So why did she kill the people and the castle!? She already won!? The bells meant surrender.
She Won!
Other urls found in this thread:
Because now everyone who's left alive in the world knows not to cross her.
because she is taking revenge on everyone that wronged and betrayed her. Including the people that didn't accept her as queen right away
Kings Landing was a degenerate shithole and deserved to burn. Also sometimes you need to establish dominance and nuke a city even though you don't really need to. See Hiroshima and Nagasaki. History is written by the victors, people still think U.S.A. were the good guys despite Dresden or Tokyo.
She was recreating a natural habitat for her hordes of immigrants.
She's going to die next week.
she's the mad kings slut daughter thats why
Because all targs are mad
>even though you don't really need to
japs wouldn't surrender, iwo was hell on earth and that was a tiny desolate bit of rock with a couple airstrips on it, the home islands would've been unimaginable carnage. the nukes were the most humane option. hiroshima and nagasaki were targeted because all the bigger/more productive cities had already been reduced to rubble by firebombing
fuck off loser
Kill all Lannistershits.
lmao dude just trust the lannister surrender they've never lied before lmao if you kill your enemies they win dude like just be nice lol
>japs wouldn't surrender
Perfect example of "history is written by the victors"
>japs wouldn't surrender, iwo was hell on earth
That is literal propaganda and it's amazing how people eat that shit.
The Japanese still hiding in the Pacific jungles years after the war were over may be a small clue as to Japanese desire to continue fighting but pretending the Japs surrendered is fine in your head
a VERY subtle message about power corrupting people, about being the bigger dragonwoman and the need to stand about your petty feuds
i mean iwo was hellish, you're not gonna convince me otherwise on that. curious what you guys are going off of that suggests they were willing to surrender before the nukes though
>implying the dothraki stopped at any point
she had to help them out or they would have been killed
Emperor Hirohito did want surrender, it's not propaganda. He had ample time and opportunity to surrender before the second nuke, and he didn't. It's on him, therefore the zipperheads didn't surrender and it was their fault.
>kill the castle
>Trusting a Lannister.
They're rats that need to be purged.
FUCK CERSEI (lol shed prolly say yes)
I'd just like to say that user who called me a fag for "falling" fort he bells leak can officially GET FUCKED
You can try to justify your beliefs using your American public school education (propoganda) all you want, the Japanese themselves have a completely different view of the situation as well as numerous Western historians who consider the nuclear option to have been completely superflous. Also I would like to see you defend the large scale massacre of civilians in Tokyo and Dresden
it's like family court all over again
Except she is dying next episode because she has proven to Jon shes a cunt that needs to be dealt with. She made enemies of her allies.
dont worry no one actually died
its a tv show
some guys on iwo jima finally surrendered in 1949. had just been living in the tunnels with the corpses of their compatriots the whole time
Watch this:
if you're not convinced that there are two sides to the story I can't help you
capitalism, bitch
The Dragonfire smashing apart stone fortifications like an old biscuit didn't seem right....
There was already a coup being staged to oust the imperial family and sue for peace before the bombs were dropped.
Except she pissed off Arya Stark, who is the one person in the world with the plot armor to kill her.
>citing Aljazeera
What fucking planet am I on?
You obviously missed this scene, user.
Well then they should have been faster about it, huh?
Fucking Christ you are dumb!
Why didnt varys act and kill her immediately?
There are two sides to every story. But some general sitting on a ship fifty miles away from the front lines clearly doesn't know that the nips had a strict no-surrender policy. Also
>al jazeera
Jamie, cersei and varys were all far better characters than queen slay one and queen slay two. Jon is boring and why did he start trying to emulate Ned's accent in the past season or two?
she's /ourfemcel/
I'm not citing Al Jazeera retard, the segment cites numerous historians, both Japanese and American, former U.S. presidents and high ranking military officers and Generals, all of whom considered the nuclear bombing to be unneceassry at the time
but she doesnt know that you retard
You're literally citing Aljazeera, a KNOWN propaganda network owned by the Qatari government. Absolutely braindead.
>some guys said so, so...
cool man there are also a lot of unironic flat earthers, doesn't mean they or you look any less retarded.
Try to justify civilian and POW atrocities of the Imperial Army. Also, go kill yourself manlet.
