King's Landing

>it was always that easy to take it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Her daddy must be so proud.

What a dumpster fire this show turned into.

yeah man... just get a fucking dragon

>olenna's advice of her being a dragon was literally the right counsel all along

Why didn't they just lmaoyeet the dragon like last episode? Did Euron forget how to aim?

She didn't even need her army.

he forgot about her dragons, naturally

Bro I thought they would save it with this eepisode but....

damn I'm disappointed

How else would you do all the raping?

best episode in this season, inb4 basedmales mad that she killed her enemies
>if you kill your enemies, they win

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>take it
yeah... there's nothing fucking left

I'm baffled at how this could go from one of the greatest shows on television to this...

it was Euron's turn to be stupid for plot

nothing matters user

muh nihilism

I guess you can't escape genetics

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It's an amazing, brave, and powerful show until Dany gets her shit pushed in and now suddenly maybe those retarded incels have a point

shut the fuck up, faggot.

It’s not like it was but I still enjoyed it.

brilliant meta commentary on what feminism does to society.

buffs ran out and they had no mana

how seething are they right now?

>hold off on taking the city for years because you want to protect the innocent
>this allows them time to take out two of your three dragons and kill all of your allies
>immediately breach the walls with no problem
>they surrender quickly
>start murdering civilians anyways

Great writing

Dragon rape is the best kind of rape user

Possible in universe reason? They caught Dany off guard the first time, the dragon was dead before they even really realized what was going on. This time she was prepared

The out of univerese reason? Eh, she needed to destroy everything I guess.
The writing as definitely taken a nosedive since the first seasons. But despite it all, I'm still excited for to see how it ends. It's a wild ride even if everything happens at the speed of plot.

That said, I have zero interest in the prequel show. Half the reason I still care about this one is that the good seasons got me invested in the characters. I seriously doubt I'll care much about the new cast. Especially since it's a prequel.


But the prequels will follow the prequel book which exists. Which should mean good writing, right?

Oh it will?

I dunno, I guess as long as they don't freewheel too hard. The early seasons of GoT were legitimately great. It was once they started going off book that things fell apart

Underrated kek


Can some user fill me in? I don't watch game of thrones

Civilians are not her enemies. They are her subjects and deserve her protection. She destroyed the entire fucking city, HER entire fucking city.

One army was set up as a big threat because they had ballista that could (And did kill) Dany's dragons (well one of them).

Except Dany turned around and destroyed the entire fleet just by having a sneak attack, and then singlehandedly won the war by destroying the city's defenses. They surrendered.

Then she went full insane and just razed the city to the ground, horrifying everyone.

YASS QUEEN SLAY murders the capital city after they surrender

>expecting to be able to stop when your army consists mostly of horsefuckers and northeners

that´s how madness works user

>Looks at Red Keep
>Goes mad

Was she the bad poosay

Did they kill one of her dragons or something,

She insisted on invading at sunrise. She came from the East with the rising sun at her back


She came in with the sun at her back. Euron was too blinded to aim straight.


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Why did D and D nerf the bows and unbalanced the dragons in the new episode update?

Gandalf did it better


imagine that
an ambush is successful but the same weapon proves ineffective during a siege

Yeah but the bells

How can the writers be this bad? They killed this show. I have no interest to ever watch it from the beginning again. It all just leads to this pointlessness. I'm going to force myself to watch next week and be done with it.

those random wildfire stores exploding were a nice touch

>getting ambushed by boats when you're literally flying

All it needed was 20 good men

It never was a very rewatchable show.

Yeah, I actually suspected Cersi was gonna try to blow the city up. I'm kinda amused that she really did, but it didn't matter since Dany was burning it to the ground

Any good show or movie is rewatchable. Good being the operative word.

Every after season 4 is pretty bad, with seasons 6 and 7 being garbage. Hell, midways season 4 things start going to shit.
Whoever didn't see this coming is blind.

