Why didn't he just snapped all incels?
Why didn't he just snapped all incels?
Thanos is a sadist. He enjoys seeing incels suffer
have sex
why didn't he make everyone have sex?
A glance at human history would have showed him that humans have gone through huge population booms and busts, and that snapping half of the population away won't solve his perceived overpopulation problem long term.
Then you would be snapped silly.
Just need to add "Nazi" and "alt-right"
If you snap away all incels the lower males in the social hierarchy becoe the new incels
I unironically believe that legalizing prostitution and not shaming men for “buying” sex will fix the incel problem.
It won't, because most people in that position don't just want sex. They want to be desired, and paying a prostitute won't change that.
But being touched by woman feels better than not being touched at all. Oxytocin ain’t no joke, dawg.
What was his problem?
Put a fucking smile on your face. That's literally all it takes. Just an upturned smile and a positive attitude. Doesn't matter if you're fat or whatever - a lot of chicks are actually into that. Incels exist because of this cultural tendency to put pussy on a pedestal and fundamentally overestimate women for their judgmental nature. Humans are generally not that capable of complex thought. Stop thinking of them as gods of keikaku. Women just want someone to help them through the perpetual existence of suffering that is life. Women are beings of intense and constant suffering. A smile alone lifts their spirits a significant amount.
A lot of prostitutes play along with the girlfriend experience role-playing, which is a quite common request.
Sex with a hoe won't fix the void of knowing of something is wrong with you and you may never have meaningful emotional conections with a significant other. I say this from experience
based thanos
these guys are undersexed and lonely. and like said, these dudes are not being touched. that fucks with a humans head
Paying someone to pretend to be your girlfriend isn't the same as a person authentically desiring to be your girlfriend.
well no shit. it can at least help you through the darker times. maybe they can even give you some advice on how to use your positive personality traits to attract a mate
Nothing is free in this world, user. My girlfriend may love me, but if I decide to quit my high paying job and go drive a fork lift, that love will change real quick.
It's "good enough" for many men. Since men project their pragma love onto women, there really isn't as much of a difference once you think about it.
This and your body can’t tell the difference between affection you “paid” for. Meaning that you’ll still produce the hormones and positive effects of being with a woman either way.
Its a cold and cynical way to fix a very sad problem. But if anything the biggest benefit of legal prostitution is lowering the smv of women. Suddenly uggos and fatties will cease demanding Chad, and some poor bastard donating to twitch thots might just go down to his local brothel and feel the inside of a woman's vagina.
>bro just smile that's all it takes
cold and cynical but man is it necessary. people like to focus on incels but an I think a lot about decent guys that get girls and end up with women below them because they confuse lust with love.
prime example is a dude i used to work with. he was single, made decent money and was good looking, funny. but he never had luck with the ladies. homeboy ended up marrying the first girl that gave him a shot. a year older than him and that had two kids from a previous relationship. He married her and got her pregnant shortly thereafter. im almost positive he lost his virginity to her. I doubt he would’ve ended up in that situation if he could just go to a brothel and get his dick wet
I'm 100% sure the guy on the right have no problem gwtting girls, even if his nipples placement make it look like Toryiama drew him. All girls want Uber Chad like like all men want Uber Stacy, but regular people settle for regular people
>guy on the right have no problem getting girls
Connor Murphy is 6'4", guy on the right is a foot or more shorter than him. He absolutely has some level of trouble getting girls.
>All girls want Uber Chad like like all men want Uber Stacy
Jesus Christ
sure champ
Incels don't breed though.
It's those have sexers and sex havers who are causing the problem.
Incels don't have sex so how could they be responsible for overpopulation
That dude looks like a metrosexual anyways
You're like me but you haven't given up yet. Man i hope it hits you softly.
Well, i watched the video, and the girl is the manlet's GF, so he is kind of right, he is getting laid
Who the fuck are these people who are so obsessed with other people having sex?
>Why didn't he just snapped all incels?
There would be no one left to go to see the movie, any other stupid questions?
If anything, Thanos is more likely to keep the incels since they wouldn't procreate as much, if ever.
He wanted to decrease the population. Killing incels would do nothing.
I swear, OP, you are so obsessed with memes, you don't THINK. And should have been snapped.
> like all men want Uber Stacy,
that dumb fucking manlet read too much r/TheRedPill copes about confidence, thought this vid would make him look confident but all it did was making the girl realize what's she missing out on, which is why she dumped him soon after
fucking retarded gymcel
lol at how she started breathing faster even though her betabux boyfriend was right next to her
fucking cuck