You don't know what "literally" or "cite" means, retard. Go back to sucking your thumb and thinking muh USA dindu nuthin wrong
the japanese themselves are descended from the pre-ww2 era military establishment we put back in power (rather than prosecuting their war crimes) because we were desperate for allies against the communists. so their take isn't worth much, they don't even acknowledge all the atrocities they committed. as for the civilians, that's total war, break the enemy's will, shorten the whole affair, save lives in the long run. that's the idea anyway. you want a telling comparison, look at the way different countries treated their POWs. guess what, Japanese treated them the worst by far, i think they had something like 37% casualties whereas even the ultra evil nazis had something like 1%. entire european theater was incredibly civilized even the eastern front compared to the shenanigans the japanese indulged in
>Kings Landing was a degenerate shithole and deserved to burn
i doubt that was the angle they were going for considering all the women and children they show being burned alive.
>Flat Earthers are equivilant to former U.S. presidents and military Generals, including Douglas Mcarthur and Dwight Eisenhower
I can't believe propaganda, even when it's known to be propaganda, works on people like you. Subhuman.
Rub it in boys. Do not let them forget what they are. Use it against them like a sword and it can never be used to protect them.
My grandpa was going to be deployed in the ground invasion if the bombs hadnt been dropped. I’m alive because of that decision. Every single japanese deserved to die. It was total war. The nukes saved american lives and that was always the goal.
>my cherry-picked quotes by Pajeet Rahjavajan, reporter-at-large, somehow hold water
Every post you make is increasingly comical.
> believe in propoganda
Nice projection there, public school retard. You literally cannot deal with the cognitive dissonous that the propoganda you have been force fed all your life about USA NUMBA 1 might not be true considering all the atrocities your country has committed over the years, which btw are acknoledged by American histornians themselves
Fuck those small dick short legged compressed spine slant eyed godless dog eating fucking mongrels. In one press of a button we annihilated an identity that they'd spend thousands of years creating. They should be thanking us for blasting them out of the stone age and into the modern age.
How would you like it if your nephew wouldn't fuck you? Wouldn't you kill a bunch of people too?
>He fell for public school propoganda
Wow you sure showed him
Have sex Dany lover.
the japs were lashing pregnant women to walls, slicing open their wombs with no anesthesia, and injecting their unborn children with diseases to see how the mothers body would react
Did you miss the part where she had crippling paranoia about everyone betraying her?
>cognitive dissonous
Have another black pill faggot.
this guy jerks off to howard zinn books
She forgot she's suppose to be a good person.
What propaganda? That the japanese are humans deserving of life? What I’m saying is that we should have nukes every city on that island. Who cares if it was necessary. They declared war on US.
Douglas Macarthur, the General of the Army of the United States maintained that there was absolute no need for the nuclear option, I would rather believe him than some public school educated retard who can't acknowedge he's been force fed propoganda all his life
>people that didn't accept her as queen right away
Don’t defend this violent psycho.
>cognitive dissonous
holy shit my sides
She is a culmination of:
-King Aerys the Mad King
-The Stallion who shall Mount the World.
The Stallion would have killed and raided millions with the Dothraki horde. Thousands would have died to Aerys' use of wildfire.
She combined the most brutal, her passed father and son, and made the most brutal act of tyranny Westeros had seen in generations.
ehh they were only doing that to the Chinese and I think we can agree after spending the last decade looking at common Chinese street accidents that those people have no soul.
Isn't it time for your onions, faggot?
People are named Alexander and Khan and were Caesar, Tzar, Kaisar. Baka.
what was the point of him in the show again WTF DID HE DO TO ADVANCE THE POLITICS OF THE SHOW
Yeah at this point nobody cares what you say we just want to see how badly you fuck up words, brainlet.
Based af comment
>Abandoned his troops to die by slavery
>Ass beaten so hard he had to run all the way back to the states.
>Unique place in history due to every single general and every single politician of his team hating him.
Tell me more what the fucking surrender monkey thinks.
I liked it. She stopped being a retard and did what had to be done. Imagine if she had actually done it before going to the fucking north. She has been taking shit choices since a lot of seasons back, but burning king's landing wasn't one of them
>fear it is then
She laid out her reasoning for you. The writers spelled it out, on screen, with one other person in the shot, and you still fucking missed it
its called science you brainlet
>gets wordfiltered
please lurk for more than a month before posting, lebbit
This. History will not be kind to her. Joffrey and Cersei's incompetent rule will look like a golden era compared to the death and destruction mad queen dany wrought. Worse than Aerys.
Honestly the signs were always there. In hindsight no one should have expected anything different.
she is a woman and has an army of niggers
a chimp out was inevitable
Wow the general of the conventional army didn’t want his victory points taken away by the new magic super bombs dropped by the air force who would have thought?
