What did we think of Annihilation?
What did we think of Annihilation?
Incels hated it because they don't like seeing anything good for women
>good for women
>horrid death one after the other
i love this film
Poor (wo)man’s STALKER.
Had a cool idea but execution was boring and inconsequential. There was lots of potential for good human drama but it felt hollow.
I really wanted to like it but it just wasn't very good.
I think I'd suck the brap out of every one of the actresses in it.
He lighthouse scene was kino
Promising but disappointing.
reminder to report and filter this psychotic shill.
Why would they let a woman with cancer and a deathwish lead the team? Why would they let a woman who's emotionally compromised join the team? Why would they let a mentally unstable dyke join the team?
Her character fucks a negro while her sandnigger husband is away
We loves it, and it burns us. Dastardly negroidses!
so which one of those comments got you butthurt? Lmao
the best and only good scene
Because everyone in the team had a death wish, literally. Were you paying attention or just struggling hard with thoughts of having sex with these women, user?
My favorite part was when Portman got BLACKED
Which causes her immense guilt and desire for self-destruction. Pay attention.
Cancer and self-destruction is the theme of the movie. The alien entity may even be some kind of space cancer: it repeats, imitates, without thought, causing everyone's destruction.
Basically, it's the autists on this board.
Could've been good.
but having your main character get knocked out 3 times during the climax of the movie is fucking dumb and shit writing.
Alex Garland needs to go back to letting other directors adapt his books
I hated it.
Dat ass killed me.
i mean the girls didn't make out like in blue is the warmest color so it was just a dumb movie.
Liked seeing such big names in sci-fi work in a compatible format.
The bear scene is still one of the most initially horrifying parts I've seen in theatres
The art direction for all of the different mutations were beautiful
The rowing part was a boring as hell part but that felt like the only slow-down moment
The quarantine room part is controversial for most, but it's more about the storytelling instead of the results.
>netflix movie
>a jew getting blacked
what a surprise
It was fresh and interesting. The ending was pretty meh, despite it 8/10.
So i'm literally watching a movie about a woman's insane and degenerate inner thoughts
Wow so kino
I like when hershlag kill the gator and everyone is surprised she can use a gun, even though they all have guns
It actually is surprising. Racist undertones were kino though.
Portman is a goddess. Her take on feminism in film is priceless. I love her forever.
I am a gun
Why would they do that when they want people to come back and report what's going?
No, you still don't understand. I think Annihilation is somehow way above your head. It's OK, champ, you still have super hero movies.
What ps0 game is this
/pol/ isn't on 4channel. Fuck off.
Because the only people who WOULD go are people who aren't scared of dying to begin with.
Can incels actually focus when they see women on the screen or do they just get so triggered they can't think anymore? This is crazy.
reminder to report and filter this psychotic shill.
>racism outside of Yea Forums
>trolling outside of Yea Forums
>off topic
>user is underage
>The bear scene is still one of the most initially horrifying parts I've seen in theatres
you can't be serious
>no you still don't understand this movie's stupid plot GRR
t. degenerate
He is, and he's right. I didn't realise just how terrifying that design was until I saw a still. WITH THE FUCKING HUMAN FACE ON IT
dino crisis
Well, you didn't. It's OK, though. Understanding kino can be learned.
are the books good?
seemed to have a decent setting and premise but I found many things about it awkward such as the acting and I didn't like it . Im not even sure why
Stay butthurt anglo.
Also lmao I love that I’m getting you cucks to cry about racism every thread now because you get called out on your faggy biases
This is way worse.
>great visual design, creatures props and environment. special effects in the end scene were top notch
>interesting scenes are very interesting/suspenseful
>cool sound design
>very poor pacing. felt like a series of cool shots/scenes stitched together with long periods of nothing interesting happening
>film really benefits from hearing directors intentions with the film, which are not all made clear from watching since character development is flimsy
>characters feel very 2 dimensional. little personality or development, many felt like stereotypes
brapstep intensifies
I found the whole "she was in the bear's soul/spirit when it killed her" part bullshit, the idea of the mutant bear using recent mimicry to lure prey was fascinating enough
the main alien turning from a 90's mocap placeholder growing an ass and tits made me laugh my ass off though
first one's aight
Saw it with a roommate, got kinda drunk near the end, died fucking laughing once the creature came out of the Geiger hole.
>found the whole "she was in the bear's soul/spirit when it killed her" part bullshit,
Uh... I think you're taking something a little too literally. Autism is a hell of a ride.
Your spoilered text confirms that you're autistic. I'm sorry, user. I hope you'll still be fine despite not being fully human.
>2 dimensional
You are being generous. There was 1 dimension at best. Your other stateements stand, and the opening scene was legit kino.
God i just want to avoid her and try to not hear her screeching voice
Did you not listen to what Tessa Thompson's character was spouting before she offed herself? Granted, it was a character saying but, but still.
reminder to report and filter this psychotic shill.
>racism outside of Yea Forums
>trolling outside of Yea Forums
>off topic
>user is underage
this post is racist.
why you so racist my dude?
>the lesbian in the movie was the most insufferable cunt
what did they mean by this bros
What is Arrival
dumb cunt
This. Report a lot more.
>tfw user's gonna get reported for posting stuff that isn't safe for work on a safe for work board haha
A cool alien time traveling premise covered in "wahh my husband and child"
nobody even reads what you say tripfag wtf are you you talking about?
why is this so hard to grasp?
did you JUST get here from reddit?
Since you like pretending to be an oldfag so much, tell me: when was Yea Forums created?
