What will he be remembered for?
Jon Stewart
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Weirdly enough, sneedposting.
Being a witty lefty propagandist.
y d o n G
Being a jew that can farm
Changing the way comedy addresses politics forever.
Jon Stewart is literally a forced jewish meme. MTV pushed him really hard. It was surreal to see how much they promoted a literally who whose show got cancelled anyways and then all of a sudden he’s in demand for literally and objectively no reason other than being a talentless jew hack with the right connections and nepotism
he was the last honest liberal talk show host and tried to bridge the gap between left and right, called out msnbc in the maddow interview, shit all over cnn
He’ll be remembered as that guy who played before The Colbert Report
Being a former decent guy who became a shill and is probably questioning his path in life. The lefties will turn on him one day.
Degenerate kike DNC mouthpiece.
faggots love him.
Ensuring Seth Rollins became both WWE and US champion
that time he interviewed Norm Macdonald in his show
>honest liberal talk show host
Yea, it's kind of telling that when he dipped out and Colbert moved on to the talk show Colbert started with the blatant shilling along with being talked about putting out content for hilldawg in her emails, genuinely miss old Colbert and Stewart, I'm guessing Stewart got out while he could keep his dignity
Being a slippery fucking kike - who takes himself very seriously and loves to lecture, while pretending he doesn't. quintessentially Jewish Kikery from a man named "Lebowitz"
You sound like an incel
>you don't own nothing, goy!
Never even said that. Imagine being this easily offended an incel
Greasing libs for zionist war in Iraq and Syria.
>tried to bridge the gap
In the same way leftists are always trying to have an "honest conversation" about something
establishing the "I'm just a comedian but real talk take me seriously" genre of insidious talking head faggotry masquarading as comedy
Destroying any civil discourse and debate in this country and forcing everyone into their left/right wing hugboxes.
See that crossfire interview.
>the last honest liberal talk show host
all leftists are incels
Fuck off ahmed
>The lefties will turn on him one day.
He's a jew. He is a protected class. He'll weasel his way out of anything.
All of Stewarts alumni are total shitbags. It's amazing how little they learned from him. Did they think his regular interviews with Bill O'Reilly were just a wacky prank?
That's trick is not gonna work, schlomo
t. Jon Oliver watcher.
that once scene in half baked about the dollar bill
lol what a retarded accusation. Arabs can't appreciate cinema.
>tried to bridge the gap between left and right
You mean bring on neocon gatekeepers to frame Bill Kristol and David Brooks as leaders of conservatism. lmao Jews so transparently control media and manipulate American politics. What a joke of a world this is.
Those kids are some uncanny valley shit
OP didn't act for a quote, NPC, he asked for what he'll be remembered for. Like how Hitler is remembered for gassing jews, even though there has never been one body recovered that died of Zyklon B. Learn to comprehend next time, faggot.
Being a somewhat humorous, yet divisive, generic Jewish media personality.
I don't know who this is nor do I really care.
that crossfire interview is seen as a win for him but in actuality the best part of it is when tucker accuses stewart of dishonesty by preaching about politics but hiding behind the guise of being a comedian whenever he's confronted.
I wish this weren't true. I've smoked a fair number of poles in my day and I can confirm that all my gay friends love him.
Ruining television and news generally.
He has caused entertainmentnews to be the biggest newscource for the population. I will actually go as far to say, he changed the media landscape so much that it caused Trump to be elected president.
>That slow rolling golden in the background.
Came here to say this. I watch that video everyday before workout to get motivated.
helping push towards the downfall media.
with daily show writers: funny and lovable.
without daily show writers: a pretentious, slimy, snarky, dipshit
Watch him in interviews, he seems to be a generally awful person.
i respect that he would have guests promoting books instead of bloggers like trevor has on his show
>Bridge the gap
>Stop debating politics Tucker you racist goy it's destroying the country! B-b-but don't hold me to the same standards because I'm a comedian technically!
dios mio!
While he did fall into that bullshit a lot, he was still equal opportunity and went after retardation on all sides.
He favoured right wing mockery true, but he didn't hold back from going after lefties.
These days no talk show host, comedic or otherwise, says shit about the DNC.
