Is Game of Thrones coughkino?
Is Game of Thrones coughkino?
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9/11 part II
She dies?
Somebody get her a tampon
yes, she is dead p.p
They napalmed the entire city
It ain't me
I think they were going for Hiroshima'd.
Is she died?
how the fuck is she still alive????????????????????????
Lol shes asnore ahai ZZZzzzZzzz
So I take it the rules were:
>Night king defeats Wall
>anime girl defeats night king
>walls defeat anime girl
someone give me a run down of this episode please, don't plan on watching it.
Plot armor.
I'm shocked that horse is still alive AND able to stand let alone run like that
No. Arya rode a pale horse off at the end, signifying she is Death. Thus, she will kill Danny.
So is Arya going to kill Dany?
You post this every week kys
You only need one Dragon to crush KL
Jon kills her. The leaks have been 100% accurate so far.
Ah sounds like shit, anyone of note die?
Perfect song for this episode.
Jon kills Dany
Dany goes mad because jon didn't fuck her
Nukes KL
clegane buckos
lots of civilians
arya survived being burned alive and being crushed by a building and rode off on a white horse
qyburn got tossed aside like a wet sack
Mountain (again)
Cersei's hand
Just read the leaks.
Did he complete his "redemption arc"?
They’ve shot twenty different endings. No one but a handful of idiots knows how it ends for sure
Arya has some of the thickest plot armor
complete 180 from it. one of the worst (best?) character assassinations ever made in cinema.
he killed euron, hugged cersei and got crushed they got crushed to death
his redemption arc is nowhere to be found,
You're stupid as fuck. The leaks have been 100% accurate for the last two episodes and they were released a weeks in advance.
>last three
Episodes I meant.
Whatever you say
"I've never cared for the innocents" says Jaime Lannister, who slew his king to protect innocents.
>that awful makeup job
holy shit what's the budget on this show again??
Retard. Someone post the image to shut this HBO stooge down. I don't have it saved.
Euron too
Wow, I don't know if I should laugh, cry, or quote a Sanskrit epics.
Guys I don't even know where to start. This is the best example of plot armor I have ever seen. I dare someone to name a show, anime or otherwise, that gives its characters more plot armor. Jaime was stabbed and bleeding out yet managed to get up and walk several flights of stairs to Cersei. Even Arya's horse managed to survive the onslaught. This has to be the single best example that this show has gone down the tubes since every major character used to die quickly and painful in all of the other seasons.
yeah i probably forgot about a couple of deaths, it all feels so irrelevant
This guy is so based it's incredible. This is literally why you don't fight essential NPCs and he acknowledged that before he died.
thats too obvious
>arya survived being burned alive and being crushed by a building and rode off on a white horse
Why is the series so wanting her to survive?
the imagine the stinging feeling this user must have after all that sand in the vagina
>all that ash and blood
New Yorkers triggered as fuck
Ok guys i would like to apologize i was one of the ones saying the nk isnt dead and the series still has a chance to redeem itself so turns out there was no twists it was literally Daenerys magically flying past all the ballistas and euron with his magic laser aim some how missing every shot lmao i was literally lmao at how stupid this shit was
does anyone have a link to the full episode i missed 40 minues
book canon she flies westward into the unknown on drogon because some obscure tomboy in the past did it once
they also literally did three fake out cliffhanger moments in five minutes, after every unsurvivable situation it cuts to a different scene only to show her in a different part of town a few minutes later
I wouldn't have minded her surviving the first time. I think its when she was getting trampled and some building collapses on her. Then its just the same shit over and over again.
What happens to drogon then
AMV when?
God it was real and this is now the most stale and unsatisfying ending ever the nk killing everyone and ruling over legions of undead would have been miles better the hur durrr bran the one eyed monster in a wheel chair who did jack shit and worged into raven during the long night should be king because muh reasons
theres still a chance he comes down and kills everybody
we can hope
The Lord of Light is watching over her, friends.
She serves the god of Death. That's why she got all those people killed: to save her own life
He went back on everything. Decided dying with Cersei was more important than starting over as a better person.
the mountain should have killed arya