>brie introduced in mcu
>saw the anti brie threads
>ended up agreeing with it after seeing some of the posts
>Started hating brie
> saw captain marvel and it was ok, some scenes had good acting with her.
>time passes
> realise she has autism due to posts here
> have to look back to see if it is true
> Look back at everything I hated before me and realised something
> She actually is a nice person but autism gets in the way of everything so people hate her
> we both have the same shitty social skills. I realised I do some of the same things when talking to other people.
> I remember that a good amount of girls I hung out with and liked were just like her in high school
>Realised she is a qt
When did you realise she was /ourgirl/
Not sure if camel toe or water rippling, but I can fap to this.
Autism was the same bullshit excuse morons used here to try and get people to like jlaw
Didn’t work then and it won’t work now
Man, I wish I could like her. Totally agree with her comments and love how she triggers incels ... but she managed to do it in such a boring fucking way and it felt unintended instead of someone who aims to piss off idiots.
Doubt she has autism but she might really being totally introverted and have shitty social skills.
Reminds me of some fatty who used to stalk me in HS. Is she half German or something?
The moment some moron here tried to bitchslap me saying "you don't represent Yea Forums!" or some shit.
Brie is love, how else can she elicit reddit style controversy here.
Politics aside, i will never understand Yea Forums saying she's not attractive or that they wouldn't fuck her given the chance.
Stop spamming this you aspie double nigger. Just cause brie has autism and can't socially interact doesn't make her our girl. If anything, she is /r9k/'s girl.
Reminder that the people who make Brie waifu threads are the same hypocrites telling you to have sex. They were the real incels this whole time.
>Politics aside, i will never understand Yea Forums saying she's not attractive or that they wouldn't fuck her given the chance.
Yea Forums is infested with omega male incels, so when a woman decides to have an opinion they freak out like little bitches.
Chads don't give a shit about brie's opinions, they think she's fuckable
waste of digits desu
bros, I...
Her politics are fine but she's really not that attractive from most angles. And her face shape is one of the worst a person could have.
She's rich, skinny, has breast implants, is fertile and despite all appearances, likes having sex with men.
What boxes does she not tick for you?
Are you serious?
>likes having sex with men
Black men maybe
Her face is ugly and her boob job is shit
would you suck her toes in exchange for cumming inside her?
She's just not that attractive overall. I'm not saying I wouldn't if was HER but if I didn't know it was a rich celeb, I wouldn't even look twice.
Don't lie to yourself
>watch dozens of yt videos hating her
>now she's been in 3 of my dreams
wtf do i do lads, she's my new waifu now
>everyone hates her
>has one scene thats taken out of context to seem sexual
>wtf i love fungusfoot now
>that comically round forehead
I realised she was your type of girl when she went on reddit and told people she fucks black guys.
we must live in different Americas
She is 8/10
>She's just not that attractive overall.
I'd like to see your internet history, probably a lot of searches for "hot twinks"
I'm from Yurop and it's not like all women look great here either but she's a 6,5 at best IMO.
Probably the best pic of her in thread and a quarter of her face is hidden. Looks a bit like that female chick from PotC 5 here, who's worlds more attractive.
>She's just not that attractive overall.
I want to meet your girlfriend or wife.
If you hate brie, you are a bad person and should feel bad
what's with all the brie shill threads lately lmfao
she looks like a dude in that pic
>the way too centred, small eyes
>the round ass forehead
Her body is obviously nice but the face is just a no, no.
based Briepill user
I noticed it to, Most likely the mouse trying to sway general opinion
I don't know if this is by accident, but her social awkwardness triggers my protector instinct
This but unironically
>what's with all the brie shill threads lately lmfao
we were told by self-appointed authorities how bad brie was. We shrugged it off and openly and honestly reviewed her movies and we all now respect her for her talents as well as feminine charms.
>polcels and literal Russian shils try turning Brie into a boogieman
>accidentally meme her into a waifu
I've been in love with her since that Scott Pilgrim movie. Since then, I couldn't take my eyes off her and ignore to see her grow
Is this the "lol what game of thrones" thread?
That old chestnut is getting kinda stale, Shlomo.
>dude this fotm actress is totally autistic and just like us you gotta waifu her now
how many fucking times do we have to go through this shit?
Some vicks vapor rub will fix the fungus but she'll always have those disgusting brown eyes
Dreamy. I know I will never have her, so I will search for a woman who at least looks somewhat like her
>ivan doesn't like being called out
I’d buttfuck the slut
she's so CUTE
She has a mannish face
because Yea Forums is more insecure and childish than r/incels
but would you make non-white babies with her?