This d e s u s e n p a i
>neocon gatekeepers to frame Bill Kristol and David Brooks as leaders of conservatism
peak tribalism
The Daily Show, obviously.
(before Trevor Noah managed to completely tank that show's credibility in a matter of months)
>n-no! Y-you're actually the incels!1
literally nobody cares about the made up words you leftists use
it's like using the word chud or reactionary lmao
Jew propagandist that contributed to the upcoming violence and strife in the west.
A cancer if you will.
He's still a liberal darling
Liberals have rightly given up on trying to court the evangelical and Confederate votes. Theres no reason pandering to the mentally ill anymore
This, if he is remembered
Imagine being so brainwashed by fox and Breitbart that CNN is anything but center right corporstist to you. Fucking hell Republicans in America are a literal lost cause. Its frightening being held hostage by sputtering morons
Underrated post.
He won't be.
le concerned jew face
>sure it isn't true but it's true in spirit reeee jews
sad incel
Nothing, by his own admission he's just a comedian.
never said that tho. Why are incels buttmad about something he never even said?
>says the idiot pandering to the mentally ill
why can't incels get a real job and counter him?
PS1 skateboard games
>muh incel
Because incels can't socialise at all. So nobody hires them and so they stay home with mom.
LOL fucking incel detected! I knew you guys were hiding on this website just like they say on Reddit. AHAHA Found you fucker!
This, fucking KEK.
I'm a libertarian.
The democratic party are massive corporatists and so are you.
You support central banking and corporate welfare.
cringe leftist samefag foolishly saying "kek" to try to fit in
Some shitty ((political)) show that bitched about bush under the guise of comedy.
You think I say KEK to fit in with a bunch of autistics faglords and incels?
Fucking KEK.
I'm a conservative and so is my gf. Where's your argument now?
The funniest part is that lefty men who post incel probably bang fat feminists, which isn't much mor impressive.
>You think I say KEK to fit in with a bunch of autistics faglords and incels?
yes lmao
> Honest
>I'm a conservative and so is my gf. Where's your argument now?
Say hi to your girlfriend for me.
>The funniest part is that lefty men who post incel probably bang fat feminists, which isn't much mor impressive.
I'm not a leftist. I never had sex with a fat woman, in truth.
You're still an incelicious little bitch.
Why are you so scared of admitting that media platforms have a left wing bias? Who hurt you?
conservative != /pol/ incel
>I'm not a leftist. I never had sex with a fat woman, in truth. You're still an incelicious little bitch.
Ah so you are the fat feminist woman. Got it.
Honestly, the soiboys on the radical left shouldn't even be bragging about the women they sleep with. They're atrocious and the fact that they use it as a high horse is just as embarrassing.
>trump supporters
Incels aren't kikes so they don't care when they're called what they are. You fags vastly overuse the word, which is why you annoy everyone and people always disregard what you say.
>believes in small government
>trump has massively expanded government spending, thus fucking over the economy
Completely exposing and personally dismantling fox News propaganda.
>judeo-christian traditions
there's that buzzword again
2 iq post
>fucking over the economy
>thus fucking over the economy
is this bait?
Being wealthy and well liked, triggering idiots, etc. Hes a good boi
>I'm a libertarian
Stopped reading and started laughing there.
Wow, an accurate answer.
it's amazing how the collapse of the news industry can be legitimately laid at the feet of this guy and chelsea peretti's brother
Why would anyone who understands Economics be a liberal? Their idealist policies never work.
>angry incel noises
This, and he was a massive hypocrite. His brother and family is extremely wealthy; at one time his brother owned the NYSE. Heebowitz himself is worth hundreds of millions.
>lol Republicans are RICH and BAD and DUMB
I enjoy watching you stupid asses try to justify why Healthcare should remain privatized.
you mean gunshots?
the collapse of the news was the internet, nothing more
how? i'd rather say he omits certain biases
>The government that can't control it's own borders should be in control of hospitals.
I thought it was the left who couldn't meme?
Low energy rebuttal. You got blown out.
>fox News propaganda.
imagine being this brainwashed by the left
>he thinks increasing government spending doesn't destroy economic production and undermine the economy
Are you proud of being completely ignorant about economics and not reading any books or history?
