Endgame was good

Endgame was a good end to a great set of movies with 11 years of build up. You guys are angry at nothing

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>ruined Thanos, the only good thing to come out of MCU

Nah. You're just a braindead shill.

What more could he have done?

Used the time stone before destroying the stones to see if his plan worked.

If the writers actually put effort, they could have tried to make him charismatic and have on-screen presence like in Infinity War. Instead they got lazy and just decided to make "epic moments" instead of make great character moments.

>LOL Thor cuts Thanos' head off at the beginning
A great "epic" shocking moment, maybe. But killed the only good version of Thanos. Just for quick shock factor they sacrificed character.

>LOL Thor is fat and plays Fortnite.
For a quick laugh they ruin Thor. And the fat joke isn't even funny no matter how many time it's repeated.

>Thanos is now just generic 'I want to destroy everything' villain you would see in any 3rd rate run of the mill rpg videogame
He doesn't even have any cool powers anymore. He's just a bland big dude with a sword that everyone bullies throughout the movie. His legacy is ruined because Endgame is canon.


>3 hour long action movie
>theres barely any action in it


go back to r*ddit nigger

>Marvel makes “comics”
>most of them aren’t even comical

They dont ruin Thor. They tore him down completely. He believed so deeply in the no-lose situation after losing everything that when he finally encounters Thanos again and has that hollow victory decapitating a crippled man in blind rage while realizing he can’t do jack shit to fix the problem it shatters him. Thor is a completely broken man in Endgame. He failed completely and utterly. Not only that, victory was smack in front of him, but because of his own hubris and desire to gloat over torturing Thanos he loses with Thanos mocking him over it.

Thot is shattered and it makes sense he’s a lost, drunkard, depressed sack of shit with fear in his heart. He thinks he’s a complete failure now. Only at the end does he start to feed himself really becoming worthy again though he knows it’s not his time or place right now. He needs to go rediscover himself. Hence him going off with the Guardians.

MCU has never produced a movie about a C+

That’s a bold statement

Thor already had his "losing everything" struggle in Infinity War. And then got over it before fighting Thanos in Wakanda. Just because someone is depressed doesn't mean they automatically become fat and play Fortnite. That doesn't even make sense, it was played for cheap laughs.

And I love how you cherrypick and didn't address all the criticisms of Thanos because you know I'm right.

Not him, but they deliberately put a scene in where Thor tests to see if he's still worthy by summoning his hammer. Why would he do that if he didn't have doubts about himself?

Doubting yourself doesn't automatically make you a fat comic relief that can't do anything. Besides, Thor already had his depressed moments of talking about his dead family in I.W. Other heroes doubted themselves also.

Also, Thor with Stormbreaker alone overpowered the Infinity Gauntlet with all six stones. Now Thor with both of his weapons with the help of other Avengers can't beat Thanos without the stones? Emotionally and logically, none of Endgame makes sense.

>Doubting yourself doesn't automatically make you a fat comic relief that can't do anything.
Automatically, no. But it provides plausible and rational reason to do so.
>Thor already had his depressed moments of talking about his dead family in I.W.
And no person ever has fallen back on bad habits. All this says is that Thor has a pattern of doubting himself and losing conviction.
>Other heroes doubted themselves also.
Different characters react differently. Hawkeye lost hope and turned vigilante.

Irrelevant to what I brought up. There's nothing wrong with the story's logic in having Thor turn bum.

You pull yourself from the debts of emotional hell after losing everything and have the chance to get revenge on the man who took it and save everyone but you fuck it up by not aiming for the head? It would put you in a bad spot especially as emotionally similar to a jock teenager who would also end up playing fortnite and getting fat after a loss. Fat thor represents real depression and we can assume him being fat and out of training limited his powers

I had enough to say about Thor. I didn’t want to talk about Thanos. But sure, Thor doesn’t even need an arc in this movie or anything to set himself up for growth in further movies. Fat Thor is for laughs but it’s also pretty pathetic to see the god of the group and how far he’s fallen. He starts crawling his way out the pit he dug found himself in. It makes sense Thor is fat. He’s always been the most manly. At his lowest seeing him as a fat sack a shit visually shows how far he’s let himself go

who should be the next major villain?

