I'm fucking terrified about Endgame not beating Avatar

Guys I'm seriously fucking shaking...it's week 3 and it's at 2.45 billions. It seems far fetched that it will get to 2.8 in this time

If this doesn't beat Avatar, nothing will. Avatar will remain the highest BO movie in existence.

Also stfu about inflation because obviously nobody cares about that, people will just look at the surface value number saying Avatar 2.7 billion.

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Why dont you get pussy?

it will why do you think the cameron fags are running around with the inflation cope

Dumb mutt

>even pre-inflation Endgame can't get near Avatar grossings


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I know OP is just larping but the fact that there are people like this is disgusting

>SEETHING cameron fag praying for cope

Cry more. Keep crying.

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Came here to say this. And to sage.

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hahahahaha Did you really think that you could beat James Cameron?

Haven't you learnt by now? The only man who can beat James Cameron is James Cameron.

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Engage in intercourse

>According to Yea Forums math this 2.4billion dollar film has only made 472mil
And I was being generous and giving Endgame the same marketing budget as IW (150mil).
So why does anyone bother making blockbusters anymore?


how fucking long was avatar in the cinemas for? didn't it have an additional/prolonged release with a bit of extra footage?

I'm OP and I wasn't lying. I don't want Avatar to remain in that list. Avatar is a shitfilm that got famous because of a really really poor quality gimmick. I know it's posted around a lot, but the fact that nobody can name 5 characters from the highest grossing movie ever is really concerning. Really makes you wonder if perhaps said movie is total shit and people didn't actually like it.

It's unthinkable that such a movie still holds such a ridiculously high record. Endgame is the only film that can punch Avatar into oblivion.

Nobody cares about US records, these shits get beat every single day. Also I'm OK with star wars being hit because, even if its shit, its star wars, people recognize star wars, it isn't a LITERALLY WHO name in the list.

>Nobody cares about US records
It goes to show that Endgame can't even beat Star Wars on its own turf. What hopes is there that it will beat the biggest movie of all time internationally? I can't wait for all the backpedalling once Endgame finally falls in 2nd place.

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It can still be beat in the future. Avatar was released when the dollar was weak which boosted its international numbers. When the next financial crisis happens you only need the dollar to be around 40% weaker than now + a big new release like a Star Wars/Marvel/Avatar movie and the deed will be done.

>Nobody cares about US records,
The US is where the real money is made. If you had a film would you rather make 200mil in the US or 350mil in China?

wasnt avatar in theaters for like 3 months though? how can anyone seriously compare these 2 movies in gross when avatar was pushed with 3D which are always more expensive tickets anyway and a way longer theater run

I mean, Endgame is already like 500 million ahead of TFA. Which is why nobody should care about US records.

I literally dont give a fuck who's pockets get filled with this. I just want the "highest grossing movies of all time" to NOT have avatar on the first place. Avatar is not a memorable movie. The only thing keeping it in memory is that ridiculous record, take that away and it will fall into oblivion.

It's not going to beat Avatar. A movie about a talking rat put a massive dent in your earnings. A talking fucking rat. And now you have actual blockbusters coming out week after week for the foreseeable future. It's not happening, so you might as well kill yourself, you worthless loser. Cameron wins again.


Sorry bud, Endgame's numbers are PATHETIC. It lost its legs a long time ago. Never gonna reach Avatar's numbers even before inflation.

I love seeing you capeshitters coping.

Attached: END game emphasis on the END.jpg (559x261, 75K)

>Avatar is not a memorable movie.
Neither is Endgame

>Also stfu about inflation because obviously nobody cares about that
Maybe retards don't. You literally can't compare dollar values from long periods of time passing. That's why Gone with the Wind is still the real GOAT

>Also stfu about inflation
jej. Might as well have the federal reserve print Zimbabwe money as a promotional event for black panther 2.

Maybe movie theaters will open in Africa ? That's a huge untapped market. Eventually enough theaters will open world wide and every movie will make a billion

Bitch, do you not get the point? Yes Endgame may be shit full of plotholes, but it makes sense to have it take 1st place in that list because its shit that people had been waiting for for literally over 10 years. Avatar came out of fucking nowhere and nobody remembers anything about it other than the fact that it grossed a ridiculous amount of money (which is not even fair, because the thing had an extended run)

>A talking fucking rat.
You say that like Endgame isn't ridiculous "Oh no Captain America, we have to time travel and collect the infinity Gems to stop Thanos the mad titan!"
Adults watch this fucking shite. Makes me sick.

DisneyMoms literally don't understand inflation

>34 weeks in theaters
>endgame beat their 9 week mark in 2
endgame will do just fine if it stays in theaters even half that time


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Avatar is more memorable than Endgame. More people went to see Avatar and it was a global phenomenon that Marvel has never come close to matching. Stay. mad.

I'd use your own point against you and say Avatar deserves to be #1 since it made all that money without using 21 others films as a crutch

If you want to argue minutia like that you can easily to the same thing against endgame. Like how the chinese market for movies is literally 10x larger today than it was in 2009. Not to mention population growth in the US itself.