>The people that can't control their own election system should continue taking outsider money to influence its votes
His entire career was built upon pointing out the abuses of the wealthy at the expense of their constituents, meanwhile he made hundreds of millions manipulating his viewer base of gullible college aged adults, teens, and democrats with itching ears.
there wasn't a problem until the old media had to start competing with buzzfeed and comedy shows, buzzfeed opening an actual news was the beginning of the end
how has the economy been fucked over in the last three years? rhetoric doesn't count as an example retard
Because it would be cheaper and higher quality if it were privatized in America.
Back when it was actually a free market in the 50s and 60s it was incredibly cheap and nobody went without care.
Just matching like for like. Maybe put some effort on to it next time, champ.
I was just kidding user.
Healthcare is not a right. It's a luxury given by others with their time and skill. They need compensation. If you can't afford it, well, god has other plans for you unless you go to school and learn how to fix yourself.
to be fair, democracy should be abolished in favor of free market ethnic nationalist republicanism
I think at that point though Tucker had way more influence and reach across his viewership than Stewart did, TDS was on a comedy network after all. I don't particularly agree with Stewart hiding behind his comedian shield but was absolutely right to tear them apart on Crossfire and Tucker completely shit the bed at making an argument against Stewart.
>Healthcare is not a right
Rights don't exist.
>how has the economy been fucked over in the last three years?
we're pumping up the bubble higher, fucking over the middle class, creating inflation etc
the only reason we're not totally fucked right now is because the USA has the world reserve currency
We need all those insurance companies denying critical care and pushing people in to bankruptcy, goyim.
So, you do know that current care is private-public, yes? Medicare and Medicaid are but two payer sources. A vast majority of people have private insurance.
And Medicare/Medicaid rules are actually much more strict than private rules.
please use figures instead of rhetoric
NO we don't which is why us free market supporters are specifically arguing against this.
Health insurance companies would go bankrupt in a free market.
Finally the authoritarian daddy fetish comes out. The real truth behind your bullshit.
Buh-Buh-Based culture warrior thread!!! Love the you guys have ruined the internet!!
Anyone noticed how Trevor Noah has been trashing the left a lot more in his 'behind the scenes' 'outakes' part of his show. He's secretly redpilled but knows he can't speak out on air. He's a good guy just not fit for the role of TDS Writer Mouthpiece
Great, so you support Obamacare.
>show me how private healthcare would be better!
>posts evidence
>yeah well whatever at least I can meme!
I used logic and arguments
what do you need data for specifically?
Medicare and medicaid are government programs that are partially responsible for the high price of medical care.
I want a free market.
What? lol
You're the daddy fetish cuck.
You support democracy which is an authoritarian ideology.
The system I described is inherently anti-authoritarian.
Reminder to just say no to all Republicans, Libertarians, and right-leaning or centrist Democrats.
>Great, so you support Obamacare.
No, I support a free market in healthcare like we had in the 50s when healthcare was super cheap.
Ruined it for you faggot.
justifying what you said. if you cant trace the effect of increased government spending quantitatively your "argument" is just that. "logic" and "arguments" are the tools of facts.
The middle class is moving up into upper middle class. They're benefitting. The lower class grows because excessive welfare programs cause short term "fixes" and long term poverty.
Most libertarians like myself and Ron Paul support closing the borders you brainlet
>Memes are evidence
>if you cant trace the effect of increased government spending quantitatively
You do it with logic, brainlet.
If I showed you a graph you would just whine and say "correlation just not equal causation" like the brainlet redditor you are.
Then you would support Obamacare. Since it is a free market approach to health care that transfers the financial burden on to insurance companies.
t. incel
They do in the American Constitution bong.
>He unironically believes that the middle class is growing instead of shrinking at a record pace
Wew lad
That jew guy who left the fast show and then it went to shit
No they don't. The libertarian wetdream is trade without borders. Rightwing = globalization.
you don't understand graphs or anything that you're commenting about. let me guess, math wasn't your strong suit?
Completely ruining politics forever. I'm serious when I say he single-handedly introduce snark, scorn, and contempt into politics. He ruined discourse.
His preening moralism influenced the left so much that he is why the right elected Trump. The left copied Stewart's style of mocking with righteous indignation. For Jon, the right was either (a) stupid or (b) evil. He gave no room for good-natured disagreement about issues.
