Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: crowder rogan.jpg (1280x720, 77K)


I only know this guy from the "change my mind" meme. someone gimme a quick rundown/redpill on him? Is he based or typical cuckservative good goy?


Spoonfeed what happened to me im too lazy to google.

two manchildren throwing a tantrum

Watch his 'socialism is evil' debate.
He gets completely BTFOed by a young white male natsoc and he spends the entire time interrupting him and getting triggered because he can't stand it when someone criticizes his precious free market capitalist bullshit.

If you claim to be a patriotic conservative but still support capitalism, you are everything wrong with america.

fans of both probably joe

>weed bad


Thinking about buying a gram of marijuana for $1 to smoke later tonight. Tell me why I shouldn't

Thanks anons

>Rogaine baits Crowder into talking about marijuana
>proceeds to btfo him with facts and logic™
>crowder gets upset, didn't want to discuss weed in the first place
>both proceed to shout over each other for an hour
the whole interview was cringe,
crowder trying to talk about politics, rogan trying to talk about cars or whatever. it's like they weren't even part of the same conversation until the argument started.
also every time crowder made some shitty joke, rogan would start grilling him on it, it was fucking weird.
where the fuck do you live that you can get a gram for one dollar?


The best part is that when he gets BTFO he immediately jumps to SJW language policing tactics because the kid used the word 'autistic'.

I'd be lucky to get a gram for $10 where I live
of course, it's not legal recreationally here

Is this the fag who thinks that the giant tech monopolizes are ”private businesses.”

Basically a debate that happened like this:
>Yeah Joe, if I were to say what issue I became moderate about compared to when I was younger, it would probably be marijuana. I don't really care about it anymore, as long as we're honest about its negative eff-

Attached: weed is bad.jpg (819x683, 172K)

I used to sell grams of the best of whatever was available for $20 in the Midwest so I'd count yourself lucky

It's hilarious how right-wingers that degradation of family values, or what they term "cultural marxism" is entirely created by some fringe leftwing SJW groups and not a product of generations of consumerist and materialist culture.

>so weed
>i dont want to talk about weed
>is it cause weed?
>i dont eant to talk about weed
>its cause of weed isnt it
So on and so forth

This is every dudebro's reaction when you say you don't smoke weed.
>muh drug of peace

basically all he does is misread articles then get butthurt when people call him out on misrepresentation

Crowder is a douche.

>basically all he does is misread articles t

sounds like 90% of Yea Forums

Joes also been smoking weed every day for like... 20 years now? I swear if 1 negative scientific article on weed ever got published i dont know how crazy he'd get

He's a typical e-celebrity. He's all about professional malcontent.

Meant to reply to

That debate was so sad, it really shows that he's just out to find the crazy fringe sjw's for clickbait. The kid said 1/4 the amount that Crowder did but crowder accused him of "talking in paragraphs" what a clown

>facts and logic
all weed smokers are degenerate hedonists. dont ignore all the studies showing its harm on the brain and lungs. weed is only ok for medicinal use.

Find me a study that says weed is anywhere near as bad for you as smoking tobacco.

Makes it even more sad. I can understand why some 14 year old gets all crazy if you say you don't smoke, just because they're trying to be edgy. But Joes like 50 right? And he gets this defensive over dope, like hes been transported back to the early 80s and his dad is yelling at him after finding weed in his room.