Who are some stars that are international sex symbols?

who are some stars that are international sex symbols?

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Remember that one story about a girl who broken her braces when she saw this scene?

i remember all the korean women who went crazy for him and changed their phone backgrounds to his pics because /pol/ had like 3 threads on it

Niggers are the most ugly race, and simply cannot compete with the superior white man

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this is the most popular tinder profile in the UK no joke


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I wonder why

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this nig is a closetfag


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hes not even hot

Yes he is

>using tinder

Get off the internet oldman

Was Mark Hamill as big of a sex symbol in his generation as Hayden Christensen was his?

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Whoever finds this greasy thing hot honestly just has bad taste

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thats not until 35 senpai


Not really he’s tall, has nice skin, symmetrical face, good smile, good bone structure etc he’s objectively attractive

Not until 40 really.

Tinder shouldn’t be used past 21 it’s embarassing lmao @ u grandpas on tinder

please stop my sister masturbates to his photos all the time on the family computer

looks great for 50

Greasy skin, soulless eyes, no hair.
You can find a much better looking person.

Not this faggot

I never said he was the most attractive in the world but he is a very good looking man

Adam Driver.

The legal age to even start drinking here in my country is 21. So fully fledged adults (not even really considering you can’t rent a car till 25) can’t use a dating app? I’m 25 and get matched with 18 year olds all day long.

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post your face

post the threads


>my crush post pics of this guy shirtless on twitter with heart emojis

what do i do?

seething whiteboi incel lmao

Judging from your other posts you sound like a lookism incel (talking about jaw ratios and facial bone projection) so you don’t get sex at 18 or 30 years of age so why does it matter to you.

>having a crush

Are you 13 years old

>post your face on Yea Forums
Haha no

Cope you can’t even have sex if your not at least 6’4 with perfect hair

I guess I cope by fucking my gf. What’s your cope

I don’t have a cope I sell heroin and sculpt wood in my free time

He has nudes

That one scene from Annihilation where he cuts dude's stomach, plays with his mutated intestines and then washes his arms from blood with a grin on his face made me fall in love with him forever.

you mean those 4 or 5 cherrypicked nothing posts? Fuck off tenda. Asian women hate niggers.

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Pol fantasies women like attractive men regardless of race

Asian-Americans, generally speaking, don't really like black people. It's not even pol shit, have you had any Asian friends with fob parents.

The parents don’t but the children love black culture and hip hop and girls hookup with blacks and whites in their 20s you’re getting all your info from pol

The rest are 99% white guys making whites the single most sought after group there

You only see that in California though

>complains about cherrypicked images
>posts cherrypicked images

They went to the korean opening and they nicknamed MBJ "Mr. Very Very handsome"
cope harder


maybe in America where the white wimmen cream themselves over niggers and the men want to watch them fuck them but everywhere else lol

No I see it in most states even the rural states they like hip hop culture and black American culture

First BWC and now BBC, it’s over for us asian bros

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You will never be white

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Tfw too ugly to be an Asian twink who worships bwc in latex

>that link
seethe some more nigger faggot

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>a tumblr post

lmfao after MBJ came out as a weeb tons of jap girls on twitter started posting his shirtless pics

I still can't believe fucking Wallace became a chad

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oh no no no no

her time has come and gone

>attractive women like attractive white men

Like I said it doesn’t matter what colour you are as long as you’re attractive

i imagine some scrawny 110 pound neurotic ben shapiro type making this article

london is not in france dumb burger


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Why do I never see this reaction image posted anymore, it's so kino

Have sex, incel

I always get fucking mad when I see good looking men because I'm a 5'4 goblin and even if I put in all the effort in the world I still wouldn't be even close to the looks they have without lifting a finger. It's not fucking fair.

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t. faggot
reminder that you disgusting freaks will all fucking burn
god knows I'll fucking enjoy burning the aids out of you


Hearty kek, not even a racist.

I’m not gay you can admit when a man is handsome if Paul Newman was walking down the street I would say that guy is handsome and if
You were walking down I would say that guy is ugly

nice save faggot
have fun getting railed by some 60 y old on adderall retard

How do you know that?

It's not a wojak or a Pepe

I have a 22 year old gf


>tfw 6'5" white man
>could be a muscled Chad
>lazy and out of shape

He's referring to the part where the niggress says she's french

passing fad

>was a 6’3 muscle chad college football player
>gained 120 pounds and now can’t was my ass and have to have my gf to wash it