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DOOM, Galactus, Annihilus, anyone but Kang the Conqueror. Fuck time travel.
Speaking of - what does the Order of Mystics do now that the time stone they were sworn to protect is gone?

There's nothing rational about it. Depression =/= instant obesity and fortnite. It was an unfunny gag.

>Thor has a pattern of doubting himself
So did all the other heroes.

>Different characters react differently
It doesn't make Thor's situation any less forced and nonsensical. If Black Widow was depressed and suddenly decided to become a rapist buddhist monk you can't just defend it with "durr they all react differently so everything is justified".

No, because it shows how retarded they were in handling Thor. Nothing about the character makes sense in Endgame.

Thor already had the sob story talk about his losses in I.W. before his fight in Wakanda.

anyone know if the x-men are going to be folded into the mcu now that disney owns fox? lotta good villains associated with that property

Only the Thanos point is a good one. They should have kept that Thanos, not the 5-year-earlier Thanos. But the scene where Thanos gets decapitated is kino.

The final battle was not as well done however, the sides were very unbalanced, the heroes greatly outnumbered the threats.

Scarlett Witch. Make House of M the next big avengers type movie and set up X-Men in the universe. Have a set of movies leading up to House of M showing that there's multiple universes now.

>Depression =/= instant obesity and fortnite
It does when you're Thor. It was previously established to fit in his character, as you keep whining about.
>So did all the other heroes.
You seem incapable of understanding that people react differently to things. Is it autism?

He could have

>used the time stone to undo Captain Marvels assaults of his ship
>Not trusted nebula who eventually betrayed him, found our gamora betrays him too
>used the soul stone ever

He still had hope and will. He was stripped completely of that in Endgame

Only brainlets hate on it.
It was a solid 8/10 kino like Infinity War.
It had issues, but plenty of great moments as well.

>It was previously established
It was previously established in Infinity War that Thor is aware of how grim his life had become. This has already been done, except without the unfunny gag for normies.

>people react differently to things
You're making this statement as an all encompassing way to negate any criticism. You're basically saying any character can do anything regardless because "people react differently to things" which doesn't make it okay. It's the same thing as saying "the villain is good if you dislike him", therefore all criticism against villains are null and void. Because villains are supposed to be disliked, regardless of their writing. This is your last (you), normalfag.

>You're making this statement as an all encompassing way to negate any criticism.
No, I'm using to negate
>other heroes did X, so why did Thor do Y?
that you keep harping on. It also works since Thor had been previously established to have a frat-boy tendency both in his choice of friends and his mentality, thus it makes sense when he lost everything, mustered the grit to fight again for revenge, then lose AGAIN - he would turn to frat-boy stereotypes of a bum.
>You're basically saying any character can do anything
No, I'm saying what I just typed above. YOU keep trying to push this nonsense strawman because you have no ability to address my actual point. And then you can't even beat this strawman, so you make a strawman of your strawman. You're pathetic.

Endgame was fine, but Infinity War was much better, if only for the better Thanos.

Who unironically complains about Endgame? It's a solid movie and a satisfying conclusion. Not perfect but on the better end of the Marvel movies.

It's not as bland and boring as, say, Captain Marvel.

>quality taste

Also, the Russo made excellent use of all the previous movies. Somewhat of a meta masterpiece

>Action movies should be nonstop action
Go back

I'm not angry though, the movie was just was bad mainly because of the shit writing. They make shit movies everyday, why would I be upset about that?

> good end
it was absolute garbage

> end
avengers 5 and 6 are already undergoing pre production

OP is a faggot and most probably a nigger

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I'm not angry at anything, I loved it.

Fucking this. Thanos is objectively the only interesting character in the franchise and Endgame ruined him.

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who is angry? I loved it.

who gives a shit about Thanos? He was ass in Infinity War and his motivations only make sense for high school edgy teenagers who haven't read on malthusianism yet. I liked that he wasn't the focus of the film, that way I got to enjoy the characters that I actually like, like Cap and Iron Man. The Howard Potts scene is fucking GOLD and better than anything Infinity War did.

was dragged into seeing endgame like three times and even my casual friends admit thanos was trash in that movie

This nigga was right all along. All Marvel movies follow the same boring formula with all the same boring superheroes. Infinity War did something different but was invalidated by the shitty sequel.

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