I guess, but within that group, there are things that specifically are very rewatchable, for some unknown reason. One example that comes to mind is The Last Samurai, someone when you boot it up to just watch one scene, next thing you know you've been watching for 30 minutes.

Early GoT is good, but somehow I can't imagine myself rewatching from scratch.


Literally could have flown over and done this in season 3

They ran out of books and literally had to make it up as they went along

God damn that's such a good fucking point.

yeah that was what the OP said

So did arya just fucking forget how to change into other people?

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yes, her powers don't activate in the south

When did they explain that? She killed the dude at Riverrun and pretended to be him. I thought that was supposed to be further north than King's Landing.

Her powers worked in Riverrun so idk how that can make sense

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>When did they explain that?
they didn't, im pulling shit out of my ass

fuck this gay show

>won by some hungry lady with a single dragon in five minutes
Why the fuck did she even bitch to Sansa about muh army of the NORF? Why did they resurrect Dothraki and Unsullied for this shit?

ratings and hype

I think the fires just triggered them. Cersi wasn't really in charge of anything after about 5 min

north had to get revenge on kings landing for killing their king, think for a second ya dumb cunt

It was really sad. The wildfire didn't even overtake the normal fire.

lel she could've just solo flown over there like 4 seasons ago and wrecked it


Euron sort of forget how to aim

I'm a pretty big GOT fan, but they had an entire iron fleet and the whole city walls lined with scorpion missile launchers, the ones that killed the second dragon. This time she takes her time with just one dragon to destroy the entire navy city and army, and they manage to fire all of 2 or 3 missiles off. Like, at least shoot at the dragon and have her dodge them. They cut too many corners on the CGI budget, the lack of them even trying to kill the dragon was fucking retarded.

they trolled the idiots for 3 seasons. their master plan was to cater to idiots that forgot they're watching game of thrones and name disney of thrones. now they're crying because it doesn't have a nice little happy ending

If they at least injured the dragon her getting triggered by bells would work better too.

>ambushed by ballista toting boats on the open sea while you're a thousand feet in the air

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>one of the greatest shows on television
Never was t b h

bran warged into dany so he could become king

this. proof that being on a huge network with a huge budget doesn't automatically make a show good

This would be the only twist to save this shitshow somewhat.

Still wouldn't do a thing against fucking Jon, Tyrion, Jamie, Sandor and Arya though.

Whats left on the leak list?

>it ain’t me starts playing

Viserion is the dragon avatar of her faggy brother who got dunked on. Rhaegal is the dragon avatar of her other faggy brother who got BTFO by one mad bro with a hammer

Meanwhile, Drogon has the soul of the penultimate Chad that turns women into drooling sex slaves with his magic dick. Amateur hour was over, Drogon fucks shit up.

GoT taking a leak on all its fans hopefully

Crippled autistic king that cannot sire an heir so....there's that

But they already did that.

Would have easily made the episode so much better. This feels like a rushed job. WTF they had so long

Dumbest analysis ever. The problem is the writing, no one's bitching about not enough people dying.

a boring ass season finale. the butthurt from liberals, feminists and minorities (mainly blacks) will be glorious.

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found the stupid woman that cheered dany on

more leaking

Bit late for that. Even the most hardcore D&D stans won't be able to take the last 80 minutes seriously.

Players were upset with the last update so they released a hotfix for patch 8.5

Okay guys, what retarded reason will D&D give us for Drogon, the Unsullied and the Dothraki not killing Jon on the spot after he kills Dany and going full mad ?

They forget about him killing her.

lol you must be the same autist with no argument for the retarded plot armor from the last thread.

he put skill points in assassin and gets them all in a multi-takedown

They were hiding behind the water.

they all just shrug and go home so bran's body can limply be placed upon a fucking chair made of knives that he can't feel

>huge budget
They need to spend more on dragons.

