The cancer killing Yea Forums

The cancer killing Yea Forums

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who knew that deep down, tumblr could actually be pretty based

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where is /pol/?

>t. OP's pic

>t. /pol/tard

you mean all of Yea Forums

how deep?

All of these sites have more or less the same people though. The onions meme has targeted some of them, but truth is all the cancer stems from normies and their retarded obsessions. We can only do what we've always done, keep our board as confusing and insulting to normies as possible, which has more or less worked so far.

you will never pass as a woman

is that ugly T even relevant anymore?

with help from the head members of the For Free* team

*when they aren't being paid to shill

surprisingly not very, but they got rid of most of that stuff now
t. apple

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whats the thing above Yea Forums
also the image should have facebook because of pages like IMOGENsfavoritepage which has been linking this board to over 100k mexicans since 2014

probably not with my penis and beard

You will never have sex


put a paper bag on first

is that who I think it is

>Yea Forums & Yea Forums killing Yea Forums
>Yea Forums who can't stop with PS4 vs. Switch & Smash threads
>Yea Forums who has no influence on any board but Yea Forums is pissed cape movies is slowing shitposting.

>implying its a board worth saving

If you think it is the woman that's actually in the picture then yes

>how can you say Yea Forums & Yea Forums are ruining Yea Forums? I go to Yea Forums & Yea Forums and it's epic!!!

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I literally have sex right at this moment. My gf literally sits on my cock as I am typing this. Try again tranny, LMAO

don't bother
Yea Forums knows it's the problem on every single board they touch

Fuck you tranny

Don't you faggots understand???

It's Sonya Swirl. She still posts on insta and tiktok but I don't know the names of her accounts.

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oh wait...did i say woman? Guess i should have said little girl.

is she still a slut?

that's what I thought haha

you forgot r/the_donald

what do you think user?
she made a video saying why she quit, where she says that she cried when she found out pedos were masturbating to her

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Post proof

Why do you feel the need to lie to strangers online?

that's a lie, she knew that since the beginning

of course she always knew
I think it's just the overall fame and distribution that got to her but she really did say that

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maybe because they are still stalking her

Bait thread probably.

why doesn't she appreciate her fans?

She looks like she f**** older guys bareback

How does one fuck up this bad with parenting

what are you talking about she's sexy af

>go to Yea Forums
>90% of catalogue is generals
>go to /int/
>95% of catalogue is generals

fuck this world

ikr, we give her attention and fame she wants then she turns her back

dunno what you mean?

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tell that to the GoT threads on Yea Forums

What's wrong with Yea Forums?