The Thing

Was it kino lads?

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Hard yes.




i saw this in at a drive-in back in the day


Super fucking kino.

walked in expecting it to be shit or meh and turned out to be one of the kinoest of kinos

Opening scene two Slavs desperately trying to snipe a dog from a helicopter. Zero context. Pretty fucking kino.

Scandinavian not Slavic

It's comfy af as well.


It's 2nd place

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>two Slavs
hello 56%


Excellent movie with tight writing (enough is revealed to be followed and consistent, but not all is exposed), great effects, fantastic visuals, light, atmosphere, and a great interaction between characters well acted by the cast.
A testament to how worthless critics are.

No the fact that they killed the swedish guy for shooting at some mutts takes you out of the film

>for shooting at some mutts
he shot one of them in the leg.
Such wound could have been even fatal with few inches of difference.
For ADHD there are medications btw, FYI.

Weren't they Norwegians