I pray that this isn't true

>still having hope
Nigga, please.

It is. That is the right side from a post where everything from todays episode was on the left.

>turned into

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>I don't watch game of thrones
what planet are you from?

I don't get why everyone is complaining about the dragon not being shot down.

The one they did shoot down last time was not "piloted". Dany survived on the other one and this time she made sure to guide it properly since the enemy's hand has been revealed.

that shot last week was dumb as shit because they should have seen the fleet, this time and Dany was shown unable to avenge the fallen dragon because she was forced to retreat. This time, she faced probably twice the number of scorpions but OHKOd everything. There is no consistency

So Dany on a dragon has a better perception of small shit flying her way than a fucking dragon?



and did she not want to do this last season? bar the bell trigger, it would have been a lot easier when scorpions weren't mass produced yet

>one dragon takes on an entire army equipped with scorpions
So why didn't she just fuck off there as soon as she got her three dragons so she could take the whole city without scorpions? Her whole journey was rendered completely irrelevant by plot armor.

the dothraki existing in s08e05 makes no sense so I certainly can't think up any bullshit for them in the series finale, lol. I mean like THOUSANDS of dothraki show up for that final(?) battle when we thought all of the ones with Dany died back in the S08E03. Where the fuck did she get all these new sandniggers?

>There is no consistency
You're just noticing this now?

And when she still had 3 fucking dragons.

>tfw Mattpat called this shit three years ago or so while talking about incest for 10-15 minutes

goddamn fucking targ shits


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no but i'm adding fuel to the flames

the dothraki came back from the dead when the night king was killed. it happened off camera in a flashback.

They weren’t her subjects yet retard, and you’re acting as if sacking a city isn’t the best way to take control of it lmao retard

It is real, they posted it 2 weeks ago.

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no matter how big an army looks there's always reserves

How exactly would that have helped at all when the city is collapsing around you?

any other series in which the villain mastermind wins at the end?

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Taking control of burning buildings?

I don't know, but at least we got the king this show deserves, a fuckin borderline autistic cripple.

bobby b? more like bobby t, he's 1/4th targ

Just stfu already. The city was was an enemy stronghold filled with hundreds of thousand of people who have no allegiance to her, sacking the city is the easiest way to control the city as the survivors will have zero will to resist and accept her as the new leader while at the same time lessening the stress on her army that no longer has to watch an entire city filled with people who need to be considered a threat to rebel as any population would naturally do. But of course you’re too fucking retarded to realize that strategically Danny was on the right

Hearts and minds indeed.

Of course it was, they established in season one that if Dany reached Kings Landing with dragons and Dothraki it would be apocalyptic, that's why based Bobby was so hellbent on assassinating her. The story had to contrive to keep her from Kings Landing or else it would end prematurely.

>completely leveling a city that you supposedly want to take control of
bruh, just admit that it makes no sense

If a great council is formed in the next episode I really will be pissed. They needed a council once tommen died, cersei cannot ever have been queen regent, it wasn't her family on the throne. Seriously what the fuck are the other kingdoms doing ATM? Highgarden, Riverlands, Dorne, Vale all AFK.

God of death will be fooled and spare you

it actually would've been easier since earlier no one had ballistae and she had three dragons

based retards

Are you seriously fucking retarded? Do you seriously think just because the leader is killed hundreds of thousands of people will just become loyal to Danny? A population intact means that she would struggle for years and might end up getting overthrown at some point as the people outnumber her army who would become crippled as a police force. Sacking the city erases all that, gives her complete control and even has benefits of making other opponents unlikely to challenge her if she were to try to take control of more territory and increase the chances of them bending the knee. But you’re too fucking dumb to see past the burning buildings lmao which hold zero fucking relevance to her control of a territory

>Do you seriously think just because the leader is killed hundreds of thousands of people will just become loyal to Danny?
They did that multiple times through the series. It's not like anyone minded Cersei bombing the pope and tons of civilians before.

