*murders u*

>*murders u*

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Didnt know there was another Karate Kid remake comming out.

why are white people so fucking psychopathic?

>most serial killers are white
>most school shooters are white
>most genocidal maniacs are white

why, though?

was i supposed to be rooting for him or did the film just fail to make him a proper villain

cringe+entitlement+inherent sociopathy = wh*toids

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>>most serial killers are white
N*****s get caught after their 1st kill
>>most school shooters are white
Most school goers are white
>>most genocidal maniacs are white
N*****s are too low IQ to carry out a genocide

Honestly this. The movie made it look like he waa innocent or at least it made you think that he is until that scene in the end where they showed us how he attacked that girl.

Blacks aren't smart enough to be serial killers they chimp out and kill one person in broad daylight

This is actually a myth. Whites are serial killers and school shooters in step with there 56% representation in the population. We're just so used to every other type of crime being overwhelmingly done by black and hispanic people that it feels off.


The number of serial killers (percentage wise) are about as high in all racial groups. You only hear about white ones because those are the ones the media can capitalize on (or used to at least). Unless they're in high numbers, do disturbing shit with the bodies or killing white college girls or all american families you won't hear about them regardless of their race.

God he'd make such a cute trap

I thought it was smart to only show the charming, “normal” mask of Ted Bundy with only brief glimpses of his real murderous side. It was an interesting take on it.

>The movie made it look like
I think it's only an accompanying movie to the documentary by the same director. You shouldn't watch the movie without already knowing most of Ted's story.

Because whiteys are methodical and meticulous when it comes to killing while shitskins chimp out and get arrested.

When a white does it it's news
When a minority does it it's everyday life

It’s not really that white serial killers are really smart. It’s more that now standard police procedures for catching them were either super primitive or non-existent in the era that famous killers like Ted Bundy were operating.

Sort of true. Police are less likely to care that poor black people are disappearing versus pretty young white college girls.

>why are white people so fucking psychopathic?
Because they let shitskins live in their communities instead of just slaughtering them and sending them back to their shitskin lands.
>>most serial killers are white
WRONG. Homicidal maniacs exist in the same proportions all around the planet by ethnic group. You hear about whites more frequently because:
1. Shitskins don't have good police or record keeping.
2. Shitskins have even WORSE "media" than we do.
3. Nobody gives a shit about shitskins or their mass murderers
>>most school shooters are white
Same as above. Niggers in the U.S. don't shoot up schools because they just quit school and shoot up their hoods instead.
>>most genocidal maniacs are white
Attila the Hun was probably the most successful of all the "kill them all" invaders in history, and he wasn't white. Black Africans genocided the shit out of each other throughout history and created the slave industry just so they could sell out their rival tribes to anybody that would buy them.

Nice try darkie, but like everything else in life, you fail again.

Film was alright. While I respect and understand the decision not to show him murder all his victims, I think they went too far in the other direction.
The film really does not make it clear how brutal his murders were. And it doesn't make it clear that he is very obviously guilty. Based on the film alone, until the end scene, you could honestly believe that he was actually an innocent guy framed for it

>thread about interesting film worth discussing
>gets hijacked with /pol/ b8 almost immediately
i fucking hate you all

I don’t know if I’d go that far. I think the movie did a good job of showing how convincing Ted could be in maintaining his evidence but they also reinforced how much evidence was mounting against him as he kept popping up as a prime suspect again and again.

>>most serial killers are white

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>Film doesnt show his murders
Just watch the Ted Bundy tapes on netflix for real kino instead.

Low IQ post. Not showing the murders sets it apart from the various other Bundy movies over the years.

>it doesn't make it clear that he is very obviously guilty. Based on the film alone, until the end scene, you could honestly believe that he was actually an innocent guy framed for it
That's the point. He was a manipulator. The film is putting you in the shoes of the people he duped. Fucking woosh. Jesus.

This movie was fucking boring and maybe that was my fault for expecting to learn anything about Ted Bundy

maintaining his innocence*

I'd say it's the soul quotient. Blacks got one, whites don't

>Movie about a serial killer
>Doesnt show serial killings
>Portraying a serpent like man who tried to appear good outside but was demented inside without showing his demented side manifest
Sounds like low iq American Psycho. Who is paying you to shill this?

Talk about missing the point. Full retard.

The film version was better gory and bloody reckt

If you didn't, watch the netflix ted bundy thing. You get lots of recordings from the man himself and a decent narrative recreation of what happened as well as interviews from lots of people he interacted with.

Thats like the fifth time youve said that in the thread. Learn to shill or get a new job

dresses like a weirdo

I explained it badly and realised right as I hit post. The part where it showed you how others could believe him I really liked. But the part where even at the end, they hadn't done anything to show how clearly guilty he was was badly done.
There are mountains of evidence and yet we never see any of it except a brief snippet during the trial (which even then there is plausible doubt).
I'm all for films not telling you how to think. But this felt like straight up omission.
This too. I wouldn't say it was boring, but it doesn't dive much into Ted as a person. And it completely glosses over his motivations.

