>economy is amazing, jobs are plentiful
>lazy zoomers still won't take the s.w.e.a.t pledge
Economy is amazing, jobs are plentiful
Other urls found in this thread:
haha imagine taking advice from a guy with a degree in communications and a career as a tv host
the s.n.e.e.d. pledge
this user feeds
>working hard, creating wealth for Shlomo
why are americans so cucked?
fuck this faggot.
Go on, I'm interested
wish we could see his actual contract
point 1-depends on what state and what family you were born too
point 2- true
point 3- bad jobs are the ones that pay bad, and have no progession, if cleaning toilets paid 1 million a month, i am sure nobody would hate that
point 4-that is bullshit, jobs can only be done with passion and enthusiasm if you really enjoy the job and like what you are doing on the job, and also the reward is good enough
point 5- i agree
point 6-yea
point 7-wagecucking
point 8-it depends if the complain is well fundamented, going to a job that has no work conditions and complain about in order to improve performance of work related tasks is not whinning amerimutts.
9-yea ok
11-its not fair, but sometimes the sucess of others is not sucess cough cough nepotism cough cough gender minority quotas cough cough daddys money cough cough goldding cough cough
12-bullshit again, Richard Chadwick born to millionaire dad, will have a good life with no effort despite being a weak lazy dipshit, meanwhile billy bob johnson,who was born in total poverty will most likely not have a life good or as enojyable as richards depite grinding at evertyhing
Holy fucking based, wagies BTFO
wtf I love the free market now
fuck labor laws standing in the way of our freedom
>poiint 6-yea
what the fuck
Formerly unemployed
Some of us actually enjoy our careers and working long hours. I never expected to do what I'm doing now, but I ended up being a lot better at it than I thought and enjoying it. He's right about going into jobs with a good attitude regardless if you think it's shit or not.
>living in muttmerica is wining the greatest lottery of all time
>Born in America is winning the lottery
It isn't the 90s anymore champ.
Lmao who made this haha
fuck americans
>the work-harder-not-smarter pledge
but what's the J.A.N.N.Y pledge?
Does this guy think it's not possible to be exploited by one's employer?
This "pledge" was written by a 60 year old boomer that loves to tell how he managed to feed his entire family piling up boxed in 1960 or shit like that.
It was not mike ross
>millionaire posing as working class guy
>telling other people to work their ass off to make their bosses richer and never complain or demand better working conditions
When the revolution comes, Mike Rowe will be first in line for his neck massage
>safety is my responsibility
Off to the coal mine wagie
so he pretends to be a hard worker but he actually lives a cushy life, wow sounds like Mike Rowe's soft
He lays it on a little thick and yes, employer's exploit workers sometimes but all I see in the work force now is entitled millenials who want to skip steps on the way to success. It's a meme but I see it play out every day at work. If it's a good company, you stand out if you show up every day and do your job without bitching.
>If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.
Voted Most Punchable Face Of All Time.
Based as the Grand Tetons
>tfw boss tells us we need to schedule our sick days so as to not be inconvenient
im a mailfag and some days arent that bad. i lost a lot of weight so far too and the pay is decent
ooops. I meant this
is what's Based. Based as the sun's very core.
>If it's a good company
Most companies are not good. Half of all companies are below average or outright bad. Companies are sociopathic by nature, driven only by money, which only gets more true the bigger a company is, and companies have never been bigger in history. Shareholders don't buy shares in companies to improve a company's morals, they do it to earn money, and when that company makes a choice that doesn't earn them money, those Shareholders get angry. Anything 'nice' a company does is just a method of them indirectly earning themselves more money. Given the chance, a company will exploit its workers whenever it can, so long as it doesn't do it so much that it will lose them money. (unions, etc)
The problem lies in your logic. Without wagies, your neet life wouldn't be a possibility. Yet you encourage people to leave the work life and become neet.
>S.L.A.V.E. pledge
>Jobs are plentiful
Calvinist scum should've been flayed alive.
>economy is amazing, jobs are plentiful
The problem is, it's not, and they're not.
Production is up because of automation.
Which means GDP is high, but wages for the low and middle classes have been stagnant for the past decade.
I feel like, people would be more willing to put up with shitty jobs, if it meant there was a high chance for upward mobility, but there isn't, and there hasn't been for a very long time.
have chuck
I wish I could become a NEET, but stuff costs money and I don't have a way to game the system
There are no "steps to success", mate.
>you stand out if you show up every day and do your job without bitching.