So if you think politics is toxic now, thank Jon Stewart for that.
Here you go.
>Since it is a free market approach to health car
No it's not.
It's a government program that manipulates the market tilting everything towards insurance when we should be paying out of pocket for things so an actual price system would be in place and prices would drop substantially.
In what reality could this be considered a free market.
I want an actual free market.
Why is this so complicated for your tiny leftist mind to comprehend?
>he didn't read the sources at the bottom
I'm starting to think liberals lack of economic understanding is intentional ignorance. I've literally never seen them win an argument when it goes deeper than CNN talking points.
Only BECAUSE of said constitutional though. If they added an amendment guaranteeing healthcare, then it'd be a right too.
The constitution is gay.
>The libertarian wetdream is trade without borders.
No it's not and never was.
You're thinking of the libertarian party, which was taken over by leftists that don't even support free markets.
Ron Paul and the mises institute are strongly pro-border control.
>you don't understand graphs
you don't understand graphs
Weimar 2: The Sequel
If you parasites got a real job instead of demanding gibs from higher IQ/more successful jews then there'd be no problem
>Still pushing memes are evidence
Cringe desu
>don't understand graphs
i have a master's in mathematics sweetie. all i want is a little data. can you get me that pumpkin? you'll see i'm not disagreeing with you at all, i just want you to be a better communicator ;)
Medicare/Medicaid actually pay less. Medicare due to co-insurance and Medicaid due to state matching and rule-making leading to slicing of rates.
That versus a private insurance that fixes their rates and passes the front end to the patient means you're paying your deductible, co-pay, and my billable. Meanwhile, some states don't see Medicaid money for months after a server and Medicare will only pay a fraction of a fraction while passing 30% to the patient who may not even pay.
The high cost right now is driven by long term, specialized, and emergent care. But the areas getting the most cuts are mental health and outpatient care.
BCBS, for example, will pay a full service upfront with little negotiation while Medicare will only pay a set amount of what I bill.
the definitive example of someone who uses "humor" to obscure/deflect criticism of their political points
>make a segment where you earnestly express your political views and throw in a few jokes
>uh dude you were wrong/misrepresented the story
>still ignoring the sources
This is why you guys never win economic arguments.
Oh boy, all dismissed as incorrect since it's published by a right wing think tank.
You are an unorthodox libertarian then. Most if not all libertarians are vehemently pro-freemarket with no buts.
>Still pushing memes as serious discussion
I approve of your self-flagellation. Harder, bitch. Harder.
why do people ignore bill maher? because he hurt your fee fees with the marvel shit? the dude literally spends all day calling out liberals for being retards and is already telling people that trump will win again because the libs focus on identity politics and stupid shit like bernie saying felons should be able to vote. and he just had a liberal candidate on his show who fucking shit on relentlessly
but still the hate, still call him a dem shill etc its fucking hilarious
>i have a master's in mathematics sweetie
no, no you don't
>Medicare/Medicaid actually pay less.
kek, they don't though
they're responsible for the price of healthcare inflating beyond imagine
they pay slightly less than regular healthcare but it's still incredibly inflated
I don't know why you brainlets don't realize government intervention is the sole reason healthcare is so expensive in America.
We've provided countless evidence in the images posted ITT
>muh cato and mises
Please cry more, these are only a few of the sources.
The only source you would need is to prove the existence of these government programs, EVERYONE agrees they exist.
The point of the wall of text was the economic ARGUMENTS explaining why these programs manipulate the market and cause massive price increases.
Read them and try to disprove their logic, you idiot.
>in the 50s and 60s it was incredibly cheap and nobody went without care.
Bill Maher is a faggot who thinks he has everything figured out. He's a smug cock sucker who isn't as smart as he thinks he is because he smokes weed and fucked Anne Coulter.
being a kike
>research and evidence
Just stick to your social science articles.
>ronald reagan was a libertarian
Look at this faggot totally ignoring the arguments because he knows he's wrong.
See the image:
>I'm just going to ignore reality
See the image here:
How is that even an argument? Jesus Christ Jon Stewart fans really are retarded.