The film would've been much better if it ended with him talking with the detective and explaining his need for control and actually admitting to the crimes (which he did do). The failure of the film was to focus so heavily on Lily Collins' character

I was thinking the whole time that i should've just done that. But i wanted a filmed experience about the murders.
I can't believe this movie got made. No one wants 2 hours of legal battle of a guy we know is a serial killer

for every black serial killer i can give you five white serial killers. Wanna go back and forth to see who runs out of people to name?

>Thats like the fifth time youve said that in the thread.
He's said it once, because I said it once and it's only happened twice.

What I liked is that this film showcases that Efron is still a great actor when he's given a good role. But the film doesn't live up to his performance unfortunately

>*comes back to your dead body a couple days later to fuck it again*

Its a shame because in the bundy tapes, the trial is a great entertaining part. Youve got a mix of the local judge being corrupt or scummy at best just to get a conviction, the first trial to be recorded by press, and Ted Bundy being schizo trying to run his own legal defense.
The court case itself could be a whole movie done by someone better.

a real actor wouldn't have kept his 2019 gym body

It's almost as if America has been a majority white country for hundreds of years.....

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For every black inventor I can give you ten white inventors. We can do the same for philosophers, scientists and chess prodigies if you like. White people are simply more successful at things, good or bad. Black killers don't make a name for themselves because they get caught too early and aren't even remotely creative or interesting.

And that would prove what? Blacks are only 13% of the US population, retard.

you were supposed to empathize with his wife and see how she viewed him.


I haven’t watched it in years so it might be kind of cheesy now but the 1980s made for TV Bundy movie starring Mark Harmon shows that stuff.

Keep this shit to pol. You losers are getting more annoying than furries or bronies.


You're conflating your ignorance of the subject for other people being dumb

Lazy, low IQ, loser

Any murder scenes in the film?

No and it’s more interesting for it.


Why is everyone so fucking dumb?

Like I seriously don't understand why you're all so fucking low IQ

I want all of you to have dedicated yourselves to the pursuit of knowledge to supplant your ignorance at the level I have.

Don't even post again on a subject you have no proper understanding

>this got 12 replies
Yea Forums is giga-retarded

I don't understand, he looks like a regular white guy, not even on Zac's level. This is what was dreamy in the 70s?

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This movie was an enormous pile of shit


Efron is way too ripped and pretty but he did a decent job in the movie imo. Bundy’s advantage was being conventionally handsome but also pretty generic. It made it hard for witnesses to identify him when he changed his hair style or grew facial hair.

Thats maybe the craziest part of the whole thing. Hes fucking weird looking. Plenty of the cops in footage look better than him. I dont understand it.

Woman were conditioned to be attracted to manliness instead of boyishness

He looks like a upstanding man of high status and cunning, the type of guy you'd want to marry


>Keep this shit the pol
How about you tell that to the guy who started the topic, dumbfuck?

Fuck off pretentious fag

and yet...

Fuck off memester. You call and response fags are straight up brainwashed.

>for every black serial killer i can give you five white serial killers
That sounds about dead on, considering blacks are 22% of all serial killers. Which is still an over representation, since niggers can't into per capita or statistics.

I'm gonna say it user

Women loved him BECAUSE he was a serial killer, not in spite of it.

have sex

This was before social media, when social circles were much smaller.

Nigga on the left look like low tier god.

He could murder my ass if you know what i mean

I enjoyed the film and desu I thought the portrayal was dank. It was absolutely nuts how delusional he was and I think that's my favorite part about it. It made for a good precursor to reading about his history on Wikipedia. His childhood was fucked.

>*beta provides for u*

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Agreed. The movie did a great job of showing how Bundy’s narcissism and ego made him his own worst enemy. He probably would’ve gone free if he had just stayed put instead of trying to escape the first time.

you don't need to flex about whites being better at serial killing

Oh god I knew it. Fuck I hate women so much.

is that haley joel osment? KEK

Yes, surprise surprise beauty standards change throughout time.

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>against all odds escapes a second time
>goes to another state undetected
>can't help himself but kill another 3 people in 1 night
>gets captured in 2 weeks again
What a fucking retard. He should've stayed put.

>for every black serial killer i can give you five white serial killers

Imagine being HJO's character and knowing your wife used to be fuck one of history's most infamous monsters. You know that on some level, she got off on what he was, even if she didn't know the real reasons why. You have to find a way to match the raw animal energy of someone who murdered for sport

More likely they just had boring vanilla sex their whole lives while Liz fantasized about Ted strangling her


>top 5 are 3 Hispanics, a Paki, and one white guy

>second most prolific serial killer in history
>released in 1998, whereabouts unknown

God can you just imagine what his number is by now?

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he didn't MEW thanks to his carnivore diet

It’s a netshit. He wasn’t even accurate with the bundy tapes. Fuck that guy.

What murdererkino should they adapt next you think?

Black people are actually proud of getting caught for murder though. Not to mention they only make up seven percent of the population, so there’s no telling what the numbers are per capita.

Even if he stopped lifting he would’ve retained muscle mass for awhile. It looks like he did drop some weight for the scene when he escapes his jail cell.