Absolutely horrendous visuals.
a one dimensional character to me would be a character that didn't have a backstory whatsoever. a character that just shows up, is what their personality portrays them to be, and then either leaves or dies.
the characters in this were at least established enough to have a few scenes where they delve into their backstories a bit, so there is something there, but there was little nuance to who they actually were outside of "im the depressed one, im the angry one, im the one who's suffered loss, etc".
that's one thing stalker does much better. instead of shuttling the characters from one set piece to another every 45 seconds, it does take a lot of downtime to explore who they are, and how they interact with each other.
that said, stalker also had about half as many characters, so each had more focus given to them, the more characters you have, the fewer shots each character gets to have personal interactions, which is one of the many flaws of the current generations ensemble movies like the marvels or the star wars films
reminder to report and filter this psychotic shill.
>racism outside of Yea Forums
>trolling outside of Yea Forums
>off topic
>user is underage
A: you can just google that
B: I was here when Yea Forums was still a trial board in 2006
C: you don't have an argumnent
>trolling outside of Yea Forums
phonepost lewds and nudes in response to the Kremlin bot
Maybe I'm blending the concepts of one-dimensional and one-note. A lot of one-not characters in that movie. Great VFX, though. I wanted more skeleton mold creatures.
Wrong again. Remember: never ever anglo.
A thread friggin dies for this
loved it. comfy as fuck
>just use the same model as the house in the beginning bro and just change it a little, no one's gonna notice
>literally got here this month
>literally spamming thousands of posts in the last 10 days for $.02 a post.
reminder to report and filter this psychotic shill.
>racism outside of Yea Forums
>trolling outside of Yea Forums
>off topic
>user is underage
Reminder to everyone this anglo is butthurt because Chernobyl got called out for having dumb bong accents and he’s still trying to recover from that
Good visuals
Huge Plothole and inconsistency
Story copied from Stalker
>>literally got here this month
He's been on Yea Forums since even before the archive, retard
You may have missed the point of the whole film if you think she didnt get absorbed. Like literally what happened right at the end? She left that place a completely new being her DNA was fucked up
6/10 movies with some 9/10 scenes
>Chernobyl got called out for having dumb bong accents
Wait wat, all this time I was thinking you fuckers were talking about a russian Sci-Fi Chernobyl: Zone of Exclusion
Why would they make an alternative history show about Chernobyl? Was the original story not jarring enough?
worth it to see portman orgasm on a BBC
no they haven't. are you autistic?
you can see the beginning of them using this trip. It started this month. they are literally using it to log their posts so they get paid.
Why are you lying user?
nope just an actual culture warrior shill that thinks this is reddit and is abusing the point of tripfagging for attention.
Repeatedly talks about how much you HATE everyone here, you HATE people that speak English, etc. You're not here for any reason other than to be a muddy waters nigger.
Even when people do engage with your bait you just switch to attacking them and "trolling."
>being this zoomer that you don't know who supahotfire/mrsage is
A word of advice - don't give the faggot attention, he's been doing this for more than 10 years
honestly user are you FUCKING retarded?
What the fuck are you talking about? There's ZERO reason to think that this tripfaggot is the same as the one from 2012. The original one comfortably knew English for one thing. It's like everything else that Russian cucks do, they steal things that already existed and start pretending to be that. Read a book fucking retard.
Boring, badly written, cuckfetish piece of shit.
He has the same autism for starters
I'm probably arguing with him right now
>He has the same autism for starters
Find somewhere in the OG's where they talk about being Russian/Ukranian etc.
Reeeeeee lmao stay mad
The movie is shit, you can't even enjoy it ironically.
>trolling outside of Yea Forums
are you saying that you ARE the tripfag from 2012? Weren't they permabanned?
Is this ban evasion?
It is, they mentioned a while back their original tripcode is banned so technically they are ban-evading, yes
It was fucking weird, the hubear was spooby. After that, it's the weird music that kept me watching.
I like seeing that ass
reported for announcing reports and suggesting others to raid an individual, enjoy the ban fuckwit.
oh no!
whatever will I airplane mode!?
>tripfag apologist
This. The CGI shot in the beginning showing the house was glaring as fuck. The scary bear should've been introduced way earlier, maybe replace the alligator in the beginning with it.
There were some great concepts but the visual tone and especially the sets looked really digital/artifical.
I thought it was the best movie of it's year. Got absolutely FUCKED by Netflix's distribution.
i lieked it
Completely average and full of cliches
>I thought it was the best movie of it's year.
watch more movies
I've watched more movies than you. I guarantee it.
Get better arguments.
My dad's watched more movies that your dad
I guarantee you haven't
I was in the right that's why that faggot got B=TFO
you wanna have a spreadsheet battle?
How old are you? What's the average number of movies you've watched every year? What was your average in your teens?
um sweety
>female commando team of academics goes in to mysterious place where all men have failed
>that cliche girl power buildup the entire beginning of the movie
>it all evaporates when they watch the video and see what happened to the previous male team
>multidisciplinary science team immediately collapses in to troupe of irrational harpies
It wasn't meant *for* women.
I had women in lead roles.
I doubt most women would be able to appreciate a good film such as Annihilation.
>announcing a report
Can we report that attention whoring tripfag for anything?
Eh it was interesting but probably far too grim and depressing for probably most people.
I don't even rewatch it because of that.
Kino. People in this thread are being very hard on it, and many of the criticisms are valid. But the current state of this genre is so bad that I have to appreciate this movie.