"do it"

>"do it"
>does it

What the fuck did he expect to happen?

Attached: 39.jpg (1216x604, 64K)

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A thread died for this..

Barnes did nothing wrong, asians aren't even human beings

Elias was more human than Barnes.

He interfered with Barnes' destiny to kill gooks, he had to go

y'all talk about shitpostin?
y'all experts?

>What the fuck did he expect to happen?

he expected him to do it, dumbass

>a capeshit/game of thrones thread died for this

absolutely based

Why do plebs still consider this better than Full Metal Jacket?

Because Tom Berenger was amazing in that movie.

>watching FMJ beyond the bootcamp


Because only the first 1/3 of FMJ is good

No, he didn't.


Attached: 1553982286806.png (1828x1025, 3.11M)

>out of place, nonsense dialogue

Yep, sounds like a kubrick movie all right

well I'd like to hear about it faggots
ya'll watchin capeshit to escape from reality?

>out of place, nonsense dialogue
you are either a female or dont have friends. either way i feel sad for you


>sharing a board with filthy plebs

have you looked at the catalog lately?

>hahah guys am i edgy enough lmao am i a part of Yea Forums club now


5+ years isn't "lately"

because Oliver Stone is a Vietnam Vet and Stanley Kubrick was a jew infested cuck


Oliver Stone is a commie

you do realise that Oliver Stone has more kike dna in him than Kubrick, right?

>Oliver Stone is a Vietnam Vet
except he's a liar and platoon is propaganda

except that's wrong, shill

Kikebrickbois out of full force today

>ywn smoke, laugh and dance with your bros to hide your existential dread about the futility of man and the certainty of death

can we talk about how platoon is actually a shitty movie, why tf do actual boomers give it so much praise?

>Stone was born September 15, 1946, in New York City, the son of a French woman named Jacqueline (née Goddet)[10] and Louis Stone (born Louis Silverstein), a stockbroker.

can we talk about how this faggots opinions are shit?

English surname

how can you take this scene seriously?
there a shit ton like it two