>sneak attack
The entire fleet was literally sitting there waiting for her. The only differences between the ballista last week and this week was they all became less accurate for no reason and they only shot twice for no reason

You can’t assume they’ll do so with Danny, dumbass


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Well, given how easy she can burn the entire thing down, surely waiting and seeing is the given call?

an old man in a little boy's body

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Have you been paying attention? They literally say a bunch of times that the people have no love for Cersei. They may not love Dany either but they will follow whoever is in charge. Besides, if she spared them she would have had plenty of time to win their trust. Now not only will all the survivors (if there was any) always remember that Dany slaughtered thousands of innocent people to take power. Even if she didn’t die next week she will be despised for years and would have been overthrown anyway.

That doesn’t work because her army, allies and the people who are truly loyal to her will have been integrated to the city. What she did is strategically sound but cannot be done once your forces become part of a city

>Sacking the city erases all that, gives her complete control and even has benefits of making other opponents unlikely to challenge her if she were to try to take control of more territory and increase the chances of them bending the knee.
Not him but who's left at this point anyway? Who's dumb enough to go to war against a dragon when the capital fell in 10 minutes?
But yeah, nobody's gonna challenge her now because everyone's dead. I guess that's a way to do it. The downside is you're only ruling over a pile of ashes.

Lads, gather round if you would, this includes:

and that one Podrickfag

I would like to take a moment to just say,

FUCK Danyfags
and FUCK roasties

Thank you! Thank you!

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Well, and now there is barely a city. Ruling by razing the capital to the ground is a weird strategy, m8.

I hope DnD like getting death threats

Fuck Dany and fuck Jon snow


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Jon kills them when drogon sides with the last Targaryen

Kinzo as the mad king prequel miniseries when

Didn't they say they filmed multiple endings for the sole purpose of avoiding leaks? What the fuck was the point of that if this is true next episode

Doesn’t matter that they a person said they disliked Cersei, that’s true for every leader. You cannot assume they’ll follow Danny just because, that’s fucking retarded. They’ll despise her but that’s doesn’t matter when she’s proved her power and are too afraid of her dragon. Also, it’s way easier to rule after sacking a city, trying to earn their trust lmao is fucking retarded and Danny should be applauded for choosing the easiest way to conquer a population

If they did actually fuck, a lot people would be still alive.

Only thing that doesn't make sense is anyone taking the black. There is no reason for the Night's Watch anymore since the zombies are all dead and the wildings are now everybody's friend and welcome south of the wall.

Not that D&D would think that far in advance though.

shiiiiiiet she didnt even need to free the sullied and all the other brown people she could have just blown up the entire city with her 3 dragons all by herself

night king is really just a prince. there

wasn't king's landing built by the targaryens? it was genuinely a shame to see it destroyed - beautiful, old-style mediterranean homes lined by streets with natural avenues, roads, and walkways; hidden gardens and courtyards; alleys to chill with the bros in on a brisk night warmed by sconces, braziers, and torches; that really relaxed earthen color palette of sandy beige, burgundy, and auburn - especially the roofing tiles - a seaside paradise nestled in lush rolling hills and forest mountains, turned into fucking rubble

it sounds autistic but as a castlefag it actually sucks to see one of the prettiest places in the show burnt to ash

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Cersei didn't do shit. The wildfire blew due to the dragon igniting it.

>While Euron kinda, uh, forgot about the dragons, they certainly haven't forgotten about him.

Even one dragon was overkill, despite the city being prepared and on high alert and Cersei having the Golden Company.

If she attacked it right away, she'd be queen the same day she'd arrived from Essos.

that was actually my thought too, user. with nothing of value left amongst plot and characters, only the set is worth protecting.

her whole plot is about getting respect from the houses of westeros by jorah's advice so that she wont be queen of the ashes or something like that. shes so close and she doesnt get the love she feels she deserves

They'll wash over this plot point entirely. That's how.

