Best episode of the year I have to say

Best episode of the year I have to say

Attached: pepsiman.jpg (1875x1357, 274K)

Other urls found in this thread:

still shit

Home Alone games was the only good one in the last two years

I hope james is pampering april today. She deserves it!

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April Rolfe definitely has wall decorations that say "STRENGTH, LOVE, FAMILY"

>People still watch this guy

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I was surprised by how good it was, I though James had lost it years ago

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I was recently redpilled about the fatties. No wonder post-movie AVGN feels so soulless.

and one of these

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Except, it wasn't. It was one of the most boring episodes ever. Just repeating the same 'jokes' over and over and over again. It was a total slag to get through.

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felt like he was out of material and good new ideas about 2 years ago but this was a nice throwback, the random outbursts didnt seem as forced and the episodes little story was funny.

.... and 8-Bit Mickey!

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big yikes
I bet she voted for hillary

>crushing it

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hes one of the few long standing youtubers with millions+ sub counts that hasnt openly gone full sjw.
he hasnt gone the other way either of course despite the flack he took for his videos on the female ghost busters movie probably being shit and refusing to go see it.

pretty much all of this content is routed in an era where america was still a white country with some level of optimism about the future, i dont think thats an accident, he obviously longs for comfier times.

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Is that ProJared?

He bitched about racism at the end of that Three Stooges episode. It was really cringe.

>3 stooges is problematic
>indiana jones is racist and sexist

Why is james not in this family photo?

Those glorious bushy eye-brows

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"Stop playing ROMS! Buy my shitty guide books! You entitled shits!"

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At least there were no nazis in this one

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>Shits all over the Sonic trailer with his butt buddy for 10 mins
>next episode calling out people for shitting on the Sonic trailer "too much"
does he have zero self awareness?

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He's the worst. Him and Lame Chasers.

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god if my wife ever did that i'd divorce her

this shit just screams "single mother"

because its a FAMILY photo
tyrone couldnt make it

Based Bores

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I’ve defended James and newer AVGN episodes more than most people but this one was mind numbingly boring. Anyone that liked this episode is a brain dead fucking idiot.

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James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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>Jumps on the first person to say his career is over.
Keeps repeating because of insecurity

>Bitches about racism
>His best friend literally draws shit like this

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What was this guy’s deal? All I ever watched from Screwattack besides AVGN was Game Vault, Top Ten (or Five or whatever), and some horrid Christmas special festuring him and a guy called Captain S(ega) or something, and there was like a Linkara tier nonsense lore element with live action skits.

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>garbage audio mixing
>shitty editing
>childish script
>wooden acting from James
at least TV-Game guy was a decent actor
but Sir Lawrence Oliver coudn't have made that script work


Stuttering Craig and Handsome Tom were the face and owners of Screwattack until the cunt Craig went behind Tom's back and put the company in his name and kicked Tom out. Captain S was comfy and part of the original videos on ScrewAttack with AVGN (at the time ANN). Captain S was the Sega side and James was the NES/Nintendo side.

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>he found dash in stage 4

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>indiana jones is racist and sexist
oh no, did he really said that? sad

I had actually followed Tom over to Game Heroes but the show never really got off the ground. 8 bit Mickey went with him too.
Kinda crazy what Craig threw away just because he's a greedy fuck. SA could have been huge if they played their cards right.

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Yeah, he said he preferred Crystal Skull to Temple of Doom because of racism and sexism or something.

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Yeah. Craig is a fucking piece of shit scumfuck.

>he said he preferred Crystal Skull to Temple of Doom because of racism and sexism or something.
what episode?

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The Rental Review episode about Indiana Jones.

Thats a still from Annihilation dotard

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I do. You wanna fight about it?

Hey, Hey, Hey, looky what Sneed brought for you!

What’s up with this balding cuck and his obsession with feces? I’m not saying toilet humor is necessarily bad but making a reference to shitting 10 times in one episode is lame and unfunny.

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>where america was still a white country

>as a curator of shit

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He's a literal retard and admitted going to special ed classes for 7 and a half years.

not saying much I have to say

that is a very good question

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he barely ever is. think april doesnt like him.

