Uh, guys..? Is reddit ok ?
Uh, guys..? Is reddit ok ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddit is for fags and anyone who posts there unironically SHOULD end their lives.
>redditors literally on suicide watch.
Imagine killing yourself over a show before the last two episodes come out.
Imagine butchering a tv show's finale so badly that people start committing suicide.
Hopefully they all go through with it
>recommending the national suicide hotline
Peak virtue signalling
Is this a known phenomenon when TV series draw to a close?
People offing themselves because their favorite show is over?
>killing yourself over cape shit
>Shitposting on Leddit then screencapping the shitpost to shitpost more on tv
Fuck off
reminds me of the crypto crash
These are the people who want to destroy liberty as they go off about how stupid skydaddy is btw
It's r/freefolk. They're joking.
>caring about people you don't know, killing themselves.
I wish this virtue signalling shit would end.
D&D officially confirmed /ourguys/?
wasn't there a dude saying they ruined his life after he called them? like he just answered a few questions, they sent a cop to this house, he was in a hospice and the bills were massive
GoT has been terrible this season. The whole build up to the battle of Winterfell was all for nothing.
Everyone who posts the suicide hotline does it for attention. Not a single suicidal person ever saw someone link to the hotline and called it. This is the worst kind of virtue signalling.
>Taking a joke literally just to spite another website
Damn the IQ around here is about room temperature
>I mean I’ve been watching this season after loving most of what came prior. I added this number to speed dial after the last episode, and sold my guns to a pawn shop.
jesus christ
I always assumed it was pure virtue signalling but i'm starting to think it actually makes them feel like good people on top of the virtue signalling.
>killing yourself because of a TV show character dying
Based and slashwrist pilled
This is guaranteed internet points on reddit.
I keep it 200 degrees in my room
I wouldn't be surprised. If you can't kill yourself, what rights do you have?
ha joke is on them I am going to kill myself tonight anyway
There should be an option to select “ this is Reddit” in the report thread list
If they wanted to feel like good people, then actually go and do something. Like go work in a homeless shelter or go entertain oldies in a rest home or something.
Not sit online pretending to be a good person.
the comments are all about >muh mental health and >muh sue side, retard
made my day
There are people on Yea Forums that browse reddit, twitter, instagram and all those cringey gossip websites to bring back some tripe to Yea Forums. why do they do it? do they go out to the yard to find a piece of dog shit to show your parents?
>If they wanted to feel like good people, then actually go and do something.
That doesn't follow at all. I can want to have a million dollars without being willing to start a company to get it. If I could get the feeling of having a million dollars by shitposting I'd do it even more.
Yeah they basically just call the police on you and you lose your rights because you're considered not sound of mind. Then you're put into a mental hospital that charges you thousands of dollars.
Fuck this faggotry Earth. Just purge it all.
Are the massive bills a lowkey way to ensure the suicide?
If I got put on a 72 hour hold does that mean I can't own guns?
That’s what I would select for your posts fag
The idea of someone actually trying to kill themselves over a tv show has to be one of the dumbest things I've seen all day
Typical "I mean" and "imagine" posters
This site is a lost cause until twitter caps become as bannable as MLP content
>he was in a hospice
that can't be right
Like a cat that brings a dead mouse to its owners
how completely fucking retarded
sometimes i forget America is a thing
Well at least most anons don't go there and don't know what freefolk is about so that's good.
If you read the thread they genuinely mean it
> reddit
> people
Cersei has #4 on the way
The only one time i thought about killing meself was when i dreamed that Christina Hendricks had an episode explicit naked sex scene on madmen but then i realized it was a dream.
i hate americans
this has to be a joke
Suck shit. Go back to live journal
based paddy
Anyone who anheroes because YAS QUEEN dies needs to not be in the gene pool anyway. They're doing the world a disservice.
And fuck, I feel for people working suicide hotlines if they have to deal with "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY????!?!??!!?!"
Am i retarded or has Danerys always been a really simplistic and predictable character? how can that be your idol.
this is an addiction to them. and big episodes like this one are like scoring the biggest haul. if this episode doesnt turn out how they want theyll immediately start withdrawing and want to kill themselves
I remember this being posted all over reddit when BTC got dumped
>redditards absolutely SEETHING itt
Kys tranny faggots
I feel like this will signal to people that maybe they should be feeling worse about it and drive people to suicide who otherwise would not have done it.
Like when granny gummed your foreskin and paid you in boiled sweets, and your therapist spent all his time telling you you were damaged and fucked up and a suicide risk and that you'll never be okay again, and you become that way. If he hadn't drilled that into your head, you still would have some trauma but you would be fine. Now you live with crippling anxiety, panic attacks, and suffer from various addictions and often think of just ending it all
I'm gonna tell myself that the redditor was making a joke and you all just are autistic and didn't get it. I refuse to believe anyone would even consider suicide over got.
>killing yourself over a television show
*breathes in*
damn dude that GOT episode was crazy.
>work for suicide hotline
>someone calls in hysterically crying
>keeps saying something about a "D&D" being Nazis and killing "Pock"