Every fucking guy who served in the army knows you are full of BS. Doing your job good without bitching only ends with your supervisor demanding more and bitching at you when you can't keep that shit constantly.
Just become rich then, it's that easy.
Do not reply, just hide and move on.
>for the past decade
lol try since the 70's
>if i lick my bootstraps hard enough i will become a millionaire!
Okay I'm convinced
Oh for sure. It's been relatively stagnant since the 1970s, but there was a slight uptick as the economy corrected after the 2008 recession that people like to point to as growth. Which doesn't count, but limiting the scope of the argument to the last decade cuts that off at the pass.
Which is still fine, because a decade is still a very, very long time for wages not to change
Stop consuming faggot
You don't understand what logic is.
>Yet you encourage people to leave the work life and become neet.
His doing so will not affect his lifestyle in any noticeable way. Arguing for something does not imply you expect or even want everyone to accept it. There's nothing irrational happening.
Did you tell him to blow it out his ass?
well said
he said on a film board on the internet
>I won the lottery, I live in America
>work a job you hate to barely make enough to get by, get 2 weeks holidays the entire year then go bankrupt from your medical bills
Yeah. Totally like winning the lottery.
but you COULD'VE been born in a place that capitalism fucked even harder, doesn't that make you feel special and lucky?
dude just invest
Boomers were born and grew up in literally the greatest time in history. America was not just a superpower, it was a megapower. The economy was thriving, American culture was permeating the entire globe, and you could buy a house, a car, and have a family of 5 on a fucking factory worker salary. They don't realize shit has changed. They took everything and gave nothing. Theirs was a culture of excess and consumption, they lived like nothing would ever run out because for them, it wouldn't. Their whole generation is named for how many of them there are and they aren't even unique for that, Millennial were a bigger baby boom than the Baby Boomers. Truly, Boomers are the Worst Generation.
Also they have insane amounts of unironic LOL MILLENNIAL KNOW COMPUTERS BUT DONT READ BOOKS comics despite the fact that Millennials actually read more.
>Dude, just put thousands of dollars you don't have into a market you have no experience in!
>I won the lottery, so anyone who buys a ticket can also just win the lottery!
B-but that's all the fault of people who criticize capitalism and inequality!
Give me a break boomer
Is point number one the most boomer opinion of all time?
Well he's mostly right, he's talking about in a job like warehousing for example, where everyone's driving hi los, or construction, where everyone's using dangerous tools or fiddling with electricity. Obviously major risks like air quality aren't the individual's responsibility
I've heard this called 'working to rule'. Be really painstaking over everything and do it 100% right, to the letter. It can get management super butthurt if done right. The problem is that you'll never get everyone on board with it, and there will always be brownnosers that ruin it for everyone else.
IN WHAT, HOW, WITH WHAT. They don't teach investment in school man. Do I need to hire someone, how does it even work
>stagnant for the past decade
More like 3 decades
imagine a time where working at a gas station you could provide and buy a house.
Do they even have jobs in America anymore?
>cuck pledge
No thanks. Fuck boomers and fuck jannies.
>I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time.
>I believe that I am a product of my choices -- not my circumstances.
Usually now they just have temp jobs. So the company doesn't actually hire you, they just go to a temp agency, that finds them people based on what they need. So you make less and get less.
>I understand that the world is not fair, and I'm okay with that
There was a time where you could walk into a place, introduce yourself, give a strong handshake, and then be hired the next day.
I've done this and they all tell me to send my resume in through their online website application which they all have because OF COURSE THEY DO ITS THE 21S FUCKING CENTURY.
>wake up
>head down to your janitor job
>have enough to send all your kids to college since everything is cheap
>get the chance to tell your grandkids there spoiled and lazy
shoulda been born a bommer desu
How much money do you have to invest? Be honest.
I am. It vindicates my decision to do whatever makes me happiest instead of playing a rigged game.
>be NEET
>look at job posting for a laugh
>all the insane requirements for even a basic bitch tier job
Do boomers really think that everyone will have 20 years of experience and 29 references to work at their McJob?
Actually, I did get a job like that when I was 15. (this sadly was 17 years ago...) when I went to a restaurant that was owned by the chef and asked for a summer job as a dish washer. I shook his hand and gave my resume. He asked if I could learn fast and I said yes, and got the job on the spot. Ended up working there until I was like 19 or 20. Worked my way up from dish pit to sous chef, great food. But I never fucking will ever work in a restaurant again.
I only have 1k in my savings, and it's...Canadian...