She had already support from HG and Dorne. Taking over the capital would take care of the rest and the North would still beg her for support.

Guess it's a lesson to never listen to friendzoned fags.

literally the most based episode
>>Bitches go crazy if they don't get any dick
>>Bitches who chose to be a free spirited roasty, instead of a Lady, end up not being fuckable later on.

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What is she even going to do now? Rebuild it? By the time that's done with, she'll be long dead.
Where is she going to rule from? Dragonstone?

>Only thing that doesn't make sense is anyone taking the black. There is no reason for the Night's Watch anymore since the zombies are all dead and the wildings are now everybody's friend and welcome south of the wall.
>Not that D&D would think that far in advance though.

im too lazy right now to look it up but "something something Jon is the new Night King, and he will repeat history". there u go. fuck this show.


>muh Iron Fleet
>muh hundreds of scorpions
>muh depleted army
>dude 1 dragon lmao

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dany wanted it more and it showed

based and ice-pilled

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I just want to know what happens with the literal hordes of shitskins and niggers who have no ties to westeros and it's culture and are totally fine with murder rape and pillage as a way of life not to mention they're 110% loyal ta Braindamage roastie

Its in Croatia if you want to visit

Its beautiful but absolutely full of tourists

too Add:
>>>Women can't rule, they are too emotional

Which makes perfect sense. If anything, people would've given up the second they saw the fucker flying and throw Cersei out.

Magic ballistas don't make sense.

>No Salsafriends

Danny killed at least one million innocent people

Danny is officially 1/6 as evil as Hitler and dannyfags and feminists and everyone who named their children after her are btfo forever

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>mfw the only reason they killed Rhaegal was so they wouldn't have to animate a 2nd Dragon during the battle.

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Her problem was NOT following her instincts and trusting men. Three gave her shit advice, the other betrayed her trust in minutes.

that's like the new fashion of damage control, they said the same about avengers endgame and the leak was correct
that statement was just never true

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> she concentrated on the neighbourhoods closest to the gates which are likely the poorest
What did she mean by this? Is the morale of the story that even the "woke" bourgeoisie are still bourgeoisie and will never be /ourguys/gals?

In the hypothetical situation she DID rule from Dragonstone, it's literally the worst spot to do so. Do you know how hard it would be to run the Seven Kingdoms on a fucking spit of land that isn't even connected to the continent you govern? There's a reason why it was called KING'S LANDING - every other fucking king administered there. It was big, defensible, had plenty of natural resources, and was close enough to travel/trade routes by land and sea to be able to allow courtiers and diplomats easy access to convene with you. I don't even think there are trees on Dragonstone, it's essentially a small desert (uninhabitable) island with a big fuck-all fortress sitting on it.

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I guess that was to help sell her going craycray too.
But man, the episode would have been over after 10 minutes if she still had 2 dragons... now imagine all 3.

Because it's Arya who will close her green eyes forever

Who bets that all the female YASS QUEEN Danysupporters will fully jump on the Sansatrain ?
Although that is the bitch really responsible for all this shitfest.

Love Daenerys or hate her, without the armies she amassed and the enemies she killed, the Stark side would never have won against the Lannisters. They were too honorable to ever play dirty enough to outwit them. That's why Ned and Catelyn and Robb all died.

Daenerys was a very neccessary part of the equation to ensure peace for future generations aside from the collateral damage she killed out of frustration. Imagine all the work she put into getting the throne just for a family of imbeciles (minus Arya) to take over.

Arya is the one of the few Starks to survive because she wasn't afraid to play dirty to win. She was taught to be a "cold bitch" and it served her well. It served Dany well up until the point she hands over the torch to Jon (whose life she saved). Without her, Jon would have never been able to assume the throne in any way shape or form. She was a neccessary "evil".

Ps. Stannis was a weak cunt who listened to a foreign witch for shitty advice.