If she attacked KL before going North she never loses a soldier, never loses her mind, takes the throne, and has 7 kingdoms to fight against NK instead of just half of one. She also likely never finds out Jon's ancestry.
This, Jesus Christ. I just started following this season and this fanbase is so fucking retarded.
And the Americans were fire bombing civilians in Dresden and has been droning and carpet bombing and napalming poor people in the desert and in the jungle ever since, are you actually so retarded that you think U.S.A. are the good guys?
>unironically thinking what shithead macauthur said should be taken seriously
Why didn't she just open by destroying the red keep?
Dany burns Kings Landing to the ground and guarantees she will rule by fear. She also knows Jon Snow was in her army on the ground during the battle so anyone who wants to prop him up as the legitimate heir to the throne can't since she can just claim he also slaughtered the citizenry during the battle. 4D Chess lads
So bombing Japan was going too far for MacArthur, but later on when he wanted to do it to the Chinese and Koreans it was justified?" Not the best example faggot
>japs wouldn't surrender
>have to nuke two cities two win a war we weren't capable of winning otherwise
he was a pussy
nuclear hellfire is the reason the world fears and respects america right now and why we are the most powerful country one earth
The fire rises
That's irrelevant that he was on the ground floor. His claim is by birth right
>This much cope
How about Eisenhower, was he a degenerate too? This is only the beginning, I can cite a dozen historians, politicians, military generals, all of whom say that the nuclear bomb was unnessary
>people still think U.S.A. were the good guys
*The U.S.A still think U.S.A. were the good guys
First honest response I have received, you are correct, U.S. nuked Japan not because it was "necessary", but because U.S. wanted to establish dominance and show the Soviets what nukes were capable of.
>actor talks about his character before shooting a lot, because he's basing his knowledge of the character off of the books
>thinks it's still going that way after the bridge scene
>voice disappointment after realizing where they're taking your character on twitter
that poor guy
He was a treasonous swine
But these people who actually fought the war and knew what happened are wrong, a faggot who saw a wikipedia article once and watched almost all videos from prageru knows better!!!
>two win a war
you're either insanely drunk or one IQ point away from being legally braindead.
Unironically this, based af, Daeny did absolutely nothing wrong, zilch, nada
Are you both so fucking retarded to not realize this came out of no where and their lines were forced last second to try to justify the most baffling retardation that has ever been aired? They spent 0 episodes 0 trying to make her seem crazy and then on the next to final episode 8 seasons in they expect people to buy she is crazy? Fuck off.
i get ike's point of view but did he really think it would've been better if the commies demonstrated the bomb to the world and not us? they irradiated their own people multiple times accidentally
>a Jewish backed general wanting to send even more white men to the field to die
WW2 wasn't about freedom or tyranny, it was about white population replacement. 40 million white people died in WW2, SHATTERING the death toll of any other race. The atomic bomb saved tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of white lives. THAT is why your kikes are so outraged by it.
Because targs are fucking shit
I really appreciated that D+D showed how fucking bad a city getting sacked can get and that rape and senseless murder of civilians was and is a thing in the heat of battle
Eisenhower was never within 500 miles of a bullet being fired in combat. He never fought anything. He was a kike backed puppet.
she snapped
Getting upset over a typo in current year
What are you, /pol/?
Japan wasn't going to surrender if they didn't get nuked. It would've taken a land invasion that would've cost 2 million Allied forces not to mention Japanese civilian lives.
Shut up edgelord, enough of your “the ends justify the means” BS pseudo-philosophy, also your whole comment is an Oxymoron.
Don’t try to justify Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I’m sick of seeing Right Wingers trying to do this, there were much better ways, just look at how this page has more against it than for it:
>See Hiroshima and Nagasaki
we didn't nuke tokyo or kyoto retard
Varys was right. And now the realm suffers.
Keep telling yourself that sociopath.
>Don’t try to justify Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Absolutely justified.
Is Rhyllor satisfied now? I need to know.
Eh, whether the Japs would or wouldn't surrender is debatable. Some elements of the high command were already in favor of surrender, but others were hellbent on resisting to the last.
The bigger issue was the threat of the Pacific War going long enough for the Soviets to really get into the game. A North/South Japan split a la Germany would've been terrible.
Yes, user. The guy with the intel and responsible the war knows nothing. You know better.
People at this point would rather anyone be King than another Targ.
