You're now breathing manually btw

The Game
You just lost it

Attached: TrollFace.jpg (3840x2160, 315K)

I'm gay btw, not sure if it matters or not.


Is this meme making a renissance?

Attached: 65432256754356.png (623x393, 48K)

based and fuck you

Attached: big boss salute.jpg (720x408, 36K)

What game?

the game


you got me

Attached: ZV96LUf.jpg (682x720, 95K)

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Simpler times

You got me. Based!

Good times

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Epic Thread

Attached: 1552710193282.jpg (748x543, 222K)

MODS ban this fuckin troll!!!!

ima gril btw

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of thrones

Attached: 6ED905CD-9552-4B4B-B27E-337A98FA52B4.jpg (500x375, 147K)

There image macros were actually pretty funny amd accurate

nooos! epic fail this can't be happens!

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That trick doesn't work on me. Its proof y'all all NPCs and I'm the real player