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It's fine to conquer a city to establish yourself and send a message to the next targets. She's trying to play Targ Conquest 2.0, she's even got the benefit of 'I helped the north kill the zombies' and an 'apparent' loyal base of lords who'd welcome another Targ on the throne. Hell she's also knocking off Cersei, someone whose caused the last 5+ years of war. The general populace will be fucking tired of all this shit and just want some shithead to force stability. Dany hasn't really pissed off the remaining houses.

If she wanted to rule a city filled with eunichs and sand people she didn't need to cross the ocean. Destroying the city is 100% pointless

Bobby B was right all along, should have poisoned that bitch

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>attacking a city as it gets razed to the ground, bails himself out

based and bailpilled

Bobby B did everything wrong. All he had to do was stay sober, stay away from the (((Iron Bank))), only fuck Cersei and make sure to lovingly look Cersei in the eyes as he cums inside her. Don't tell Ned about Danny and just let Varys kill her. None of this would've happened.

So without the armies and dragons that literally fell into her lap the Starks, who won every battle, would never win? Ok

without incest it cannot be seen

Shit-tier cope. Her advisers were the only ones who kept her from being instantly hated by everyone.

>burns king's landing

>hear bells
>get mad
yeah, that's how it works

well at least I know why jon didn't want to be king, cleaning up all that shit is gonna kill you, so better dump it on his autistic brother and fuck off to da norf to fuck wildling bitches

>lovingly look in Cersei's eyes while cumming inside her

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She was hot.


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This is what you girls look like when you yell at men. Crazy bitches

just look at the uk lol

>Bronn has a seat in the new council
Sure, nothing says good leader like a cutthroat who teleport and changes allegiances 2 times between both teleportation and always goes with the highest bidder.

Danny did nothing wrong.

The bean counters would never allow them to waste money like that. Don't forget that would require the actors to be present on multiple different occasions as well.
The accounting just doesn't work out.


As the show went on GRRM gave less and less input into the writing.

This is not surprising at all.


>jon takes the black
D&D kinda forgot that we don't need night watch anymore huh

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Did Davos die? I didn't even see that part.

That's believable, the dragon getting shot down by E#uron's machine gun turret in the last episode was bullshit.


This show is built on a principle of subversion. Ned Stark's death is obviously the crux of this whole series, both in book and show. It's the moment EVERYONE immediately jumps to with the series, period. It's the hallmark sell of it, you tell your friends you'll never guess who dies! But now everyone knows, it's a twist that is so deep in the zeitgeist that to not be aware of this plot point is alien. Snape Kills Dumbledoor, He is Tyler Durden. Etc.

So how does the show subvert you? You said it was the greatest show in existence, now it's so completely foreign to you. But it always was. It's subverted your expectations of a true story, and it told you it would.

Just like how A Game of Thrones is Musical Chairs, the real game based on sitting in chairs the most. Who sat down most in the series? Who ends up on the throne?


Literally never has this happened. If it did you would see them in the deleted scenes or something. There are some alternate endings, but that's because test audiences hated it. This kind of show would never do that.

Also, it's obvious that DnD are speeding through this. HBO offered them money AND more episodes, but they reduced the length to 6. They want this shit over with. They clearly don't give a fuck anymore. This season looks like it's 90% cgi and shit, IE less time DnD on set. They don't want to be there anymore, they have bigger fish to burn.

kek my coworker named his daughter that. I wonder how he feels tonight? I wonder if he realizes his mistake, or he's still unaware

I almost took you seriously, bravo sir, bravo

Yeah, a tv series about an american civil war gone right but which will be full of sjw propaganda (muh slavery!) and...uh...well, I guess they fucked up their opportunity to show their (supposedly existant) skills

>will be full of sjw propaganda (muh slavery!)
Because slavery was the pivotal issue around which the war was fought?
> but muh states rights!
Yes, the states' right to keep slavery legal.

lol they were given Star Wars

It was good subversion though. It wasn't just for shock value, it was always something with consequences. Updating all your internal theories according to the consequences was what made it interesting.