It definitely doesn't work at big corporate joints or chains, but I've also yet to have it work at independently owned businesses either. But I would guess the success rate is higher. Back then things were just starting to get absorbed, but there were still a lot of small independent businesses so I guess that's where that Boomer experience comes from. It doesn't work anymore though.
lmao epic gif
Mike Rowe is a total fraud
How old are you user?
>Implying the end of the world is a negative.
The only reason you're not toiling 16hr per day, 7 days a week is because our ancestors took the people like Mike Rowe and butchered them in the streets
Now the weak generations are abound and the problem that's gonna present itself when the next round comes is that they'll have drones and various other gizmos with them
Literally a human parasite
You're right, everything is either a chain, or owned by a bigger group. Sadly his business eventually went under, he was a cool boomer, always telling me stories, and a good cook. But he made the mistake of being with a woman who never wanted kids (he wanted kids), and they stayed as common law partners, and eventually she said it was her or the restaurant, and he closed it. He took up trades as a carpenter, but ended breaking it off with her and left the area last I heard. I never got his fucking book of recipes.
I love making money for platinumbergstein haha what are you talking about you dirty neet I LOVE WAKING UP AT 5AM EVERY DAY TO COMMUTE FOR 2 HOURS AHAHAHAHFHHSADFG KVHAR KH:LY@HJK:L UE
>7. I believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is
LMAO do wagies actually do this?
>better than COMMUNISM
>The Most Powerful Nation in History
every man a king no one wears a crown how bout that?
If the company needs to downsize your boss wll no-fault-fire you no matter how hard you work, meanwhile his lazy friend or the incompetent woman he wants to fuck will be spared.
>Born to two teachers in Maryland
>"11. I understand the world is not fair, and I'm OK with that. i do not resent the success of others"
>. His performing career began in 1984, when he faked his way into the Baltimore Opera to get his union card and meet girls, both of which he accomplished during a performance of Rigoletto. His transition to television occurred in 1990 when — to settle a bet — he auditioned for the QVC Shopping Channel and was promptly hired after talking about a pencil for nearly eight minutes. There, he worked the graveyard shift for three years, until he was ultimately fired for making fun of products and belittling viewers.
>10. "...And I will never accept the credit for something I didn't do."
>7. "I believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is."
not him but I got a portion of my grandmothers house that was sold 2 years ago and my portion was 100k what do?
"Die working a dangerous job or your lazy"
>tfw work at Wal Mart
>Back spasms everyday from lifting boxes
>Manager tells me to go and start unloading from truck by myself
>run to bathroom and throw away Wal Mart vest
>start to cry in stalls
>run away back home
>fap to Mizuryu kei doujin
>get back composure and clarity
Is it too late to beg for my job back?
No, and you should have quit that shit job aeons ago anyways. Work literally anywhere else for literally anybody else.
What is dangerous about being a farmer?, you are just a lazy millennial.
I live with my dad in a house he owns and he pays for most expenses. He says I can have the house when he dies.
I work 13 hours a week at a comfy job where I don't have to interact with anyone, earning $300. Sometimes I drive to the city and hire a prostitute, usually asian.
S.W.E.A.T. Pledge is for cucks and slaves. If you work more than 20 hours a week you are a slave.
The S.N.E.E.D. Pledge on the other hand is for Chads and Alphas.
I REALLY like this story
where do u live
Don't know why but the sweat pledge cracks me the fuck up. it's probably because of mike rowe's smug face looking like he just took a steaming shit on your chest and there's nothing you can do about it
in a first world country
>show up early, stay late
No fuck this. I am being compensated for my time and labor in the pursuit of someone else's profit. Every minute I am uncompensated is theft of my labor and services.
>human parasite
Literally what rich people are.
>economy is amazing
We'll be in a major recession within the next 5 years
>jobs are plentiful
Sure, if you're counting low-wage, un-unionized service jobs. So low paying that people need to pick up 2-3 jobs just to survive.
>lazy zoomers
Productivity is at a historic high, yet somehow the most advantaged, most well-off investors and owners are less satisfied than ever before, and need more tax-cuts to avoid the poor house
>If you work more than 20 hours a week you are a slave.
I personally cap it out at 30. 30 hours is pretty much the cutoff for me per week's work, considering it still almost 20% of my week's time. But people who work 40 hour work weeks are either utterly desperate for an income, building up to some way to escape that, or are actual indoctrinated slaves to whatever kike owns them.
whos the stupid looking faggot failure in the pic
and why is he begging
Bros I want to fucking kill myself.