I have no dog in this fight but you really are super retarded or drank that stronk al jazeera coolaid. And of course the Japanese have a different view and believe the rape of nanking never happened or korean comfort women werent raped. Just like southerners like saying the war was never about slavery.
We literally waited a week to drop the second bomb, how long does it take to fucking call up Truman and say Uncle?
>See Hiroshima and Nagasaki
You’re unironically stupid
That's propoganda, the only reason the Japanese refused a formal surrender was due to ancient honor codes that are fundamental to Japanese society, numerous historians say that the Japanese were absolutely incapable of waging conventional warfare after and were defeated already. Even secretary of war Henry Lewis Stimson was not sure the bombs were needed to reduce the need of an invasion: “Japan had no allies; its navy was almost destroyed; its islands were under a naval blockade; and its cities were undergoing concentrated air attacks.”
The United States still had many industrial resources to use against Japan, and thus it was essentially defeated. Rear Admiral Tocshitane Takata concurred that B-29s “were the greatest single factor in forcing Japan’s surrender”, while Prince Konoye already thought Japan was defeated on 14 February 1945 when he met emperor Hirohito.
A combination of thoroughly bombing blockading cities that were economically dependent on foreign sources for food and raw materials, and the threat of Soviet entry in the war, would have been enough.
The recommendations for the use of the bomb show that the military was more interested in its devastating effect than in preparing the invasion. Therefore the destruction of hospitals and schools etc was acceptable to them.
>kills everyone cause Jon won’t fuck her
But her arc was about becoming a good ruler. How is this good writting? Fucking showfags.
>Japanese refused a formal surrender was due to ancient honor codes
Yep 0 sympathy.
We nuked them so they'd surrender. They didn't. After we nuked them again, they did, but the army threw a coup to stop the surrender, after getting nuked twice, but failed. It was absolutely necessary.
Bombing civilians is better than torturing and raping them desu
>Drinks American public school kooolaid
>Accuses others of drinking koolaid who present a different view based on the opinions of respectable historians and high ranking military officers
Because she’s a mad tyrant
>fly dragon up to castle
>roast the top 10 floors or so
>its over
That's why we had to mindbreak them into surrendering
Someone should make a hentai doujin about a nuke fucking a woman-ified Japan up the ass
>The bells meant surrender.
She forgot
>he believes it was Japan being slow to respond and not Truman wanting to show off the nuke to make USSR freak
Burgers, when will they learn
It's a good thing Americans don't rape or torture then righ- oh wait
Lads, gather round if you would, this includes:
and that one Podrickfag
I would like to take a moment to just say,
FUCK Danyfags
and FUCK roasties
Thank you! Thank you!
no oxymoron, he said sometimes actions are necessary, not that it makes you the good side
They ruined Jaime, Cersei, and Varys too.
Varys: tells fucking everyone he's betraying Dany, some "spymaster"
Jaime: Dies Cersei's bitch learning nothing at all, character development ruined
Cersei: no strategy but to let her OP pirate boyfriend do everything, suddenly he sucks and dies for no reason though, she stands around gaping at shit without acting
Are you Japanese or a middle easterner? that reply rules out you being from any part of southeast Asia as they loved it when the Japs got nuked.
are you insane?
This, the average Jihadi Muslim is more prone to surrendering than Imperial Japs.
What does that have to do with Dany MURDERING INNOCENT PEOPLE AND SADISTICALLY BURNING EVERYONE WITH HER SOLDIERS DOING THE SAME, to be honest I’d root more for the Lannisters.
Cry more, liberal faggot. It's fact that the Emperor was building up the defenses of the islands, because he knew we'd invade, and he wasn't going to surrender. One of the reasons the planes that dropped the bombs waltzed right over Japanese air defenses is they were saving their remaining planes for the inevitable invasion.
I can justify the bombs with two words: we won.
Cry more. Go tell the residents of Nanking how innocent the poor, poor Japanese were.
Because she is the mad kings daughter
Stark forces have always been savage rapists, people forget that Ned was raised by Jon Arryn which is why he cared so much about honor and doing the right thing. Most northerners are more like the Boltons, they're savage and cold like their environment
What is the moral difference between nuking a city and dropping fire bombs for 3 or 4 years straight and the end result for both was death. Or in the Nazi case, just gas them all.
this is the correct answer.
What does that have to do with anything?
arya kills dany in the next episode and closes danys green eyes forever
I want all people, with similar patterns of though to you, to be fed to hyenas.