False flagging DCuck

>endgame will do just fine
Not with its current grossings. Especially since it's declining even more daily, and there's new competition popping up to kill it even more.

>Pikachu just killed Endgame overseas this weekend


Attached: Pikachu.png (480x480, 73K)

Why do you fags not understand what drops are and how Summer movies play differently to Winter? Avatar made more in it's third weekend than Endgame did.

fuck off newfag redditor

it is guaranteed to surpass Avatar at this point

>Guys I'm seriously fucking shaking
Have sex.

It's not guaranteed. Infinity War only made 130mil domestically from this point on while Endgame still needs to make over 300mil. It's going to be close

>James Cameron dabbing on capeshitters


Endgame will make maybe 2.5 or 2.6 at most. But that's even before inflation.

Anons, its not really fair to compare anything to avatar since it stayed in theater's for 9 months

It's totally fair. It stayed in cinemas for as long as it did because there was demand. I only opened around 75mil and it made more in it's third weekend than Endgame which opened to 350mil

Endgame has even more advantages. Such as China having a fuckton more theaters now compared to when Avatar came out and population in general increasing therefore more moviegoers. Also the fact that Endgame is the culmination of a decade of buildup, while Avatar is just some random movie about blue people.


Avatar stayed in cinemas that long because Cameron personally paid to have it re-released in 3d lol

It's actually at 2.5 billions, and it's theater time is far from over.

>oh no my comic book movie can't beat space cats having sex

>Black panther will flop
>Captain Marvel will flop
>This is the end for MCU
>Shazam will be a success
>I-It won't make 200 million in two months

>Endgame did in 3 weeks what Avatar did in 9 months

*300 million
>sprinting like a retard on a marathon

Me too bro. I spent about 10 minutes dry heaving earlier in the day when the thought crossed my mind and I couldn't chase it out like I normally do

A lot of movies had stronger opening numbers than Avatar. The reason why Avatar remains #1 is because of consistency. Every film that challenges for the throne lacks that.

>Avengers will beat Avatar
>TFA will beat Avatar
>Infinity War will beat Avatar
>Endgame will beat Avatar

By all means, stay assured. It will only make the inevitable assblasting more delicious.

What will this board look like once Endgame fails just like Infinity War did?

If Endgame stays for thee months it'll beat Avatar.

This is going into the screencap compilation.

I just saw the film today and there were 10 people in the theatre lol

Guys, I was so upset this morning over Endgame not cracking $2.5 bil that I beat my child with a broom handle and fed my cat into a woodchipper. I mean, if Avengers can't hit 2.7 then there's literally no God or meaning in this world.

>this entire thread

Marvelfags are SHOOK

>things that were said in every other movie's "avatar is finished" threads before the poster was never heard from again

So... what will you do when it fails? what will you do when all hope has abandoned you?

There will be a few shit posting threads for a few days. There's going to be more threads and salt in a few hours. The board seems to care way more about GoT than Endgame

>If this doesn't beat Avatar, nothing will.
>"the media told me that this movie is important, a big cultural event and will go down in film history, so it must be true"

Attached: thirsty.png (821x1024, 167K)

>2.2b in 10 days! It will break 3 billion dollars! Will beat Avatar next weekend!
>It will beat Avatar by the end of May!
>It will beat Avatar in 2 months!
>W-well it still has 5 months to beat Avatar
>I-it's not fair, Avatar had a re-release
>Avatar had the 3D gimmick! Movies aren't on 3D anymore!
>A-at least Disney still made money! DCucks on suicide watch!
>A-Avatar is Disney now anyway, we still win!

Attached: 1524346672511.png (247x242, 89K)

> board said CM wouldn't make a billion
> made over a billion

it'll make it

Just think of all the money, time and effort it took for Endgame to take place. Shooting 21 other full length movies over the course of over a decade. All that, just to lose to James Cameron. This is the biggest BTFOing in kino history.

Even if Avatar gets beaten it will be ok since Endgame is meant to be beaten anyway just as Titanic was beaten before it.

>the backpedalling is already starting

I'm loving this. Thanks based James Cameron

hilariously enough this is the only record I want it to beat, I don't care about it beating Avatar in the long run. It pushed Force awakens out of the top ten all around but i don'f want it as number one, but considering how much it has slowed down I don't think its going to top black panthers domestic take

beating TFA was already unlikely and now it's out of question

>hilariously enough this is the only record I want it to beat
There's zero chance of it happening now. The difference between openings was about 150mil in Endgames favor and the gap has already been filled. It already has passed Black Panthers domestic take though

Avatar keeping that record is such an amazing testament to the state of the film industry, I hope it stays there forever.

Oh well I still liked it, I wonder if it'll get a rerelease with infinity war as a double feature, though who would want to sit in the theater for 5 and a half hours

More people did not go to see it. The tickets were double the price of a normal ticket.