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Where is the webm of him giving the trigger warning to his fans that The Three Stooges include some shorts that contain racial stereotypes which are not funny at all and they were wrong then and they are wrong now!!!!!

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White women are fucking weirdos

Samwell Tarly looking thicc there

t. shitskin shitstain

James fucked up

trips confirm

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Why is he in a cemetery like and edgy 13 year old?

The fuck is the thing on the right?

Damn she trapped him with her disgusting vagina. James should have got an Asian gf or Latina.

>Asian gf
asians are hideously deformed ugly creatures

She looks like 40 year old woman. How old is she?

I never got the retro gamer mentality of don’t emulate it unless you own a physical copy. There’s no way to buy it officially now you can buy it only from resellers so you are really not supporting the creator because he already got his share from it.

like 36

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>AVGN has pretty much outlasted every you tuber from him time
>Still produces major kino (Board James, AVGN, Monster Madness)
>Still no major controversy
>still levelheaded
>still beloved by normies and Yea Forums alike (later is more tsundere)
How is he so based bros?

>my wife
fuck off back to facebook you non-incel boomer grandpa this is Yea Forums

>Still produces major kino
lol no retard

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>remember when I unironically loves Game Chasers
Why must the past hurt so much?

He's a professional ghost hunter you philistine

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lmao what a fucking cuck

Pat is okay if he's talking about retro games but everything else is usually a complete shit opinion.

That Earthbound review was top tier AVGN, as was his Amiga CD32 video.

trips of the causasiansausagefestery

>That Earthbound review was top tier AVGN
one video

>as was his Amiga CD32 video.
no it was shit

And in the end, he lost everything and ScrewAttack is now just the DB channel, with his GameAttack channel being worthless.

So AVGN outlasted both ScrewAttack and GameTrailers.

>>Still no major controversy
I'm guessing you haven't seen the reddit posts
this shit is like a house of cards, it's only a matter of time before one of those fatties cause drama bigger then Mike's brown brick

Okay this made me laugh.

i keep coming into these threads hoping to talk about pepsiman, but every time everybody is focused on either shitting on his gay show or shilling it out the ass.

i just want to talk about pepsiman. i will leave and hope the next thread is better

>Fake Yea Forums/Reddit posts
I’m sure he’s scared

fuck off to Yea Forums then if you want to suck avgn cock

What about Pepsiman? The character, the game, or the review?

sup kieran

>Censoring the last name
Gee I wonder what the FUCK it could be

>assblasted britbong
The Amiga was shit and you only liked it because your parents wouldn’t let you a real game console/PC.

its not rolfe.

Mostly it was because people mistakenly thought that was the only legal way to emulate.

>all this projection
the episode was shit faggot. nobody cares about those stupid bong pcs either.

>i want to talk about A but everybody is talking about B, and B sucks
>fuck off somewhere else if you want to talk about B

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You forgot the part where the neither the game or booklet tells you this, so how would you know there was a dash button.

>can’t even explain why it’s bad
The paintbucket skit aline was pretty funny.

Amiga/Spectrum sucked, I’m sorry to say.

>The Amiga was shit
Objectively wrong, and I say this as a burger who owned a snes. I wish I had an Amiga back then, if nothing else for Video Toaster.

If there are any oldfags in this thread can you tell me if Yea Forums liked him or knew about him even back in his early days?

yes and yes

The left comic is unironically 10/10 good shit.

>if Yea Forums liked him
as individuals or as a whole? cause i never watched a single episode and never will. all the quotes and references made to his content are some of the worst shit ive seen on the internet. like early Yea Forums "humor"

>TFW you’re shitty gaming PC is better at editing than it is at playing games

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Yea Forums has the weirdest tsundere relationship with AVGN. They both hate his guts, but won’t shut the fuck up about him.

cause they realize they're basically the same, stuck with the same shitty character and making the same jokes for over 10 years with only slight variation while still trying to convince themselves that they're still "funny" and edgy

Don't get so triggered, nigger.

See, this is what I mean

It's always been a love/hate thing.

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After the director announced the Sonic design was going to be changed in response to the backlash, mainstream journo/blue checkmark narrative turned to shitting on entitled gamers who forced the people behind the movie to compromise their creative vision. Pat is nothing if not a shill for the mainstream narrative, just look at that Diablo Immortal incident.