You are being sarcastic right?
The Taliban still run Afghanistan you know?
If Varys is so smart, why did he suck it so bad? He guarenteed his death being retarded.
Okay if he was right why didn't the Japs surrender after the first nuke?
frying japs was a good thing. now watch this drive
It will never stop amusing me how bitter Japan is towards America over getting their asses kicked in World War 2.
what about all the super smrt people that thought it was absolutely necessary? You just want to believe whoever has credentials and supports your existing opinion. Don't be such an animal, you have the brain of a god in you. use it.
My guy
Holy shit ten morons in the military committed a crime and then went to jail for the rest of their lives???? Better burn down the White House comrade.
Is a fucking warcrime
He is a muslim middle easterner, most likely some middle class fool living in the west
There is no moral difference, but the reasoning that the japs wouldn't surrender quick enough is seriously flawed
So if Jon had fucked Dany, what would have happened?
Ah good think the allies didn't commit any warcrimes
she didn't have sex
pro tip. don't cite politicians to prove...well anything.
>it's a fucking warcrime to do horrible experiments on the Southeast Asians!
>but we'll let you off scot-free if you give us your experiment results so we can potentially do the same thing
The eternal burger
Based. Weeaboos seething.
Bombing a city is better than torturing and raping it’s civilians desu
exactly. his stage fright cost thousands of lives. Or to be even more bold, Bran caused this, and Sansa was his sword
woah, you sure know your stuff, how much did you read on the subject, one whole book? made by americans, whcih are totally 100% truthful and would never die.
Or did you have a relatie who was witness to 0.0000000000000000001% of the whole story and think he can speak without authority without educating himself?
god dammit, americans dont want to be treated as ignorant but oh boy do they ask for it
if the commies used it, they would have likely used it without restraint, therefore justifying the west to use it without restraint. As the first ones to use it, the U.S. couldn't ever use it again without the entire world coming down on them.
Being the second guy makes you the hero, which gives you a lot of liberties.
Hans, stop getting butthurt over Dresden, wasn't burning down Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Verdun and the Juden enough for you?
>being this made you're not from God's chosen nation, the good 'ole USA
Because it is a badly written and rushed show that doesn’t make any sense.
all the atrocities ever committed by the american military add up to like one day of the japanese occupation of nanking. if that. and you know it
It will never stop amusing me how bitter America is towards Japan for Pearl Harbor despite paying back the favor a hundredfold
>mfw all the civilian deaths in PH were caused by friendly fire
Those people are real and important
God I'm so proud and lucky to be an American. I can't even imagine the lesser nations.
K? I'm just baiting.
Up until ten years ago there were no good guys. Every nation and every war was a bunch of war criminal, bombing the children, raping the women, most brutal Savage shit you could imagine. No fucking shit the allies committed war crimes in a world fucking war? That killed seventy million people? Is this news to you? Did you just read about dresden in your 8th grade history?
Yeah, good thing they didn't bomb two major population centres with the most powerful weapons developed by man, for the sake of political expedience.
Yes because we sit around in the mountains playing cards instead of actually fighting. But surround a small town of hajjis and rain hell fire on them and all that talk of martyrdom disappears quickly.
>I'm just baiting.
t. Communist
we let them off scot free so they could run japan as a puppet state of the US against the red menace. not for some wacky "experiments" they conducted on chink girls
Ah bloo bloo
>the Japanese themselves have a completely different view of the situation as well
Yeah, countries that get cuntpunched in war usually do.
Fuck off already, you revisionist piece of shit.
Before Episode 5
After Episode 5
>these guys did bad thing worse
>excuses all our bad things
Imperial Japan was basically a fucking parody in how vile they were. You don't get a casual pass by saying you're better than them.
Literally nothing in the twentieth century compares to the objective fucking evil that was the 2003 invasion of Iraq and its consequences.
t. Ahmedinejad
>one side starts a war with a sneak attack where they didn't even give the minimum notice because they fucked up the war dec
>proceed to get BTFO'd back across the pacific ocean
>doesn't surrender even at the cost of their home cities being firebombed
>get warned about prompt and utter destruction
>one of their cities gets wiped out in an instant by a single bomb
>still don't surrender
>takes an entire second city getting nuked before they finally think "well shit we might be on the losing side here"
>America then rebuilds their entire economy
>people still complain about this
Fuck off newfag
You need to stop arguing with the people ITT, they're boomers who probably think US needs to stay in Syria and depose Assad
>Everything I was taught in Public school was correct beep bop
>USA good beep beep
>USA number one beep boop
Not one dumb mother fucking incel in this thread mentions them literally starving due to the naval blockade/sinkings and their industry and farms in shambles. Fuck this board is dumber than the normies.