Formerly The Chuck's Code.
>not him but I got a portion of my grandmothers house that was sold 2 years ago and my portion was 100k what do?
You google investment portfolio management in your area. Research which ones are reputable.
fuck off commie
you're not fit to wash the president's balls
The bootlicker npc manifesto
Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
fuck off dataminer
>Productivity is at a historic high, yet somehow the most advantaged, most well-off investors and owners are less satisfied than ever before, and need more tax-cuts to avoid the poor house
>Constant record profits reported across the board
>Climbing productivity and new technology that maximizes efficiency with almost every layer of business
>GDP on a constant climb
>Mass layoffs every time a company performs poorly
>Billion-dollar tax breaks for corporations, many multibillion dollar corporations literally did not pay taxes in 2018
>Free healthcare and education are considered incomprehensible fantasies that are not grounded in reality
>Any attempt to increase minimum wage is met with near-universal opposition from the rich, as well as bootlicking slaves who bought into the ploys
>live in america
I'd rather be middle class in a developing country than being poor in the US of A
What happened?
I work at walmart as a self check out host and by god is this the easiest low skill high paying wage labor i've ever had. my job consists purely of swiping an operator code on a machine and walking away to go the next customer
>tfw make 35 dollars an hour right out of college with a 4 year degree
>tfw work only 3 12 hour shifts a week and schedule alternates between SU-T-R, M-W-F, and T-R-S
>tfw I get 4 whole days, work consecutive days only once every 3 weeks, and have 3 days off in a row 2 times every 3 weeks
I love my job.
Productivity increased because of technology and automation, not because workers are working harder.
Wages aren't rising because we are importing 1-2 million nonwhites every year who work for cheap and drive down wages or keep them relatively stagnant.
whats ur job
>white people are lazy and don't work as hard as others
>talking to some woman at hospital
>there for back pains from my shit job
>tell her my hours and days
>she goes wow how do you find time to do things you want
>get confused for a second
>explains to me she works 4 days a week and still makes way more than me
what is the point of this life shits rigged
NEETs are niggers.
Operating room nurse. It's pretty nice, all I do is set up the room and get it ready for surgery, go out and talk to the patient for like 2 minutes asking some quick questions, help get the patient positioned on the bed and plug the surgeons equipment and tools in so he can get started, then I just sit on the computer do some documenting that takes like 10 minutes, and when that's done I sit on my ass browsing 4channel or playing duellinks or reading manga on my phone while the surgeons operate. I probably spend 30-50% of my shift just sitting on my phone while the doctors operating depending on how long the surgeries take.
Ya working only 3 or 4 days (especially 3) a week is a godsend. When I was on orientation I worked 5 days a week and I hated my life, I was miserable working every day and only having 2 days for myself. Then I got off orientation and started working only 3 days a week with 12 hour shifts and I'm so much happier.
t. wagie
>make good money
>friends make even more
>feel like shit
Why do our brains torture us?
This is probably the most successful bait meme ever.
>Sometimes I drive to the city and hire a prostitute
Ya blew it.
>usually asian.
And now you're plowing the rice. You pay the price.
I will pray for you.
Nice going the distance to sous chef user. What made you dislike working at the restaurant?
>>Born to two teachers in Maryland
Born on a mountain. Raised in a cave. Truckin' and fuckin' Are all that I crave.
This is literally The Big Rock Candy Mountain.
But instead of alcoholic hobos living in a NEET utopia it's autistic shitposters
Depends on the industry. As a chef I've never had to deal with that bullshit. Introduce yourself, make a good impression, work a trial (it's as important for you to scope them out as it is for them to scope you out, trials are good and have saved me from a couple of jobs I'd have regretted), grab a free beer from the bar afterward (if they don't offer you a beer for your trial at least, leave). Bam, working the next roster rotation, generally within a couple of days as most trials are done on a Friday/Saturday when it's busy. For all the shit there is in my industry, there's so much I love about it. Bureaucracy and office politics bullshit don't exist.
anyone that supports working under capitalism is a giant cuckold
anyone that supports capitalists (pro tip you're not a capitalist you're a liberal cuckold who supports them pathetically) you're a giant cuckold
all liberals should fucking hang
inb4 some retarded american accuses venezuela of being communist and that marx never worked in his life or that having healthcare and rights that aren't just in favour of some rich twat fucking you over (KEK) or some other retarded burger shit
born in a coop, raised in a cage. Children fear him, critics rage.
