How is this show? I've heard that the cinematography is incredible, but the story is average. Is it worth watching?

How is this show? I've heard that the cinematography is incredible, but the story is average. Is it worth watching?

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Watched the first episode. Cinematography and vibe is incredible, acting is absolute trash. Hard pass.

>cinematography is incredible
>netflix trash

Watch it but don't get too invested. The beautiful and awesome cyberpunk world goes to shit when pic related appears.

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I actually agree with this statement 100%.
also 50fps at its best technically

It's great, just watch it. It's not even that long of a show. Just know shit gets kinda stupid toward the end. Still worth the watch.

Cool, good to know. I might give it a try then

thanks for confirming my opinion.

Same here. I was very ready to like it, too.

the final episode is cringe as fuck with how many times the bad guys are about to kill and then get stalled by awful dialogue

If you aren't brainlet, read a book, it's great and doesn't have sister or commie shot
If you are brainlet, pls hero

I feel like the ending sequence with her was alright but, otherwise I agree that her introduction was quite a low point in the series.

>doesn't even go to the trouble of finding out how to pronounce kovacs
shit/10 can't stand hearing my name mispronounced

all the wincest between gods thing was retarded as fuck.

Have you read a book? Cause you sure as fuck can't write

starts great and gets progressively shittier until the finale is fucking terrible

If it's any consolation, he gripes about how nobody ever pronounces it right in the books. It's deliberate.

The best that could be said for her was that waspfu had nice little titties at least

This. The acting is only carried by the MC and the other actors are so shit. The flashbacks and the sister shit are shit. I was hoping for a noire thriller set in cyberpunk hut I get this shit about muh resistance instead. He should've let go of the past and just did the detective shit.

I hear the main actor isn't even coming back for season 2 and they're replacing him but that's not a problem because of the premise of the series.

huh maybe I should read it then

>watched the series and loved it
>read the first book and realise the show made some unnecessary changes to the plot and characters
>read the other books and found those changes make adapting them even harder

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yeah, she basically ruined the whole thing

I liked the idea of the grandmother being resurrected in a temporary body one day a year because its all her family could afford.

The Altered Carbon novel is great, but the sequels feel very different to it so approach the trilogy with a degree of caution. Morgan is a good writer, though, so they might be worth checking out even if the tone shifts are a tad jarring. The other two books don't take place on Earth and stuff is real different on other worlds.

I wish she was my sister and wanted to fuck me, delicious happa

Jackpot baby

>cool world
>nice aesthetic
>pretty much every character is shit
>shit acting even for tv
That fucking fiery latina stereotype triggered the fuck out of me. Every 5 minutes she had to go into a fit of spanglish rage over fucking nothing. Hope season 2 is better.

Don't regret watching it though. Generally sci-fi tv is pretty shit, but this was somewhat watchable.

this boy be getting haircuts and shit in that fetus bag?

I've heard the term "shovel faced gook" before, but I've never really understood it. Not until right now.

Don't bother mate, they do a stronk woman minority arc for no fucking reason. Trash tv.