Are you counting subhman slav russians as white?
>It's on him, therefore the zipperheads didn't surrender and it was their fault.
>We dindu nothing, it was their fault that we murdered a bunch of innocent people and not taking one of the many better options.
Whatever makes you sleep at night.
This is the first time I watched a full episode of the show and I can say for a fact that she need looked stable from the beginning. Though I still wasn't prepared for her to do any of that.
I'm confused though, why did you anons think she was she wasnt crazy? She didnt give exactly give me "I'm a good girl" vibes
The episode was so bad it made Yea Forums argue over high school history
This is how its going to pan out, jons too much of a pussy to kill dany
I think you replied to the wrong post
Good job giving yourself away. You must be baiting, Armenian Holocaust, Jewish Holocaust, World War 1, World War 2, Rwandian Genocide, Balkan Civil War and you dumb leftist cunts are still butthurt about Iraq when most of the population are happy Saddam is gone.
>Despite Dresden of Tokyo.
Based Dany torching up the Lanniggers.
>as for the civilians, that's total war, break the enemy's will, shorten the whole affair, save lives in the long run.
Enough with the “LOL that’s War BS” and the “it saves more lives” fallacy, you a-holes think all morality is subjective and don’t think about universal objective morals because you think you are above consequence and have a superiority/narcissism complex and don’t want to admit wrong doings.
Quote: “Since atheists believe God does not exist, they don't care about morality, usually stating that they prefer rationality over your primitive 'moral' ideas. This makes them amazingly easy to troll. Just ask them, "So are you saying that rationality is OBJECTIVELY BETTER than irrational morality?", then kick back and watch as the self-loathing God-hater ties himself up in knots trying to justify rationalism without morality.”
This show has the dumbest and worst fanbase of anything I've ever witnessed. And that includes bronies and Marvel fans.
Nobody believes that except the elite in Washington.
Absolutely based and absolutely true
>Literally nothing
Not the Japanese infecting pregnant women with the bubonic plague on purpose to see what happen to the baby? Not the Khmer rogue tossing children into minefields because they're bored?
Tell that to this knucklehead Yeah I'm sure Egypt and Libya are glad we helped throw their dictators out too
A game of thrones thread turns into a butthurt fest over which side was more out of control in World War 2. I won't be surprised if the bait thread was started by a troll.
Educate yourself. The High Command knew the war was lost, but they were NOT going to surrender.
>The bigger issue was the threat of the Pacific War going long enough for the Soviets to really get into the game.
The Soviets were in the game. They had a million troops offshore, newly arrived, and ready to put Japanese babies on spikes. It's one of the reasons why the Emperor finally gave in.
Lol Arya is gonna end up with 2 major kills.
ISIS has done all that and more, and they're a creation of the 2003 invasion. Led by a literal CIA nigger.
elaborate. there was a lot of evil shit in the 20th century
>See this ammo depot and shipyard.
Military targets.
The third post ITT definitely was
Ironically there probably aren't any Japanese posters ITT, their English is too good
Unironically kys you fucking boomer goytoy
based and geasspilled
Maybe we should have let the Soviets overrun Europe and Japan, at least we wouldn't have to deal with the Dresden and Hiroshima whataboutism crowd. Stalin would have made men out of these cowards.
Ronald Reagan did nothing wrong. Go to Cuba, live with in the Communist utopia.
>abu ghraib
Invading a sovereign nation for no reason other than to take out an enemy of your puppet master (Israel) and secure a bunch of oil fields for the vice president's oil company...millions of the most savage terrorist groups of all time created...millions more dead...destabilizing civil wars stoked by the CIA throughout the region...the casus belli being a false flag attack by a tyrannical government murdering its own citizens...
The whole 9/11 / War in Afghanistan / War on Terror / Iraq War storyline is a masterclass in pure evil.
war is a normal part of human behavior and is horrific no matter what. all we can do is try to make it short. you a quaker or something?
Iraq Shia Death Squads were also using that prison as well to torture Sunni scum, what are leftists so butthurt about this unless, they both in league with the Israelis and Saudis.
>Maybe we should have let the Soviets overrun Europe and Japan and then America
>BASED Stalin
I wonder who made this post
>selling out america to corporations and israel
can't wait for you fucks to kick the bucket
Stalin would have pushed the whatabouts up against the wall and shot them in their mushy heads.
