Woman orders drink at a bar

>Woman orders drink at a bar
>Random male patron says it’s on him
>He moves next to her and strikes up conversation
>She is receptive

What are some movie tropes that completely take you out of the film?

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>A thread died for this
A thread died for this

>man wears suit
>doesn't look absolutely ridiculous

When someone who's supposed to be a sperg or shutin has a gf or sex

have sex

>character shoots gun with a silencer
>makes psshht sound

>Racist character is portrayed as smart handsome and witty but ultimately just lost and confused
>in reality racist are insecure ugly and hateful

i've bought a random woman a beer at a bar before. We talked for like 2 hours before getting her number. It's only difficult if you are ugly.

what? just because you’re fat doesn’t mean other people look bad in suits

If you didn't fuck her it was nothing but a free drink(s) for her

>leave the bottle
What the hell kind of rough cop alcoholic pays bar prices for a bottle's worth of whiskey shots?

t. nigger

I thought hooking up at bars is just some american Hollywood meme?

I mean I could go to this local bar/pub near me every single day and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever speak a word with anyone but the bar guy when ordering if I don't actively try to come to other people's tables. No one comes in alone, there is no film-like "lonely" girl at a bar, everyone comes in small closed groups and drinks/talks by themselves in that group, I just can't see it happening unless you're a 10/10 extremely outgoing turbochad who can come to a strangers table and start introducing himself to everyone around without it being forced

It was a 2 dollar drink for a 2 hour conversation. Not everything is about sex, if you had sex you would know this.

Lol, I've literally met, dated then dumped 5 girls in the last 3 months, all picked up at my local pub.

Be more attractive I guess?

You need to go to livelier bars if you think there's only dive bars and nightclubs with nothing in between

>group of guys at a bar
>group of girls at the same bar
>guy from group approaches girls, buys one a drink and invites the group back to his groups' table
The trick is to order the Nacho Platter. Bitches love Nachos.

depends on the bar, there are the more crowded ones with loud music and people dancing, lots of the regulars just go there alone and meet people

How did you approach any of them?
Guy approaches a table full of girls and buys one girl a drink? How does that work?
Also no nachos here, at best there's peanuts and it's free.

>eating at a shop
>accidentally look out the window and see a 8/10 looking at me
>comes in, orders some food, and sits right next to me
>say hi
>bang her that night
You told me getting laid was hard Yea Forums?

What does a woman do if she orders a drink and no thirsty beta immediately offers to pay for it for her? Does she just cancel the order and try again in a few minutes when the surrounding bar patrons have changed slightly? I can't imagine any self-respecting woman would actually bring money to the bar to pay for her own drinks

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I literally never ate alone in public in any establishment ever. This one time I was extremely hungry so I ordered for take out and literally ate it in a closed bathroom stall.


>female and male look at each other in the bar for 2 seconds
>screen goes black and cuts to them having rough sex in doggy style position and a family picture of her husband falling down from the wall
>dog covers his eyes with his paws in fear undearneath the bed
>the male throws the cum filled condom out the window and hits someone "ey im walking ere!"

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Consider getting checked for STIs

Right in the Infinity Stones!!

That's insanity mate

Did you? Literally? How about you literally kill yourself

you forgot the *cat screams and tramples over garbage cans in the street* part

>guy finally scores a date with the love of his life
>they sleep together
>he doesn’t contract an STD
If moviemakers had sex, they’d know that every woman is a whore with a body count of at least a dozen.

>character isn't crushed under a sense of hopeless despair all the time

It's a clown world out there indeed.

have better suits

>Guy approaches a table full of girls and buys one girl a drink?
Have to wait until one goes up to the bar. Chat her up and invite her (and her friends) back. You'll tell in the first few sentences if she and her friends are worth spending the rest of your evening with.
Sometimes it just better to have a few beers and play some pool with your buddies.

It was a mcdonalds and I was tired on shopping nigger

Most bars around here are served by their table, you don't pick up the drinks yourself at the bar.

i see you are a man of taste aswell

>force interracial couple
>black man is good guy
>white man is bad guy

It isn't subverting your expectations if it's in every single movie.

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Some men look better in a suit, some men look goofy in suits. You're clearly the latter.

>tfw social autist
feels good not to have to play normie mating rituals

This. It's always bugged me in movies too

Then I guess you’ll be forever alone


>Beautiful white girl gets approached by asian male
>She doesn’t reject him kindly and tell him she has a preference for white guys

>Beautiful asian girl is approached by asian guy
>She doesn’t kindly reject him and tell him she has a preference for white guys

Movies can be so unrealistic right guys ah-ha...

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