Hitler was responsible for the deaths of a lot more than just 6 million Jews


why were some of them exploding at what seems to be the 2nd floor of some buildings? did no one clean up after aerys died?

Yeah, 20million jews and everyday a bit more because of "Posttraumatic-epigenetic-zyklon-DNA- holocaust"

>what retarded reason will D&D give us for Drogon, the Unsullied and the Dothraki not killing Jon on the spot after he kills Dany and going full mad ?
it's the final season and we won't see the consequences


Season 5 was way worse than this.

>Didn't they say they filmed multiple endings for the sole purpose of avoiding leaks?
they couldn't even afford to cgi a wolf, no way this is true

she could have just firebombed the gates and defenses, she literally took the city that way and would have had very minimal civilian casualties had she not suddenly PMS'd. this whole fucking thing was a waste of time


As soon as Ramsay Bolton got fucked in the battle of winterfell, I knew this show was going to be all fan wanking medieval Michael bay. What a load of shit. They should retcon the entire show and remake it with John getting fucked by a pike.

only euron was supporting cersei at this point. highgarden,dorne,the north,riverlands,iron islands and technically the stormlands were already allied with her. cersei was being carried by euron the entire time. she had no food and no gold and with winter coming. had dany been patient and just went with a siege the people would have revolted and the iron bank would have supported dany instead I really don't get why she had to rush the invasion as there was literally nothing left to actually oppose her.

>something something Jon is the new Night King, and he will repeat history
post yfw during the end credits jon is shown roaming around the land of always winter finds some night king artifact and stabs it into himself. then camera pans to him zooms in and his eyes just glow blue.

I thought he stopped writing for the show because they wouldn't include his plot points in like the Lady Stoneheart subplot

I like how they had no answers to fighting a dragon whatsoever except for Euron's fleet. They had to have known the dragon would wreck their shit if they didn't design something to stop it.

>one of the greatest
yeah no, GOT was shit from day one all because of Dany’s character, her character is boring and not interesting, leave it to George to make an exiled princess with 3 dragons boring. Every single one of her shit scenes pre-season 7 were pure unadulterated mary sue. Took the realism (inb4 magic and draguns) right out of GOT where every character would die if they went left instead of right. Also a lot of Jon’s scenes were boring and he is mary sue 2.0.

Everything other than the war of five kings was boring, once it ended, the show went from 6/10 to 3/10. GOT was always shit, it is good for memes and in the moment watching, but after it’s done, it is a distant memory.

someone needs to put g.r.r martin in some fkn slave dungeon where he will get just enought food to survive and whiplashes whenever he doesnt complete a certain amount of pages per day

she obviously pressed N for nitro

Sunrise found her squatting on a dragon...

Why instead of burning everything exploded from dragon fire?

"Surrender and I'll spare your city"
>nah fuck you bitch I'm gonna behead your best friend instead lol
>oh shit you're sacking my city I surrender!
>why are you still razing my city you said you'd spare it if I surrendered!

You know they could make him miss some shots in the others episodes so watching them missing all wouldn't be so retarded and convenient

Yeah it was really mean for the entire population of king's landing to cut that POC chick's head off

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Wait till he finds out...

Those fucking enablers.

Same feels user

The other one was injured in the night king battle

man I forgot about those blue niggas!! what ever happend to them?

