Why did they castrate the Hulk?
Why did they castrate the Hulk?
So he can transition into she-hulk
Whether you realize it or not, if you give a shit about Marvel movies, you are on the same intellectual level as the guy in OPs picture.
Can someone translate this into English
>Can someone translate this into English
This. I don't speak Nigger.
“Why’d they make Hulk such a bitch, god damn.”
Have sex virgins
Turned his ass into Hulk Jobs
(Unironically) no one on this board saw this movie
The Incredible Shrek
I saw it
bix nood
kek this nigger's pretty funny.
Why did he still dab in 2023?
Why do negroids talk like that? Is normal human communication impossible for them?
What sad creatures.
I don't see how that will make chimp-talk intelligible.
>That ass whooping sent Hulk to college to further his educational ambitions.
>Thanos really turned Hulk into a man of the people, had him in a diner taking selfies with kids n shit
>turned his ass into Hulk Jobs
Through excessive barbarity, Thanos hath slaked Hulk's thirst for violence. Verily, Hulk has become a learned man, a beast of reason. Knowing through such trials the price of bloodshed, Hulk be a steward of peace and harmony in his later years.
No you didn't
Bruce Banner got brain damage from Thanos and it turned him gay.
Well most of it; I had to go to the restroom halfway through because I drank a coffee before watching
Thank you.
We got it the first time. Your comment added nothing.
Indeed, Thanos's able pugilism has served to guide Hulk down a path of righteousness; comparable to such brilliant peacemongers as Sir Stephen Jobs and William Nye.
Your IQ must be lower than his, where's your reading comprehension?
so captain marvel could take over
>where do you work out
>the library
Allow to requite thy labor with this humble (you), studious user, poor recompense though it may be.
Contend thus, should we believe that civility and emasculation must by necessity be entwined?
Thanos by savagery the Hulk subdued, yet this does not engender in the beast a response in kind?
>hulk is /fitlit/
what character development
I'm sorry you're so fucking dumb you can't understand the most popular slang in your own country
that's pretty funny
>Boomer Hulk
>dabbing with the Zoomers
>the hero we need
>be /pol/incel
>have no life
>refresh Yea Forums catalog all day to post something racist first thing in every thread
unironically kys
I feel stupid because parts of that made me laugh.
>How the hell you beat the attitude problem out a nigga?
>Literally saying beating someone will solve their problems and make them a upstanding member of society
You got the wrong message from that post dumbass
t. virgin
You're both pathetic little nerds and pretending to be above niggerspeak because it's so uncivilized simply makes you seem like a humongous faggot
this thread stinks of reddit
Pop culture stagnated since there were more important things to set back up than the entertainment industry. It's also why Fortnite is still popular.
These incel ass niggas tryin 2 hard 2 fit in. Like damn bruh just be urselves. Maybe try gettin laid n shit.
I know your joking but in today's world this wouldn't surprise me one bit.
Hulk was too OP. Thay had to nerf him.
Same with Thor.
Banner is not a cool guy, so he's a bit outdated.
He had to be nerfed like half the characters in the MCU because in canon he is so powerful it's game-breaking and ruins dramatic tension. Captain Marvel, Hulk, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Strange etc... are all nerfed or conveniently absent otherwise there's no threat they can't beat.
fuck off schlomo
captain marvel was massively, massively amped desu while thor (endgame), hulk, scarlett witch (until endgame but still isn't house of m for example), strange, vision etc. were nerfed
Poster never mentioned race.
I believe it is you who is the racist for assuming. Faggot.
ayo this nigga farmin
They made hulk an angry man and after being defeated a smarter man out of nowhere.
Do people think this tryhard cornball nigger shit is funny?
>He he I'm so smart and special
Always at least five of you basic bitches in these kinds of threads.
Yes, your brains are very big
Hes legit the worse thing that happened in Endgame. This one should have been all about Hulk and Cap since the last one was thor and tony. Hulk being the only one who can survive the "un-snap" because of the gamma radiation. It would have forced Banner to find/create "professor hulk" or some form of the hulk who can think enough to use the infinity gauntlet - which is basically banner taking over the Hulk's body which of course hulk personality won't like but then the un-snap could supercharge hulk with more radiation and create some super duper version of the hulk who then has the strength to lift the building rubble and save everyone - making him finally a hero who saved everyone instead of a monster that everyone is afraid of.
Tony stealing the stones and dying is dumb as shit - Tony'd father/daughter arc mirrored thanos' so it should have been something something tony dies to get the soul stone. The Nat/clint sacri-fight was terrible and made no sense. Clint already lost the people he loves and clearly didn't want to sacrifice nat over himself.
Almost everything you said was retarded. Good job
Thanos won because of decades of experience as a warlord and the power stone.
Had me laffin.
Basically what hiroshima and nagasaki did to the japanese.
underrated pun
Well it's not.
Sorry I don't speak nigger, can someone decipher that shit for me?
learn the language user
yet cap marvel could take every hit because ""muh feminism"
>wall of nigger text just to say what could be said in one sentence
>Thanos Deere
fuck you guys I laughed