>I don't know why you brainlets don't realize government intervention is the sole reason healthcare is so expensive in America.
Why are leftists so economically illiterate bros?
jesus christ you are a fucking moron
What's it like using slanted agenda driven junk as a legitimate fall back point? Because to me that tells me you have an agenda and aren't interested in discussing the reality.
Government involvement makes almost anything more expensive. They aren't as efficient at regulating resource allocation as a fee market.
>no argument
Why even post then?
Because they're inherently anti-intellectual.
How is agenda driven talking points a good starting place?
Well, as someone who bills insurances daily, there is some truth in your meme. Also, there's some stuff that is just "Well, this is what it looks like!"
Licensure, for an example, is not this evil thing. You need licensures to exist. You need these regulations. Without them, and I have worked without them, you see some really shady shit.
Likewise, other parts including "Elitist doctor's" is laughable. Trust me. We FUCKING LOVE alternative payers. 'cause if one source fails, if you have a second, we can bill it. We love more insurance out there. What we don't love is a system where nobody has insurance, can't pay, and we're stuck having rendered service sans fee.
Luckily, we're also salaried a lot of the time. So we get paid no matter what.
Also, any healthcare worker will fucking laugh in your face at the idea we're unionized nationally. You're cute.
Price fixing isn't a problem. Capitation, though, is a fucking bitch. Managed care is the bane of our work. We fucking HATE PAs. And the paperwork takes up a huge amount of our time. I can spend hours on paperwork alone.
>>ronald reagan was a libertarian
Didn't say that or mean to imply it, but Ronald Reagan was certainly more or a libertarian than you are.
They're more efficient, by far, then any privately funded organization.
I will always remember him as a propagandist that ran a spin operation on the responsibility of the democrats' responsibility for the subprime mortgage financial products failing catastrophically and plunging America into a financial crisis, one which his brother would have had more than a small hand in as the COO of the parent company of the NYSE. Bush was a terrible fuck up of a president, but successfully transferring blame to the republicans for a financial crisis the foundation of which they had been raising alarm about for over a decade helped perhaps more than any single factor besides maybe the war in Iraq for bringing us President Obama. Thanks Jon, people will be blindly repeating your lies decades after you are dead. Great job.
>slanted agenda driven junk
Everything is slanted/biased.
>agenda driven
Everything is agenda driven
Prove it, you have yet to come up with a single argument and are just getting mad you buttmad authoritarian.
>that tells me you have an agenda
No shit.
Are you telling me you don't have an agenda?
Just because I have an agenda does that mean I'm lying and making shit up?
Why can't we be adults and debate the actual facts of the matter using logic and reason?
>Didn't say that or mean to imply it
Yet you posted a reagan picture while talking about libertarians?
>Ronald Reagan was certainly more or a libertarian than you are.
Is this a joke?
Not really, the USA is much more expensive compared to almost any nation with a national insurance system or a national healthcare system. This is true from places like Singapore to France.
In spire of this the only major area where the USA outperforms other nations is 5 year cancer survival.
Are studies that show climate change being real slanted agenda driven junk as well?
"How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries?"
>They're more efficient, by far
See the soviet union, the post office, amtrak, basically any government institution or government monopolized institution like ENRON.
I really wish you brainlets didn't get brainwashed in public schools...
Boy, here I thought you wanted a solution that would cost less, not propogate the same system that has caused rampant expansion in costs and damage to the economy. Silly me.
he literally said that the United States does not belong to its citizens
>the USA is much more expensive
Everyone knows this you gigantic retard.
We're telling you the reason why is government intervention.
>b-b-buh muh yuro countries
They just do a different form of government intervention.
Both USA's system and yuro socialist healthcare systems are inferior and more expensive than an actual free market system.
Are you changing the topic? We are talking about financial problems. Which is raw accounting.
Hes extremely jewish
>here I thought you wanted a solution that would cost less
Obamacare actually costs more than a free market system.
Do you not understand this?
>not propogate the same system that has caused rampant expansion in costs and damage to the economy.
I've been explicitly arguing against this system in favor of a free market alternative this entire thread.
Why are you lying?
So, what insurances do you bill to know what they pay?
You don't even understand what wasteful spending is or efficiency in spending. I hope you kill yourself soon.
