ITT - Movies that went from a 6/10 to a 10/10 due to the soundtrack

ITT - Movies that went from a 6/10 to a 10/10 due to the soundtrack

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Son Of Man - Phil Collins is a tune.
And two worlds for that matter

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Really? Phil Collins 90s crap?

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phil collins can eat my ass

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Phil Collins is the reason Stevie G hasn't beat the fuck out of his wife to death yet.

According to my mom, I loved Tarzan so much as a kid, that I'd watch the movie every day and then jump around the couches and whatnot, pretending to be him. Weird...

Nobody gives a fuck, and that's not weird. What's weird is that you took the time to post that. Sort your life out.

>you will never marry lily collins and have phil as a father in law and discuss progressive rock with him

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>Nobody gives a fuck
You gave enough of a fuck to give me a (you). Something I shall not reciprocate.

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That doesn't mean I give a fuck about your post. I'm trying to help YOU, faggot. Sort your shit out.


I did the same exact thing. People shitting on Tarzan can suck it, its like one of the best animated disney renaissance films. Its got fighting and shit too, keep your gay ass beauty and the beast shit, thats what girls watched.

Kiss, already.

Faggot thinks (you)s matter. Go back to redit if you want to collect points. God damn faggots have ruined this board with their inane, autistic posting.

>Sort your shit out
t. Juden Peterstein fan

This was me but with spiderman and trying to crawl up walls

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Prince of Egypt obviously you faggot plebs
this board fucks and sucks



Upvoted because that indeed is KINO.

based and redpilled

Based choices but pic related is top soundtrack kino.

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imagine how dumb this movie would be without its soundtrack

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>one off

Conan The Barbarian

Fuck you nigger, you aren't getting any (you)s from me. Seethe more.
I know, right? His dad's a prime British badass, his mom's a gorgeous redhead, Tarzan is a straight-up Chad, Clayton's a Chad Psycho, Jane is a perfect Waifu. The film's great and filled with testosterone. I also really loved the animated series. I'd watch them all the time.
I did that when I was too young to remember it; my mother just brings it up from time to time. The earliest memory I have of seeing something in a film/comic was to be a cyborg, like Vader/Anakin or John Silver from Treasure Island (no, I'm not that autist). I also really loved that film too.
Have a (you) based Yea Forumsbro. Let the fa/tv/irgin seethe.

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>using reaction images
>talking about your mom on Yea Forums and not even putting it into the context of an interesting story


I'm not going to let my child rewatch the same film over and over, melting their fucking brain. Going to have them watch new flicks.

>have a (you) mine brother
>star wars

You really shouldn't post on the internet until you're mentally mature.

>Throw away NiN songs
>superior to TK

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I was five when I tried to be spider-man. I remember it fairly well, I tried to convince people to call me Peter Parker and wore glasses. there was even a girl on my street with red hair that I called Mary Jane and would play with

For me it's

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Did you fuck and give her the cum cancer?

>samefagging this hard
Christ m8, it's alright. You can move past your shitty childhood. FYI, when you wanna shit on someone for using similar reaction pics, it's called avatarfagging. Y'know, because he uses the same reaction pics of a single character instead of spreading out, giving the illusion of an account.
Yeah, I'm sure 3 year old me was greatly damaged by such a horrible act...
user, that's legitimately autistic, but... What can I say? I talked about how I'd love to chop off my hands and have cool cyborg hands with built-in blades.

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Hellraiser had some kino music too. Both the Christopher Young version and the original Coil music that was scrapped.

Is Tarzan the last strong trad male that Disney will ever allow?

prolly like a 6.5/7 but the soundtrack lifts it right up:

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Why is marvel so against having good music in these films? The only ones that stuck out for me was the avengers theme and the Dr Strange soundtrack

I thought the music was the worst part of that

>using reaction images

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