone saying her busting the economy was because of race. Holy shit.
>Take race out of the equation and people have to be judged by their actions and ideas and now how they look.
Look, Jim Crow wasn’t that long ago. Race could have been taken out of the equation hundreds of years ago, but it wasn’t. As it stands now, race is an important issue in the US and it will be for hundreds of years to come and it’s not just non-whites keeping that going. Most whites feed into that as well.
but the status quo in basically every democratic country is to the left of America's. Almost nowhere on earth would the "left-wing" party oppose social medicine, most developed countries already have it, even places in S America and Asia.
America's status quo is an outlier, not Europe's.
Fucking coward.
This bitch's DSL turn me on, give name
something not having a concrete border doesn't make it irrelevant
blue exists in the spectrum of colors despite it not being definite for example
the purpose of using a category is to group together things to yield more accurate information. When grouping together things by race, more accurate information is yielded. We know that "whites" cannot get sickle cell for example
see now that is really not an argument.
>the eternal boomer, the post.
How much is “most”?
I’m not being ridiculous. I’m trying to get an actual answer.
How many niggers have committed mass shootings compared to turbosperg white kids? I'll wait.
>N-n-not all school shooters are white!
There have still been more terrorist acts committed on American and European soil by white boys than anybody else since 9/11. That's alarming.
Every major terrorist attack since 9/11 has been carried out by a /pol/ sperg who was imitating another /pol/ sperg.
I live in a white country and learned about white history. One thing that repeats itself is that white hysteria turns into mass genocide, then genocide turns into you faggots running the table for years until your daughters are all sucking brown dicks and you faggots yourselves into effeminate cucks because of stereotypes that you create. Look at America. Look at Europe. Look at /pol/. It's too late.
that's what it is today though lmao
>America's status quo is an outlier, not Europe's.
says nothing about whether or not democrats are leftist
what a party is is irrelevant, what they are seeking is more important
Ok when America is under sharia law and china rules the world ill see you then
If you cant even tell the difference between a white person a black person then you should consider taking back your words
>Every major terrorist attack since 9/11 has been carried out by a /pol/ sperg who was imitating another /pol/ sperg.
how about that muslim wasting fags?
how about that muslim wasting militaryfags?
He's right though.
Yeah because Rwanda genocide was obviously white people sperging out
Also they were funded by the international banking cartels that also funded the bolsheviks.
You shifted the goalposts faggot. You claimed they were "stormfront incarnate" and i pointes out thag is totally wrong. Ya, most school shooters are white, the majority of the US is white, whites own guns at higher rates.
Mass murder isnt terrorism, blacks commit far nore violent crime. You're really fucking stupid. Stay on topic next reply, most school shooters arent far right nazis.
I can’t wait for whites to be marginalized politically when Texas and Florida for blue forever thanks to demographics, they own 90% of the 393,000,000 guns in the US.
How many niggers shoot each other ?
For 1 white teenager shooting his schoolmates you got 9 niggers killing or raping somebody else
Chinks are also on there way out with their heavily gender imbalanced populations. But I'll give you an A for effort
>says nothing about whether or not democrats are leftist
yes it does, because the "left" end of the democrat agenda is still to the right of most of the developed world. It doesn't matter what Dems or Rs call themselves, right and left have objective meaning in terms of modern political/economic policy. Both American parties fall to the right on this spectrum.
I've explained it like 3 times already, how are you not getting it?
>I live in a white country
No shit nigger, now we want you out because youre ungrateful and drag the country down. And suddenly you bitch about it, while also calling us cucks flr not doing anything? Low IQ nigger, go back to your shithole country if you dont like ours
*Go blue forever
Should've said in America or Europe. Then you faggots would just have to eat dicks.
>Mass murder isn't terroirsm
Come the fuck on, man. It's literally in the definition of terror.
In their own nigger neighborhood that's already shit.
You can tell these shooters to go blow up a Jamba Juice or Starbucks whenever.