Can we all agree this is one of the best interviews in existence of television?

Can we all agree this is one of the best interviews in existence of television?

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based britbong keeping that manlet in check. in clapistan he only gets deepthroated.

i thought the eternal anglo loves jews?

Did we already forget where Jon Stewart obliterated Tucker Carlson in 1999? It's on the internets, yo

looks like shapiro isnt as witty as he is when he is dealing with brainwashed teenagers

Both were terrible. But it is good because Shapiro got taken down a few notches and people on the right will start distancing themselves from him. They were trying to position him as the face of the right in a post-Trump era.

Eternal Anglo > Angry Jew

>ben you filthy goy you don't appreciate jews enough
>ben you filthy goy you don't appreciate arabs enough
Ben is a filthy kike but jesus christ that guy couldn't have sounded like more of a virtue signaling faggot.

that little jew boy get BTFO

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NO ben shapiro is /ourguy/ and he was wrongly abused by the evil vile liberal BBC

Is there some organised shilling campaign here to pretend Ben lost this somehow? He was clearly in the right.

>jon leibowitz doing his "i'm just a comedian" BS to deflect any criticism towards him
meanwhile Tucker has the biggest cable show in the country and zoomers have no idea who stewart is.

These alt-right kiddos are so pampered by Fox News they can't deal with real journalism

>Invite man to casual talk about his new book

>Begin listing contradictions between the content of the book and old irrelevant tweets

The Britbong was in the wrong

hes a conservative and was lobbing him softball question to knock down, shapiro just cant help crying about being a victim at any opportunity

Not really, no, culture warrior.

Always funny seeing pleb nu-media faggots getting schooled by old journalists who do their research, stay on point and don't put up with their nitpicky, off tracking bullshit.

>banning abortion is going back to the dark ages
Yeah nah, this shit is ridiculous.

Based Sargon would have destroyed Neil

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Where's the link you annoying little turds?

I love when that pretend conservative Israel faggot gets BTFO

Britcucks truly are subhumans

>giving women 90 years in jail for having a miscarriage is fine
>muh babies
>muh christianity
are all americans this retarded?

>I, a 20something incel, do not see the 1950s as being the dark ages
Wow you must be hyperintelligent for your age, do you have a newsletter?

literally who?

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Shouldn't had sex then

I don't know, i think not killing babies is the less barbaric one in this example. Go brush your teeth Nigel.

>intentionally murdering an infant is the same as complications during pregnancy
Really makes you think

PJW has the goofiest body proportions I've ever seen.

>get asked a relatively simple question by a european conservative
>freak out and accuse him of being a biased liberal
>act like he's not famous enough to interview you and that you've never heard of him
>cry and end the interview
christ that was hard to watch

??? don't you have a hole to dilate you disgusting excuse of a "woman"?

are you one of these prime specimens?

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>1950s is the dark ages

Wouldn't it be the Age of Light? We are currently living in the Dark Ages with all these subhuman shitskins walking around

Link m9?

lmao you think kids are watching tucker carlson? It's a bunch of retired wrinkled white people.

was thinking the same thing
his head & face are way too small for his body

so uhhhh, how big is sargon's socratic method?

Sargoy of cuckkad

How can someone with such a weak voice be popular? Is it really that easy in America?

He's an alpha male chad actually (thanks to brainforceā„¢)

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About half of them user. About half of this retarded nation identifies as christian in polling. They claim they are persecuted even.
Religion should be considered a radical threat to goverment stability. Our own laws an constitutional rights get thrown out for Christians as they rewrite history and morals to suit whatever makes them feel good when this country is suplosed to be one of religious freedom. Christians are worse than kikes when it comes to goverment subversion and mass cult brainwashing of the general populace.

You sound triggered.

He behaved like a child

babies are parasites
t. illiterate flyover hick

All he did was bring up you did x on Twitter who fuck wants to answer thar

lmao you think kids are watching whatever ugly fat red faced irrelevant boomer faggot in op?

Why has he himself said it's 1-0 to Neil, then?

>Not one female

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>Gets pissy and accuses a conservative of being a biased lefty because he doesn't automatically agree with you on everything
>Stops the interview because he's too much of a bitch to actually answer the questions directly without trying to pivot all the time and finds himself backed to a corner

Ben Shapiro got DESTROYED by asking him QUESTIONS and not throwing mere soft balls.

>colbert report
>last week tonight
>the daily show

These are all things his legacy managed to create, all Cucker has done is cry about people and bring on cherrypicked pseudointellectuals to push his own companies agenda for a decade. Also those shows have awards.

BBC don't invite people to talk about books you mutt

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hahahaha holy shit

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you now remember UKIP

stop doxxing me

You sound like a Subhuman shitskin

t. Baby sacrificing blood thirsty Kike

The absolute state of conservashits

Despite being taller pj looks weird compared to Sargon. I think body porportions matter

shapiro seems a little strange in the sense that apparently he's smart, at least in terms of his academic achievement, but most of his arguments are disingenuous or flawed. i wonder if he's just pretending and just saying what people want to hear, or if he genuinely thinks the things he says he does

benjiboi is supposed to be some kind of elite harvard debater, but might as well have been a child there he got bullied so bad

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imagine the smell

ben avoids the question of abortion because his whole meme persona is the


and abortion is pretty much a purely emotion based issue if you're pro-life

>You are just making mean comments about my old tweets!!
>Ok fine, in your book you claim there is an attack on judeochristian values. What are those values?
>I'm not continuing this you are a mean leftist and I'm more popular than you!

Shapiro faced an actual interview and he melted down.

I like that he couldn't answer what those "Judeo-Christian" values are. Those two things are a complete antithesis of each other. Judeo part teaches hate, Christian part teaches love.

No, when did I say that? Jon Stewart is more famous than Tucker Carlson amongst younger people for sure.

>any of that shit
>relevant in 2019

Hahahahahahahaha, fuck off Lebowitz you hook nosed hunch backed kike

He isn't smart. He is a spoiled rich brat who got everything in life due to his wealthy parents. Ben is the epitome of money buying success.
He has no talent, smarts, or knowledge on his subjects. He repeats jewish talking points and gets mad about trannies. Oh and he talks fast.

You don't see Jon Stewart ever getting destroyed on TV like that, just saying.

the reason shapiro hates abortion so much is that someone told him it was liberals murdering babies so he's afraid the libs are gonna come kill him