Granted, the odds of the retard reeeeeing in this thread of being a shitposter is high. It's fun to poke shit right back, but I think it's a bored troll from /pol.
>Except she is dying next episode because she has proven to Jon shes a cunt
Arya will kill her. They made an obvious Bible reference.
>I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death
Arya rode off on the white horse.
interesting take
And your beloved Bernie Sanders and rest of the DNC wouldn't back stab you useless cunts. Your revolution died that moment you dipshits abandoned class struggle for race based identity politics. The corporations already owned America since the Civil War and Israel is the only thing keeping that dipshits down there in check
post-War America (aka the Great Satan) committed far more terrors and atrocities thatn the USSR ever did.
America will never die and two nukes were not enough lol
it’s (((them))) signalling to white people that if they resist their globohomo gay agenda then this is what is in store for them, rape and pillage by third world migrants and for even attempting to stand up to them your people will be fire-bombed into oblivion, we’ve seen this all before.
>your beloved Bernie Sanders and rest of the DNC
nigga wat. you're kiked out of your mind.
Moral for the story:
Give your women the dick.
They'll go crazy if you don't fuck them right and good.
Its haram to be on the internet, go back to using the halal internet praising the Supreme Leader.
>Ronald Reagan did nothing wrong
Giving 3 million+ illegal invaders amnesty and thus turning California (and eventually the entire country) blue, and dooming it to be a crime-infested Brazil-tier shit hole in a few decades is a good start for what he did wrong. Oh, and continuing to gut the middle class for his banker class overlords.
A shit-sucking traitor, and nothing more.*
>*this also sadly applies to every US President from LBJ to now.
>people this embarrassingly stupid exist
There are more people in prison in the United States today than were in gulags during the entire 70+ year existence of the USSR.
t. butthurt wigger
America is owned by the big banks and there is nothing wrong with that. Voodoo economics is the way forward and you will follow that route or we will beat it into you dumb good for nothing basedboy.
suck it homosexual
Why do you right winger suck Teflon Don's dick so hard if he is the reason California might as be called the real New Mexico
Blacks are the anomally.
>reddit spacing
ah, it's a troll. carry on then.
Are the people in the prison forced to praise a picture of Donald Trump or beaten again and again to become republican? or confess to their crimes against capitalism?
In hindsight it worked...
this post is blessed by the lord of light, and the one true king.
>Are the people in the prison forced to praise a picture of Donald Trump
No, but they're forced into slave labor, have medical experiments done on them without their consent, and have their voting and gun rights stripped away for the rest of their lives
Dany is based, fuck jon and his moralfags
My post you're responding to () had nothing to do with Trump. It was about Reagan.
>Why do you right winger suck Teflon Don's dick so hard
You may be confusing Trump the candidate with Trump the President, which are almost unrecognizable in their comparison.
you might have been right but you still bite pillow desu
My bad, I meant to say Telfon President but yeah both of them have the same Telfon properties. Don could fuck Miss USA on Fox News live and republicans will stand behind him for being a good breeder.
>an actual fag using a slur for people who make civilization possible
It is adultery though, civilization is built with rules and adulterers should be stoned to death, I wonder who would be in favor of public sex that wrote this post?
Shame brits are too cucked these days to stand up for themselves
The NeverTrumps would like a word with you. Have you been braindead for the last 4 years? Or just naturally retarded?
>implying well adjusted people use this site
Nevertrumps are like what, the neocons, the open border libertarian types like the kock brothers and spineless intellectuals who hate the southern redneck more than urban niggers but need their votes to stay in power.
The only "Never Trumpers" that still exist are four or five cucked old guard neocon Republicans on contract as talking heads on CNN and MSNBC. That 's it . There isn't an organic "Never Trumper" movement among the Republican base.
“Their lack of belief in sin is used as rationale to do whatever they want, which they've been wanting to do since they were 2. Like a Roman emperor, atheists don't think anything is a sin: lack of empathy, lack of compassion, cruelty, killing, spree killing, serial killing, torture, crucifixion, rape, violence, child sexual abuse, bestiality, incest, public nudity, sex in public, orgies, polyamory, perversion, bullying, hate, discrimination, prejudice, exclusion, ostracism, vandalism, property damage, destruction, pollution, willfully spreading pathogens or toxins, extreme body modification, genetic engineering, animal experimentation, human experimentation, prison, the death penalty, labor camps, carnivorism, cannibalism, sodomy, drugs, slavery, captivity, genocide, bombings, immolation, decapitation, war, terrorism, extinction, poaching, deforestation, stripmining, mountaintop removal, oil spills, controlled demolition, carbon emissions, littering, nuclear waste, usury, lying, cheating, stealing, exploitation, wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony, idolatry, etc.
