Modern 200 million dollar budgeted movie

>modern 200 million dollar budgeted movie
>looks like it filmed in a mall
Does anyone in Hollywood care about properly lighting a movie any more ?

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Lighting is a lost art. None of these new digital age faggot DPs know how to do it anymore. It's pathetic and absolutely ruins movies.

Can a girl just touch me once? Please?

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(Just Be Yourself)

haha i want to throat fuck her lol just imagine

Guys let's stay on topic about how bad lighting is in modern films

Thats the problem.

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There is help!

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Not when you post whiny cringy posts like that. Faggot

Who dis?

Avengers look like tv show

>Awesome epic action scene
>Can't see anything because muh grimdark lack of lighting

Studios realized that the majority of the audience doesn't care. Same with bad CGI.

Alexandra "Blowjob Queen" Mammario

Attached: pregnant_alexandra_mammario.jpg (645x1238, 91K)

what lucky bastard knocked her up?


Yes it does

god look at those mommy milkers

that's a deepfake

original picture is Lake Bell

The money goes where market trends say it should. Of that $200m they spent the bare minimum on camera crews because movies that look really bad still make huge money. Cinematography doesn't seem to be a huge factor in whether general audiences like a movie or not, so why bother putting money and effort into that aspect?

She looks like she fucks black guys

I could kick your ass irl bitch.

>Hi guys it's me, the only true expert on movie lighting
Shut the fuck moron, you probably can't even change a lightbulb

I had an girl a year ahead touch me non sexually. Felt pretty good desu

Stick with cartoons bro

IMAGINE their children

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They're all filmed in sets in front of a green screen.

me in the middle

Nope, same thing goes for games.

>calling a regular celeb photoshop a deepfake

Cool couple, but for some reason two mega-hotties sometimes cancel each other out. I've seen it plenty of times.

eyes too big

went to a strip club, girl let me suck on her tits and feet

he's black

Fucking cuck. I imagine what would be my own children with her. (I wouldn't impregnate a jewess by the way)...

her feet? like while she was dancing you sucked on her feet in front of everyone?

they can just fix the lighting digitally in post, so there's no need to spend money on expensive lighting equipment and whatnot.
it looks like shit, sure, but no one cares.

Does a fetus know when the mommy fucks?

it's a private dance genius

In college a girl bought me a drink at the bar and invited me back to her place. I walked her home and she asked me to come in but I said no that she was too drunk and needed to go to bed. On that walk to her place she kept feeling me up and shoving her hand into my pants and grabbing my ass and dick. She was in no condition to have sex. I was sober so it wouldnt have been right.


>let's make everything gray and shine flood lights at it so chinese slaves can color grade it later

Its not right to take advantage of someone in that state.

>Mammario is pregnant
GIEV MILK?! they are going to get even bigger?
>"Blowjob Queen"

Wasn't the recent Wonder Woman movie filmed partly in a mall?

A friend of mine is a lighting technician and it is impossible to watch a movie together because of all the bitching. She works in a theatre though which is more reliable (steady income) and give more creative autonomy. Movies is mostly like McDonalds nowadays in that department beside a select few

you can make mall scenes look good if the mall is abandoned/overgrown at dawn with light rays streaking through holes in the walls, windows, and ceilings with reflective warm/neutral tiles and foliage/water/rock with dustmotes


Sounds like you were sexually assaulted by her. You should have reported her to the police.

I want her to take my soul so bady bros

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what a retard

You did the right thing, but you should have had some fun with her.

can you imagine getting a bj from her and she suddenly looks up at you with those godly eyes? I'd nut in an instant

How long ago did this happen? You probably can still report it.