>going to school
>actually managed to get a gf
>decide to get a job next
>work at kfc
>i'm awful at it, people make fun of me, I hate it, they have me working 30 hours a week even though they know I'm in school and I always get home 11:30-12:00 on school nights
>gf dumped me for Chad
>can't stand working there anymore and I only got the job for her so I quit
I only worked there for 3 months. My mom wasn't even surprised I quit, she said she figured I would which just makes me realize people think of me as a quitter. I haven't tried to look for another job. Every day the gap in work history will become more unexplainable. I want to kill myself.
>I understand the world is not fair and i'm OK with that
Alright, fair enough
>I believe that all people are created equal
But... but you just said...
I try to 'stay late' at work but overtime jobs are typically regulated to the seniority types who are friends with management.
I guess I should just improve my work ethic until I get the same opportunity as the dude whose cousin is married to the Vice President.
Sounds pretty bad... How firm is your handshake?
Shit, I am a pathetic weakling
>he thinks taking money from billionaires will magically means he will be able to consume more things and have more free time
The irony is that if we actually had a free market most of you faggots would barely have to work.
>he thinks taking money from billionaires will magically means he will be able to consume more things and have more free time
>he thinks taking money from billionaires will magically means he will be able to consume more things and have more free time
>he thinks taking money from billionaires will magically means he will be able to consume more things and have more free time
>he thinks taking money from billionaires will magically means he will be able to consume more things and have more free time
Central banking happened
Pic related
Imagine actually being dumb enough to be a marxist/socialist.
This is one fundamental thing you people get wrong.
Taking over the means of production or simply taking all of the money from the capitalists won't actually benefit you whatsover.
The working class receives 99% of the end product of economic production(consumer goods and services)
The workers already receive what they put into the system. The capitalists only consume like 1% of all consumer goods.
If the workers took all of the capitalist's money and went to spend it, it would simply cause massive price increases because the supply of goods stays exactly the same. That or massive shortages if price controls are implemented.
The ONLY thing that increases living standards for the working class is increases in economic production.
The western world has been stagnating since the 1970s due to central banking and massive government spending and intervention.
This is why you are poor, not muh capitalism.
Re-evaluate your life and move on.
Seethe harder wagie
Although you probably won't see this since you have to slave early tomorrow
imagine being a giant cuckold, typing all this shit, and still being retarded. nice lettered diarrhoea, burger
>being this retarded
America is a nation of scabs.
>The working class receives 99% of the end product of economic production
>The ONLY thing that increases living standards for the working class is increases in economic production.
>You should want nothing but to work for whatever you will be allowed to get and be nothing but happy about it because that's what it means to be free in America
Sounds like corporate brainwashing to me. That's exactly what they want from brainless workers so as they don't threaten their status quo or attempt to get more than people outside their circle are thought to deserve.
>he thinks billionaires are not fucking his life right now by their degeneracy
How the boot tastes?
>no argument
>continues to lick boots
Eh, what can I say, at least I tried to help you.
>literally no argument
At least you admit being wrong mao bootlicker.
Imagine literally wanting to be another man's slave and starving to death at his own incompetence lmao
This is legit cult worshipping brain damage.
This guy is the worst, I’ll be happy when he dies. The cuck boomers who like him too.
if you're fit and willing to do physically strenuous labor, just work on an oil rig for a few months of the year. they literally accept anyone with a pulse and the pay is fucking great. made well over $70k working a few measly months. i spend the rest of my time as a comfy NEET.
>continues to lick boots when advocating for communism
haha are you fucking retarded you slab of processed meat and hfcs?
>no argument
Ahhh, I love watching commies seethe.
I don't know. I support free markets.
>>continues to lick boots when advocating for communism
what? lol
>slab of processed meat and hfcs?
I eat organic food only because I'm not a pleb who can't afford it lol
Stop posting anime girls
have you tried not being an incompetent bafoon?
I know right?
What an idiot, that guy actually believes you had to produce something before you can consume it.
sign the S.W.E.A.T. pledge
how dangerous is it? I'm not getting my arm sucked into an oil pipe, even for $70k
why would you want to. Learn how to program and get a job at that. Stay home till you are good enough
Wait a minute...this thread isn't about television and film at all!
>I support free markets.
Oh, so you are retarded.
Because "Free market" is an idea even more retarded and utopian than fucking communism.
>the chinese sweatshop pledge
IVe heard its really dangerous
fuck yeah pepe's got it right
This is more like it
>Because "Free market" is an idea even more retarded and utopian than fucking communism.