Unless they're a depressive, most atheists try to act like a Roman emperor in as many ways as possible: like a vain irritable condescending grandiose haughty hedonistic psychopathic megalomaniac. Despite what any atheist tells you, atheists don't give a fuck about anyone or anything besides themselves. In this moment, all atheists suffer from the sin of vanity/pride. Atheists worship themselves as a God and expect all the mere mortals around them to bow down before their learnedness. Again, like a Roman emperor.”
weeb seanigger here, can confirm. Some countries do teach that the nuclear strikes weren't that necessary, but at the same time the japanese had fucked up the entire region hardcore and everyone was glad to see them blow up.
“Since atheists don't believe in sin, they are left saying things like "hey, that's not cool" or "genocide isn't nice you guys" or "don't be a dick." When someone asks an atheist "Why not?" they will respond "Because that makes you a dick." Such circular logic is unassailable. So, social conformity and shaming by religious people bad, social conformity and shaming by atheists good. Although atheists don't really believe in "bad" unless they're referring to logic or religion. Atheists don't think people can be "bad", just "dicks" and "assholes", because dicks and assholes are all that gaytheists can think about.
Despite their extremely high score on a purity test indicating overall depravity, many atheists still believe they are moral people, just like most evil people do. But again like a Roman emperor, atheists don't believe in evil (unless evil is defined as humility, or putting your own wants behind others). A life goal of most atheists is to do as many degenerate things as possible while their heart is still beating because they believe they are headed for oblivion which means they won't be around to see the consequences of their actions. Every atheists can be summed up with #yolo. Also, you can't tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me.”
“Much like a teenager takes up smoking or a standup comedian takes up heroin because they think it makes them look cool, an atheist dives into depravity because they think it makes them look edgy. This atheist drive to seem cool typically stems from being picked on which is why they don't believe in God in the first place. By living in sin, an atheist feels they are getting revenge on the deluded sheep around them, and they can pride themselves that they are a freethinker unburdened by superstitious notions of evil or sin, and that their brain has reached an advanced state of atheism just like a cockroach, until of course entropy sets in. Atheism reaffirms their sociopathy and misanthropy which was driven into them by bullies. Of course, many atheists will claim to be humanists, which is the same as thinking that God created man to rule the world and all of its creatures, like it says in the Book of Genesis.“
Can someone please spoil it in a few words so I can go to video game servers and spam it in caps?
Keep thinking that, dummy. Whatever helps you cope, when you're wrong.
the categorial imperative does not require a God ;)
I don't get why burning down that miserable shithole is treated like a bad thing. Fuck those dirty peasants, plenty more will move in.
huh? I hate that Jew cocksucker Trump, but it doesn't change the fact that he has the support of 90% of the Republican base, which is far higher than most presidents w/r/t their party.
He was trying to poison her in this episode, the fuck you talking about
>He was trying to poison her
how was that implied? when he was talking with the little bird?
Dany goes mad and burns Varys then all of King's Landing. Jaime kills Euron and dies together with Cersei.
When the push comes to shove, thanks to our binary system. I highly doubt you nevertrumpers can find common ground with the leftists and progressives, who in your eyes are degenerate and then there is trump, a different type of degenerate but has one thing going for him that I like, willing to challenge the media, something Bush was spineless cunt at doing.
>Every single japanese deserved to die. It was total war. The nukes saved american lives and that was always the goal.
user is a racist, nationalistic, warmongering sociopath.
>gets genocided
but muh Kantian ethics
Ow the edge.
>american lives
what even is america. what is the "american nation" and why is it worth dying for.
So was Stalin, Mao Zedong and Hirohito. A lot of us poos might hate the British but thank god they kept those slant eyed cunts out of India.
Source/pics or it didn’t happen.
Trump wishes, in his most fevered wet dreams, that he had that much support.
You're a fucking moron. Stop posting.
theists have genocided far more people than atheists have, what's your point?
Imperial Japan killed 11 million Asian civilians (Chinese, Filipinos, Koreans, Burmese, etc). Literally worse than the Holocaust but you rarely hear about it.