>p-please let me in April, the rain is blowing in my shed... Tyrone can't still be over right...?

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based Bandito

Even if those posts are entirely true, James comes out of that drama still clear. They paint him as oblivious at worst.

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have sex incel

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i don´t see shit

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same here, i didn´t know what user meant by this

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America was never a white country.

>pretending youre not the same person
literally kill yourself subhuman faggot

pure kinography of the highest magnitutde, I'm highly satisfied.

>eating shit and loving it

America was over 90% up through the 1960s.

>being this schizophrenic

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But racism is bad my friend.

have sex

Why is Mike so based?

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>watching e-celebs
have sex then kys

This. People who rate James over Mike are brainlets.

James seems like a nice guy but Mike just does whatever he wants.

>Still produces major kino (Board James
Board James ended ages ago.

no it isn't, are you implying moms cant take pics with their kids unless they call daddy home every single time?

When he explained the Board James stuff it wasn't kino

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why on earth did he decide mr bucket was his pedo cellmate, what a fuckimg hack

why is he in a graveyard?

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I just want Pepsi.

Watch the xenophobia, dude.

what does alien have to do with this?

fuck off cracka

while board james was amazing, he finished it and nothing he does comes close to it. AVGN has been trash for years, monster madness might be the only thing worth watching unless he brings fatsos into it.

The rental reviews went downhill for me when they went down to three guys. Now I see how they played off each other well and also didn't have one guy go on for too long.

>unless he brings fatsos into it.
boy do I have some bad news for you

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bump because retarded faggots keep spamming got threads


why are we sliding so fast wtf

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Mike Matei gives me the vibe of someone that's into some weird fucking fetishes

brown bricks


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don't forget this classic

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Hol up, is that the guy from Hardcore Pawn?

>Board James ended ages ago.
...for now

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reminder mike made fun of irate gamer and probably knows him because of the ghost stuff

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I think bores was on that. and pat was on pawn stars

What the hell is Vinny doing there?

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Guys remember that Cinemassacre and RLM crossover?

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not even his real name
is real name is Pat Bounincontri

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everything about this photo fills me with hate

lmao wtf

he has a contract with screenwave media

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Actually James said he would love to guest star on RedLetterMedia

she works with screenwave media

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What a lovely looking wife James went and married. Imagine waking up to that face every morning for the rest of your life. Also, breeding twice with her and literally becoming a servant to her for the rest of his life. Everything he has achieved belongs to April now. April was also James' first relationship and just went along with it. She just leeched onto him.

Attached: Executive Producer April.jpg (576x324, 46K)

scammed james off money from avgn, including the games
now is a personal goon of rocco botte

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>they met in 2004 and got married in 2007

james loves when april shits on his face

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well james is 39 so they're about the same age

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4 year difference

>Video Game Historian...

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the good ol days of everyone calling james a cuck THAT HE IS
pre the movie - yes.
after the movie - cuck ERA
ghostbusters controversy - JAMES IS FUCKING BASED ERA
screenwave takes over - the JUST era

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*destroys the rlm crossover*

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just the way james likes it!
that's from their location tour of Night of the Living Dead

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It's amazing how forced an AVGN episode can feel and then the one immediately after it can feel as natural as an episode from a decade ago. His reviews of entire consoles are great but his single game reviews are like a 1:3 good to shit ratio.

Justin Silverman and Silvermania used to be great

Anybody else looking forward to this year?

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what makes you say that?

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>being a wife and mother is soOoOooO hard

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>that fucking look
it's just gonna be rental reviews and james saying envelope door

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That's Mike's ex-girlfriend as Catwoman though

I know

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hes treading dangerous waters doing all these cringey unfunny skits like doug walker

I miss I'm dying Lauren threads

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>this episode is like 5 years old
>james is still wearing that shirt in the recent jmm


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backwards hats should be fucking outlawed

no hes not. people still love his fucking garbage for some reason. nobody wants to hate on avgn.

james is the reason why doug is popular so fuck him

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what else is a bored ass housewife of 2 supposed to do during the day?

based. james shouldve said no to that retard years ago.

i only have 5 t shirts, what´s the problem with that?

cant hate him. i will marathon all his avgn once a year. his hardware/console/handheld/whatever ones are my favorite

cant believe i liked doug at one point. that fury road one was the last straw. hes such an unfunny faggot

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>what´s the problem with that?
you're not a youtuber with 3 mil subs.