>Why are you lying?
See comment above you
>Changing the way comedy addresses politics forever.
Endless snark, applause and cunty laughter from the audience or audience machine.
He hates the goyim with a passion
Oh, so you want to save the insurance companies? How much money should we print and bail the insurance companies out for?
>tried to bridge the gap between left and right
Imagine being this easy to influence.
>You don't even understand what wasteful spending is or efficiency in spending
But I do.
Why don't you know about these things?
Private companies have a massive incentive to cut costs and to be as efficient as possible.
When government makes mistakes they just steal more money from taxpayers or print the money.
I'll always remember him for that time when he smashed John Cena with a steel chair allowing Seth Rollins to become WWE World Heavyweight champion AND United States Champion at summerslam 2015 and then John Cena AA'd him
>Is this a joke?
No. Hillary Clinton is even more of a Libertarian than you are. Being tough on illegal immigration is a leftwing position.
You already changed the topic by claiming that the sources the other user provided should not be believed because they are biased.
>so you want to save the insurance companies?
No, I want most of them to go bankrupt due to the implementation of a free market in healthcare where they are no longer propped up by the government.
>How much money should we print and bail the insurance companies out for?
We shouldn't do this at all.
This is something anti-free market types constantly do.
>Being tough on illegal immigration is a leftwing position.
No it's not.
Why are you intentionally being a retard?
>it's another "lefties get blown out by basic economics" thread
Bernie sanders changed his mind and now supports what is essentially open borders lol
>it’s another “lefties get blown out” episode
The only thing leftists are truly great at is killing millions of people
>Being tough on illegal immigration is a leftwing position.
Okay maybe on whatever planet you're from.
>Why are you intentionally being a retard?
That would be you, mr. "anti-immigration anti-globalization libertarian".
Oh boy I love these.
Reminder that the guy that came up with the entire basis for the modern leftist worldview was entirely wrong and his theories were unscientific, illogical garbage.
He was the host of that one show on an irrelevant network
>proving my point by showing obama is pro immigration
>I'm poor like you go
>end Nation-States and direct democracy
Saving this pic
Link me to where you're seeing this.
I've literally never seen them come out on top in these.
He can't, because Bernie never changed his position.
he's against the wall, he constantly talks about how shit whites are, he supports illegal immigrants and wants amnesty, he cried that trump was "putting kids in cages"
>libertarianism is anti-white
Ethnic nationalist Libertarianism was literally created by whites and allowed whites to thrive.
The entire reason the USA got so powerful was free markets allowing whites to be as ingenuitive as possible.
Are you going to link to the "i'm pro open borders y'all" Bernie quote or what? Also, thinking the wall and separating families is a retarded solution =/= wanting freemarket forces and mass immigration to fuck over the middle class.
he abandoned all of his appeal to Trump's base so he could try to appeal to SJWs - and they still hate him.
A brave radical centrist
Gonna cry?
I just told you he essentially supports open borders.
He's not going to openly say he supports open borders you brainlet.
The policies he supports are essentially open borders without openly saying it.
He does NOT want to enforce the borders.
He's against the wall.
Why are you constantly lying you pro-open borders piece of shit?
>wanting freemarket forces and mass immigration to fuck over the middle class.
Free market policies are what CREATED the middle class.
Open borders is not a free market proposal.
That's like saying letting people break into your home is a free market proposal.
He's such a kike cuck lmao
wrong, zoomer
He blurred comedy, news and opinion, destroying the minds of his views.
No he didn't.
what does being higher IQ have to do with anything
Oh, so you don't have a link.
>being having
you're at the fork of a precipice
>almost all of socialist
>only a speck of conservative
The fact that socialism is even considered a valid option by "normal people" makes me think /pol/ may be onto something.
Bill Maher just stated that Jews run Hollywood while telling white women not to reproduce. It's perfectly obvious what's going on and who he is.
Look at this faggot hanging onto one quote bernie made when countless other quotes he's made have contradicted this.
ZUCK BOOK .com/cnn/videos/sen-bernie-sanders-border-wall-just-fans-trumps-illusions/1212537538910469/
It's not the jews fault you can't get laid
Socialist political parties should be banned.