Except for the fact markets that were essentially free existed many times in history and were extremely successful, most notably the united states in the late 1800s which had no central bank, almost no taxes, extremely low government spending and regulation, strong property rights etc.
Because the current generation doesn't want to work in construction, those jobs get scarce and they can charge alot more. Sounds like a win to me
Are you implying there was ever a generation who were itching to get a construction job? Its always been the dream to get away from dirty manual labor
That is either a real tiny gun or that dude has some serious huge troll hands
>free existed many times in history and were extremely successful
For rich degenerates, you fuckwit, not for normal people.
>most notably the united states in the late 1800s
Imagine being a bootlicker to the point you literally would die for the "honor" of working yourself to death for half-a-penny. Imagine being THAT devoid of self-interest. Imagine fucking communists being more self-served than a "free individualist" goy.
You really deserve it. You deserve the rich fags and jews demonstratively wiping their dicks on your own face because they fucking know that you will thank them and ask for more. You are a fucking slave. Hell, not even that. You are a fucking kholop. Lowest form of life. A literal cuckold.
Why don’t you visit the 50 got threads up you fucking queer.
these threads are usually the best on this shitty board
>I went to a restaurant that was owned by the chef and asked for a summer job as a dish washer. I shook his hand and gave my resume
I've done this before, he didn't take my resume and told me to apply online
>For rich degenerates, you fuckwit, not for normal people.
top kek
USA at the time had the highest real wages for workers in the entire world, thanks entirely to economic freedom and the economic planning of entrepreneurs
>of working yourself to death for half-a-penny
It's such a shame you people weren't taught actual history in school.
Humans lived in absolute poverty for almost all of human history up until very recently.
It was free markets and the industrial revolution that living standards for workers actually began to rise, child labor went away and the workweek shrank.
>Imagine being THAT devoid of self-interest.
But it's the complete opposite.
I support free markets because we would probably have a 2 day workweek if we had free markets.
>You are a fucking slave.
Bro, lol you unironically support central banking.
You enjoy being a slave.
Fucking boomers
The less wagecucks, the higher wages will get
Millenials are just smart enough to realize the only way to success nowadays is by skipping steps. If you're not scheming your way to the top, finding your little niche in the system, backstabbing people, you don't got a chance. No one who's playing by the rulles will make it with the economy that the globalists are building. You'll be working 16 hour days to 10 different apps, moving from city to city, without any labor rights, without a car, without a house, making just enough to sustain the expenses of one child being raised by a child-raising company.
>i-if we tax the rich megacorps less, theyll have incentive to create more jobs and wages will increase
>the rich actually put their tax cut savings into buying their own shares instead of creating jobs
What is Pepe’s last name?
Bro fucking this, most people I've seen that are favored by higher ups are great at ducking work and being backstabbing cocksuckers rather than actually being effective
>dude work sets you free
You can't get anywhere playing it safe, nor can you get anywhere playing by the rules anymore. Nepotism is so common that it's become an alternative to a good resume, getting others fired is the quickest and cleanest way up the ladder, and since having too good of a resume can make you "overqualified" for a business, being "The Best For The Job" outright has potential to lose you work. I have legitimately zero empathy for the "struggles" any government official or CEO, and anything that cuts their ankles is a blessing to me.
>getting others fired is the quickest and cleanest way up the ladder
we'll reach a point where murdering your higher ups will be the only way to advance in a company.
>barely spend 300 dollars a month
>still not enough money to afford renting out the cheapest apartment in the area
>there is nothing wrong with leaving an unfair system
That's because higher ups aren't paid to work, they are paid (handsomely) to backstab those in the lower ranks with maximum efficiency, serving as a buffer for the capitalists when the shit hits the fan and the guillotine is out. Good workers are doomed to remain workers for the rest of their life.
>mfw god is real
Cringe. Get a job. Fuckin loser
this nigga took the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge
In all seriousness, I'm honestly shocked with all of these church shootings and school shootings and XYZ shootings, we don't have people hunting down and killing corporate CEOs more often. It's not as if they're impossible to identify, and since so much information is public domain, it'd really only take a particularly driven stalker with a vicious vendetta to track down someone like James Quincey or Bezos and put a few holes in them.
hey man you could live in india
Good idea
because despite what some people want you to believe, most people aren't violent and aren't willing to take life. that will need to change if western civilisation is to be saved
normies pay big money for that look now