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>see some movie review thumbnails with james
>oh cool hes chill with his movie stuff
>see 3 other fat disgusting creatures
>they talk over eachother and ramble while james leans and smiles

god just fucking toss them please james

>5 shirts
>4 are $10 boomer rock shirts from wally world

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greatest cameo since howard the duck

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It was pretty good, yes. Pepsiman was strong as fuck.

it's no longer 3 fatsos, they are down to two because they read reddit and people complained about that.

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I would totally watch a movie about Rental Review. It just feels like it would be the perfect clerks of this generation.

The toxic one was good cameo

which one left?
i can only tolerate the pseudo metal head

it rotates

so james isnt using the video store for rental reviews anymore?

it was cool

Go back to chopping your childrens testicles off for likes on facebook pig-faced cunt

This picture legitimately made me feel a sense of joy like someone just kissed my neck there's so comforting about him still just making stuff because he loved it and has always loved it since he was a kid. He's just his own person.

That face of his gets me everytime

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Why do people here shit on james? He's done nothing wrong

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Thoughts on Erin? Downgrade or upgrade?

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>shitpost about james being a cuck and a retard
>end up still enjoying his solo vids
anybody else this way?

>Detective Pikachu video
>thumbnail: James talking about Detective Pikachu
>start video
>it's some Hollywood coke addict and a fat neckbeard discussing his pubes

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He is not the father

oh wow when did mike get an upgrade?

It seems like James is having fun with AVGN again, I'm happy for him

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The booklet does....if only you sprechen sie Nihongo.

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Those children look exactly like him though, much more like him than her. Same nose, eyes, everything.

What about pewds you dumb fuck , he has 80+ million subs and yet he is based and redpilled.

I unironically don't understand why he's called cuck in the first place.

Spoony needs saving.

I wish for once they'd actually attempt to film on location. If you're gonna have the skits, use the money to fund them.

Watch the movie

james has been learning japanese for years but still doesn't know the basic stuff
the seed is strong

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he thinks he can learn it by doing it like 5 mins a day or something

based james the master of language

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I never looked at a booklet for Resident Evil, but found out immediately you can hold square to run. There's no excuse.

He was until his shit movie.
Now Yea Forums is a Paul Larza board

Why does he keep calling the game shit?

thats all he knows how to say

he also says diarrhea

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james doesn't do the editing any more, screenwave does.

>There's no excuse.
what about muh kids?

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the guest he had appear on this episode was such a fucking good actor.

he still edits one video per year. like that dracula video.

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Is that Mike in the zentai fetish suit?

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Mike isn't that jacked and these days has gotten pretty pudgy.

>those credits at the end
What synagogue did he find all these people?

>that brown shirt chick at 0:18

Is Leffe beer any good?


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Erin's in her early to mid twenties and doesn't look like a complete goblin unlike Mike's last girlfriend so I'd say an upgrade.

shes 30

Never would have thought

he has a hot gf and a huge cock. he has every right to do whatever he wants

yeah me either. she looks pretty young. based mike.

Mike is quickly becoming /ourguy

when will James pay Bootsy for the Board James DVDs?

>when will James pay Bootsy for the Board James DVDs?
never. he didnt pay mike either.

Bootsy is such a lame dad you listen to the guy for 30 seconds and know he's a dad that embarrasses his kids

Based Mike letting James totally profit from the dvd’s and not asking for a dime.

huge upgrade

>have gay voice
>sing gay
>look 55
>obsessed with nes games
fuck bootsy

he loves hillary clinton.

probably realized james needed the money for his kids or something. bootsy is a greedy cuck.

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whats based

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>>April was also James' first relationship and just went along with it. She just leeched onto him.
>tfw if i ever find a woman this'll probably be me
damn that hit close

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>meanwhile mike is a mile deep in pussy

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i wanna gut this fat fucker alive

Kinda anti-semitic, dude

What do you think April thought when she found out Mike has a huge dick?

idk. she never stops thinking about him.

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>tfw never got to see claires feet

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bump limit


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