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>one sixth
try she is as bad as 2.5 hitlers

i hate this mindless nigger brained style of prose so much you plodding halfwit

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>Tywin sacks King's Landing, during Robert's Rebellion, killing countless innocents
>yay Tywin

>Daenerys sacks King's Landing, killing countless innocents

>Tywin send The Mountain and a bunch of Lannister men to rape and pillage the Riverlands
>Yay Tywin

>Daenerys executes two men who refused to benefit the knee and turned down their other living options

>Tywin completely annihilates House Reyne
>Yay Tywin

>Daenerys executes an adviser who betrayed her and was conspiring to kill her and support Jon

Good post, Dabid

Bran needs to warg drogon, then it’s plausible bc he’s the last male heir. Cocks matter

>tfw Septa Unella will never femdom you in the ways of the 7

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Why didn’t bran wargs drogon and just stop Danny

Rhaegal was objectively best Targaryen of the 3. The dragon was show because it was slow and injured, unlike Drogon.

it was all just a dream, tho

Dragons are magic, can probably resist it.

But (((they))) are the only people that matter!

And to think, Danys the bad pussy we found along the way

>it was always that easy to take it
Stannis BTFO

>The city was was an enemy stronghold filled with hundreds of thousand of people who have no allegiance to her, sacking the city is the easiest way to control the city
They fucking surrendered you absolute mouth-breathing retard.

she finished what he started except dragon fire was about 100x more destructive lol

i can buy it but theres 8 years of Bran "having wings" foreshadowing im trying to see here

KEK tell that to the marines on Iwo Jima

The writes lazily killed off Rhaegal because they knew Jon would use him to stop Dany’s massacre, hence why Euron couldn’t killed Drogon

They literally threw down their swords. Just how fucking stupid are you?

>sacking the city is the easiest way to control the city

Sacking comes from 'to put into the sack', that is, taking the valuables and putting them in a bag so you can take them away. It doesn't mean literally burning the town to the ground. King's Landing doesn't appear to exist anymore. It is beyond control as it no longer exists.

Didn't it turn out he was not actually mad? That it was Bran fucking with his mind. Or was that just a fan theory?

>not knowing how fractions and multiples work

>one of the greatest shows on television
Imagine unironically believing this. You fucking fag.


>believes muh 6 trillion shit

Fuck off kike

Becoming the three-eyed raven, dude. Are you serious?

Is that why Dany made Gendry Lord of Storm's End?

The prince who was promised fizzed out weaker than a baby fart.

Jon has to take the black to protect the North from their friends the Wildlings....oh wait.

criminally underrated post

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>Olenna tells her to be a dragon
>Dany burns Kings Landing to the ground in a fit of rage.

Based racist Grandma got her revenge in the end.

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this, but because Slavs aren't people


the dragon has three heads

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Why did the rape-bells triggy Dany so hard?


what the fuck

Are you retarded mouth-breathers? Her dragon was injured and got ambushed by a fucking fleet. It's much harder to hit a prepared and healthy dragon.

>Tywin spends 8 seasons talking about "muh end to tyrants"

If there is an eventual conclusion to resurrections in the book I'm all on board for the iceberg snail pace wait.

I want my expectations subverted one last time.
I want Danny to win.
I want a new era of tyranny and terror for all Westeros.
I want Jon's sword to fall as he tries to stab her, and i want her to execute everyone.
I want huge prison-camps, where people are burning, while dragons screech above.
I want mad queen Danny to win.

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what the fuck are you talking about my man


fan theory. and based on the books so it doesnt really apply here

Wew lad

Literally did not give a fuck about what happened to Cersei and Jamie.

I cared way more about the fight to the death between the guy with the burnt face and zombie Darth Vader.

it really is as simple as going off grmm's script
even the worst novelist in the world (and grmm is pretty close) is miles ahead of tv writers

I was thinking the exact same thing lmao


I know it's fictional, but i felt more pain seeing westeros landmarks being destroyed than civis being burned alive.
Don't know, im a massive sucker for historical/fictional architecture and Red Keep was pure kino. It feels like Constantinople all over again.

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to be fair the first 3 seasons were amazing. Best or greatest? Mmmno. Sopranos is no1


I want my expectations subverted one last time.
I want 18 Century european/ British Empire st